View Full Version : My thoughts on yesterday's St. Pete race...

7th April 2008, 17:57
1. Congrats to NHL Racing and Graham Rahal.
2. Rahal wins first ever IRL start. Danica Kournacova has won zero in four years or is it five now ?
3. NHL Racing wins first ever IRL start. Quit now with a winning percentage of 1.000 !!! (LOL).
4. Someone mentioned a sloppy start formation and a desire for standing starts. First of all I believe it is protocol in a rainy situation to call for a single file start formation, if the formation is lined up tight, the first corner would have wiped out the majority of cars. In this case of rain, a standing start also would have been disasterous.

5. Talk about the "The Call". So IRL darling Danica Kournacova Patrick is about to get lapped by former CCWS driver Justin Wilson, and the IRL officials throw a yellow flag for phantom "debris". Are these guys former NASCAR officials or what ? Ironically Patrick gets back around and finishes 10th, 4 seconds back of none other than Wilson who finishes 9th. I thought Wilson was going to run away with it for a while.

6. Where's Skid Marx ??? We have a lunch date...
26 cars lined up, 25 cars took the green flag. No sense in ruining a good hat so I propose a meal of a crummy hat that nobody really wants anyway...
http://lf.hatworld.com/hwl?set=sku%5B20009409%5D,d%5B2000%5D,c%5B2%5D,w%5 B250%5D,h%5B188%5D&load=url%5Bfile%20{SMILIES_PATH}/tongue.gif%20roduct%5D

7. Who is Marty Reid and why is he the lead TV annnouncer ??? Surely with "reunification", a better TV broadcast team is in order ... speaking of the 'broad'cast team, who is that little lady in the pits and how did she get that job ?

8. Wow !!! I didn't realize how tall Justin Wilson is, is he over 6'1" ? The was 6-8 in. taller than Will Power standing together.

9. Still it was an entertaining way to blow a couple of hours in front of the tube... IMO the rain made it more interesting.

10. Forgetting all the crapola about how slow the Dallaras are... In the rain it didn;t matter and I am sure in person and on TV one could never tell they were about 3-4 sec's per lap slower than what a Panoz would do... This is a moot arguement and hope to not have to read more of it around here...

11. And BTW, Nascars are slower by far than Dallaras and that has not hurt 'the show' judging bythe resulting attendance, sponsorship and TV ratings.. It's all about the personalities and closeness of racing nowadays, so this was a good first step for open wheel, but there are years of work ahead to repair the damage of 13 years of split series...

7th April 2008, 18:13
4. Someone mentioned a sloppy start formation and a desire for standing starts. First of all I believe it is protocol in a rainy situation to call for a single file start formation, if the formation is lined up tight, the first corner would have wiped out the majority of cars. In this case of rain, a standing start also would have been disasterous.

They started the race behind the safety car. After the safety car leaves the track, they always start single file.

5. Talk about the "The Call". So IRL darling Danica Kournacova Patrick is about to get lapped by former CCWS driver Justin Wilson, and the IRL officials throw a yellow flag for phantom "debris". Are these guys former NASCAR officials or what ? Ironically Patrick gets back around and finishes 10th, 4 seconds back of none other than Wilson who finishes 9th. I thought Wilson was going to run away with it for a while.
It wasn't phantom debris. On the online feed they clearly showed big white parts on the racing line. It was in turn nine I believe, at the end of the straight that runs alongside the water. At that time the leader were entering the straight.

7. Who is Marty Reid and why is he the lead TV annnouncer ??? Surely with "reunification", a better TV broadcast team is in order ... speaking of the 'broad'cast team, who is that little lady in the pits and how did she get that job ?
You could always mute the tv and put on the radiofeed.

8. Wow !!! I didn't realize how tall Justin Wilson is, is he over 6'1" ? The was 6-8 in. taller than Will Power standing together.
6'3 I think?

7th April 2008, 18:14
3. NHL Racing wins first ever IRL start. Quit now with a winning percentage of 1.000 !!! (LOL).

Well, actually it was the team's second IRL start - NHL Racing did run Wilson at Homestead, only Rahal didn't race there. Also of course, NH (without Lanigan) Racing did run at Indy in the past.

Still, I didn't expect one of the Champ Car teams to win a race that early in the season, well done - Rahal, Wilson, Power, Viso & Bernoldi showed they will be really competitive at the street and most likely at the road races, too - it just might take them a little longer to get up front on the ovals.

7th April 2008, 18:17
"who is that little lady in the pits and how did she get that job ?"
I've disliked her for years...

7th April 2008, 18:44
Here is a picture of that crummy hat for Skid's lunch...


7th April 2008, 18:49
Who Hoo! BOTH of the teams wearing baby blue lost and are home whining like babies!!! 8~)

8th April 2008, 06:59
7. Who is Marty Reid and why is he the lead TV annnouncer ??? Surely with "reunification", a better TV broadcast team is in order

How about JAN BEEKHUIS in the booth? He did a great job as color-commentator for the CCWS races last year. I loved the way he explained the differing pit strategies as they were playing out. When watching the St Pete race I heard none of that from the announcers - they obviously had no clue. I had no idea whose strategy was going to work out until the end of the race.

Having JB in the booth would be another good sign of true unification as it would no doubt please many CCWS fans, as he seems to be well-liked by the fans.

If you want Jan Beekhuis to join the ICS broadcast team, say so here:

11th April 2008, 00:00
Marty Reid is okay IMO. I could do without Goodyear. Bring back Sneva.