View Full Version : Stain problem

18th January 2007, 12:18
Hi all

The other day on one of those ridiculously drunk student nights out I came back home with red wine on my jumper (despite the fact I don't even drink it). I was so tired at the point I got in that I immediately fell asleep, but as soon as I woke up I put the jumper in soak with some stuff called Bio-tex (I really don't know what it does)

Does anyone know how I can remove a red wine stain?


Brown, Jon Brow
18th January 2007, 12:21

18th January 2007, 13:13
There is only 1 way to remove a dried red wine stain .....

18th January 2007, 13:21
that's a bit drastic... :eek: :p :

Here's one I found. Hope it helps. :)


speedy king
18th January 2007, 13:43
Salt i thought?

18th January 2007, 14:45
that's a bit drastic... :eek: :p :

18th January 2007, 14:50
There is only 1 way to remove a dried red wine stain .....

But how long does it take to completely dry and set in? I put it in soak after about 10 hours of it happening.

Have just had a look at the jumper and there's no red mark, but the hue around the stain zone is still slightly different...

I've searched and searched the internet and even brough some stain removing products today. I hope this works!!

18th January 2007, 15:35
Surely it'd be easier just to buy another jumper?

18th January 2007, 15:46
Salt i thought?

Indeed salt does the trick, but only when the stain is still wet.

donKey jote
18th January 2007, 16:05
Indeed salt does the trick, but only when the stain is still wet.

you fooled me on this one.. I was expecting a typical schmenke post :p :

18th January 2007, 16:06
Ahem...I have my useful moments :p :

18th January 2007, 16:37
I'm pleased to report that I think I managed to get the stain out, despite not treating it imediately. Here's what I did in case any of you want to bookmark this page for future reference ;)

1. Put the jumper into a bowl of warm water (not hot, because the wool can't take it).
2. Added some fairy snow - to no avail but it may have helped a little. Then added a scoopful of bio-tex (still not really sure what it does, I think it has enzymes in it) and a lot of salt.
3. Left overnight in said bowl of stuff.
4. Took out of bowl just now to dry and there doesn't seem to be any marks, although I'll probably wash it again before I wear it next just to be sure.


18th January 2007, 17:08
Added some fairy snow

Fairy Snow?? Where would one be able to obtain this then??

18th January 2007, 23:26
Fairy Snow?? Where would one be able to obtain this then??

My mum just gave me a pot of the magic stuff before I left ;)

19th January 2007, 08:48
My mum just gave me a pot of the magic stuff before I left ;)
Fairy snow sounds like drugs :p

19th January 2007, 09:04
Well it is a white powder, but I would advise against trying to sniff it through a rolled up tenner :\

19th January 2007, 09:09
Clears your sinuses out though!

19th January 2007, 10:20
Clears your sinuses out though!

Good on your whites, gentle on your colours too ;)

19th January 2007, 16:21
I have a purple stain on a white t-shirt of mine. Thing is when I was wearing it I had a jumper over it and am completely mythed where it's come from...

19th January 2007, 16:41
I have a purple stain on a white t-shirt of mine. Thing is when I was wearing it I had a jumper over it and am completely mythed where it's come from...

If you were under the influence, it would probably be easier to explain

if you weren't.... :confused:

19th January 2007, 18:40
I have a purple stain on a white t-shirt of mine. Thing is when I was wearing it I had a jumper over it and am completely mythed where it's come from...

Must have been internal.

I remember being out with some friends, and one suddenly had an itch in his left armpit.
Eventually he took his shirt off and found a hole, around 2 inches across, burnt in it.

Still a mystery.