View Full Version : The Kashmir Question

6th December 2006, 11:48
Pakistan is prepared to give up its claim on Kashmir, the demand for plebiscite in the region and on implementation of UN Resolutions if both countries agree on the four-point solution proposed. Gen Musharraf said that Pakistan was prepared to give up its claim to Kashmir if India and Pakistan agree on the four-point solution (a solution in which boundaries are not changed and India does not have to give up any territory).

President Musharraf also made it clear that if the four-point solution, which includes no change in boundaries of Kashmir, making borders and the LoC irrelevant, staggered demilitarisation and autonomy or self-governance with a joint supervision mechanism, is agreed upon, Pakistan would also give up on the UN resolutions and its long-standing demand for a plebiscite. He said when both sides are negotiating, it meant compromise and compromise could never take place without stepping back. So inherently, both sides would have to give up their positions and step back.

If you bear in mind that Kashmir was once an independant kingdom, and an independant kingdom that joined the Union of India in 1935 of its own volition, then the idea that Kashmir should again return to the state of an autonomous country is really the only course of action that should have happened in 1947 when Pakistan and India split.

Quite frankly the actions of both India and Pakistan for 60 years have been nothing short of criminally stupid and have wasted far too many lives pointlessly. To stand back, walk away and give the people back their own country is the most excellent solution.

6th December 2006, 11:49
Yes, Why not just declare Kashmir a fully independent nation?

6th December 2006, 12:23
I do think that King of Kashmir came running to the Indian Govt when Pakistani infiltrators ran amok back in early 1948. Thats when he joined the Republic of India and now if we make J&K an independant nation whats the guarantee the same thing won't happen again? Pakistan (not the people buy its Governments and Military) are not someone who you can easily trust.

9th December 2006, 15:24
i don't trust musharaff one bit,india has lost too much by trusting the pakistani government and military

9th December 2006, 15:26
what's to stop pakistan from annexing kashmir if the people are given their own country,it almost happened once,it damn sure will happen again....and every indian will argue that kashmir should be a part of india

9th December 2006, 22:10
why should India give up kashmir, there is no reason for that, no way is pakistan gonna ever stop, whether kashmir is part of India or not..

Kashmir deserves to be a part of India and pakistan should never have claim on it..

10th December 2006, 00:23
Kashmir deserves to be part of India?

In 1947 Pakistani forces crossed over the border in the Poonch as I understand it. When Maharaja Hari Singh requested help from India. India refused to send its troops unless Kashmir officially joined the Union of India.

That sounds to me like blackmail actually. You've got an unfriendly force on one side invading and another who won't help unless you give up your sovereignty.

How then does Kasmir deserve to be part of India? Surely they deserve to be left alone by two sets of bullies.

10th December 2006, 00:44
Do they themselves want to be independent? And are the inhabitants of the Kashmir region all of the same ethnic group and religion?

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10th December 2006, 01:06
And here's me thinking somebody wanted to talk about some Zeppelin :(

Rudy Tamasz
10th December 2006, 07:10
Yes, Why not just declare Kashmir a fully independent nation?

Sovereignty must only come from the people. It's only the people of Kashmir who can declare anything wit regard to themselves.

10th December 2006, 08:41
the people of Kashmir's views should be taken into the question,it's just a matter of whose views do you take into the equation.

i would really say that Kashmir would be safer in Indian hands rather than the hands of Muslim fundamentalists....and also you have to realise that the Pakistan and it's intelligence unit the ISI have a role to play in whatever terror attacks that have happened in India, Since US and UK declared Pakistan as an ally in the war against terror,aren't your governments actually supporting Pakistan in sponsoring terrorism by giving them the money??????

Some people even think that Bin Laden is in Pakistan at the moment.He can't be in Pakistan without the knowledge of the ISI,So Why do US and the UK continue to sponsor Pakistan even when it is clear that so many terrorists have their roots there....

10th December 2006, 08:42
And here's me thinking somebody wanted to talk about some Zeppelin :(

and that's one awesome song \m/