View Full Version : Politique et logique...

7th April 2008, 09:27
I've just read a paper article and I'm a bit confused. So France did recognize the independence of Kosovo. It was about Serbia being dispossessed not only of the name of Kosovo but also of the teritory. Goood....

At the same time last week Macedonia was refused to join NATO because of its name, a name that Greece is refusing to cede. This time mr. Sarkozy ascertained that greeks are right.

What is the logic of the french spicey politics?

7th April 2008, 09:53
Greeks make good cheese and Kosovans and Serbs don't?

7th April 2008, 09:54
Je n'ai aucune idée de quoi vous parlez :p

7th April 2008, 10:03
Je n'ai aucune idée de quoi vous parlez :p

That's what I call a happy person. Good for you!

7th April 2008, 10:14
Je n'ai aucune idée de quoi vous parlez :p


7th April 2008, 10:18

Vous voulez dire pardon? :p

7th April 2008, 10:35
Vous voulez dire pardon? :p

Sorry, my French stops at RSVP and cafe au lait :) .

Rudy Tamasz
7th April 2008, 13:28
C'est une politique pragmatique, ne comprenez-vous pas?

7th April 2008, 14:21
C'est une politique pragmatique, ne comprenez-vous pas?

No I don't. Can't see France's interest in both cases.

7th April 2008, 14:24
They don't have much, but they can do it as a favour (or not) for people that it does matter to!

7th April 2008, 14:39
They don't have much, but they can do it as a favour (or not) for people that it does matter to!

Oh, I see....Favours for kosovars and greeks and unfavours for serbs and macedonians. Sort of " because that's what my muscle wanted " :laugh:

Rudy Tamasz
7th April 2008, 16:31
No I don't. Can't see France's interest in both cases.

I can't speak for France, I can only guess. Kosovo is a brand new country and whoever becomes friends with it earlier has a better chance of exercising influence on it. France started late behind the U.S. and is trying to catch up now. Macedonia is a different story. I this case I think France already has good relations with Greece and not much value added in courting Macedonia. Don't look for principles here. It's all about realpolitik.