View Full Version : Winter is officially over

4th April 2008, 15:03
Just had the winter tires swapped for summers :D

4th April 2008, 15:27
Wrong. Summer is over.

4th April 2008, 15:53
Yup Summer is over and winter is starting over here. We have the most awesome winters with clear skies and average temperatures of 24 degrees celcius, perfect for afternoon braais (barbeque for our American friends) :)

4th April 2008, 16:13
Just had the winter tires swapped for summers :D
I'm going to do that in the next three weeks time, I'm glad to get into summer tyres and not have to hear the loud noise studs make on tarmac.

There was almost 20cm of snow a week ago, now it's allmost all gone, only snow piles exist anymore.
Can'tr wait for it to rain during the weekend, there is insane amount of dust in the air from gravel they put on roads during winter time.

4th April 2008, 16:52
Can'tr wait for it to rain during the weekend, there is insane amount of dust in the air from gravel they put on roads during winter time.

Yeah, same here. The city crews pile the stuff on the roads throughout the winter and only sweep it up during the summer :s

No studs here.
Not permitted in most cities around here.

4th April 2008, 17:31
Indeed. I was just walking through the city centre and got given a free icecream. :D Its a sunny day but not one where you would concider buying an ice lolly so it's put me in a really happy mood for the weekend.

4th April 2008, 18:22
Just had the winter tires swapped for summers :D

You do realise that now that you've swapped the tyres your going to get one of those Spring snowstorms??!!

Happens to us in Michigan all the time...

4th April 2008, 19:20
You do realise that now that you've swapped the tyres your going to get one of those Spring snowstorms??!! ...

Alas, yes, I fear I may have been slightly optimistic in my timing... :mark:

Easy Drifter
4th April 2008, 20:34
schmenke: You are an optimist. I have seen snow in Calgary in Aug. and in Edmonton in June.
I still have 2 to 3 feet piled on my back deck. So much for the Barbie.
It is supposed to be plus double digits here for the next few days. There is already widespread flooding. I am only 100 feet from the Hog River but also only 200 yds. from Georgian Bay so I have never seen it over the banks this far down especially as it is dredged for boats. Also no basement.

4th April 2008, 20:43
We're meant to be getting snow this weekend... :(

4th April 2008, 23:20
Yep, summer was fine when it lasted. Ah well, same time next year eh? :)

4th April 2008, 23:39
schmenke: You are an optimist. I have seen snow in Calgary in Aug. and in Edmonton in June.
I still have 2 to 3 feet piled on my back deck. So much for the Barbie.
It is supposed to be plus double digits here for the next few days. There is already widespread flooding. I am only 100 feet from the Hog River but also only 200 yds. from Georgian Bay so I have never seen it over the banks this far down especially as it is dredged for boats. Also no basement.

Flooding? We're in a drought here. It probably won't rain til August, when everyone takes their hols. But winter's really over now - I got on my bike today and wished I had parked in the shade. A sure sign...

5th April 2008, 01:32
I had a friend from Australia who swore that some of the Christmas cards sold there showed snow scenes even though it's a big Summer holiday. True?

5th April 2008, 01:35
I had a friend from Australia who swore that some of the Christmas cards sold there showed snow scenes even though it's a big Summer holiday. True?
Yes. Christmas is associated with snow of course and a lot of people living in Australia are from Europe originally.

5th April 2008, 01:43
Winter is almost over here in Southern China, but we are getting a lot of rain here at the moment, and the temp has dropped again.
Aussie Christmas cards should have pictures of bush fires on the front :D

5th April 2008, 03:57
Doesn't seen like winter now. Seems like monsoon season. Wouldn't be surprised if there is some localised flooding.

5th April 2008, 10:55
Flooding? We're in a drought here. It probably won't rain til August, when everyone takes their hols. But winter's really over now - I got on my bike today and wished I had parked in the shade. A sure sign...

Catalunyan reservoirs are 20% "full", did I hear that right?

It's about 26c here and has been for the past few days.

5th April 2008, 18:33
Catalunyan reservoirs are 20% "full", did I hear that right?

It's about 26c here and has been for the past few days.
And where's that? Namibia?

6th April 2008, 04:27
I live for the day I can call winter officially 'over'! (It seems like forever up here in the great white north!) :)

6th April 2008, 18:08
And where's that? Namibia?

A place in Spain that isn't the Costa del Sol, Madrid, Andalucia, Catalunya or the Basque country.It's probably big with danny boy, the biggest PSA factory in the world isover here

I've just come back from the beach, too :p :

Dave B
6th April 2008, 18:19
Winter's definately not over here, this was the view from my window a couple of hours ago:



6th April 2008, 18:27
A place in Spain that isn't the Costa del Sol, Madrid, Andalucia, Catalunya or the Basque country.It's probably big with danny boy, the biggest PSA factory in the world isover here

I've just come back from the beach, too :p :
Just visiting, or are you an exchange student or something?

6th April 2008, 19:10
Just visiting, or are you an exchange student or something?

Exchange student for 1 semester here, until the end of june :)

6th April 2008, 19:52
Exchange student for 1 semester here, until the end of june :)
Cool :cool:

7th April 2008, 09:58
Winter isn't over here until the locals start carrying their portable space heaters to the pawn shop to get beer money.

7th April 2008, 10:01
It was horrible this morning! A good 3 inches of snow on the roads and more falling. But right now the sun is out!

I hope it gets better, I'm going on my summer holidays in 2 weeks :crazy:

7th April 2008, 13:57
Yesterday was lovely where I live. We didn't have as much snow as other parts of the UK, but enough to cover the tops of the hills. And cold air makes for some nice pictures when a steam train goes by. :)


7th April 2008, 14:05
That is a beautiful setting in that photo. I would love to go on that train, it would be so cool. Where does the train run from and to ?

7th April 2008, 15:22
What a nice pic Puddlejumper!

7th April 2008, 16:49
That is a beautiful setting in that photo. I would love to go on that train, it would be so cool. Where does the train run from and to ?
The train is called "The Cotton Mills Express". It starts from Manchester and travels via Huddersfield to Blackburn, passing through the once large industrial areas of Lancashire and Yorkshire, as well as taking in the scenic beauty of the Pennine hills. The train stops in Blackburn for about 90 minutes, just enough for lunch, before returning to Manchester on a different, but equally interesting route via Bolton. The round trip takes about 6 hours in total.

Anyway, back to the topic. Did anyone see the pictures on the BBC News website yesterday of the snow in London? This is a great one of a snowman sat on a park bench.


7th April 2008, 17:48
Cheers for the info :up: I saw my first snow ever here in China 5 years ago. I went to Scotland in 1988, at Christmas and did not see snow, the whole 3 weeks I was there. I think for people that don't see snow, it is fantastic, but for you guys that must live with it during winter every year, I think you must be sick of it.