View Full Version : road position discussion II

3rd April 2008, 10:50
We have not seen yet great tactical games. (however someone could suspect that in Mexico Loeb semi-intentionally 'downgraded' to second place in order to get better road position for saturday). In argentina road position is non-factor and because muddy conditions it was actually good to be first on the road.

But what will happen in Jordan? I read Hirvonen's column (mtv3.fi) where he says that Loeb will probably suffer in friday due to road position and for thsi reason it's attack time for him (Mikko). I wonder why Hirvonen thinks that way. Isn't he considering that if road positions are advantageous for him in friday it's probably otherwise in saturday if he has took that advantage by being ahead of Loeb in saturday's starting order.

I am little bit worried that Ford-boys are not tactically smart enough. We know that Loeb is.

However Latvala is fourth on the road which may allow the possibility to do so big gap that it's defensible in saturday and sunday despite being the first starter in those days.

4th April 2008, 03:11
I think in a couple of rallies time we will see if the tactics of the past will re-emerge. I for one certainly hope that they won't, but if they do I'm sure the Ford boys will catch on very quickly.

4th April 2008, 05:22
Road position thingye can be synthetized by early Mexico special stages Loeb sentence "I'm going flat-out !" lol
That was very funny, I admit it. First time ever I laughed to something said by the BB.