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2nd April 2008, 14:34
Seems Crapintosh's are less secure than Vista machines :(


Not wanting any of my Mac using friends on the forum to have their security compromised I'm offering to "secure" your Mac for you for free (not including postage of course).

*Please note that "securing" your Mac involves me removing your hard drive and bashing it repeatedly with a hammer and then taking a sledgehammer to the rest of your machine so it will not be able to compromise your security in the future* :up:

I did tell you the grass was greener on this side of the fence didn't I? :p

2nd April 2008, 15:02
At least Mac users will be able to put it in an envelope to send to you ;) It looks great in the TV commercial, but we know it's rubbish.

2nd April 2008, 15:10
So true. Will keep the postage costs down at least :)

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2nd April 2008, 15:35
Is it possible to get away from the "zomg mac vs pc" anywhere on the internet? They both have their merits, big deal.

I'm glad i'm not so important that people will even bother trying to gain access to all my data ;)

2nd April 2008, 15:55
Not while Mac users keep on falsely proclaiming the superiority of their overpriced machines and overdoing the Vista criticisms. Fair deal eh?

2nd April 2008, 16:25
Seeing as we're talking about crappy products.
I have Vista, the Finnish version which was the biggest mistake in choosing what OS to get.

I installed a game that uses the Starforce protection thingy, I uninstalled the game but Starforce stayed. It reminds me at every start up that It isn't working properly and I want it removed. This being Vista I havew no idea how it's done. If it were a English XP I would have absolutely no problems but as Vista wanted things to look different all the buttons are in the wrong place and the Finnish names of operation aren't helping at, they might be Flemish for all I care.

So, how do a Remove a program that isn't visible on the remove programs - utility?

2nd April 2008, 16:27
Not while Mac users keep on falsely proclaiming the superiority of their overpriced machines and overdoing the Vista criticisms. Fair deal eh?

As a Mac user, let me just say that not all Mac users act like this.

Some do, maybe even many do. But it would be inaccurate to stereotype all Mac users as Mac-zealots, just as it would be unfair of me to say that whenever a PC user finds out I own a Mac that they ALL launch into an unprovoked defense of everything Windows-based and accuse me of proclaiming my superiority when I infact have not said a thing. :p

2nd April 2008, 16:30
on my phone at the moment but try searching for windows cleanup wizard. Hope that helps.

2nd April 2008, 16:42
Not a problem JSH. It's just that most Mac owners I meet tend to make a big issue of how they feel their Mac is so great and Vista is so bad. Just gets on my nerves just like people assuming that you must be a Mac zealot.

2nd April 2008, 16:46
Not a problem JSH. It's just that most Mac owners I meet tend to make a big issue of how they feel their Mac is so great and Vista is so bad. Just gets on my nerves just like people assuming that you must be a Mac zealot.

Enough with the Mac talk Daniel, it's your turn to ask a question in the geography thread. :)

2nd April 2008, 16:50
http://support.microsoft.com/kb/290301 Here you go Janneppi :)

2nd April 2008, 19:56
Seeing as we're talking about crappy products.
I have Vista, the Finnish version which was the biggest mistake in choosing what OS to get.

I installed a game that uses the Starforce protection thingy, I uninstalled the game but Starforce stayed. It reminds me at every start up that It isn't working properly and I want it removed. This being Vista I havew no idea how it's done. If it were a English XP I would have absolutely no problems but as Vista wanted things to look different all the buttons are in the wrong place and the Finnish names of operation aren't helping at, they might be Flemish for all I care.

So, how do a Remove a program that isn't visible on the remove programs - utility?

I always thought that Finnish people understand Finnish language! Looks like I was wrong! :p :

I might send you a Hungarian manual for Vista, people keep telling me that Finnish and Hungarian are related languages, maybe you will find the related parts as I never managed to! ;)

2nd April 2008, 20:08
For someone like who has been using english as "computer language" for 15-20 years transition to to Finnish is a difficult, most terms used are unfamilliar. I might even understand the Hunagarian version better. :D

2nd April 2008, 22:05
Great article.

After all, we know that Windows is completely secure, and has been for many years! :laugh:



Everyone that I know personally that's owned a Mac liked it more than the PC systems they had. Though they have their down sides as well, it's common sense that most attacks will be aimed at Windows bases and supported programs, not at the much lesser used Mac world stuff.

Security updates for the popular Windows based software are almost constant simply because they need to be.

2nd April 2008, 22:32
Not while Mac users keep on falsely proclaiming the superiority of their overpriced machines and overdoing the Vista criticisms. Fair deal eh?

Funny. When I'm in the pub that one never really comes up. In fact I would go so far as to say that this forum is the only place I come across anything like this. I find that far more often people try to tell me that their football team is brilliant and Exeter are rubbish, which we ALL know is just not true :p :

3rd April 2008, 06:49
If and when the revolution happens I'll let you know, but until then my Mac proclaims in the bottom right hand corner that it's been 94.5 million seconds since the last crash or about 3 years.

Security issues? Dunno. I might have a zombie infested box for all I know, but it doesn't seem to affect it running at all.

3rd April 2008, 10:52
Funny. When I'm in the pub that one never really comes up. In fact I would go so far as to say that this forum is the only place I come across anything like this. I find that far more often people try to tell me that their football team is brilliant and Exeter are rubbish, which we ALL know is just not true :p :

I'm sorry but I've never really thought pubs were the place where people discussed the merits of PC's vs Mac's.

Try working in the IT industry like I did for the last 4 years or so and you'll have heard all the arguments. Watch TV and you'll see the ads these people base their opinions upon.

3rd April 2008, 10:53
If and when the revolution happens I'll let you know, but until then my Mac proclaims in the bottom right hand corner that it's been 94.5 million seconds since the last crash or about 3 years.

What does that have to do with viruses? :confused:

3rd April 2008, 11:36
As a Mac user, let me just say that not all Mac users act like this.

Some do, maybe even many do. But it would be inaccurate to stereotype all Mac users as Mac-zealots, just as it would be unfair of me to say that whenever a PC user finds out I own a Mac that they ALL launch into an unprovoked defense of everything Windows-based and accuse me of proclaiming my superiority when I infact have not said a thing. :p

Thank you for posting what I was going to post.

I in fact use both, a Mac at home and now a PC at work, and while I have found myself happier with a Mac I can understand why my company, not least for support reasons, is switching to PCs.