View Full Version : When did you have your first drink?

17th January 2007, 17:01
For me it was when I was around 13, I know late starter by todays standards, when I had my first pint of lager. It was on a school trip to Belgium and we were allowed a beer with our evening meal.

I became a regular in my local pub at the time from around 16, and was banned for life from the same pub when I told the landlord I was celebrating my 18th birthday there one night :D

So when was your first? And I don't mean sipping a bit of wine at a BBQ or party

17th January 2007, 17:08
I was 11...

17th January 2007, 17:23
Does that drink have to be alcoholic? :dozey:

17th January 2007, 17:25
I was 18. I think I am the latest starter of all :p : It was Gin and Coke, not a great combination but I loved it.

17th January 2007, 17:27
hehe, funny story....... that i dont remember.

we had a cool dog and apparently i was also a walking genius so by the time i was 7 months old i was walking on my own and by the time i was 8 months old i was actually running. so, naturally i did a lot of stupid sh.t when i was a kid. my parents like to recall one evening when i was about 2 years old and, as they were walking their friends to the front door (about 10 metres away) and saying good buy (about 2-3 minutes) i had gone around the little table and finished the bottom of all the glasses of Porto. if you know Porto, you know that when people drink it they leave the sediment at the bottom of the glass. it was my mother's favorite drink at the time. so, yeah, by the time they came back they saw a bewildered, uncomprehensible (more than usual) little Frank who was NOT walking straight and was trying to hump a chair (ok, i made that last part up). they thought i was really sick or that i hit my head somewhere but when they saw the glasses on the table they laughed, or so they keep telling me. i ended up passing out and apparently the next morning i had a hangover!

the next time was at a new years eve party at my godmother's house when i was 10. there was a buffet table and the end of it had the kids' foods and drinks. well, right before the kids' end there were the adults' drinks. at this time in history, kids did not think it was "cool" to drink or anything so no one was really interested, and neither was i. the kids' table had fruit juices and some sodas (i remember they were warm too, nasty) but it did not have fruit punch like the adults' table did. i was like "fnck this sh!t, i want some!" to some girl i liked. but had i actually known that it was alcoholic i would have stayed away, not because i learned from 8 years prior, but because it simply wasnt good or cool to drink booze (just to show how times have changed). well, i thought the punch was delicious and for good reason; they used coconut rum! and a lot of it! i had a helluva lot of it before my liver started hurting. and it hurt bad. my pops asked me what i had done or eaten but he neglected to ask me what i had drank. this went on for an hour and everyone was still partying while i was rolling on the couch. i asked my pops to get me some more punch because maybe that would make me feel better. again, pops started laughing his butt off and gave me water instead. i did not realise i was drunk because the whole place was partying and lots of lights and loud music, but when we finally walked outside at around 3/4AM i realised how bad the situation was. i dont remember if i had a hang over or not but i do remember that the car ride was actually kind of fun and i wanted them to drive even faster. dont drink and drive.

after that, i don't think i had booze until i was maybe 16 or so. and now i limit myself to once a week.

Ian McC
17th January 2007, 19:24
God knows!

Never was a drinker, not much of one now but never used to drink at all, remember drinking sherry at a wedding or party, don't remember how old I was.

jim mcglinchey
17th January 2007, 19:31
If you were only 10 then you would not have had a hangover. I never got hangovers until I was about 25.

When I was a teen I mustve been some kind of poove and I could nt stand the taste of beer. One night at a party unfortunately, I was plied by an apprentice hairdresser , female I hasten to add, with Vodka and Coke, which I liked and it was a downward spiral from thence on.

17th January 2007, 19:35
I honestly don't remember but I'm willing to bet it was some time in my early college days :p :

17th January 2007, 19:45
hmm 12, i finished half a bottle of chmpagne.. if that doesnt count a month later i had a bottle of beer..

17th January 2007, 20:08
I had my first beer at a party during high school when I was about 15. I didn't like it. And usually, the more pressure people put on me to do something the more I resist doing it. So I never really "consumed" alot of alcohol after that.

I didn't acquire a taste for beer and other alcoholic beverages until I was well into University.

17th January 2007, 20:22
Cant really remember how old I was but I had my first drink when i was about 10 I'd say, I had an awful flu at the time and was really feeling down so my father gave my a little bit of whiskey because he said it would warm me up and make me feel better. I liked it and felt really grown up becuse I was allowed drink some, so I asked for more and he gave me another small bit but refused to give me any more after that and insisted that I didnt tell my mother. :D Don't really drink at all now, never really aquired much of a taste for alchol, but coincidentally if I ever do I usually drink whiskey

17th January 2007, 21:59
I was probably about ten. My brother and I were allowed shandy on Sundays.
My parents had a continental attitude to drinking and I was allowed to drink in the house occasionally from the age of fourteen. At sixteen I was allowed to drink whenever.
It did pay off as I am not a binge drinker and have always known when to stop. It surprised me in first year uni how many people had never been drunk before and how much of a novelty it was for them.

17th January 2007, 22:42
The first time I had alcohol would have been when I was about 16, at a party, when someone gave me some bourbon and cola. I thought it was foully sweet and tipped it out after about one mouthful.

The first time I had a proper drink would have been when I was 18, at the birthday party of a woman I'd known for six days. She gave me three glasses of champagne and I couldn't walk straight.

I don't drink much now, just on special occasions at parties.

17th January 2007, 23:13
Probably about 7? Who knows?
My uncle use to own The Bloomfield, which on match days was stuffed to the rafters but during the week was as empty as the pint jars hanging above the bar.

I will admit to having a particularly nasty afternoon once at about age 14 when 3 mates and I emptied a bottle of scotch and forgot how to get home despite the fact that all we had to do was follow the tram tracks.

17th January 2007, 23:29
17 :p

18th January 2007, 00:06
15 years old (freshman in high school) at a drumline party. Rum. I don't drink anymore for various reasons.

speedy king
18th January 2007, 00:28
17 and still waiting...i've had small amounts of bottled beer, hated it, probably first was when i was 14....encouraged by parents....

Hazell B
18th January 2007, 00:32
You've got me wracking my brains about this Carl!

Can't remember, but guess it was when I was about 15 or 16 and started going to the village pub with friends. Although I honestly don't recall ever having a drunken session, probably because somebody gave me whiskey about that time and it made me instantly sick :s Never got rolling blathered until I was in my twenties :p :

18th January 2007, 01:36
2nd day at uni - 18 years and 4 months.

18th January 2007, 07:39
Probably drank a beer when I was in my 1st year of college....aged 17 or perhaps a year before on new years eve as well I think. Didn't like it at all although my friends in college drank regularly I never did and also decided not to spend my parents' hard earned money on alcohol....Started drinking "properly" only when I got a job (22 yrs old) and actually now I absolutely love beer!

18th January 2007, 07:48
i was eithetr 14 or 15.... i think 15... it was a xxxx gold, and i loved it...

not a good sign hey...

18th January 2007, 12:25
I was 13 and I drank about the same (which wasn't very often) until I got to about 15 or 16 - my last year of high school.

I don't drink often for a university student (I think). However, students don't exactly conform to the average I'd say.

18th January 2007, 13:22
I was given little bits of wine to drink at the dinner table on occasion when I was a kid, which I think is very sensible and can help a child to realise how to consume alcohol in moderation.

Dave B
18th January 2007, 14:15
I apparently downed somebody's whisky when I was still in my pram - then slept for the rest of the day.

My grandad got me on very weak shandy as a little kid; I'd graduated to Heineken by about 12 (if one can consider Heineken a step up from shandy), and Stella by 14.

I spent my late teens bordering on alcoholism, something which I'm not proud of now.

Brown, Jon Brow
18th January 2007, 14:21
I had sips from my dad's cans from when I was about 5.

I started drinking properly from when I was about 13/14. I hardly ever drink anything other than larger. I only have wine on family occasions and have only had alcho-pops, cider etc.. a couple of times.

18th January 2007, 15:16
i was 16 at a house party my mate was having, it was good fun i seem to remember. :)

18th January 2007, 16:41
what about scandinavians? there are a lot of you on this forum and none have replied yet....

18th January 2007, 17:03
what about scandinavians? there are a lot of you on this forum and none have replied yet....

They are busy with drinking. :)

18th January 2007, 18:08
About two weeks before my 18th birthday at someone else's 18th party. I had school the next day. We were all still drunk or hungover. :p :

18th January 2007, 20:05
I can't remember, which must be a good sign :p

18th January 2007, 20:38
I was 14 or 15, it was a beer(well half of it, couldn't afford one) on a high school party, never developed a drinking habit until I started Uni, yet I'm far from drinking as much as my classmates

18th January 2007, 20:53
I was about 16 on a railtour to Fort william overnight run and we all got bladdered in Crianlarich and because there was little sleeping time we all felt rough during the next day, never drank much until I was 29 and a mate introduced me to real ale, never looked back. still cant drink lager but a nice ale or single malt or even Jonnie Walker black label....lovely

19th January 2007, 16:13
I don't remember the first time I had a drink, because when my family has events, there is alcohol everwhere and of course the kids always try some.

The first time I got drunk was in Spain, when I was 17 :)

19th January 2007, 22:49
First actual drink? I was probably about 3 or 4. Lots of parents do that to help babies sleep and I suppose to get them used to alcohol.

First proper night out on the drink, I was about 14 I think.

19th January 2007, 23:47
10 when I had a beer. Was supervised, and haven't been drunk 7 years later.

20th January 2007, 00:00
On my 18th birthday a buddy & I tried to empty a keg of beer at a local bar.
The keg survived ..... we did too but just barely ..... :laugh:

20th January 2007, 01:31
Maybe around 7-8, when dad offered me to taste beer from his glass. :p :

20th January 2007, 03:23
Age 14. Mate and I were running a stall at the school fair. The stall was a rubbish bin full of dirt, with alcoholic drinks hidden in the dirt and attached to strings. People paid something to get a chance to pull a string and see if they pulled anything up.

So of course when we were setting it up, we left one bottle without a string :) Unfortunately due to our inexperience we chose a Creme de Menthe (spelling?).

So at the end of the fair after we'd packed up we made off with our ill-gotten gain, stopped at a shop on the way home to buy a bottle of lemonade and proceeded to drink the whole combination on the way back to my friends grandmothers where we were expected for lunch.

Needless to say, she was less than impressed at our condition by the time we arrived!

God that stuff was disgusting.

20th January 2007, 07:38
18.....at my college first year,just have a beer every now and again

20th January 2007, 11:06
today 10:30:11


20th January 2007, 12:18
...Creme de Menthe...God that stuff was disgusting...

L'Idiote Stupide!