View Full Version : Graham Rahal out of Homestead

27th March 2008, 16:37
Graham won't race. His car is too damaged to be repaired in time.
It's a pity that not enough spare parts are available.

27th March 2008, 16:55
TG said from the beginning there were enough cars and parts for everybody - come on over….play in our playground….we will make sure you have everything you need….

Funny - now that race weekend is here….things are certainly different….shortage of parts…..? Yes - he shouldn't have crashed the car….but a shortage of parts…..? Why do I have a feeling the Champ Car guys are going to be treated like the ugly stepchildren…..?

27th March 2008, 17:01
TG said from the beginning there were enough cars and parts for everybody - come on over….play in our playground….we will make sure you have everything you need….

Funny - now that race weekend is here….things are certainly different….shortage of parts…..? Yes - he shouldn't have crashed the car….but a shortage of parts…..? Why do I have a feeling the Champ Car guys are going to be treated like the ugly stepchildren…..?

Here we go with season opening "Boo hoo poor CC someone is picking on us" baloney. As if the IRL/TG has ANYTHING to gain by not having Rahal in the race.

Yeah, it's too bad that there are some teething issues to work out. If you want to blame anyone blame CC management who dragged their heels on this deal until the last possible moment.

27th March 2008, 17:05

I am not bashing or whatever. This is just what I read. Remember that is also the reason why they did not participate to the first Sebring test.
Even though I am a champcar fan, I am a full supporter of this blendification.


27th March 2008, 17:09
Here's the article:

INDYCAR: Graham Rahal Withdrawn from Homestead

Written by: RACER Staff

Newman/Haas/Lanigan Racing has announced that the team has been forced to withdraw its No. 06 Dallara-Honda to be driven by Graham Rahal at this Saturday’s GAINSCO Auto Insurance Indy 300 at Homestead-Miami Speedway, due to accident damage sustained in Tuesday’s test.

Rahal’s car sustained extensive damage when the 19-year-old rookie driver crashed here on Tuesday night during the final day of a two-day test for teams transitioning over from the Champ Car World Series.

“In spite of the best efforts of the IndyCar Series and series suppliers, the team was unable to overcome the shortage of some key parts and the time needed to prepare for Friday’s first practice,” the team said in a press release. “The team is now focused on rebuilding the crashed car for a test at Sebring International Raceway on Tuesday, April 1 and the Honda Indy Grand Prix of St. Petersburg, April 4-6.”

“It’s disappointing that we’re not going to be racing in the season-opener and I feel bad about it,” said Rahal. “It will be tough not to be out there, but at the same time we need to take it slowly and not rush putting the car back together. Even if we had everything available, there aren’t enough hours before the first practice on Friday to get the car put back together.

“The guys have worked awfully hard to be in the position to run here and it’s not the time to pull all-nighters. At this point we are going to focus on the St. Pete race. I’m just going experience this weekend from a different perspective and pay attention to what is going on with Justin (Wilson). I’ll probably watch some of the race from the Spotters Stand to get another perspective. We’ll have to start all over for the race in Kansas which will now be my first oval race.”

Bummer to see him out.

27th March 2008, 17:14
Funny how I don't hear the reports of parts shortage complaints from the rest of the converts. Maybe I've just stayed clear of CCF to hear them, however something tells me that Kalkoven, Coyne and Bachelart knew they were going to switch all along, yet the first report I remember reading of a Dallara in a champcar shop was at NewmanHaas. I know I read that one of them now has the Walker cars they had prepared, though I don't think it was PKV or what ever they are this week.

27th March 2008, 17:16
Here we go with season opening "Boo hoo poor CC someone is picking on us" baloney. As if the IRL/TG has ANYTHING to gain by not having Rahal in the race.

Yeah, it's too bad that there are some teething issues to work out. If you want to blame anyone blame CC management who dragged their heels on this deal until the last possible moment.

A shortage of parts shouldn't be the problem....if the team can't get the car put together with the parts...that's one thing. But a shortage of parts? You mean to tell me nobody in the entire garage has the parts needed? I know this whole "merger" came about at the last minute. The fact remains that the CC guys are obviously at a disadvantage....they don't have the spare parts, and they don't have a back-up car available.

27th March 2008, 17:22
A shortage of parts shouldn't be the problem....if the team can't get the car put together with the parts...that's one thing. But a shortage of parts? You mean to tell me nobody in the entire garage has the parts needed? I know this whole "merger" came about at the last minute. The fact remains that the CC guys are obviously at a disadvantage....they don't have the spare parts, and they don't have a back-up car available.

I don't dispute the CC teams will be at a disadvantage for a while. But no more of a disadvantage than if they were not racing at all this season, which would have been their alternative since CC went BK.

It's not perfect. There will be some issues to work out. But in the long run (hell, probably by Indy) things will look a lot better.

27th March 2008, 17:37
A shortage of parts shouldn't be the problem....if the team can't get the car put together with the parts...that's one thing. But a shortage of parts? You mean to tell me nobody in the entire garage has the parts needed? I know this whole "merger" came about at the last minute. The fact remains that the CC guys are obviously at a disadvantage....they don't have the spare parts, and they don't have a back-up car available.
Some teams have parts.
They call them Spare parts
They call them Spare parts for a reason.
Most of the teams have given up parts that they could but they have to keep some as spares. They are race teams also.

27th March 2008, 17:38
surely Bobby could help his son out with spare parts???

27th March 2008, 17:54
Even if we had everything available, there aren’t enough hours before the first practice on Friday to get the car put back together.

I think this is the critical point. Bearing in mind also it's an unfamiliar vehicle(relatively speaking), it's perhaps better they miss the race and get it put together properly.

27th March 2008, 18:20
I wouldn't be surprised if everyone was a little short on spares. Dallara can't wave a magic wand a bunch of extra chassis and parts appear out of nowhere.

27th March 2008, 18:24
Here we go with season opening "Boo hoo poor CC someone is picking on us" baloney. As if the IRL/TG has ANYTHING to gain by not having Rahal in the race.

Yeah, it's too bad that there are some teething issues to work out. If you want to blame anyone blame CC management who dragged their heels on this deal until the last possible moment.

No boohoo......just reality

the series doesn't have parts to keep 26 cars on the grid.....cc was a zombie.... But the truth is the irl wasn't/isn't in that much better shape and this just an example

There is much work to be done....

27th March 2008, 18:35
It's a shame but it was really a matter of time before the lack of spares began to tell. Hopefully the spare part supply situation will be sorted out soon.

27th March 2008, 19:15
My bet is the issue will start getting worse over the next few weeks. Parts will become harder to come by and Dallara may not be able to keep up. I dont think its as simple as, "hey joe turn the conveyor belt on will ya", kind of deal.

Indy could be a real bust depending on how much destruction happens over April and May.

Just wait until half way through next season, it could be real interesting.

27th March 2008, 19:37
My bet is the issue will start getting worse over the next few weeks. Parts will become harder to come by and Dallara may not be able to keep up. I dont think its as simple as, "hey joe turn the conveyor belt on will ya", kind of deal.

Indy could be a real bust depending on how much destruction happens over April and May.

Just wait until half way through next season, it could be real interesting.

I agree that things are not going to get any better for the former Champ Car teams. The season has yet to begin, and there is already a shortage of parts. Are we to assume that there will be no further crashes this year?

In my opinion, this is just another embarrassment for AOWR. Perhaps, this explains partly why Forsythe wants nothing to do with the "merger." Surely, Champ Car would have have struggled to put on another season, let alone fulfill the race scheudle. The Amigos should have forked out some more money and then seriously considered the "merger" next year. Hindsight, but hey, this last minute capitulation has had a lot of ramifications that have affected a lot of people.

27th March 2008, 19:44
Here we go with season opening "Boo hoo poor CC someone is picking on us" baloney. As if the IRL/TG has ANYTHING to gain by not having Rahal in the race.

Yeah, it's too bad that there are some teething issues to work out. If you want to blame anyone blame CC management who dragged their heels on this deal until the last possible moment.

Ego is a funny thing. You think the grandson is not sticking it to the Champcar teams a bit? Bull! A Zebra can't change it's strpes.

27th March 2008, 19:48
Here we go with season opening "Boo hoo poor CC someone is picking on us" baloney. As if the IRL/TG has ANYTHING to gain by not having Rahal in the race.

Yeah, it's too bad that there are some teething issues to work out. If you want to blame anyone blame CC management who dragged their heels on this deal until the last possible moment.

The IRL/TG has a lot to gain by having Rahal racing Saturday night. Rahal and Andretti are the new young faces of AOWR, that can probably revive the old rivaliries of the Andretti's, Unser's, and Foyts. Hopefully, we are still not going to rely on Danica Mania to save AOWR.

Even the last minute capitulation by the Amigos is pointless. TG could care less about the "merger" because his ultimate goal was to eliminate the competition that was Champ Car. TG tried to elminate CART in 2004 and failed. He lured the Champ Car teams over not because he cares about the teams, but because he realized that in taking the teams Champ Car would be screwed.

27th March 2008, 19:52
Ego is a funny thing. You think the grandson is not sticking it to the Champcar teams a bit? Bull! A Zebra can't change it's strpes.

Oh dear :rotflmao:

27th March 2008, 20:33
I agree that things are not going to get any better for the former Champ Car teams. The season has yet to begin, and there is already a shortage of parts. Are we to assume that there will be no further crashes this year?

In my opinion, this is just another embarrassment for AOWR. Perhaps, this explains partly why Forsythe wants nothing to do with the "merger." Surely, Champ Car would have have struggled to put on another season, let alone fulfill the race scheudle. The Amigos should have forked out some more money and then seriously considered the "merger" next year. Hindsight, but hey, this last minute capitulation has had a lot of ramifications that have affected a lot of people.

A merger next year would have been an even worse situation than this year. At least the teams get two season out of the Dallara by joining up now, it wouldnt have been worth it for them to run one season in the IRL.

The amigos "probably" could have kept it going this year but didnt really want to have to do it again next year.

27th March 2008, 20:39
No boohoo......just reality

the series doesn't have parts to keep 26 cars on the grid.....cc was a zombie.... But the truth is the irl wasn't/isn't in that much better shape and this just an example

There is much work to be done....

Good point Ken. If we want to know how healthy the existing IRL teams were/are we should look no further than the spares cabinet in the transporter or back at the race shop. Next step would be to follow the money trail back to the spares distributor and what he committed to for inventory and track support. If he's still waiting to get paid for last years stuff its even worse. Right Eagle Eye? So lets go back to the factory where the spares are made and see if there were finished goods, semi finished Work-In-Process or raw material available. Yikes. Nothing. Why? 2008 season was just around the corner. No worries, I recall this problem with Lola when Elan was awarded the new chassis contract. Carl Haas would have been an idiot to invest in spares inventory nobody would buy. Its very risky in racing, damned if you do, damned if you don't. I think TG got caught with his pants down regardless of what spin people want to put on it. Lack of preparation and contingency falls squarely on IRL management, period.

27th March 2008, 20:47
Good point Ken. If we want to know how healthy the existing IRL teams were/are we should look no further than the spares cabinet in the transporter or back at the race shop. Next step would be to follow the money trail back to the spares distributor and what he committed to for inventory and track support. If he's still waiting to get paid for last years stuff its even worse. Right Eagle Eye? So lets go back to the factory where the spares are made and see if there were finished goods, semi finished Work-In-Process or raw material available. Yikes. Nothing. Why? 2008 season was just around the corner. No worries, I recall this problem with Lola when Elan was awarded the new chassis contract. Carl Haas would have been an idiot to invest in spares inventory nobody would buy. Its very risky in racing, damned if you do, damned if you don't. I think TG got caught with his pants down regardless of what spin people want to put on it. Lack of preparation and contingency falls squarely on IRL management, period.

Then again it could just be a less embarassing way of saying he's not quite ready for ovals yet. Nothing to be ashamed of. He's a fine driver with a lot of potential but ovals do require a fairly large set of ****s. He found out pretty quick there was more to it than mashing the gas and turning left.

If I were a Rahal fan I'd just let this one slip by without making a big deal about it. If all they needed a few parts I'm pretty sure someone could come up with them. Maybe they (Rahals Team) just didn't "want" to find the parts yet.

27th March 2008, 20:51
Just lost it or what?

27th March 2008, 21:13
I agree that things are not going to get any better for the former Champ Car teams. The season has yet to begin, and there is already a shortage of parts. Are we to assume that there will be no further crashes this year?

Are we, as well, to assume that there will be no more production of spare parts this year?

In my opinion, this is just another embarrassment for AOWR. Perhaps, this explains partly why Forsythe wants nothing to do with the "merger." Surely, Champ Car would have have struggled to put on another season, let alone fulfill the race scheudle. The Amigos should have forked out some more money and then seriously considered the "merger" next year. Hindsight, but hey, this last minute capitulation has had a lot of ramifications that have affected a lot of people.

You sure spend other folks money easily. "Oh, the Amigos should have just bucked it up and thrown in another 20 or 30 million dollars for 2008."

When are you guys going to come to grips with the reality that, consolidation or no consolidation, THERE WAS NOT GOING TO BE A CCWS SEASON IN 2008!

Hell, they had a vendor who allowed the new DP-01 to just have the opportunity to run without serious fuel problems last year, and they have never even paid him.

How embarrassing would it have been for AOWR had CCWS just not answered the bell a race or two down the road after a midnight Friday bankruptcy filing?

I'll ask one more time. No one has yet to answer this for me at all. Short of you spending KK and GF's money for them, understanding that there WAS NOT going to be a complete CCWS season this year, please, PLEASE provide us with your alternative solution that would have resulted in a better set of circumstances than we have right now.

27th March 2008, 21:16
Then again it could just be a less embarassing way of saying he's not quite ready for ovals yet. Nothing to be ashamed of. He's a fine driver with a lot of potential but ovals do require a fairly large set of ****s. He found out pretty quick there was more to it than mashing the gas and turning left.

If I were a Rahal fan I'd just let this one slip by without making a big deal about it. If all they needed a few parts I'm pretty sure someone could come up with them. Maybe they (Rahals Team) just didn't "want" to find the parts yet.


And, like you said, there is NOTHING wrong with that at all.

27th March 2008, 21:50
I'd have to think there is more to it than just the inability to find parts. What if more teams had taken up the IRL offer? What if Forsythe, Walker and all wanted to run a couple of cars? They wouldn't have enough lug nuts to go around! As for time constraints, teams like NHL rebuild cars from the ground up overnight.

Can we lay the blame at the feet of young Rahal's inexperience or the way NHL is handling him? This would be grossly unfair to him because we simply don't know any better. If he can't get up to speed or bails out of some races like Marco A. did then it would be fair to comment thusly but until then...

NHL used the same excuse for Sebring and I'm sure this had nothing to do with Rahal. Maybe NHL management isn't seeing eye to eye on matters or have an agenda of some sort?

27th March 2008, 22:08
Are we, as well, to assume that there will be no more production of spare parts this year?

You sure spend other folks money easily. "Oh, the Amigos should have just bucked it up and thrown in another 20 or 30 million dollars for 2008."

When are you guys going to come to grips with the reality that, consolidation or no consolidation, THERE WAS NOT GOING TO BE A CCWS SEASON IN 2008!

Hell, they had a vendor who allowed the new DP-01 to just have the opportunity to run without serious fuel problems last year, and they have never even paid him.

How embarrassing would it have been for AOWR had CCWS just not answered the bell a race or two down the road after a midnight Friday bankruptcy filing?

I'll ask one more time. No one has yet to answer this for me at all. Short of you spending KK and GF's money for them, understanding that there WAS NOT going to be a complete CCWS season this year, please, PLEASE provide us with your alternative solution that would have resulted in a better set of circumstances than we have right now.

I am glad that the Amigos did not put the Champ Car community through another ***** season; unless they were ready to lay down some money to make it work. My main point of contention is that (of course all hindsight) the idiots/Amigos should have realized that as the 2007 season progressed, that things were not going to be better in 2008. My point is that the Amigos should have prepared the drivers/teams/cities/fans at least as early as October 2007 that the 2008 season was in serious doubt and allow the Champ Car community to search for alternatives.

Now to answer your question: As businessmen, the Amigos surely realized that their product was not viable financially. Therefore, they should have started consulting other interested business partners to "lend" or "spend" money on a series that was in disarray to say the least. The Amigos bailed out CART, and they should have started consulting others for a share of the Champ Car World Series.

Another alternative, as I have already stated, is that the Amigos should have engaged in "negotiations" with TG regarding a real "merger" rather than a complete disasterous collapse and surrender.

Our Champ Car model was not working. My anger stems at the Amigos misleading the entire Champ Car community into believing that there would be another 2008 season. Should they have run another ***** season, well, in my opinion that probably would have been a better alternative. Both series could have co-existed with the intention to "merge" next season, rather than this last minute alternative.

Forsythe has been rather quiet during this time. My thoughts are that he is sickened by KK's surrender and that he was ready to put down the money for 2008. Who knows?

27th March 2008, 22:21
I am glad that the Amigos did not put the Champ Car community through another half *****season; unless they were ready to lay down some money to make it work. My main point of contention is that (of course all hindsight) the idiots/Amigos should have realized that as the 2007 season progressed, that things were not going to be better in 2008. My point is that the Amigos should have prepared the drivers/teams/cities/fans at least as early as October 2007 that the 2008 season was in serious doubt and allow the Champ Car community to search for alternatives.

Now to answer your question: As businessmen, the Amigos surely realized that their product was not viable financially. Therefore, they should have started consulting other interested business partners to "lend" or "spend" money on a series that was in disarray to say the least. The Amigos bailed out CART, and they should have started consulting others for a share of the Champ Car World Series.

Another alternative, as I have already stated, is that the Amigos should have engaged in "negotiations" with TG regarding a real "merger" rather than a complete disasterous collapse and surrender.

Our Champ Car model was not working. My anger stems at the Amigos misleading the entire Champ Car community into believing that there would be another 2008 season. Should they have run another ***** season, well, in my opinion that probably would have been a better alternative. Both series could have co-existed with the intention to "merge" next season, rather than this last minute alternative.

Forsythe has been rather quiet during this time. My thoughts are that he is sickened by KK's surrender and that he was ready to put down the money for 2008. Who knows?

I agree with you. I think the main bone of contention is those that are bitching about how the IRL/TG are handling the collapse of CC. IMO they are doing the best they can under such short notice.

It didn't have to be this way. CC management (as you pointed out) really dropped the ball by trying to put on a BS dog & pony show about running the 08 season.

27th March 2008, 23:57
I think you guys are missing some key issue when it comes to fielding a race team. Since G. Rahal has (Hole in the Wall camps) as a sponsor ...was there really money behind this or was it just a charity thing with no real sponsor ship. How much damage was done to the tub of the car? How much did NHL want to risk in crashing a repaired car again and not be able to answer the bell at St. Pete. I believe that if NHL really wanted to get another car into the show they could have but at what expense. Remember if they really didn't have a sponsor for the show and you've already wreck one ride at what point does your expenses exceed your income. Since they registered to race the event do they get their appearance money from TG enough though they did not attempt to qualify. Remember guys with NHL it is a business this guy has not been in racing this long to lose money!!!!

28th March 2008, 00:30
Good point Ken. If we want to know how healthy the existing IRL teams were/are we should look no further than the spares cabinet in the transporter or back at the race shop. .

You are right, most of the spare parts are in the current IRL team trailers because their sponsor contracts say they have to be. TSO did a big write up today on parts allocation. Most teams contracts say that they must have a fully prepped back up car with them. That is not just a chassis, it is everything they need.

Wee, where was your cry last year when the DP-01 took the gird leaking fuel like a Ford Pinto?

28th March 2008, 01:24
This is simple speculation but I am sure that I am not far off. Rahall has little oval experience and I do not think that I am far off from NHL realizing that a "catastrophe" could be had by placing the 19 year old Rahall in a car he barely drove this week. Do not get me wrong because I do not believe there is a conspiracy, but I think it is for the best and that there really is a shortage of parts. If I am correct, NHL did not even race at Sebring.

I wish the best for the Champ Car drivers on Saturday night and I know they will definitely be ready to prove their worth on the streets of St. Petersberg.

28th March 2008, 19:54
I'm not seeing a conspiricy here. Up until a few weeks ago, Dallara was expecting a season of 18 or 20 cars, and now there are 8 or so new drivers, each of whom needs one or two cars and spares. Oval racing being oval racing, if you hit something, it usually means a lot of damage. The established teams recognize that there will be a spares shortage for at least the first half of the season, and aren't going to give theirs up.

Still, this has really got to grate on the guys at NHL. They are used to being a top rank team, doing everything well and competing for the season championship, and now they're reduced to field fillers, at least for a while. I'm guessing you won't be seeing any happy faces there anytime soon. Hopefully they'll be able to make some quick progress and be in the hunt for Indy. Probably not for the pole and maybe not for the race win, but for a top five finish at least.

28th March 2008, 20:46
Great press conference by TG at the IRL today.

The main points

NHL & HVM will test Tuesday at Sebring.

Chassis numbers:
KV - 3 cars
Coyne - 3 cars
NHL- 2 cars, will get a 3rd next week
Conquest - 2 cars, will get a 3rd next week
HVM - 1 car, will get 1 this weekend

Dallara can only make 4 cars a month at this point.
Of course, if you had TSO (http://www.tracksideonline.com), you would know this by now...

Mark in Oshawa
29th March 2008, 17:06
I agree that things are not going to get any better for the former Champ Car teams. The season has yet to begin, and there is already a shortage of parts. Are we to assume that there will be no further crashes this year?

I agree but I figure Dallara will get up to speed. They better. What surprises me is a good well run outfit like N/H/L couldn't get enough parts. Rahal must have cracked the tub. Wings and bodywork are a lot easier to replace than tubs.

In my opinion, this is just another embarrassment for AOWR. Perhaps, this explains partly why Forsythe wants nothing to do with the "merger." Surely, Champ Car would have have struggled to put on another season, let alone fulfill the race scheudle. The Amigos should have forked out some more money and then seriously considered the "merger" next year. Hindsight, but hey, this last minute capitulation has had a lot of ramifications that have affected a lot of people.

Forsythe wants nothing to do with this because he still has a hate on for Tony George. That said, he had a hate on for spending any real money in a proper fashion to keep CCWS going. They wouldn't have had to merger the two series if they had done something with Champ Car that would make advertisers and fans yawn. There was no option and if Forsythe cant see it, he is an idiot. The fact he is paying PT to stay home rather than releasing him from his contract so he can race this year shows his petulance......

Easy Drifter
29th March 2008, 19:45
It is not unusual for there to be a parts shortage. There was with the Panoz.
Many moons ago when Formula Atlantic replaced FB there was a huge parts shortage and we all knew what the rules were at least a year in advance. Don't forget FA was a very major series then. We did not have a spare engine until the 3rd race. Complete cylinder heads with valve train etc. became a normal piece of carry on luggage. There were no spare parts for Marches. We had a fibreglas sponsor but still had no time to get a spare nose cone built. After we crashed at Westwood the engine needed a rebuild (thanks Weldandgrind). The rad had to be rebuild and the front sub frame for the nosecone and rad had to be fabricated. I had the nosecone to patch and at times the mix was so hot it was smoking! You worked quick. (Broken piece A in place before Broken piece Z I think and hope.) The cars were one heck of a lot simpler then too! Edmonton was 2 days from Westwood and we were on track Fri. Finished 2nd. We towed with a Winnibago and an open trailer. Our spare engine (a twin cam) lived behind the passenger seat. We stayed in the Winnie. And we were a high mid level team!
So parts shortages are nothng new. Just one heck of a lot harder to fix or fabricate in the field!

29th March 2008, 22:11
I agree but I figure Dallara will get up to speed. They better. What surprises me is a good well run outfit like N/H/L couldn't get enough parts. Rahal must have cracked the tub. Wings and bodywork are a lot easier to replace than tubs.

It doesn't surprise me. The had 8 extra teams and a month to get ready. Its going to take months for Dallara to catch up. To be honest, I would consider letting the G-Force back in until Dallara can catch up.

4th April 2008, 15:13
No boohoo......just reality

the series doesn't have parts to keep 26 cars on the grid.....cc was a zombie.... But the truth is the irl wasn't/isn't in that much better shape and this just an example

There is much work to be done....

Turns out there were plenty of parts, they just didn't want to use them. From ESPN;

"NHLR made it to the initial two-day oval test for Champ Car teams, but the cars ran only a few laps on the first day before Graham Rahal crashed heavily near the end of the second day. The team withdrew Rahal from last Saturday night's Gainsco Auto Insurance 300, citing a lack of spare parts -- despite the fact that at least three competing IndyCar Series teams offered NHLR whatever it needed to put Rahal's car on the grid."

4th April 2008, 15:47
It doesn't surprise me. The had 8 extra teams and a month to get ready. Its going to take months for Dallara to catch up. To be honest, I would consider letting the G-Force back in until Dallara can catch up.

I thought the G-Force is still allowed - just that it's outdated and so inferior to the Dallara now that nobody wants to use it (a la Reynard post-2003 CCWS)? There was a few of them in the Indy 500 last year.

4th April 2008, 15:49
Indy 500 only.

4th April 2008, 15:49
I thought the G-Force is still allowed - just that it's outdated and so inferior to the Dallara now that nobody wants to use it (a la Reynard post-2003 CCWS)? There was a few of them in the Indy 500 last year.

no G-Force is outlawed this year apart from Indy where it is legal. Which is the same as the stick shift which is outlawed at all venues except indy.

4th April 2008, 15:49
Oops a little late on that post....nevermind..


4th April 2008, 16:25
That's strange...anyone know why? A burning desire to become a spec series, or something like it is outdated safety-wise as well as competitiveness?

PA Rick
5th April 2008, 05:28
Do you remember the days when almost every driver had a T car? I miss the good old days when there was enough interest and money to have tire wars and chassis wars and engine wars.

5th April 2008, 06:05
Do you remember the days when almost every driver had a T car? I miss the good old days when there was enough interest and money to have tire wars and chassis wars and engine wars.

Penske was the only team that made their own chassis in 1995... and it wasn't even just Penske that used it.

5th April 2008, 10:57
Penske was the only team that made their own chassis in 1995... and it wasn't even just Penske that used it.

That was the PC-24 used in the 1995 season. Bettenhausen Motorsports only used it during practice at Indy to help Penske try to sort it out. The PC-24 was the start of 5 years worth of loser chassis Penske built. It was not 2000 when the ran the Reynard built by Penske did they return to victory lane.

PA Rick
6th April 2008, 01:34
Penske was the only team that made their own chassis in 1995... and it wasn't even just Penske that used it.
What does that have to do with Chassis wars? Nobody makes their own tires or engines.
The chassis selecions for recent years would have been Lola, Reynard, Swift, March, Penske, Lotus, and several other chassis built by small shops and allowed to run if within the rules.
I think it was more interesting then but times change. I don't like it as much and I'm more of a casual fan than before.

6th April 2008, 02:22
I agree it can add interest to the event, on the other hand it does take a bit away from the driver and make it more of a technology series. And while I enjoy F1, I do not want the IRL to become a clone, I like IRL for many of the reasons that I am bored by F1.

6th April 2008, 06:55
I agree it can add interest to the event, on the other hand it does take a bit away from the driver and make it more of a technology series. And while I enjoy F1, I do not want the IRL to become a clone, I like IRL for many of the reasons that I am bored by F1.

F1 without traction control is INFINITELY more interesting than it was with it!
