View Full Version : Keep it sensible

26th March 2008, 10:28
Having read the Homestead thread from Antonyvop I realise how much time maybe wasted unless the Mods manage a zero tolerance for needless sniping about the IRL or CC from fans previously entrenched in one of the two. I was a CC fan and I agree that one series is better even though I am deeply missing CC and have a number of issues which I will remain silent about.
Lets enjoy the threads as a place for inteligent sensible chat rather than mealy mouthed bs. The above mentioned thread is a good exampl where Antonyvop reported on the mood and was jumped on for doing it. He was not being neg on the IRL but illustrating the difficulties being experienced. We all knew this would happen and also know it will improve. Lets please enjoy what we have going forward in a mature fashion and not a childish one.

26th March 2008, 11:56
I agree.

have also been bothered by some stupid comments by some posters who seem to think there is still some sort of split. Which ever side of the fence you were on, doesn't matter now, we are one, if your not part of it, then leave by the same door Gerald Forsythe has.

Please be civil, and most of all respectful.

26th March 2008, 12:21
Seppefan, while I agree with your assessment in general, what you suggest has to go both ways.

Anthonyvop's report was anything but an unbiased, "intelligent, sensible" reporting on the test as you suggest. I would offer the following in support of that statement:

"Yep. Merger is reaping benefits already."

"Did you know that Bondo fixes Carbon Fiber on a Dallara?"

"I am really beginning to hate Oval racing for formula cars."

That's not journalism. That's just pure agendaism and if Anthonyvop wants to suggest that is unbiased journalism, he should be ashamed of himself. And your post suggests that's OK for Anthonyvop, but it's not OK for others to to take exception to it, and their opinions should be curtailed.

Frankly, I think Hoop's original reply was right on. There are plenty of folks out there whining, as Anthonyvop was, about how tough and unfair this entire "merger" is on the former CCWS teams.

Perhaps it would help if those folks like Anthony quit trying to sell this as a "merger." Obviously, it was not. News flash - CCWS declared bankruptcy.

I have yet to hear a single one of those folks offer a single, better alternative to what happened. They don't want to grasp the fact that the only other option was to just do nothing, and CCWS wasn't going to answer the bell for 2008.

At least, if that had happened, the former CCWS teams wouldn't have had to worry about the lack of spare parts.

Last night, in a thread that, rightfully, didn't have much of a shelf life, I made the suggestion that the mods adapt a absolute zero tolerance policy in terms of the use of derogatory names and terms for series names, series owners and administration and ESPECIALLY drivers (the folks who ALL put their lives on the line to entertain the rest of us) on this forum. On both sides. I think that would be a good start. Would you support that?

26th March 2008, 12:27
I agree with your sentiment, Seppefan, but this being the internet I think things are far from settled. I suspect that anyone with an agenda will have more fuel to throw on their fire after the green flag drops on Saturday.

Oval haters will be poised to comment on the first crash.
Dallara haters will be poised to comment on the first equipment failure.
Merger haters will have their fingers crossed that the event is a crash-fest and that the unification looks like a failure.

It's a stormy road ahead.

26th March 2008, 13:10
Seppefan, while I agree with your assessment in general, what you suggest has to go both ways.

Anthonyvop's report was anything but an unbiased, "intelligent, sensible" reporting on the test as you suggest. I would offer the following in support of that statement:

"Yep. Merger is reaping benefits already."

"Did you know that Bondo fixes Carbon Fiber on a Dallara?"

"I am really beginning to hate Oval racing for formula cars."

That's not journalism. That's just pure agendaism and if Anthonyvop wants to suggest that is unbiased journalism, he should be ashamed of himself. And your post suggests that's OK for Anthonyvop, but it's not OK for others to to take exception to it, and their opinions should be curtailed.

Frankly, I think Hoop's original reply was right on. There are plenty of folks out there whining, as Anthonyvop was, about how tough and unfair this entire "merger" is on the former CCWS teams.

Perhaps it would help if those folks like Anthony quit trying to sell this as a "merger." Obviously, it was not. News flash - CCWS declared bankruptcy.

I have yet to hear a single one of those folks offer a single, better alternative to what happened. They don't want to grasp the fact that the only other option was to just do nothing, and CCWS wasn't going to answer the bell for 2008.

At least, if that had happened, the former CCWS teams wouldn't have had to worry about the lack of spare parts.

Last night, in a thread that, rightfully, didn't have much of a shelf life, I made the suggestion that the mods adapt a absolute zero tolerance policy in terms of the use of derogatory names and terms for series names, series owners and administration and ESPECIALLY drivers (the folks who ALL put their lives on the line to entertain the rest of us) on this forum. On both sides. I think that would be a good start. Would you support that?

This is tricky and I do not disagree with much of what you say.
It is fair for a writer to say I do not like ovals as it is fair to say I do not like Long Beach or whatever. What is wrong is when people are just rude and unwaivering in their support of something which has been replaced. In the main this has to be the old CC fans as we have gone bust but I do feel that the mods should jump on anyone who is being rude rather than talking through issues is a sensible way. I want to enjoy these forums with interesting, informative talk which can be managed if the mods are tough. Hey I have been busted before and usually although not always ( says I ! ) I was in the wrong.

26th March 2008, 13:13
I agree with your sentiment, Seppefan, but this being the internet I think things are far from settled. I suspect that anyone with an agenda will have more fuel to throw on their fire after the green flag drops on Saturday.

Oval haters will be poised to comment on the first crash.
Dallara haters will be poised to comment on the first equipment failure.
Merger haters will have their fingers crossed that the event is a crash-fest and that the unification looks like a failure.

It's a stormy road ahead.

Once again I have to agree but the Mods need to throw out the people who show no respect in their opinions and are plain rude. It is a democracy and so everyone must be able to speak but in a mature fashion.

26th March 2008, 17:25
Why does he have to post the same "report" at every website? Just keep it at crapwagon where it belongs and where it first was posted.

27th March 2008, 02:26
Using their video in driver debrief. Hmmmmmm.

27th March 2008, 03:22
Once again I have to agree but the Mods need to throw out the people who show no respect in their opinions and are plain rude. It is a democracy and so everyone must be able to speak but in a mature fashion.

And I can tell you, in an effort to support the mods, that is happening.

Consider this...sometimes when the mods do their jobs really well, especially in somewhat extreme conditions, MOST of the regular posters here never know it.

Case in point. The other night there was a thread (the one with the short shelf life I mentioned) on this forum. It was WAY over the top. As far as I know, it had a grand total of 3 posts - one by the thread starter (who won't be back, I reckon), one by Hoop (I think it was) and one by me. The thread wasn't on the forum for more than about 4 minutes. Most posters here never saw the fact that the mods had to react quickly and make the decision to remove the thread, as well as the tough decision to ban a fairly regular poster here because he was so over the top with that thread.

I think there is also some chest beating going on here by some (both sides) just to make points with their buds elsewhere. That will go away as time goes on and people just get tired of the hate. (I hope.)

27th March 2008, 12:55
Why does he have to post the same "report" at every website? Just keep it at crapwagon where it belongs and where it first was posted.

No way. I am not on the crapwagon site so I am pleased we had the article.

27th March 2008, 13:40
No way. I am not on the crapwagon site so I am pleased we had the article.

It was written by a "crappie" and not a real reporter.

27th March 2008, 16:43
Using their video in driver debrief. Hmmmmmm.

I see you question our motives.
Just to set the record straight.

We were at the Speedway taping for our TV show. We were up on the roof getting B-roll and my guy was following Graham around the track for various laps at the moment of the incident. We followed each driver around for B-Roll. It is a standard practice for an IRL event.

After the incident we took the tape over to N/H/L racing as a courtesy as nobody else was taping the on-track action. We have done that before for other teams of many different series.
It is called being nice.

27th March 2008, 16:45
It was written by a "crappie" and not a real reporter.
I'm not?
Oh great!
Now I will have to order new business cards.

27th March 2008, 20:08
I'm not?
Oh great!
Now I will have to order new business cards.

Just add a single word to your existing one and you cover all the bases... "commentator". As I said in the other thread, I don't take issue with your editorial comments. I just take issue with assumption that editorials and reports are the same thing. Don't hide your editorials, own them.


27th March 2008, 20:34
Just add a single word to your existing one and you cover all the bases... "commentator". As I said in the other thread, I don't take issue with your editorial comments. I just take issue with assumption that editorials and reports are the same thing. Don't hide your editorials, own them.


Gary, I agree with every word of that post.

28th March 2008, 02:38
Just add a single word to your existing one and you cover all the bases... "commentator". As I said in the other thread, I don't take issue with your editorial comments. I just take issue with assumption that editorials and reports are the same thing. Don't hide your editorials, own them.


Again.....I started the report by declaring it "MUSINGS".

I wonder if the article would have been attacked by certain people if it was devoid of criticism of the IRL. Actually I don't have to wonder.

28th March 2008, 07:37
I'm not?
Oh great!
Now I will have to order new business cards.

No, you are not. Real reporters don't show such obvious bias and hang out at silly sites devoted to hating. And "your" site sucks BTW. It looks pretty damn amateurish.