View Full Version : Citroen C3 Super 2000

26th March 2008, 10:18
Hey guys,

Citroen's planning on getting on the Super 2000 band wagon with a C3 Super 2000.


I'm not sure if these drawings are actually of it, but if so, hopefully it's not like most 'concept cars' that look nothing like it once released :)


26th March 2008, 11:18
That is really great news. It's is becoming more and more clear that S2000 will be the future of rallying, and more and more manufacturers are getting involved, so I think it is really good news! :)

26th March 2008, 11:21
That is really great news. It's is becoming more and more clear that S2000 will be the future of rallying, and more and more manufacturers are getting involved, so I think it is really good news! :)

I couldn't agree with you more wwbroe! I've only ever seen the Toyota Corolla in action, but the visual appeal of these things and what I've seen in videos is great.

The category kind of stumbled around for a while as Australia and South Africa put a toe in the water with these cars a few years ago, but now, wow. It's great.


26th March 2008, 11:56
dont think those drawings are even made by citroen, but if the story is true, its great news.

26th March 2008, 11:59
dont think those drawings are even made by citroen.

Nah, I think they are just something someone's mocked up.

Perhaps someone should pass them onto someone at Citroen though? It certainly looks a lot more attractive than the road-going C3! haha.

26th March 2008, 12:04
I believe in Citroën's S2000 project under way but this images are good for films "Fast and furious"-like only...

26th March 2008, 13:35
The fact that citroen plans a s2000 means they have plans to stay in the wrc for the years to come...good news....for some.

26th March 2008, 18:57
Can't be real images. Why would they make a S2000 out of C3 which is already now really old model?

26th March 2008, 18:59
Because there will be new C3 ;) Both C2 and C4 were released as rally cars (at least concept) before passenger ones ;)

26th March 2008, 19:08
I hope it doesn't come out, 'cause then it'll probably be the ugliest rally car I've ever seen

26th March 2008, 19:10
How can You judge a car noone outside Citroën has seen?

26th March 2008, 19:38
By the time that Citroen come round to building a S2000 the next generation C3 will have come out, therefore creating a market for a C3 rally car. What with the C2 S1600 and the C4 WRC the C3 is a likely candidate for S2000 :)

26th March 2008, 22:08
No, this images are only picturesque for the news, and yes new model of C3 will be base of new S2000 car

Xsara Fan
27th March 2008, 07:41
What can you say about this Citroen C3? Driver - Philippe Bugalski.


27th March 2008, 10:00
The C3 project is confirmed by Citroen but the photos are not real images,they are made by someone outside Citroen.

28th March 2008, 20:12
What can you say about this Citroen C3?

I can say it's the worst looking rally car ever.

28th March 2008, 22:41
What can you say about this Citroen C3? Driver - Philippe Bugalski.


By any chance, anyone knows what does "asla" means? It means "never" in Turkish :S

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21st May 2008, 20:50
Thank you Inno613, now everything about the Citroen C3 S2000 is clear!!!11

26th May 2008, 04:10
Bugalski is a nice pilot.

I think would be great if come back in next year and run in all IRC rounds.

26th May 2008, 15:42
It is great news if this news is true. If Citroen decides to develop S2000 model, I'm pretty sure they will also build the new S2000-based WRCars, too. I think the news of Citroen staying in WRC for upcoming years will be good news not only for fans but also for the rival manufacturers, too. I recall most of the manufacturers want rivals to beat to show their superiority.

27th May 2008, 06:42
why not the C4 S2000?

27th May 2008, 11:51
I guess the size of the new C3 vs the C4 will decide that, adding on what will come on dimensions in the new WRC tech regs that will come in the near future.

5th June 2008, 14:22
dont praise too much the s2000, lets see more shows and decide

30th January 2009, 22:33
In this weeks Autosport the PSA Sport boss Quesnel confirmed that they have the budget and will make a C3 S2000 !!

Good news !

30th January 2009, 22:40
That would be quite easy for them. They can simply move Peugeot 207 into new bodyshell and improve everything what can't be improved in Peugeot.

30th January 2009, 22:48
]That would be quite easy for them. They can simply move Peugeot 207 into new bodyshell and improve everything what can't be improved in Peugeot.
They never did - why should they do something like this right now?!? On top of it, I believe, Citroen has been planning a S2000+ so they probably prepare a totally new motor, not just "207 supercharged"...

30th January 2009, 22:50
Citroen took the 306 Maxi and improved it with the Xsara KC.

Same with the Dakar buggy

Same with the S2000

30th January 2009, 22:54
FabiaFan: Because they are since few weeks a go one team with the same boss Quessnel. Doing completely new car doesn't make sence in that case.

30th January 2009, 23:07
as a long time citroen fan,since the rallyraid days, this is great news, s2000 is definatly the way ahead, the monte showed us that :)

31st January 2009, 00:01
They never did - why should they do something like this right now?!? On top of it, I believe, Citroen has been planning a S2000+ so they probably prepare a totally new motor, not just "207 supercharged"...

S2000+ might never happen according to Max, so lets see in March - that is when it will be decided ! We might end up with straight S2000 since the biggest pusher of +, Prodrive has gone.

Xsara Fan
31st January 2009, 07:30
In this weeks Autosport the PSA Sport boss Quesnel confirmed that they have the budget and will make a C3 S2000 !!

Good news !

"Will" :) My friend from Citroen Sport told me last week that he is now work in "C3 Super 2000 group"! He said: "We already working hard to made a car for Sordo, Loeb &... Ogier(!!!)"

31st January 2009, 09:09
Does anyone have any pics of the car they will use as as far as Ausport say it is the new C3 not the current car they will use?

If it looks half as good as the 207 which is the best looking S2000 by a mile.

31st January 2009, 10:46
Totally obvious to me Citroën will use the 207 as basis of its future S2000 ;)

31st January 2009, 10:48
Does anyone have any pics of the car they will use as as far as Ausport say it is the new C3 not the current car they will use?

If it looks half as good as the 207 which is the best looking S2000 by a mile.

It's strongly possible that next week(around 4th/5th february)Citroën will show the future "C3 Coupé" to the medias, and there are many chances it'll be the basis of the S2000 ;)

31st January 2009, 10:59
It's strongly possible that next week(around 4th/5th february)Citroën will show the future "C3 Coupé" to the medias, and there are many chances it'll be the basis of the S2000 ;)

Thats will be good too look out for Tom.

1st February 2009, 22:38
In this weeks Autosport the PSA Sport boss Quesnel confirmed that they have the budget and will make a C3 S2000 !!

Good news !

Ok, but it was confirmed more than one month ago (http://www.autosport.cz/clanek.php?cl=7753) - of course not officially, but from very good sources ;)

2nd February 2009, 06:34
C3 S 2000 will be builded on the frame of the C3 Coupe who will be introduced next Thursday, February 5th. Look style will be close to the photo.

http://images.imagehotel.net/2kguq14i54_tn.jpg (http://images.imagehotel.net/?2kguq14i54.jpg)

http://images.imagehotel.net/sfaf9kmpcs_tn.jpg (http://images.imagehotel.net/?sfaf9kmpcs.jpg)

2nd February 2009, 08:43
C3 S 2000 will be builded on the frame of the C3 Coupe who will be introduced next Thursday, February 5th. Look style will be close to the photo.

http://images.imagehotel.net/2kguq14i54_tn.jpg (http://images.imagehotel.net/?2kguq14i54.jpg)

http://images.imagehotel.net/sfaf9kmpcs_tn.jpg (http://images.imagehotel.net/?sfaf9kmpcs.jpg)
The first photoshop is from Auto Express so I wouldn't go by that at all and I'd wager the second is from Auto Express too.

Rally Hokkaido
2nd February 2009, 08:45
merci, Rene.
I like its shape.
The drawing seems a little different from the photograph. - can't see the wheel arch 'bulge' body lines.

edit. just read Daniel's expalanation

modri dirkac
4th February 2009, 07:42
My source said it won't be based on C3. We will see ... soon. :eek:

Brother John
4th February 2009, 08:29
WHERE DOES THE JOURNEY GO? The FIA wants to discuss the rules of the Rallye WM again.

Bad translation from http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/us/nt/ma/ma_bf_1.gif (http://us.lrd.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0LEUFlSU4lJhXYBVXClOQx./SIG=11i4o8g1u/EXP=1233822930/**http%3A//se.babelfish.yahoo.com/?fr=bf-res) :p :

Nobody had seen the renewed single-handed attempt of the FIA president, who questioned the freshly discharged technique set of rules on the day of the season opening in Enniskillen in an interview again, before. „We had only two weeks ago ago a meeting with two FIA engineers and it seemed everything in the plumb bob “, say Citroën Sportchef Olivier Quesnel. In the bomb, which let Mosley lift-off, equivalent two explosive devices are accommodated: On the one hand a possible break with the turbo-technology thwarts the marketing plans of Ford and Citroën, which stress unanimously, the future of the series automotive manufacture lies in loaded engines, to second threatens the possible introduction 2010 the commitment of the two remaining works in the WM. „If we in the next year a super 2000-Auto to bring would have, would be Ford raus “, explained team head Malcolm Wilson unverblümt. Ford works on a super 2000 on Fiesta basis, but that is everything but operationally. With Citroën would stand for completely something else on the hit list: „If we super 2000 to build would have, this from for the Peugeot super 2000 would mean “, communicated sport boss Quesnel. The Frenchman stressed, it is impossible that both marks from the PSA company in the same shark fish basin cavort.

4th February 2009, 09:02
This article simply says, if S2000 should become "WRC" in 2010 already, Ford would be out (at least for that year) and the new Citroen would REPLACE the Peugeot 207, P would be totally out of rallying then.

4th February 2009, 09:13
Mr Olivier Quesnel is talking too much.. FIA president said:"S2000 still possible in WRC" (regarding budget cuts)..

4th February 2009, 09:15
My source said it won't be based on C3. We will see ... soon. :eek:

So it could be on the basis of a DS3 - I'm not aware of any other planned Citroen of this size...

4th February 2009, 09:19
If Citroen replaces the Peugeot in WRC with potential S2000 rules, is it still possible for privaters to run a 207? It has to be right?

4th February 2009, 09:23
So it could be on the basis of a DS3 - I'm not aware of any other planned Citroen of this size...

Yep, the C3 coupé is about probably to be renamed DS3... ;)

Buzz Lightyear
4th February 2009, 09:49
This article simply says, if S2000 should become "WRC" in 2010 already, Ford would be out (at least for that year) and the new Citroen would REPLACE the Peugeot 207, P would be totally out of rallying then.
Peugeot Sport are making plenty of money selling 207 Super 2000, why would they pull out? They will continue in IRC id presume

4th February 2009, 10:03
Yep, the C3 coupé is about probably to be renamed DS3... ;)

Possibly the most ill conceived marketing scheme ever devised :mark:

4th February 2009, 23:31
I thought a "new" c3 was due out, only photoshops / disguised views seen as yet.
Also I guess it will be up to the marketing men at PSA to decide which brand does what. New C5 is a (German style car) now wouldnt it look good for Citroen to beat Audi at LeMans? leaving Peugeot as teh rally brand. It wouldnt take much to convert the 908Hdi LeMans car to be the Citroen C9 Le Mans car would it?

5th February 2009, 08:42
Citroën has NO HISTORY at Le Mans, and almost no history on circuit racing neither :rolleyes:

I say rally/rally-raid for Citroën/circuit endurance races for Peugeot :cool:

5th February 2009, 08:43
Possibly the most ill conceived marketing scheme ever devised :mark:

Why ???? To me Citroën DS3 sounds rather interesting !!! :rolleyes:

5th February 2009, 09:13
Why ???? To me Citroën DS3 sounds rather interesting !!! :rolleyes:

Citroen are not going to do anything to change their models. They might spec the DS models higher but other than that they're just trading on the name of the legendry DS and not actually making cars which are anything like the DS was. But then again you love everything that PSA does so I wouldn't expect anything else from you :) Citroen is associated with cheap cars nowadays and for them to try and head towards luxury cars is a stupid move....

5th February 2009, 09:15
Peugeot is holding a big press conference next Monday in Paris. Big meaning they invited more than 100 journalists (travel expenses and all). As it is nearly clear that they will pull out of the Le Mans Series (LMS) they won't make such a fuss for confirming just the 24 hours at Le Mans.

Has any of our French friends an idea what they are up to?

Brother John
5th February 2009, 09:19
Maybe WRC only private teams in 2010? :p :

5th February 2009, 09:23
Citroen are not going to do anything to change their models. They might spec the DS models higher but other than that they're just trading on the name of the legendry DS and not actually making cars which are anything like the DS was. But then again you love everything that PSA does so I wouldn't expect anything else from you :) Citroen is associated with cheap cars nowadays and for them to try and head towards luxury cars is a stupid move....

Forgive me, but, what do Citroen get out of the WRC programme?
Do they sell a hot hatch version of the C4 in France? All we get is a warmish C4 'by Loeb'. Certainly not enough to tempt people to buy them in droves - when attending Rallies in Britain I can't say I've seen that many C4's. Whereas you see plenty of Focus/Focii, Imprezas, Lancers even Octavia/Fabia vRS's.

5th February 2009, 09:27
Forgive me, but, what do Citroen get out of the WRC programme?
Do they sell a hot hatch version of the C4 in France? All we get is a warmish C4 'by Loeb'. Certainly not enough to tempt people to buy them in droves - when attending Rallies in Britain I can't say I've seen that many C4's. Whereas you see plenty of Focus/Focii, Imprezas, Lancers even Octavia/Fabia vRS's.
Well they used to do the 180bhp VTS but now all they do is a 1.6 turbo 150bhp model :mark:

5th February 2009, 11:17
DS3 ;)

http://images.imagehotel.net/q4awajw22u.jpg (http://www.imagehotel.net/?from=q4awajw22u.jpg)

5th February 2009, 11:27
Peugeot is holding a big press conference next Monday in Paris. Big meaning they invited more than 100 journalists (travel expenses and all). As it is nearly clear that they will pull out of the Le Mans Series (LMS) they won't make such a fuss for confirming just the 24 hours at Le Mans.

Has any of our French friends an idea what they are up to?

It could be announcement for everything regarding their 2009 motorsport activities(including endurance of course) :confused:

5th February 2009, 12:02
DS3 ;)

http://images.imagehotel.net/q4awajw22u.jpg (http://www.imagehotel.net/?from=q4awajw22u.jpg)

...kind of anti-Mini without retro style??? Just a little bit larger? I don't know, I cannot like it... as I do not like any other Citroen except C5 now... It would be shame to spoil the sound of the name "DS" :-/

5th February 2009, 12:20
Those who like Skoda cannot like Citroën anyway... :p :

5th February 2009, 13:41
Those who like Skoda cannot like Citroën anyway... :p :

You're wrong!!! I'm realistically thinking for years already of buying a Citroen DS, this later version from late 60's - early 70's - it's a dream!!!

And I also like CX, 2CV, SM, GS, 7, 11, ...

Btw.: My nickname comes from Fabia WRC, this is the rallycar which I adored (how it looked like), not Fabia S2000 - this one looks like DTM :-/

5th February 2009, 16:39
Another picture a little bit better :)
Sorry Fabiafan, but you must close your eyes :)

http://i67.servimg.com/u/f67/11/47/50/08/ds3_in10.jpg (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=351&u=11475008)

5th February 2009, 17:04
Those who like Skoda cannot like Citroën anyway... :p :

That's true for me. ;)

5th February 2009, 18:47
Another picture a little bit better :)
Sorry Fabiafan, but you must close your eyes :)

http://i67.servimg.com/u/f67/11/47/50/08/ds3_in10.jpg (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=351&u=11475008)

Damn, that's cool. A little bit of MINI mixed with the great designs of Citroën. :s mokin:

5th February 2009, 18:48
Damn, that's cool. A little bit of MINI mixed with the great designs of Citroën. :s mokin:
Wow you really must be smoking some good stuff :p

5th February 2009, 18:51
Wow you really must be smoking some good stuff :p

I rest my case ;o) It doesn't come any more beautiful than this...(and with a Maserati engine). or were you refering to the "MINI" comment?


5th February 2009, 19:30
More, high res images:

5th February 2009, 19:49
Certainly the future S2000 basis :cool:

5th February 2009, 20:13
Thats a nice looking car.

5th February 2009, 20:45
Certainly the future S2000 basis :cool:
Looks more like a reasonable basis for a small pick-up...

5th February 2009, 22:58
Looks kinda pick-up-ish.....

But I hate prototype pics,alyways see the worst in them...

Road cars turn up much better :D

6th February 2009, 13:09
Looks more like a reasonable basis for a small pick-up...

Not more not less than the Suzuki SX4/Swift :rolleyes:

7th February 2009, 01:17
got to say i like it ,sorry guys :)

7th February 2009, 22:39
Heres an interesting pic.... (probably not official but looks quite realistic)


8th February 2009, 11:40
Looks great in motorsport outfit :eek:

8th February 2009, 12:13
Yep.looks great!!!