View Full Version : Kevin Gosper is a tool

26th March 2008, 00:20
I think this guy should be sent off to work in a factory in China to make knockoff handbags for a dollar a day. Basically he's Australia's IOC representative and he's saying that people shouldn't protest for Tibet when the Olympic torch comes to Australia because it would go against the Olympic values. How the hell does protesting against China's actions in Tibet go against Olympic values. Never realised that the Olympics was about oppression, lies and taking away people's human rights. Well I'll be doing my bit and I'll be making an effort not to watch the Olympics at all. In my mind China having the games is worse than the Nazi's having the games. We weren't to know what was going to happen but we know exactly what China is up to.

26th March 2008, 18:08
They're all tools, they should have done this before Beijing was chosen, it's a bit late now..

29th March 2008, 02:54
It's still on time to boycott the games!

the USSR did much less to deserve a boycott

31st March 2008, 03:57
Their are ethnic minorities in all corners of the world who are being suppressed by their government. Why is this anything new? Never heard anyone say anything about the people of Aceh or West Papua. Mind you, this is no excuse for the manner in which the Chinese government is handling the issue and has handled it, but is there any other way to put down violent protesters? I mean, the Tibetans we are talking about here have been seen violently attacking and beating Han Chinese civillians. This is exactly what we saw in Cronulla not long ago, and everyone was up in arms. Sure, It's a different situation, but it was still an issue where serious resentment of another race has lead to social tensions and violent attacks by another.

Can somebody explain to me why the Tibetans are owed independence more than any other movement in Indonesia or elsewhere? It is a huge submission to expect a state like China to make.

31st March 2008, 06:37
Can somebody explain to me why the Tibetans are owed independence more than any other movement in Indonesia or elsewhere?

I was thinking that just the other day? If tibet deserves independence, why not West Papua too?

I could ask the hippie protestors here at uni who are currently protesting for tibet, but i would rather beat them senseless with a cricket bat. They're dumber than sh!t and just protest against anything because they have nothing better to do. (i know i sound like a old man by saying that, but i have my reasons. one of them was protesting to bring david hicks home... the day AFTER he arrived back in Adelaide)

ok rant over

31st March 2008, 07:55
I was thinking that just the other day? If tibet deserves independence, why not West Papua too?

West Papua was mentioned in the Independence thread a few weeks ago, although that thread was mainly about Kosovo. The Kurds were also mentioned along with Aceh and Somaliland and a few other more obscure places.


West Papua doesn't rate as it doesn't get the publicity that Tibet gets especially through celebrities.

My own feelings are that no-one wants to upset Indonesia, especially given the huge resources that West Papua has and what western companies have access to. Do a search on Freeport Mine for example.

Soap box mode off :) .

31st March 2008, 08:27
It's just coupled with the free and active political system, free to make relationship with any countries and active in any international issue, any decisions made wouldn't hurt anybody. Hence no one would hurt us, no one would exploit the separatism movement issue and interfere our internal affairs.

31st March 2008, 12:29
I am a bit ambivalent when it comes to boycotting the olympics in China. I think it is a nice idea that the olympics should be free from political values. On the other hand the olympica is a symbol for peace, brotherhood and equality, something which China av severe problems with. on the other hand we can critizice many countries for having such problems. Some would say that the US doesn´t deserve the games on the same ground, others would say that a country like France is disqualified.

it is not an easy question. I must say though that individual contestors probably will make their own protest-actions anyway. There are ongoing discussions about that the CCTV in China therefore will delay the transmissions for a few minutes so that they can erase less gloryfying propaganda.

I think it is one thing for individuals to make a boycott, and I think it may be a good thing to. But it could be potentially dangerous for organisations and countries to start talking about boycott. China is a huge economy, and we are dependent upon it in many ways. Besides, china is not keen on playing it soft when it comes to conflict. I am shure that different leaders of the world will talk about boycott anyway, but this may more be a part of making a stand in their own country, and take the initiative from their political opponents than a real threat. It is always easy to talk.

31st March 2008, 12:37
Boycotting the ceremonies would probably suffice, because it would get across the countries standpoint on China's human rights record without shortchanging the Olympians.

1st April 2008, 16:04
So because other bits of land have been taken by other nations it's ok for China to do this :mark: I wonder if you'd feel the same if it was your homeland which was taken.