View Full Version : Why you should avoid driving in the snow...

Mp3 Astra
25th March 2008, 17:18
People always say that you should avoid driving unless absolutely necessary - here's the terrifying proof, from Austria:


This is really scary. The video on the right hand side of the page shows the aftermath, and it is amazing how badly damaged the vehicles are. You have to wonder at what speed these drivers were doing, and how well their brakes really worked in these terrible conditions.

25th March 2008, 19:20
It's not just snow. The same can happen in rain or fog. Even a clear day if the traffics heavy enough and all moving fast.

The critical point is there's always one moron that thinks he's invincible and has no idea of how to adjust their speed for the conditions.

26th March 2008, 03:06
Didn't they use foglamp?

Personally, I tend to park the car aside of the road and go to the coffee shop to avoid driving in pouring rain.

26th March 2008, 06:50
I think the same snow storm is now here, snow was flying horizontally. Went out took one step and fell down, apparently 10 cm of snow on top of ice doesn't give that much grip. :)

As JHS said, accident's happen in these conditions because people aren't careful enough. It's you basic Autobahn accident, idiots driving flat out inside a thick fog and wonder why there is a 50 car pile up.

26th March 2008, 07:51
They said the crash involving at least 60 cars :)

26th March 2008, 10:47
Probably driving too close together as well. In bad conditions it's best to allow extra space between you and the car in front.

26th March 2008, 14:26
Bet some of them didn't have their lights on either :rolleyes:

26th March 2008, 15:13
Today morning two trucks bumbed into each other cutting one lane coming into Tampere, police were already sorting things out and cars were having to drive slower to pass the accident site, which caused congestion in that road.
Now some idiots weren't having none of that and began passing the people moving slow in the in the right lane.
Now as expected they almost ran into the trucks and while trying to get back into the right lane managed to cause more accidents. In the end, 9 cars were in a pile and police had to close both lanes.

Winter woderland indeed. :(

26th March 2008, 17:55
People always say that you should avoid driving unless absolutely necessary - here's the terrifying proof, from Austria:

Does that mean life in certain areas of the world should stop during the winter?

27th March 2008, 15:08
Had to drive in a bit of snow yesterday myself too... Actually, in a lot of snow. Lights or no lights, there was no was I could see where the road goes. Twice I just couldn't see where I was going and went into snowbanks... 2 or more hours worth of digging and frozen feet. Gotta love the snow.

But today was lovely. :cool:

Mp3 Astra
27th March 2008, 17:09
Does that mean life in certain areas of the world should stop during the winter?

Well, if your car/road isn't equipped to do so, or you don't trust other road users to be able to handle the weather - then yes, find an alternative or equip your car and your skills properly.