View Full Version : Jon Beehkus?!!

22nd March 2008, 10:35
I hope Indycar recognises your expertise, and brings you with them. It would be a cryin' shame to lose you!!

Sorry about the misspelling of his name, I tried to fix it, but too late....

Dr. Krogshöj
22nd March 2008, 11:06
Who are the IRL commentators?

22nd March 2008, 20:38

This is SPOT ON!!!!! I agree with you 1000%, I too hope we get to see Jon in the coverage. Even if it is back to his old job of covering the pit lane. I really like his approach to technical descriptions. He makes things understandable to a new viewer while at the same time not talking down to us old guard viewers. That is NOT easy to do. Many before him have failed miserably at that.


23rd March 2008, 03:21
Consummate pro, and apolitical to boot.

26th March 2008, 07:09
Who are the IRL commentators?

According to the "Revolutionary Views" story on the IndyCar website:
"Goodyear and lead announcer Marty Reed in the booth... Reporters Jack Arute, Vince Welch and Brienne Pedigo return to augment the pass-by-pass coverage".


Seriously, is there a petition or something we can sign? Bringing in Jon Beekhuis will make it seem more like a unification... and it will make many ChampCar fans happy!

26th March 2008, 14:58
According to the "Revolutionary Views" story on the IndyCar website:
"Goodyear and lead announcer Marty Reed in the booth... Reporters Jack Arute, Vince Welch and Brienne Pedigo return to augment the pass-by-pass coverage".


Seriously, is there a petition or something we can sign? Bringing in Jon Beekhuis will make it seem more like a unification... and it will make many ChampCar fans happy!

Do you really think the IRL cares??

I'm not sure about the big picture. I think they got what they wanted.

I keep hoping I'm wrong.

26th March 2008, 15:35
Do you really think the IRL cares??

I'm not sure about the big picture. I think they got what they wanted.

I keep hoping I'm wrong.

You may be right, and I doubt they'd bring in Jon Beekhuis.

However, I am going to start a thread about it elsewhere, so if anybody wants to voice their opinion about Jon Beekhuis being a pit reporter for the ICS, post over there!

3rd April 2008, 07:02
According to the "Revolutionary Views" story on the IndyCar website:
"Goodyear and lead announcer Marty Reed in the booth... Reporters Jack Arute, Vince Welch and Brienne Pedigo return to augment the pass-by-pass coverage".


Seriously, is there a petition or something we can sign? Bringing in Jon Beekhuis will make it seem more like a unification... and it will make many ChampCar fans happy!

ABC would rather stick with their pundits.

3rd April 2008, 15:50
ABC would rather stick with their pundits.

Stick or stink? ;)


3rd April 2008, 16:24
ABC would rather stick with their pundits.

He was one during the glory days of CART.

5th April 2008, 22:53
He is apparantly still working for espn/abc as he is in st. pete this weekend...covering the ALMS race.

6th April 2008, 01:14
I would love to see Jon back also, but look at it this way, we could have had rusty back instead.


19th April 2008, 05:27
I had a good talk with Jon at Long Beach. He was unaware there was so much interest in his services. He's covering ALMS this weekend for ESPN on ABC. Also the Atlantics. He would love to do Indycar but his assignments are up in the air due to the mergification.

His last words -- thanks for the support. Keep tapping them keys!

19th April 2008, 15:38
Bring him BACK!!! He was part of the ABC team scheduled for CCWS wasn't he? get him in there in the pit lane. PLEASE!!! With 28 cars, 4 reporters in the pits is almost a necessity to cover the action well. With Jon also providing the more technical spots and information it would be a nice bonus.

I still think we all just need to be patient this season while keeping the suggestions and input flowing to the IRL and ABC so we actually see improvement. They are making efforts at combining elements of the CCWS/ CART legacy, or at least giving them lip service, but to expect it to simply become CCWS with an indycar logo is expecting a little too much.

29th July 2008, 16:34
Odd that they waited until a former CC event resurfaced on the ICS calendar to get Jon on board. At least we know someone is listening to the fans.

29th July 2008, 18:02
Odd that they waited until a former CC event resurfaced on the ICS calendar to get Jon on board. At least we know someone is listening to the fans.

I hope you are right that they are listening however I would bet it was more a prioritization of talent by ESPN. In ESPN's world they feel they sent their A team to the Brickyard then filled in the ICS event with whomever had experience and was available. To me, if I am right, that says ESPN values NASCAR higher than the ICS which is a slap in the face to the ICS.

Don't read this the wrong way. I want Jon on the broadcast team and I want Marty and Scott to go away.

29th July 2008, 20:47
To me, if I am right, that says ESPN values NASCAR higher than the ICS which is a slap in the face to the ICS.

Well duh of course they do, has that ever been a secret?

A slap in a face I think not, reality of the situation more like.

29th July 2008, 21:30
Did they show Marty the door?
Will Scott Goodyear be next or was he really put in the booth as a favor to TG as the rumor persists?
Jon B. much better than Jack Arute.