View Full Version : 2007 liveries.

17th January 2007, 10:28
Are much better than the 2006 ones already. Thank God all the teams came to their senses and improved after a poor livery year. :up:

17th January 2007, 11:44
Are much better than the 2006 ones already. Thank God all the teams came to their senses and improved after a poor livery year. :up:

well.. ferrari's is different i guess, but everyone else who has launched so far have barely changed their liveries at all?!

Speaking of liveries tho, i hope red bull racing revamp their livery for this season! They have ran with the same one for the last 2 seasons now and i think its time for a change. I know most top F1 teams run with the same livery year after year after year and only change when their is a major change in sponsorships, but a team as dynamic as red bull racing should come up with something new and fresh atleast every 2 seasons, maybe even every season!

Big Ben
17th January 2007, 11:49
well.. ferrari's is different i guess, but everyone else who has launched so far have barely changed their liveries at all?!

ferrari? I can imagine how ferrari's is gonna look for the next 1000 years... RED. Diferrent stickers though

17th January 2007, 11:54
ferrari? I can imagine how ferrari's is gonna look for the next 1000 years... RED. Diferrent stickers though

yeah but it atleast looks noticeably different to the last 10 ferrari's, but i see your point

Ferrari should freak everyone out for 1 season i reckon! Just turn everyones perception of reality upside down and roll out an F1 car that isn't red! Yellow is still widely accepted as a ferrari colour so they could get away with painting their cars yellow for a season! How cool would that be! come on people power people!! Lets start an online petition ---> "Operation Yellow Ferrari!"

Big Ben
17th January 2007, 12:02
yeah but it atleast looks noticeably different to the last 10 ferrari's, but i see your point

Ferrari should freak everyone out for 1 season i reckon! Just turn everyones perception of reality upside down and roll out an F1 car that isn't red! Yellow is still widely accepted as a ferrari colour so they could get away with painting their cars yellow for a season! How cool would that be! come on people power people!! Lets start an online petition ---> "Operation Yellow Ferrari!"

:) a yellow Ferrari... Hmm... that should be interesting. :) I wanna see that. and a pink Mclaren. :)

Brown, Jon Brow
17th January 2007, 12:06
Are Toyoto going to use the same crappy messy red and white for ever???

Yes their Japanese, but can we please have a change.

BTW. A yellow Ferrari would be a joke. Besides, all the flies it would attract would put the driver off. :p

17th January 2007, 12:13
BTW. A yellow Ferrari would be a joke. Besides, all the flies it would attract would put the driver off. :p

They've been in F1 before. :p

Talking Japanese, apparently Honda are going green for 2007.

All of which is great. We don't need nearly as much red on the grid for 2007.

17th January 2007, 12:19
:) a yellow Ferrari... Hmm... that should be interesting. :) I wanna see that. and a pink Mclaren. :)


There you go, a yellow Sharknose 156 Ferrari :p :

I hope Spyker isn't the same colour Orange as last year. Because even then I had difficulty at a glance telling them apart from the Ferraris. Imagine this year with a more orange-coloured red for ferrari!

Big Ben
17th January 2007, 12:31

There you go, a yellow Sharknose 156 Ferrari :p :

Nice. I hope they'll have it again. I hope you don't have pics with a pink Mclaren. That would be too much of a disappoiment!

17th January 2007, 13:31
Toyota's Rally car liveries were far better than their F1 cars, don't know why though. Since they joined F1 they've lost the plot completely!!

17th January 2007, 13:38
Are much better than the 2006 ones already. Thank God all the teams came to their senses and improved after a poor livery year. :up:
...I don't see it. Toyota's practically identical to last year, and Ferrari's not changed much either, while McLaren's got worse (the LAST thing we needed was more red...) and the rest are yet to launch.

Hope Honda do go green though...

I hope Spyker isn't the same colour Orange as last year. Because even then I had difficulty at a glance telling them apart from the Ferraris. Imagine this year with a more orange-coloured red for ferrari!
Actually, apparently the Spykers last year looked much more orange in person (and some of the still photos bear that out). They DO need to make more allowance for the cameras though, I agree....

17th January 2007, 14:04
I hope Spyker is going to be orange, also Dutch national colour. I liked the Orange Arrows and at the moment we don't have a "real orange" car. :p :

What concerns Honda, then they haven't followed Japanese tradition as much as Toyota/Super Aguri, but nevertheless have stayed quite white since 2000, when BAR made an engine deal with Honda. I guess that even if there will be light green on Honda, then there will also be quite much white - probably more white than green.

But like some others I'm also missing yellow, my favourite colour. :( That shining golden yellow was one of the reasons why Jordan was one of my fav. teams. :p : Now probably Renault is the biggest hope for some yellow this year.

Interesting that some of you are expecting Red Bull to change. They'll probably change aerodynamically :p :, but colour theme, based on their logo, stays as long as they participate.

17th January 2007, 17:52
At least the Orange Arrows stood out more from the Ferraris.

17th January 2007, 18:23
Read a lot of rumour about Honda going green - why? Hope that's not the case - their current livery was one of the best IMO.

17th January 2007, 19:03
Ferrari should freak everyone out for 1 season i reckon! Just turn everyones perception of reality upside down and roll out an F1 car that isn't red!

We used to burn heretics. Those were the days.

17th January 2007, 22:11
We used to burn heretics. Those were the days.

Aye, those were the days indeed. Stoke up the fire and throw on a few sacreligious anti-Tifosi to really get it going. :D

As for the liveries, they're all terrible. Toyota's is too messy, BMW's boring, McLaren's is by far the worst with a shockingly bad combination of silver and day-glow red and sadly, Ferrari's is too much of the wrong shade of red.

My only hope is that Williams come out with a classical navy blue design that is clean and classy. It's a slim hope, but a hop none-the-less.

17th January 2007, 22:39
the mclaren's new livery is not as good as i thought i would be just like last years but with a blob of red on the side

17th January 2007, 22:57
Read a lot of rumour about Honda going green - why?
Basically, they'd go green to show how they are Going Green.

Hope that's not the case - their current livery was one of the best IMO.

1) It was white, red & grey in a sea of... white, red and grey.
2) All the details were for all British American Tobacco. And so it was guaranteed to change anyway (although the colours may not have, since white & red is trad for Honda).

17th January 2007, 23:11
Toyota are so boring 5 years with the same livery! And its ugly.
I think the McLarens look the best! STR looked good when standing still but you couldn't really see the bull when they were racing.

18th January 2007, 00:45
Toyota has the same livery...
BMW too...
McLaren is worse with that red spot...
Ferrari is better, NOW they´re red.

Let´s see the Renaults. If they´re like these in the "stolen" photos, they are improving.

But we need a yellow team... no more red please. And let´s hope Williams is not an inverted BMW like last year... Williams were the best looking cars for me last year, but having your "wicked twin" on the track is quite.. stupid.

18th January 2007, 02:05
Basically, they'd go green to show how they are Going Green.


1) It was white, red & grey in a sea of... white, red and grey.
2) All the details were for all British American Tobacco. And so it was guaranteed to change anyway (although the colours may not have, since white & red is trad for Honda).
The green thing sounds pretty lame - they'll look like Jaguars! Hopefully they won't go down that route.

As for the livery last year, I know it was influenced by BAT, but it still looked good. I've always liked the BAR livery since 2001 - it was a simple, classy look. Same went for their merchandise too - all very cool IMO.

18th January 2007, 03:03
Ferrari - slighty different, practically the same
BMW - Same
Mclaren - same, just more red
Toyota - Same

so far so..... BORING!!!!

18th January 2007, 04:31
yeah but it atleast looks noticeably different to the last 10 ferrari's, but i see your point

Ferrari should freak everyone out for 1 season i reckon! Just turn everyones perception of reality upside down and roll out an F1 car that isn't red! Yellow is still widely accepted as a ferrari colour so they could get away with painting their cars yellow for a season! How cool would that be! come on people power people!! Lets start an online petition ---> "Operation Yellow Ferrari!"

Not gonna happen, since the colour is Marlboro red. Marlboro will be sponsoring the team long after the cigarette advertising bans have taken full effect simply by painting the car in their distinct colour