View Full Version : Dick Cheney on drugs??

18th March 2008, 11:14
Whatever drugs this bloke is on, I want some!

"If you look back on those five years it has been a difficult, challenging but nonetheless successful endeavour ... and it has been well worth the effort,"

Is he serious. The illegal invasion of Iraq a success? Don't make me laugh! I wonder how he sleeps at night?


Tell that to the families of the nearly 4,000 US troops killed and how many injured?

Not to mention the tens of thousands of Iraqi victims (but they don't really count as they are only collateral damage).

Lets think for a moment about the original reasons for the illegal invasion. Weapons of Mass Destruction? debunked. Iraqi support for Al Quaida? debunked, Saddam behind the twin towers? debunked.


And too make matters worse the treasured Iraqi oil fields still aren't producing enough oil to pay for this illegal war.

"Among the political issues Mr Cheney discussed with Iraq's leaders was a stalled hydrocarbon law, stressing that it was important to Iraq's national development, US ambassador Ryan Crocker said later.
The law would share revenues from Iraq's vast oil reserves, the world's third largest, but remains blocked because of reluctance to compromise among Iraq's political blocs."

As an aside it's been said that the US will field it's strongest ever team at the Paralympics this year thanks to the the number of disabled veterans that will make up their team.


18th March 2008, 12:20
These attempts on the part of politicians who are soon going to leave office to try and convince the public of the positive nature of their 'legacy' really are desperate. Telling people that Iraq has gone well won't convince them into thinking 'oh well, maybe it wasn't so bad'. Saying that something will be the case doesn't make it happen, and certain politicians would do well to remember this.

18th March 2008, 12:43
I do enjoy irony :D

18th March 2008, 12:50
If Cheney is on drugs, what is Bush smoking then ? Must be very strong stuff.

18th March 2008, 20:42
If Cheney is on drugs, what is Bush smoking then ? Must be very strong stuff.

If you wanna hang out
You've gotta take her out
If you wanna get down
Down on the ground

She don't lie
She don't lie
She don't lie

If you got bad news
You wanna kick them blues
When your day is done
And you wanna run

She don't lie
She don't lie
She don't lie

If your thing is gone
And you wanna ride on
Don't forget this fact
You can't get it back

She don't lie
She don't lie
She don't lie

She don't lie
She don't lie
She don't lie

18th March 2008, 21:59
These attempts on the part of politicians who are soon going to leave office to try and convince the public of the positive nature of their 'legacy' really are desperate.

It's not just Iraq anymore...

The whole US economy is on the verge of collapse and George is dellusionally saying "We're on top of it" or something like that.

This Administration is leaving multiple piles of excrement for the new Administration to clean up.

19th March 2008, 01:59
yes EKI coke is a big part of our economy now and a big part of Colombia's economy I would wonder how many people die a year over this drug compared to casualities in Iraq. I don't think we can or will do much about it. but I worry more about crystal meth as it create very violent crimes which are now becoming very common. I would move to eliminate any and all dealing with Meth.

19th March 2008, 17:34
It's not just Iraq anymore...

The whole US economy is on the verge of collapse and George is dellusionally saying "We're on top of it" or something like that.

OMG! It is another Depression!
Inflation at 2.85%
Unemployment at 4.8%

Lets Compare!

unemployment 8.7%
Inflation 1.5%

Unemplyment 10.2%
Inflation 4.3%

Unemployment 5.2%
Inflation 3%

Unemplyment 4.9%
Inflation 3.8%

Unemplyment 7%
Inflation 1.7%

Hate bush all you want. Hate the US!
Just get your facts straight before you hate.

BTCC Fan#1
19th March 2008, 21:33
Dick Cheney in total disregard for American people shocker.

CHENEY: On the security front, I think there’s a general consensus that we’ve made major progress, that the surge has worked. That’s been a major success.

RADDATZ: Two-third of Americans say it’s not worth fighting.


RADDATZ So? You don’t care what the American people think?

CHENEY: No. I think you cannot be blown off course by the fluctuations in the public opinion polls.

I suppose 'fluctuations in the public opinion polls' will account for his record low approval ratings too, as well as how sh*te the Republicans are doing nationally, yes Dick, the world loves you and your war. What an idiot.

19th March 2008, 21:37
I suppose 'fluctuations in the public opinion polls' will account for his record low approval ratings too, as well as how sh*te the Republicans are doing nationally, yes Dick, the world loves you and your war. What an idiot.

Yes, it's all a temporary blip, isn't it?

20th March 2008, 03:08
OMG! It is another Depression!
Inflation at 2.85%
Unemployment at 4.8%

Lets Compare!

unemployment 8.7%
Inflation 1.5%

Unemplyment 10.2%
Inflation 4.3%

Unemployment 5.2%
Inflation 3%

Unemplyment 4.9%
Inflation 3.8%

Unemplyment 7%
Inflation 1.7%

Hate bush all you want. Hate the US!
Just get your facts straight before you hate.

what about the levels of debt and the US govt garnishing of unemployment numbers?

btw, Cheney is moving to Dubai and none of you are invited :dork:

20th March 2008, 04:09
Hate bush all you want. Hate the US!

You see, that's where you right wingers get it wrong all the time, just because I disagree with the illegal war in Iraq (of which, unfortunately my country is part of the Coallition of the Deluded) does not automatically mean I hate the US :confused: .

There are lot's of good things about the US, just as there are things I don't like about the place. Same could be said for my views on a lot of things about the world and countries.

You seem to believe all this crap about "either you are with us, or you are against us". Sorry Tony, but everthing isn't straight black or white, in democracies we are allowed to hold differing points of view.

Believe it or not, I have actually been to the US and intend going back at some stage, I'm just waiting for the greenback to keep falling :) .

20th March 2008, 04:29
the US govt garnishing of unemployment numbers?
What the hell is "garnishing of unemployment numbers"?

btw, Cheney is moving to Dubai and none of you are invited :dork:
Actually I would be but Dubai blows.

20th March 2008, 05:28
Actually I would be but Dubai blows.

Yes I've heard it does get a bit windy there, quite a few sand storms I believe :) .

TRILLION dollar war, maybe it is the plan of George to drive the value of the US dollar down to record lows so that a TRILLION dollars isn't such a huge amount of money!


20th March 2008, 12:36
There are lot's of good things about the US, just as there are things I don't like about the place. Same could be said for my views on a lot of things about the world and countries.

You seem to believe all this crap about "either you are with us, or you are against us". Sorry Tony, but everthing isn't straight black or white, in democracies we are allowed to hold differing points of view.

I couldn't agree more.

22nd March 2008, 03:15
Euros accepted in New York and Washington, who would have thought!


"The trend of accepting Euros as the US dollar plummets seems to have begun in New York.

Most of the stores doing it are around Times Square or in other tourist-friendly areas.

In recent days the US dollar has rallied slightly, hovering around $US1.50 to the Euro.

But some currency analysts think its recovery could be short lived so there may be more "we accept Euros" signs popping up in American shop windows for a while to come."

23rd March 2008, 04:46
Yes I've heard it does get a bit windy there, quite a few sand storms I believe :) .

TRILLION dollar war, maybe it is the plan of George to drive the value of the US dollar down to record lows so that a TRILLION dollars isn't such a huge amount of money!

So you would put a price on freedom and liberty?
The USA is engaged on it's most moral crusade since the Civil War. Maybe you want to live in a world where cartoonist fear for their lives and documentarians get assasinated but I don't.

23rd March 2008, 06:19
So you would put a price on freedom and liberty?
The USA is engaged on it's most moral crusade since the Civil War. Maybe you want to live in a world where cartoonist fear for their lives and documentarians get assasinated but I don't.

And remind us again why you're not on the front line? I've seen plenty of guys in their late 30s to mid 40s on the list of KIA, you must have some good reason why you're not partaking in this "most moral crusade".

Explain to us clearly:

23rd March 2008, 08:51
So you would put a price on freedom and liberty?
The USA is engaged on it's most moral crusade since the Civil War. Maybe you want to live in a world where cartoonist fear for their lives and documentarians get assasinated but I don't.

And how does killing tens of thousands of civilians improve freedom and liberty? Since the U.S and it's allies decided to go on a trip to Iraq the security situaition in Europe hasn't actually improved. I would say it has gone worse.

BTCC Fan#1
23rd March 2008, 17:08
So you would put a price on freedom and liberty?
The USA is engaged on it's most moral crusade since the Civil War. Maybe you want to live in a world where cartoonist fear for their lives and documentarians get assasinated but I don't.

This is an absurd arguement. How is anything the US is doing at the moment going to stop things like that from happening in places like Denmark or London? Admittedly what happened after those cartoons were published was ridiculous, but to claim that current US foreign policy is somehow going to stop this is it seems to me, equally ridiculous.

23rd March 2008, 17:15
And remind us again why you're not on the front line? I've seen plenty of guys in their late 30s to mid 40s on the list of KIA, you must have some good reason why you're not partaking in this "most moral crusade".

Explain to us clearly:
Simply because then he would be in REAL danger instead of an imaginary one.

23rd March 2008, 21:56
So you would put a price on freedom and liberty?
The USA is engaged on it's most moral crusade since the Civil War. Maybe you want to live in a world where cartoonist fear for their lives and documentarians get assasinated but I don't.

The hits keep on coming!
And I thought Rush Limbaugh was funny.

What a load.
Remember to fear the fear you're told to fear as the fear you should be fearing is right behind you telling you what, where and how much to fear that other fear.

Cheney and crews drug of choice has always been their self delusional morality and righteousness.

Crusading for oil didn't pan out.

23rd March 2008, 22:10
And remind us again why you're not on the front line? I've seen plenty of guys in their late 30s to mid 40s on the list of KIA, you must have some good reason why you're not partaking in this "most moral crusade".

Explain to us clearly:

Saw one on the TV interviewed once who explained he was holding down the home front so in that he was supporting the mission directly from his cubical, with bumper stickers, empty slogans and shopping.

24th March 2008, 01:12
So you would put a price on freedom and liberty?
The USA is engaged on it's most moral crusade since the Civil War. Maybe you want to live in a world where cartoonist fear for their lives and documentarians get assasinated but I don't.

Do the words Going to war under false pretenses mean anything to you?

24th March 2008, 05:36
And remind us again why you're not on the front line? I've seen plenty of guys in their late 30s to mid 40s on the list of KIA, you must have some good reason why you're not partaking in this "most moral crusade".

Explain to us clearly:
I am proud to say I have served my country and have seen combat.

Have you?

24th March 2008, 05:37
Do the words Going to war under false pretenses mean anything to you?
Sure does. Bosnia sucked.

24th March 2008, 11:04
Sure does. Bosnia sucked.

Can you elaborate? Were you there? Why was the war there under false pretenses? I am genuinely interested and not just trying to stir you!

24th March 2008, 11:18
Sure does. Bosnia sucked.

And these false pretenses do not conflict with you trying to take the moral high ground...how?

24th March 2008, 14:47
FWIW; Tonight and tomorrow night on PBS, (3/24 & 3/25)


As one who supported the president in going into Iraq, I almost hate to watch and realize just how naive I was.


24th March 2008, 17:36
FWIW; Tonight and tomorrow night on PBS, (3/24 & 3/25)


As one who supported the president in going into Iraq, I almost hate to watch and realize just how naive I was.

It takes a great and brave man to admit he has made a mistake. I wish Bush could do the same instead of trying to cover everything up. Then maybe he could get some respect.

24th March 2008, 19:15
Sure does. Bosnia sucked.

the USa only got involved in the former Yugoslavia because of economic reasons. ie The Yugoslavs didn't want to do things the American way.

as for the current wars for oil, how are they working out for you. going to fight for them?

24th March 2008, 20:51
So you would put a price on freedom and liberty?
The USA is engaged on it's most moral crusade since the Civil War. Maybe you want to live in a world where cartoonist fear for their lives and documentarians get assasinated but I don't.

Just how does torture and killing civillians equate to a moral crusade. I think you may have it mixed up with a morons crusade.

24th March 2008, 23:05
Yup, well worth it if you're getting a cut of the $100 a barrel.

25th March 2008, 16:23
I am proud to say I have served my country and have seen combat.

Have you?

I didn't ask "did", I was asking "doing" and why not?

Trying to squirm out of answering, eh?
Let me clarify since you seem to be having your normal problems of answering the specific question asked:

Why aren't you in the front lines of this "most important crusade"?

Not what you did in the past, not if you "saw" ie watched combat in Bosnia, not what I have done.

None of that was the question.
It is soley directed at why such a vigorous and vocal supporter of the "Crusade" is not there in an infantry unit weapon in hand.

Can't be age.
Can't be fitness, they'll get you in good enough shape.

Can't be that you already served someplace else, not when units and people have been rotated thru Iraq 3 and 4 times.

Why aren't you there NOW, since you are so vocal in support of the "Crusade".

It is a simple, direct question, and any supporter of armed combat ought to be able to give a clear and concise reason why they are, or are not, doing what they advocate.


25th March 2008, 16:55
So you would put a price on freedom and liberty?
The USA is engaged on it's most moral crusade since the Civil War. Maybe you want to live in a world where cartoonist fear for their lives and documentarians get assasinated but I don't.

Yeah, and if the British government had dealt with terrorists in the same manner as the American government does at the present, then most of Boston and New York would probably no longer exist....

25th March 2008, 22:08
So you would put a price on freedom and liberty?
The USA is engaged on it's most moral crusade since the Civil War....

"Crusade", "Holy War", call it what you want... ;)

26th March 2008, 00:21
yes EKI coke is a big part of our economy now ... I would wonder how many people die a year over this drug compared to casualities in Iraq. I don't think we can or will do much about it.

I think Eki was referring more to the trail of coke, whiskey, tyre smoke & failed businesses that started in Texas being a bit too close to the trail of blood in Iraq & Afghanistan for a mere coincidence (now where did I put that smoking gun?).

26th March 2008, 00:51
Yup, well worth it if you're getting a cut of the $100 a barrel.
That's just blind and stupid luck for ya! Who would have thought about that when it all started? I'm sure those oil refining kingpins never gave it a second thought (other than it added up to a win win no matter) ;)
It was all about something ask Cheney he'll give you the moral high ground story. :)

27th March 2008, 23:16
I didn't ask "did", I was asking "doing" and why not?

Trying to squirm out of answering, eh?
Let me clarify since you seem to be having your normal problems of answering the specific question asked:

Why aren't you in the front lines of this "most important crusade"?

Not what you did in the past, not if you "saw" ie watched combat in Bosnia, not what I have done.

None of that was the question.
It is soley directed at why such a vigorous and vocal supporter of the "Crusade" is not there in an infantry unit weapon in hand.

Can't be age.
Can't be fitness, they'll get you in good enough shape.

Can't be that you already served someplace else, not when units and people have been rotated thru Iraq 3 and 4 times.

Why aren't you there NOW, since you are so vocal in support of the "Crusade".

It is a simple, direct question, and any supporter of armed combat ought to be able to give a clear and concise reason why they are, or are not, doing what they advocate.


Looks like vop has gone MIA :) .

28th March 2008, 03:59
Looks like vop has gone MIA :) .

Well maybe after all these years of talking big and brave and how "We" need to go and kill everybody because we're For Freedom™, the solid wall of people here calling him on his big talk gave him pause and he's gone off to re-up (reenlist in Army talk) and next post we'll hear will be from Sadr City where he'll be gleefully filling anybody who moves with lead.

But probably not