View Full Version : God's existence proven by maths

18th March 2008, 10:09
I've just read an article related to a problem that was much debated on this forum:

And I remember that I used to write that science who answered to reason demands and religion who answered to soul demands are two forces that can't be reconciled. :laugh:

18th March 2008, 10:14
The entire article said nothing :s

18th March 2008, 11:59
Bollocks, I say. Never the twain shall meet. Science and religion should be seperate IMO.

18th March 2008, 12:04
I don't know science and religion are fundamentally about the same thing. i.e. Why we are all here and how we came to be here. It's just they have a fundamentally different approach. But lots of scientists are religious, just because they can say that the universe was probably created in a specific way it doesn't mean that god needs to be excluded from that equation.

18th March 2008, 14:37
— So long as the Universe had a beginning, we can suppose it had a creator, he says. But if the Universe is really completely self-contained, having no boundary or edge, it would have neither beginning nor end: it would simply be. What place, then, for a creator?

Sounds to me as if he hasn't proven anything.

19th March 2008, 07:42
or else proven by natuurkunde, cloud formations also indicate this. ;)

19th March 2008, 16:35
But did he prove the existence of Math?

19th March 2008, 20:16
I thought Homer Simpson mathematically disproved the existance of God?

20th March 2008, 16:28
We know that God doesnt exist. If he did exist, he would care for us and love us and therefore not have invented celery.

21st March 2008, 22:49
So he doesn't actually prove god exists, but more that everything else doesn't really exist?

Quite frankly I prefer this formula :p :
