View Full Version : Hamilton: #1 at Maclaren?

17th March 2008, 23:09
Well i remember during the race that hekki had alot more fuel than hamilton at the opening stint and heard during the broadcast that maclaren wanted them to have different fuel stratedgies. of course hamilton recieved the better plan of attack. question i have is, did maclaren learn from last year and decide to ditch the equal status thing?

17th March 2008, 23:15
Hindsight is a great thing, based on the events of the GP it was clear that LH have the favourable fuel strategy, however, if the safety car situation hadn't occurred then who knows how things would have turned out.

Regardless, I do believe that LH will be treated more as a #1 in the team than McLaren portray to the media.
I'm happy with that so long as HK is given a fair chance, as I prefer to see all the drivers compete for 1st place not just the number one.

17th March 2008, 23:23
Well they cant both be given equal fuel loads from a strategy perspective... Lets wait and see if the roles are reversed for the next GP before we come to any conclusions..

Valve Bounce
18th March 2008, 00:17
I suspect that Most of the teams would have had some reservations about accidents at Albrt Park and the possibility of the safety car coming out. Under teh circumstances, they would have been hedging their bets that the Safety car's deployment would not wipe out the chances of both cars. Apart from anything else, bringing both cars in to refuel at the same time would cause a 7 to 9 second penalty to the second car to refuel.
Then there is the question of tyre choices and tyre wear, which also depends on the driving style of different drivers and the lack of Trax this year.
There a re a helluva lot more variables between the two drivers in each team which have to be considered, not the leaast of which is that one guy is probably faster than the other.

Look at it this way: who, in their wildest dreams, would give equal status to Fernando and Junior? I hope this answers your question.

18th March 2008, 00:23
Of course he is number one, look at all the money ITV are throwing at him and his father.

And Kovi is too slow, he will eventually go the same way Wurz went, he is not a winner he is a test driver at best.

Put Bourdais in the Mclaren and Hamilton will have a true racer to compete with.

Valve Bounce
18th March 2008, 00:33
Put Bourdais in the Mclaren and Hamilton will have a true racer to compete with.

That didn't work out that well with Fernando - so why would it work out with Bordais? If anything, Bordais is even more aggresive from what I saw in his Champcar races.

18th March 2008, 00:50
;) Hamilton is McLaren's number 1 driver !!!

18th March 2008, 01:09
There's ALWAYS a #1 in ALL F1 teams... No matter what they say.

18th March 2008, 01:24
What? Are you suggesting a change where Ron's one and only favorite son is NO longer number 1?

Just read the quotes in my signature; that says it all for last year, when the driver who did NOT choke ended up tied in points with LH and had two prior WDC already with his name, but was clearly the driver against whom Mac, RD and LH "were racing against".

Whatever makes anyone foolish enough to think that somehow LH and HK are "equals" is beyond comprehension of people who understand liars are not to be believed.

Any statement from Mac to the contrary for this year is an outright LIE, and only those who drink enough kool aid are "believers" who would believe such lies, as they are blinded to the truth by what I suspicion to be a large quanitity of wood alcohol. :beer: But such drinking does make it easy to forget the Maclies......

Valve Bounce
18th March 2008, 02:26
I think that both drivers are given the same spec car with cars set up according to how the drivers drive. But as far as pit stop/fuel strategy is concerned, then the faster driver should be given the advantage. I do believe that at some point in a race if both cars in a team are at the front, it is pointless for them to race each other as there is a possibility they would take each other out. Same with cars running third and fourth and with no chance of catching a car in front of them.

18th March 2008, 03:14
Well i remember during the race that hekki had alot more fuel than hamilton at the opening stint and heard during the broadcast that maclaren wanted them to have different fuel stratedgies. of course hamilton recieved the better plan of attack. question i have is, did maclaren learn from last year and decide to ditch the equal status thing?
there was never any equal status - the only ones who are dumb enough to believe it are the ones who believe that lewis has nothing to do with his and Fernando's dislike of each other

18th March 2008, 10:17
[quote="Stuartf12007"]And Kovi is too slow, he will eventually go the same way Wurz went, he is not a winner he is a test driver at best.


Too slow? With the fuel loads they on qualifying, Heikki was mathematically actually faster than Lewis. And he did the fastest lap of the race.

18th March 2008, 10:21
And Kovi is too slow, he will eventually go the same way Wurz went, he is not a winner he is a test driver at best.


Too slow??. If you take into account the fuel loads they had on Q3, Heikki was mathematically faster than Lewis. Also he did fastest lap of the race.

18th March 2008, 10:30
I don't think Hamilton's Q3 lap was very good, Heikki wasn't too far behin with heavier car and Kubica was even closer despite one rather bad corner that cost him time. On race pace Kovalainen wasn't able to keep up as close as needed.

18th March 2008, 10:33
McLaren's usual mode of operating is that for one race one driver will get the best strategy and for the following race the other driver will get it. That's what the fuss in Hungary was all about last year.

So lets wait and see what happens in Malaysia.

18th March 2008, 10:43
Just for the record:

1º Ron rasing his fist in the air when Kovalainen overtook Alonso for fourth was not because of the happiness of claiming a 4th position. In my opinion had something to do with last years affair and again "we were racing Fernando".

2º When De La Rosa was asked if this year MclAren drivers where allowed to choose their own fuel strategy he said: "yes, absolutly". When asked the same question last year he said: "no, one gets the best one race and the other the next".

I hope that this makes things more clear. Hamilton was n1 last year and this year it keeps the same, but at least they let Kovalainen and his engineers to decide how much more fuel than Lewis they can have. Last year, Alonso, from his number one status at MclAren was not allowed to decide.


18th March 2008, 12:08
Look at it this way: who, in their wildest dreams, would give equal status to Fernando and Junior? I hope this answers your question.

You chose the pair with the biggest pace difference on the grid, and you expect us to take that as a serious answer?!

What about: "Who in their wildest dreams would give equal status to Lewis and Heiki, or Kimi and Felipe, or Nick and Robert, or Seb and Seb, or DC and MW, or Rubens and Jenson, or Takuma and Anthony?"
These are pretty much equal driver pairings and any of them can have the measure of their team mate.
However you chose to come with the worse there is: Alonso vs Piquet! :rolleyes:

Valve Bounce
18th March 2008, 12:14
You chose the pair with the biggest pace difference on the grid, and you expect us to take that as a serious answer?!

What about: "Who in their wildest dreams would give equal status to Lewis and Heiki, or Kimi and Felipe, or Nick and Robert, or Seb and Seb, or DC and MW, or Rubens and Jenson, or Takuma and Anthony?"
These are pretty much equal driver pairings and any of them can have the measure of their team mate.
However you chose to come with the worse there is: Alonso vs Piquet! :rolleyes:

You are absolutely correct, and the answer is "YES"

18th March 2008, 12:42

Big Ben
18th March 2008, 13:07
they had a 2 times wdc in their team and he was treated as no2 so why wouldn't they do the same with HK?

What McLaren can do for LH is hard to explain. It seems every rule there ever was in that organization can be bent these days for the wonder kid.

18th March 2008, 16:24
I don't know what the fuel loads were and nor does anyone else.

All we know is when they pitted it could have been that Lewis pitted in response to Kubica for a similar pit time. in fact, they both took on similar fuel.

With the Safety car situation in Aus, this looks like an inspired strategy to ensure that the lead driver doesn't lose a potential position due to a SC period and the 2nd car can improve.

Heikki pitted 4 laps later and took a similar amount of fuel on as both Lewis and Robert while Robert pitted for the 2nd time on 29, lewis on 43 and Heikki on 47 although they Both took on similar fuel loads.

This suggests that Lewis and Heikki had fuel loads that were similar in qualifying and Lewis was the one inconvenienced by carrying extra fuel by pitting out of sequence in response to the changes of the race.

This is called strategy and something Ferrari used to be superb at. lol Surely you recognise it chaps :)

18th March 2008, 16:44
whom ever qualified highest gets first choice of strategy.

I thought everyone knew this by now.............

18th March 2008, 16:53
whom ever qualified highest gets first choice of strategy.

I thought everyone knew this by now.............

Hang on, exactly how do you mean that.

If you refer to Q3, they already have to run race fuel, so strategy is set.......

18th March 2008, 20:01
Hang on, exactly how do you mean that.

If you refer to Q3, they already have to run race fuel, so strategy is set.......


18th March 2008, 21:47
Q2 then... where who was faster... let's see... hang on.... Hamilton?... wait... yes... confirmed.

Surely Hamilton gets some preferential treatment in McLaren(as many drivers gets and got in other teams), but sometimes it seems like everyone on this forum thinks everything McLaren does is a conspìracy and/or cheat in some way... :rolleyes: they cheated and badly last year I know but does that mean everything they do now is "bad"? why wait the answer I know many of you have arguments about it and the answer is yes...

Valve Bounce
18th March 2008, 23:31
Hang on, exactly how do you mean that.

If you refer to Q3, they already have to run race fuel, so strategy is set.......

Good point. There is every reason for not only Ron Dennis but all other leading teams to consider their best option for gaining maximum points and race positions as the season evolves and not decide on the run during a particular race weekend.

For me: Fernando get's the priority strategy until Junior proves he can consistantly finish ahead of Fernando. This is only common sense.

Same for Rosberg and Nakajima, and Kimi and Massa. It is only a small difference, and I think the advantage is grossly exagerated. But if push comes to shove and you have to refuel during a safety car period, then you sure as hell have to make sure your leading driver is least compromised by any decision.

Then, of course, you also have Ross Brawn, who would have foreseen any eventuality and who will know the right call before anything even happens.

25th March 2008, 10:24
How many here still think Kovalainen is too slow??

25th March 2008, 15:51
Qsometimes it seems like everyone on this forum thinks everything McLaren does is a conspìracy and/or cheat in some way... :rolleyes: they cheated and badly last year I know but does that mean everything they do now is "bad"? why wait the answer I know many of you have arguments about it and the answer is yes...

Except that I don't think that the Malaysian qualifying incident was 'cheating' or in any way deliberate.

It did deserve a penalty simply because the drivers should always be aware that others will be on a qualifying lap and therefore they should not be doing what the Mclaren cars were doing.

The current regulations mean that there is always the possibility of cars on a qualifier while others are saving fuel, which really needs looking at, but both Mclaren drivers were at fault.

There is no need to accuse them of anything other than not doing what they should have done.

25th March 2008, 20:33
How many here still think Kovalainen is too slow??

Ive said it here before, but lets repeat it: Heikki being faster than Lewis will be the big upset of 2008. The interesting thing is how will Lewis respond to this. Will he fight it and find more speed? Will he start making errors?

Last year he had none of that stress on him. Its a totally different ball game this year, he´s expected to be number one.

25th March 2008, 23:29
Except that I don't think that the Malaysian qualifying incident was 'cheating' or in any way deliberate.

It did deserve a penalty simply because the drivers should always be aware that others will be on a qualifying lap and therefore they should not be doing what the Mclaren cars were doing.

The current regulations mean that there is always the possibility of cars on a qualifier while others are saving fuel, which really needs looking at, but both Mclaren drivers were at fault.

There is no need to accuse them of anything other than not doing what they should have done.

well my post was made before the qualy incident in Malaysia, while I think there was no bad intentions on the McLaren drivers they certainly did a stupid mistake and clearly deserved that penalty

26th March 2008, 01:23
Ron is too smart for a repeat!!!

Lewis fans need not worry, godfather Ron will adjust the air pressure on the tires on HK's car so that "we" will not be racing HK at that point.... :D

Valve Bounce
26th March 2008, 04:14
Ive said it here before, but lets repeat it: Heikki being faster than Lewis will be the big upset of 2008. The interesting thing is how will Lewis respond to this. Will he fight it and find more speed? Will he start making errors?

Last year he had none of that stress on him. Its a totally different ball game this year, he´s expected to be number one.

Let's see if your views are reflected in your pickems for the rest of the season. That will be the ultimate test of your faith in Heiki.

26th March 2008, 06:56
Clearly the only reson that HK is doing well is cause Mac has rebuilt him as Renault apparently took him apart:

"McLaren have rebuilt Heikki Kovalainen's confidence and turned him into a Formula One driver who can push teammate Lewis Hamilton all the way this season, according to Ron Dennis.
"Heikki is a guy who was systematically taken apart last year and we have systematically put him back together again," the McLaren boss told Britain's Daily Telegraph newspaper on Tuesday.
"Give him three more races and he will be giving Lewis a real hard time.
"Lewis knows it and they are happy and joking about it. I hope as and when it becomes competitive between the drivers that the harmony keeps on," he added."

Too bad they could not rebuild Freddie, but that is hard to do when he is the one you are racing against.

Big reason hamster did not do well: No Ronnie to hold his hand last weekend

26th March 2008, 09:25
Big reason hamster did not do well: No Ronnie to hold his hand last weekend
A big reason? Really? Ron Dennis attended (http://www.autosport.com/gallery/photo.php/id/95834) the GP in Malaysia, but don't let facts get in the way :p :

Valve Bounce
26th March 2008, 09:27
Clearly the only reson that HK is doing well is cause Mac has rebuilt him as Renault apparently took him apart:

"McLaren have rebuilt Heikki Kovalainen's confidence and turned him into a Formula One driver who can push teammate Lewis Hamilton all the way this season, according to Ron Dennis.
"Heikki is a guy who was systematically taken apart last year and we have systematically put him back together again," the McLaren boss told Britain's Daily Telegraph newspaper on Tuesday.
"Give him three more races and he will be giving Lewis a real hard time.
"Lewis knows it and they are happy and joking about it. I hope as and when it becomes competitive between the drivers that the harmony keeps on," he added."

Too bad they could not rebuild Freddie, but that is hard to do when he is the one you are racing against.

Big reason hamster did not do well: No Ronnie to hold his hand last weekend

You need to take a chill pill, pal. Why don't you sit back and listen to this instead: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWZxcAeSoVI

26th March 2008, 10:21
A big reason? Really? Ron Dennis attended (http://www.autosport.com/gallery/photo.php/id/95834) the GP in Malaysia, but don't let facts get in the way :p :

And what was all this on the news about Ronnie running away and skipping the race? Guess he could not stay away.

You need to take a chill pill, pal. Why don't you sit back and listen to this instead: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWZxcAeSoVI

Better buy yourself a couple of year's supply of chill pills for when the "re-built HK" starts winning and running Hamster into the dust........ not even the kool aid will help you then (but not to worry as RD will be getting out the ole tire guage just in time)

The video was so thoughtful, thanks. U Brits certainly know how to live life to the fullest.

Unfortunately I could only watch it once because it reminded me too much of RD and LH hugging each other.. :love: .... as well as brits luving on their LH :heart:

26th March 2008, 10:26
And what was all this on the news about Ronnie running away and skipping the race? Guess he could not stay away.

By running away you mean going home after his brother had died?

26th March 2008, 10:33
You need to take a chill pill, pal. Why don't you sit back and listen to this instead: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWZxcAeSoVI Was that Nico's prerace psyche video before the Australian GP! :D

26th March 2008, 10:36
By running away you mean going home after his brother had died?
All I saw was he would be gone home. nothing about a brother or other stuff, so honker on down with valve and mellow on the video

26th March 2008, 11:21
Except that I don't think that the Malaysian qualifying incident was 'cheating' or in any way deliberate.

It did deserve a penalty simply because the drivers should always be aware that others will be on a qualifying lap and therefore they should not be doing what the Mclaren cars were doing.

The current regulations mean that there is always the possibility of cars on a qualifier while others are saving fuel, which really needs looking at, but both Mclaren drivers were at fault.

There is no need to accuse them of anything other than not doing what they should have done.

Too right Tamb :up:

I'm a McLaren fan (along with Honda and Williams) but the drivers were in the wrong and deserved the penalty. They should have been aware that other drivers may be on fast laps and regardless of these stupid regulations, kept off the racing line.

Saying that, the regs do need changing to avoid a potential accident in the future. I suggest that a "start to pit lane" formula be worked out where drivers have to be within 75% of their previous lap unless extraneous circumstances occur (rain, accident?)

26th March 2008, 11:29
Anyway ... we have to note down that the two McLaren drivers are relatively new into F1. The rules might need to be socialized more to them :D

26th March 2008, 13:05
Ive said it here before, but lets repeat it: Heikki being faster than Lewis will be the big upset of 2008. The interesting thing is how will Lewis respond to this. Will he fight it and find more speed? Will he start making errors?

Last year he had none of that stress on him. Its a totally different ball game this year, he´s expected to be number one.

Or will he start making dirty little tricks to his teammate like in Hungary 2007??

27th March 2008, 07:22
Too right Tamb :up:

I'm a McLaren fan (along with Honda and Williams) but the drivers were in the wrong and deserved the penalty. They should have been aware that other drivers may be on fast laps and regardless of these stupid regulations, kept off the racing line.

Saying that, the regs do need changing to avoid a potential accident in the future. I suggest that a "start to pit lane" formula be worked out where drivers have to be within 75% of their previous lap unless extraneous circumstances occur (rain, accident?)

Agree 100%! (except the bit about being a McLaren fan, of course!)

27th March 2008, 17:35
Interesting timing by Bernie:
Formula One supremo Bernie Ecclestone believes Lewis Hamilton 'saved' F1 last season.

"If it wasn't for the helmet, when you see Hamilton behind the wheel you might think it is Schumacher driving. He drives the same way that the impeccable Schumacher did

"He (Raikkonen) won the World Champions and demonstrated what a good driver he is. However, he goes unnoticed because he is so discreet and never generates publicity around him," Ecclestone said.

"He is the complete opposite of Hamilton, who talks quite a lot. Hamilton's attitude benefits us because he draws more attention and generates more publicity because he likes to talk.

I wish you didn't like to talk so much! Athletes NEED only to talk with deeds!
You're an insecure little man!

27th March 2008, 22:18
There is too much talk about #1 status among F1 fans. I find it strange. For many years it used to be so that in top teams one driver was clearly better than the other and there was no intra-team battle. Now since 2007 we have had some awesome teammate battles, but folks are still not satisfied. What on earth do you want then?

If Kovalainen proves to be quicker than Hamilton, I see no reason, why he shouldn't become more succesful McLaren driver. There might be bigger expectations on LH at the moment, but it doesn't mean he is hugely favoured and HK has no chance.

27th March 2008, 22:29
There is too much talk about #1 status among F1 fans. I find it strange. For many years it used to be so that in top teams one driver was clearly better than the other and there was no intra-team battle. Now since 2007 we have had some awesome teammate battles, but folks are still not satisfied. What on earth do you want then?

If Kovalainen proves to be quicker than Hamilton, I see no reason, why he shouldn't become more succesful McLaren driver. There might be bigger expectations on LH at the moment, but it doesn't mean he is hugely favoured and HK has no chance.
Truer words were nevr spoken!!
Give that man a cigar!!

27th March 2008, 22:56
There is too much talk about #1 status among F1 fans. I find it strange. For many years it used to be so that in top teams one driver was clearly better than the other and there was no intra-team battle. Now since 2007 we have had some awesome teammate battles, but folks are still not satisfied. What on earth do you want then?

If Kovalainen proves to be quicker than Hamilton, I see no reason, why he shouldn't become more succesful McLaren driver. There might be bigger expectations on LH at the moment, but it doesn't mean he is hugely favoured and HK has no chance.

Yep, I agree.. but McLaren say both drivers have equal status, so its always going to be a talking point... and its too good an oportunity for the Tifosi not to ridicule them. :D

27th March 2008, 23:15
I belive that as long as Ferrari has the upper hand there is no idea for McLaren to think on who driver they should focus more, if they do they give away points for free.

27th March 2008, 23:30
I belive that as long as Ferrari has the upper hand there is no idea for McLaren to think on who driver they should focus more, if they do they give away points for free.Tomi has a very good point here! Last race Heikki went faster in quali with more fuel.
Now there are many factors in play here. The type of track, type of surface, type of tyres, and etc,
each driver prefers qualifying on. But it's possible to play to each drivers strengths,
at least untill you are far enough along to have a more logical,
and clearly defined leader, and or strategy for optimum results!
Which is not to say McLaren aren't doing something like that already ;)

27th March 2008, 23:38
Which is not to say McLaren aren't doing something like that already ;)

Yes i think they do, now also the other Ferrari driver seems a bit under pressure and lost, there might be easy manu points to collect, I dont think neither Lewis or Kovalainen has the capasity to match Kimi, but with a bit of luck McLaren can grab the manu title.

28th March 2008, 00:08
Yes i think they do, now also the other Ferrari driver seems a bit under pressure and lost, there might be easy manu points to collect, I dont think neither Lewis or Kovalainen has the capasity to match Kimi, but with a bit of luck McLaren can grab the manu title.Iasked at the beginning of the season (when conventional wisdom was that Ferrari is slightly faster)
would McLaren concentrate a little more on the WCC in order to compensate for the lost revenue from last year?
As any f1 fan knows these two titles are by any means mutually exclusive.
On the contrary they usually go hand in hand. But if you can't have both
there is more money in it for the team if you win the WCC
I don't think those (manu) points are going to be easy to come by.
But BMW have already collected alot at the expense of both McLaren, and especially Ferrari!

I'm going to shift gears here because I want to share an F1 article I just finished.
This publication reaches a very large and diverse American audience,
that generally has no clue whatsoever about F1!! Enjoy!!

28th March 2008, 09:10
I want to share an F1 article I just finished.
This publication reaches a very large and diverse American audience,
that generally has no clue whatsoever about F1!! Enjoy!!

Do you actually mean you wrote the article? I find it hard to believe you´d be an editor. Especially since you sent me a private message saying:

Don't F()CK with me @SShole

If this is a reference to the donkey stuff then you just cannot take or understand a joke. Thats regrettable but nothing I can do too much about. The obscene language is what I dont get, but it does show what youre made of.

I wish you all the best. I could never use that kind of language towards people that I dont give a rats ass about. Please note that the rats ass in this sentence does not refer to you.

28th March 2008, 09:47
Do you actually mean you wrote the article? I find it hard to believe you´d be an editor..You see it's little chicken $#!+ comments like you pointing out a mis-spelling of "Heikki" or leaving out the word "reading"
as in "just finished reading", that makes me know you are a pu$$y and a punk!
Especially since you sent me a private message saying:..Not to F()c1< with me? Understand that I sincerely would prefer you do not!

If this is a reference to the donkey stuff then you just cannot take or understand a joke. Thats regrettable but nothing I can do too much about. The obscene language is what I dont get, but it does show what youre made of.:.. I think I made my point! Don't act so innocent yours was an insult! One you tried to give in a condescending, not so subtle, manner!

I wish you all the best. I could never use that kind of language towards people that I dont give a rats ass about. Please note that the rats ass in this sentence does not refer to you OK Cupcake, now that we understand each other, I'm will to let it go. Next time understand that some people take being insulted less kindly than others! Think next time! You don't have impunity ;)

28th March 2008, 09:56
Do you actually mean you wrote the article? I find it hard to believe you´d be an editor.

I doubt you're in a position to judge what others could write. Anyway it was clear that he had finished reading that article.

Especially since you sent me a private message saying:

At least he had the manners to keep it of the forums.
Why do you need to bring PM message up here? Why the need to wash your dirty linen in public? :rolleyes

28th March 2008, 09:56
You see it's little chicken $#!+ comments like you pointing out a mis-spelling of "Heikki" or leaving out the word "reading"
as in "just finished reading", that makes me know you are a pu$$y and a punk! Not to F()c1< with me? Understand that I sincerely would prefer you do not!

I think I made my point! Don't act so innocent yours was an insult! One you tried to give in a condescending, not so subtle, manner!
OK Cupcake, now that we understand each other, I'm will to let it go. Next time understand that some people take being insulted less kindly than others! Think next time! You don't have impunity ;)

Yes you made your point. I expect the mods to see your point too and act accordingly.

And just to make sure you understand: it was not an insult, it was a joke. If you didnt get it, I apologise but there is not much more I can do to help you. Expect to wish you all the best.

28th March 2008, 10:00
Yes you made your point. I expect the mods to see your point too and act accordingly.

And just to make sure you understand: it was not an insult, it was a joke. If you didnt get it, I apologise but there is not much more I can do to help you. Expect to wish you all the best.Apology accepted!!

28th March 2008, 10:05
I doubt you're in a position to judge what others could write. Anyway it was clear that he had finished reading that article.

Actually I am, but thats not the point here. Its the foul language I dont get. I simply dont understand what motivates that, but whatever it is I hope it gets fixed.

And he said:"I want to share an F1 article I just finished." To any professional that implies writing or editing. In retrospect the idea that he could be an editor is just plain stupid and I do apologise for even hinting to that direction.

And I wish all the best to you too, ioan.

28th March 2008, 10:11
Actually I am, but thats not the point here. Its the foul language I dont get. I simply dont understand what motivates that, but whatever it is I hope it gets fixed.

And he said:"I want to share an F1 article I just finished." To any professional that implies writing or editing. In retrospect the idea that he could be an editor is just plain stupid and I do apologise for even hinting to that direction.

And I wish all the best to you too, ioan.

Let's keep this out of the board. Maybe others aren't interested about this off topic discussion.

29th March 2008, 01:37
I just read a perceptive quote about Lewis From Webber...

"He's young and he's black, which makes him unique in this sport, but that's got a shelf life. He won't stop being black but it will stop being a novelty"

Can't imagine any other driver speaking his mind so bluntly!

29th March 2008, 02:27
I just read a perceptive quote about Lewis From Webber...

"He's young and he's black, which makes him unique in this sport, but that's got a shelf life. He won't stop being black but it will stop being a novelty"

Can't imagine any other driver speaking his mind so bluntly!
Yes I can if you put the comment back into it's original context!
I just think it is damn insightful. That is what is impressive about Mark in regard to this statement
"His career has gone off like a rocket ship but it won't always be like that," Webber told The Independent newspaper.
"He's young and he's black which makes him unique in this sport, but that's got a shelf life.
"He won't stop being black but it will stop being a novelty.
"And he'll find that some of the column inches, maybe even this season, are totally negative and totally incorrect.
"That's not easy to deal with."
According to Webber, only the British are obsessed with Hamilton and comparisons with seven-times world champion Michael Schumacher are more than a little premature.
"Look, he's talented, we all know that," he said.
"But he's been in the sport for five minutes. People compare him with Schumacher. There is no comparison.
"When he wins the championship, then he's got six more to win before he can be compared to Schumacher.

"Yeah, he had a great first year. It was extraordinary what he did. But great sports stars are measured by their longevity. Pele, Steffi Graf, whoever."

Valve Bounce
29th March 2008, 03:05
I just read a perceptive quote about Lewis From Webber...

"He's young and he's black, which makes him unique in this sport, but that's got a shelf life. He won't stop being black but it will stop being a novelty"

Can't imagine any other driver speaking his mind so bluntly!

I thought he was talking about Obama. :confused:

29th March 2008, 03:32
I thought he was talking about Obama. :confused: That’s the last time I read one of your posts while I'm eating!
You are certifiable!

29th March 2008, 09:05
Yes I can if you put the comment back into it's original context!
I just think it is damn insightful. That is what is impressive about Mark in regard to this statement
"His career has gone off like a rocket ship but it won't always be like that," Webber told The Independent newspaper.
"He's young and he's black which makes him unique in this sport, but that's got a shelf life.
"He won't stop being black but it will stop being a novelty.
"And he'll find that some of the column inches, maybe even this season, are totally negative and totally incorrect.
"That's not easy to deal with."
According to Webber, only the British are obsessed with Hamilton and comparisons with seven-times world champion Michael Schumacher are more than a little premature.
"Look, he's talented, we all know that," he said.
"But he's been in the sport for five minutes. People compare him with Schumacher. There is no comparison.
"When he wins the championship, then he's got six more to win before he can be compared to Schumacher.

"Yeah, he had a great first year. It was extraordinary what he did. But great sports stars are measured by their longevity. Pele, Steffi Graf, whoever."

Well said, Mark! And this comes from a driver who has said many things I don't agree with, but he is spot-on this time.

29th March 2008, 10:42
Let’s believe Ron Dennis word ones more..
Let’s believe what they are saying .. that McLaren have and use an equally treatment and status for their drivers.. that they don’t use Ferrari technology in their cars.. Why not.. I believe that they are speaking tell the truth this time..

Sure, the most things in the team speaks for Lewis – however what speaks to Heikki is that last year Ron Dennis made couple of mistakes, as every one (englishmen too) knows, I don't think he can do the same stupidities again. However it’s hard to believe. That should be “just too much” even for McLaren fans (I think).
Also Heikki’s season start in his new team, which was very good, much better than however I was waiting of him, speaks for him - therefore I think it’s reasonable to wait hard fight between Lewis and him even in the future. Let’s hope for that .. I think Heikki can even beat Lewis a couple of races, that good he looks today.. that will say - if Ron Dennis use it equally treatment and status between his drivers as he is all the time is speaking about. If not … then McLaren sucks.. :)

29th March 2008, 11:03
He won't stop being black

They said that about Michael Jackson ;)

Valve Bounce
29th March 2008, 12:40
They said that about Michael Jackson ;)

That was until he walked on the moon. Then he went looney and took all sorts of stuff to make himself look really weird. Now he is a piebald.

29th March 2008, 12:47
well, ill just throw in my two cents.. im nowhere near a hamilton fan. i quite like kovalainen but im not a fan of his either. but i hope to god he puts hamilton back in his place today. kovy strikes me as much more level headed, and i believe he is every bit as talented and quick as hamilton. i, for one, really hope kovy emerges as the better of the two at mclaren.

29th March 2008, 13:58
I just read a perceptive quote about Lewis From Webber...

"He's young and he's black, which makes him unique in this sport, but that's got a shelf life. He won't stop being black but it will stop being a novelty"

Can't imagine any other driver speaking his mind so bluntly!

I don't often agree with him, but he's right on it this time!

29th March 2008, 14:01
They said that about Michael Jackson ;)

Good one! :up:

29th March 2008, 23:48
Let’s believe Ron Dennis word ones more..
Let’s believe what they are saying .. that McLaren have and use an equally treatment and status for their drivers.. that they don’t use Ferrari technology in their cars.. Why not.. I believe that they are speaking tell the truth this time..

Sure, the most things in the team speaks for Lewis – however what speaks to Heikki is that last year Ron Dennis made couple of mistakes, as every one (englishmen too) knows, I don't think he can do the same stupidities again. However it’s hard to believe. That should be “just too much” even for McLaren fans (I think).
Also Heikki’s season start in his new team, which was very good, much better than however I was waiting of him, speaks for him - therefore I think it’s reasonable to wait hard fight between Lewis and him even in the future. Let’s hope for that .. I think Heikki can even beat Lewis a couple of races, that good he looks today.. that will say - if Ron Dennis use it equally treatment and status between his drivers as he is all the time is speaking about. If not … then McLaren sucks.. :)
Jas I think you summed it up very well!
The subtle humor, Priceless! ;)

30th March 2008, 02:20
Let’s believe Ron Dennis word ones more..
Let’s believe what they are saying .. that McLaren have and use an equally treatment and status for their drivers.. that they don’t use Ferrari technology in their cars.. Why not.. I believe that they are speaking tell the truth this time..

Sure, the most things in the team speaks for Lewis – however what speaks to Heikki is that last year Ron Dennis made couple of mistakes, as every one (englishmen too) knows, I don't think he can do the same stupidities again. However it’s hard to believe. That should be “just too much” even for McLaren fans (I think).
Also Heikki’s season start in his new team, which was very good, much better than however I was waiting of him, speaks for him - therefore I think it’s reasonable to wait hard fight between Lewis and him even in the future. Let’s hope for that .. I think Heikki can even beat Lewis a couple of races, that good he looks today.. that will say - if Ron Dennis use it equally treatment and status between his drivers as he is all the time is speaking about. If not … then McLaren sucks.. :)

thos who have failed to learn from history are doomed to repeat its mistakes.......so one might assume that mac will not repeat its mistakes.

But on the other hand, listening and relying on what mac has said in the past, has demonstrated that believing Mac is failing to learn the lessons of history (or fool me once, shame on you; foll me twice, then shame on me....)

30th March 2008, 10:41
Hamilton: #1 at Maclaren? ( 1 2 3 4)
Any of you old enough to remember this little number by Three Dog Night
"One" (is the loneliest number that you'll ever do)
It can be lonely "near" ;) the top!

30th March 2008, 11:59
Ah Diddums. Come back to Blighty then and pay your tax!