View Full Version : Dale Coyne Racing

17th March 2008, 19:14
So good old Dale Coyne Racing is in but Forsythe Racing is not. What's up with that... Well go Dale!!! Way to hang!

17th March 2008, 19:39
So good old Dale Coyne Racing is in but Forsythe Racing is not. What's up with that...

I heard his payroll is about 1/3rd FCR's.

17th March 2008, 20:07
Dale will announce his drivers, as in plural, on Wednesday.

Alfa Fan
17th March 2008, 20:11
Bruno Junquiera & Mario Moraes apparantly.

17th March 2008, 20:13
Excellent news!

17th March 2008, 20:45
i'm still not convinced forsythe won't be there... i mean he went on and on about how he was only gonna run 1 car last year and at some points ended up running 3! He is alot of hot air forsythe, i mean he reckons he isn't gonna race this year BUT he won't let PT out of his contract? like whats with that!

17th March 2008, 22:08
So good old Dale Coyne Racing is in but Forsythe Racing is not. What's up with that...

Dale is a buisiness man and a racer. He didn't let blind hated and ego cloud his judgement.

Dave Brock
18th March 2008, 05:39
He is and has been the single most reliable operation participating in the series over the past 13 years, does he have the respect of the average CC/CCWS fan?...most of them haven't a clue as to what he is who he is where he is or how he continues to that which he does so well.
He turns a profit each and every year no matter what the obsticle and that is MORE than commendable especially when one considers the sheer numbers of operations that have gone by the wayside in the same time period.

18th March 2008, 06:30
He is and has been the single most reliable operation participating in the series over the past 13 years, does he have the respect of the average CC/CCWS fan?...most of them haven't a clue as to what he is who he is where he is or how he continues to that which he does so well.

BS! CC fans were very appreciative of DC and his support of that series. We are not privy to his financial books (as others apparently are), but we know he kept showing up every year with his team. And that trend continues in the unified series. Great for Dale and his team. They became a favorite in CC for being the underdog and pulling off some surprise results. I'm sure they will relish the same role this year in Indy car.

Perhaps you should take closer notice of you signature. Your post didn't need to contain a slap at CC fans to make your point on DC's operation. One can certainly tell by the digs in some of the post here who really are fans of the racing and who are fans of the politics if the split.

Dave Brock
18th March 2008, 06:45
You go ahead and read into my post that which you need to to justify your attitude. Just don't try to make everyone here think YOU have the answer.
Dales operation was across the street from mine in Will Co. before he moved to the so. side of 55....FANS NEVER came around, FANS NEVER are seen with COYNE RACING apperal and Dale signs fewer autographs each year that you do, whose at fault?
For the record, how many times have YOU set around the Barb B with him as the sun set, waiting for another burger to come off the grill & another story to flow out his mouth?

AND I am NOT any lesser a FAN because I enjoy facets of racing that you have no experience with or are afraid to discuss.

18th March 2008, 07:24
You go ahead and read into my post that which you need to to justify your attitude. Just don't try to make everyone here think YOU have the answer.
Dales operation was across the street from mine in Will Co. before he moved to the so. side of 55....FANS NEVER came around, FANS NEVER are seen with COYNE RACING apperal and Dale signs fewer autographs each year that you do, whose at fault?
For the record, how many times have YOU set around the Barb B with him as the sun set, waiting for another burger to come off the grill & another story to flow out his mouth?

AND I am NOT any lesser a FAN because I enjoy facets of racing that you have no experience with or are afraid to discuss.

Sorry. Didn't realize that living in Indianapolis to be able to visit Dale's shop and collecting his autograph was the requisite for whether a CC fan knew anything about Dale and appreciated him. That leaves me out since I've never lived in Indy and don't collect autographs.

I'm not afraid to discuss CC, the split or any of the other divisive things about the last 13 years of AOW. I'm bored to tears with discussing it. CC is gone, the split is over and AOW is still pretty shaky. I'm more interested about what the future will bring. I'd rather leave the recent pathetic past of AOW behind.

I wouldn't dream of trying to make people think I have all the answers. That's your area.

Dave Brock
18th March 2008, 08:05
Sorry. Didn't realize that living in Indianapolis to be able to visit Dale's shop and collecting his autograph was the requisite for whether a CC fan knew anything about Dale and appreciated him. That leaves me out since I've never lived in Indy and don't collect autographs.

I'm not afraid to discuss CC, the split or any of the other divisive things about the last 13 years of AOW. I'm bored to tears with discussing it. CC is gone, the split is over and AOW is still pretty shaky. I'm more interested about what the future will bring. I'd rather leave the recent pathetic past of AOW behind.

I wouldn't dream of trying to make people think I have all the answers. That's your area.

I absolutely refuse to live within the confines you attempt place me for whatever reason.
I've never lived in Indiana let alone Indy, and on the whole, I'd rather live at 64:04 X 64:40 than just about anywhere else.
Your statement is full of contradiction, "

I'm not afraid to discuss CC", followed in 15 words by
"I'm bored to tears with discussing it."
for instance!

Then you appear to take me to task because you're,
" more interested about what the future will bring."
Yet my voice is not equal or as valid as yours because I am one who appreciates history, knowing that what happened yesterday will have a direct & dynamic impact on the future.
I think your expectation is that conformity to your concepts of reality is the only accecptable one and that conformity relies heavily on seeing the sport ONLY thru "fan eyes". Nobody looks ay Vegas thru losers eyes until they've been there & done that

" I wouldn't dream of trying to make people think I have all the answers."
Admitting that you did would debse yourself entirely, so to cage your stance you make an obvious statement followed by another cast aspertion, that I am in your mind OBVIOUSLY the one person that DOES have ALL the answers.
And believing ANYONE does have, submits that being to foolishness.
You really don't think I have all the answers or even 50% of them, you just needed to get even with someone you see as an adversary, like an IRL fan,
hey if it makes you feel any better, I'd feel the same way if I was in your position, I just hope you weren't sleeping with Bear Sterns too :D

18th March 2008, 12:08
Dale has earnt the respect of fans, thats all that matters and the fact he will have two cars in the series this year, Hope he wins a race.......

Dr. Krogshöj
18th March 2008, 12:24
He is and has been the single most reliable operation participating in the series over the past 13 years, does he have the respect of the average CC/CCWS fan?...most of them haven't a clue as to what he is who he is where he is or how he continues to that which he does so well.

The answer to your question is yes. Every single Champ Car fan I've met or seen posting had an enermous respect for Dale Coyne, including me. I admit though that I'm just an ignorant Champ Car fan who haven't a clue as to "what he is" (whatever that means).

18th March 2008, 13:49
I'm happy to see Dale still running a team. I remember when he was on a REAL shoestring as a driver when he first started with a stock block with everyone else practically running turbos and volunteer crew mostly from his landscaping business and Wally Dallenbach actually pulling him off course during some races because he plodded along. But he hung in there, eventually got a CART franchise, and as a businessman was even considered to be an interim head of CART at one point after those meager beginnings.

Now it's one series and Dale's fielding two cars, one with a former Indy polewinner in the saddle in Junqueira. In his whole career as a driver and owner, he has never made the field at Indy. I'd sure like to see that.

P.S. -- He's also arguably the best golfer in the racing fraternity.

18th March 2008, 13:59
P.S. -- He's also arguably the best golfer in the racing fraternity.

better than mansell??

18th March 2008, 14:06
In his whole career as a driver and owner, he has never made the field at Indy. I'd sure like to see that.

Didn't Bachelart and Zampedri make the field in 1995? And Brian Till the year before that?

18th March 2008, 16:16
Indycool, I agree with you.

Here's another Dale story. Back while he was still driving he was so tall he did not fit low enough into the cockpit to pass a rule about head clearance below the role bar. We had a tool to place on the driver's helmet with a level for accuracy to the car's settings. Dale would have a guy watching for us to walk down pit lane and he would crouch down in the cockpit as low as he could. That's a competitor. The heck with safety rules he wanted to race.

18th March 2008, 18:38
That's good news. Dale Coyne keeps on turning up and his team will be a welcomed addition to the field.

18th March 2008, 19:24
Indycool, I agree with you.

Here's another Dale story. Back while he was still driving he was so tall he did not fit low enough into the cockpit to pass a rule about head clearance below the role bar. We had a tool to place on the driver's helmet with a level for accuracy to the car's settings. Dale would have a guy watching for us to walk down pit lane and he would crouch down in the cockpit as low as he could. That's a competitor. The heck with safety rules he wanted to race.

I seam to recall a line being painted on the wall at some tracks so they could measure the drivers height at speed, was that a result of DC? Or am I smoking crack remembering this?

18th March 2008, 19:40
i'm still not convinced forsythe won't be there... i mean he went on and on about how he was only gonna run 1 car last year and at some points ended up running 3! He is alot of hot air forsythe, i mean he reckons he isn't gonna race this year BUT he won't let PT out of his contract? like whats with that!

What's with that is that he is apparently still so pissed over the takover not only will he not run a team he also wishes to deny the ICS of AOWR's most popular driver. That's some nasty grudge he's got there.


No PT :vader: No Peace

18th March 2008, 20:41
I seam to recall a line being painted on the wall at some tracks so they could measure the drivers height at speed, was that a result of DC? Or am I smoking crack remembering this?

DC was not the only driver we had to watch. Bobby Rahal and I believe Tom Sneva also had issues. I was never a part of painting a line on the wall but in the early days I could imagine that as a solution. The tool that was used in the 90's was made of 2 bars seperated by solid metal that equaled the minimum length. The top bar was placed on the role bar and using the level set over the drivers head. The helmet should not touch the lower bar. From my recolection, the cost to add height to the role bar was substaintial. The well funded teams had the work done but DC needed cash to pay for tires.

18th March 2008, 20:46
Does anyone remember who the CART CEO was that found Andrew Craig?

That's right I can't ask trivia questions...


18th March 2008, 21:48
You may in the trivia thread. ;)

My point is. There is one person that has done it all in the sport, driver, car owner, CART CEO and a person trying to develop new drivers.

Who better if he decides to get out of Indy Car racing but to lead Indy Car racing but DALE COYNE.

Glad to see my point missed by all those smarter than me.

18th March 2008, 21:53
I think they just have you on their ignore list. I dont think they "miss" what you have to say at all.

The snow ball seems to be gaining momentum.

18th March 2008, 21:55
I think they just have you on their ignore list. I dont think they "miss" what you have to say at all.

The snow ball seems to be gaining momentum.

That way I can join the countless others they have driven off the board so they can have it for themselves.

That seems bad for business, doesn't it?

Alfa Fan
18th March 2008, 22:04
!!WALDO!! is now on my block list as well.........I wish the forum would just get rid of him.

18th March 2008, 22:17
!!WALDO!! is now on my block list as well.........I wish the forum would just get rid of him.

Funny, this is the first post I read of this guy, let alone respond to.

18th March 2008, 22:50
There is one person that has done it all in the sport, driver, car owner, CART CEO and a person trying to develop new drivers.

I think you are wrong that Coyne is the ONE person to have done all that, doesn't Bobby Rahal also qualify on all counts ????

18th March 2008, 22:56
I think you are wrong that Coyne is the ONE person to have done all that, doesn't Bobby Rahal also qualify on all counts ????

Yes but from a different perspective. The perspective of the "underfunded guy". That can help with the realities of the sport, funding and low buck efforts.

Rahal got Major Domo mad when he said "CART will bury F-1" so you do not need a "lightning rod" hanging around Open Wheel.

Good response. <Exhaling>

19th March 2008, 00:50
Yes but from a different perspective. The perspective of the "underfunded guy". That can help with the realities of the sport, funding and low buck efforts.

Rahal got Major Domo mad when he said "CART will bury F-1" so you do not need a "lightning rod" hanging around Open Wheel.

Good response. <Exhaling>

Thank you for the response. You just cannot admit you were wrong and then you have add all these "qualifiers" like 'underfunded' that were never part of teh original question. You have agreat career ahead in politics.

19th March 2008, 00:52
Does anyone remember who the CART CEO was that found Andrew Craig?

That's right I can't ask trivia questions...


The answer to your question is Yes.

19th March 2008, 00:58
Thank you for the response. You just cannot admit you were wrong and then you have add all these "qualifiers" like 'underfunded' that were never part of teh original question. You have agreat career ahead in politics.

I just gave you reasons why Dale would be better than Bobby. We were talking about Dale Coyne and being the poorest team owner he was CEO and helped expand CART. Rahal walked into a firestorm of Honda and Toyota pulling out and unable to put out the fire.

So I was wrong in your eyes. I will have my girl at Raymond send you a bottle of the good stuff.

19th March 2008, 01:00
The answer to your question is Yes.

I asked that once about 7 years ago and got nothing. I think he took over for John Campingro (sp)

19th March 2008, 01:08
It's not really, IMO, a valid question, he replaced a CEO but I don't think you could say that Bill Stokkan "found him". I think the Board believed he would make them rich and make a fool out of TG, one out of two will get you in the HOF if you are a baseball hitter.


19th March 2008, 01:28
It's not really, IMO, a valid question, he replaced a CEO but I don't think you could say that Bill Stokkan "found him". I think the Board believed he would make them rich and make a fool out of TG, one out of two will get you in the HOF if you are a baseball hitter.


You're right but he was smart enough to sell his CART stock at $32.00 per share, invest the money in a track that would run the IRL and get a larger check from ISC last year.
I always like the little guy and since he is in my neighborhood I liked him the most of all the CART owners.
I do believe a leader that can relate to the little guy would be better for the sport than those only interested in their own winning.
I remember when NASCAR had D.K. Urlich, Elmo Langley, Richard Childress racing and maintaining equipment, I always thought if NASCAR needed a czar then one of those would have been the guys. Big Bill was always talking to them and other independent owners. Without the real imput of the little guy then NASCAR would have been in deep stuff.
Remember CART tried to rid itself of Dale Coyne in 1987 as that was the end of the Stock Block engine. They would have been happy if he didn't answer the bell in 1988 but he did. Four years later he was the cheese.

20th March 2008, 00:35
Sorry. Didn't realize that living in Indianapolis to be able to visit Dale's shop and collecting his autograph was the requisite for whether a CC fan knew anything about Dale and appreciated him. That leaves me out since I've never lived in Indy and don't collect autographs.

Dale's shop is in the Chicago area...

20th March 2008, 03:21
Dale's shop is in the Chicago area...

I-55 to Weber road, get on the south frontage road going west on it, when iy bends south go straight into the driveway.

Yet, I know nothing.

20th March 2008, 16:46
I-55 to Weber road, get on the south frontage road going west on it, when iy bends south go straight into the driveway.

Yet, I know nothing.

And you wonder why people have you on ignore. :rolleyes:

20th March 2008, 17:55
And you wonder why people have you on ignore. :rolleyes:

The word "Attention Ho" comes to mind. A "show-off" will leave after he realizes no one is paying attention to him. I think I'll join in after I hit the "submit" button.

20th March 2008, 18:38
So I know it all when Dale's operation is 17 miles from me and I go by it from time to time.

I think it is interesting that this place has 23,232 members and 1,663 are active.

In my day around 12% of the membership is active, with these numbers that is 2,787 members. If we reduce that by 20% that is still 2,230 or 9.6%. Right now this place is at 7.16%.
I know there are plenty of reasons but when I saw my numbers dropping like a stone, I could see why. So I came on myself and got chased off my own place.
So almost 600 missing people so with what I read of comparing me to people that no longer are posting here, then having people putting me on their ignore list that I haven't read or posted to, makes me see that something is getting out of control.

A "show-off" will leave after he realizes no one is paying attention to him. I think I'll join in after I hit the "submit" button.

Yet, there are those "showing-off" all the time by posting what they know. One of the things I learned that there are rules established by those who own these sites and if people adjust those rules to get rid of certain people that they disagree with then what stops them from getting rid of anyone? Thus chaos. I always stayed out the the fights when I owned and moderated as I was a referee, not a player. I set the rules and maintained those rules. I was constantly being asked to change the rules or make up new ones. I wouldn't of course.

It is interesting in gary's own words, this started because I disagreed with him, that's all and he assumed I thought he was stupid or something. That was his assumption but not mine.

I just think that the next person that comes in that doesn't fit a certain point of view will be ignored off also.

It is too bad, this place is really good and some info flows through but some want this place for themselves and only want to share thoughts with those that agree totally with them.

What fun is that in the world of exchanging of ideas?

20th March 2008, 21:35
If a tree falls in the forrest, and no one is there, does it make a noise?

20th March 2008, 22:25
If a tree falls in the forrest, and no one is there, does it make a noise?

I am going to make a wildass guess as to what (or whom) this refers to and say: IT thinks IT does. ;)


20th March 2008, 22:57
If a tree falls in the forrest, and no one is there, does it make a noise?

Did you say something ??? *LMAO* :laugh:

20th March 2008, 23:39
I am going to make a wildass guess as to what (or whom) this refers to and say: IT thinks IT does. ;)


Oh thank you for that, quite simple but really gave me a good laugh. :D