View Full Version : Max has finally lost it......

17th March 2008, 14:03

"My dream is for a Formula One where the drivers swap cars from one race to the other, to see who really is the strongest."

Seriously.... wtf?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

17th March 2008, 14:45
He lost it a long time ago mate...besides I think he suggested this before, like in 2002 or something? To be honest all these suggestions, whether they come to fruition or not, are turning me off faster and faster.....driver swapping, reverse grids, success ballast, single tyre formula, that silly thing with the tyres with white lines and having to use both, Q1/Q2/Q3/fuel burn/fuel corrected bollocks, engine change penalties, engine freeze, budget caps, windtunnel use limits, blah blah blah blaaaah

Somebody needs to educate the F1 powers that be on the KISS principle, with emphasis on the second S in their case.

There is a reason football, despite all it's faults and undesirable elements, is the world's most popular sport - the objectives and rules are relatively clear and simple, and as such the game is easy to follow. The F1 I fell in love with was like this - teams hired drivers and built cars to a specified set of rules, which on a Sunday afternoon lined up in order of fastest qualifying time, then went racing - whoever went quickest for an hour and a half without breaking down won the race.

But ever since 2002, which was not only an aberration, but stripping away the hype was not the most one-sided season on record by some way (1950? 1955? 1992?), there have been a number of misguided attempts at "levelling the playing field" - which have virtually all failed and instead of being removed, have had more and more layers of flimsy rules piled on top of them to try and cover them up, resulting in the farce we have today.

17th March 2008, 14:49
What a twat he is!!!!

17th March 2008, 15:07
teams hired drivers and built cars to a specified set of rules, which on a Sunday afternoon lined up in order of fastest qualifying time, then went racing - whoever went quickest for an hour and a half without breaking down won the race.

HA! Surely you jest Sir! To suggest a racing series where the fastest car and driver wins!!?? It's pure Madness!! :p

17th March 2008, 15:25
And this is the guy that called a certain J. Stewart a certified half-wit!!!!!

17th March 2008, 15:50
Seriously.... wtf?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

And you don't have any dreams?

17th March 2008, 15:53
And you don't have any dreams?

I have dreams but I'm not in a position to act on them thankfully ;)

17th March 2008, 16:02
;) Hhmmm... IMO, Mad Max "lost it" a decade ago...

he just seems to be repeating himself.

17th March 2008, 16:36
This is an old idea Max and Bernie are putting forward when they want the teams to agree to something less stupid.

What's the use to change cars in order to see who' the best driver?
Put them all in spec go karts and you'll have the answer, no need to build state of art race cars that cost a fortune.

Dave B
17th March 2008, 17:37
Max has finally lost it......
Interesting use of the word "finally" :s

17th March 2008, 18:39
Interesting use of the word "finally" :s

In hingsight yes :)

17th March 2008, 18:51
Dear oh dear oh dear.

Is some sort of strange gas pumped into the room whenever Max and Bernie meet? Both seem to be making more and more public pronouncements that really ought to remain inside their heads. In fact, do they know they're speaking out loud any more?

17th March 2008, 19:28
Dear oh dear oh dear.

Is some sort of strange gas pumped into the room whenever Max and Bernie meet?

Must be the smell of freshly printed money! :D

17th March 2008, 19:30
Must be the smell of freshly printed money! :D

17th March 2008, 19:34
Must be the smell of freshly printed money! :D


17th March 2008, 20:08
before we know it max will have a dream of a GP race on the moon lol

17th March 2008, 20:14
If they do that i'm sure they'd have the race on the dark side of the moon.

17th March 2008, 20:31
i think that the driver swap for the race is a dumb.

but adding to the race weekend with some sort of race (celebrity challenge) type where all drive the one make of car.

hmmm - donuts
17th March 2008, 22:07
If they do that i'm sure they'd have the race on the dark side of the moon.

The truth is there is no dark side of the moon - as a matter of fact it's all dark.

Valve Bounce
17th March 2008, 23:34

Seriously.... wtf?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Next he will suggest they change cars during races. I always thought the guy was nutzz!

18th March 2008, 00:44
Next he will suggest they change cars during races. I always thought the guy was nutzz!
Actually i was thinking of mandatory pits stops, at least three stops where drivers change out with their teamates on the first stop.......at the second stop, the drivers have to change places in the cars in reverse order (lead driver to last place car still running and so forth) and then for the final stint, they change back to their original car.. :monkeedan ..of course, the whole time, the race does NOT stop for these changes..... :arrows:

Valve Bounce
18th March 2008, 01:21
Actually i was thinking of mandatory pits stops, at least three stops where drivers change out with their teamates on the first stop.......at the second stop, the drivers have to change places in the cars in reverse order (lead driver to last place car still running and so forth) and then for the final stint, they change back to their original car.. :monkeedan ..of course, the whole time, the race does NOT stop for these changes..... :arrows:

How about having the McLaren driver change places with the Super Aguri driver half way through the race? Now that would be interesting.

18th March 2008, 01:49
To talk about this in F1 is indeed nuts, but I sure would love to see them all battle it out in equal machinery.. in a 1 make series but just once a year... the racing/GP equivelant of the ROC.

18th March 2008, 02:40
this may be just as nuts as max but how about a rework of qualifying where all drivers use the same cars maintained by f1 and not linked to any team to qualify.

18th March 2008, 04:50

Seriously.... wtf?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Well he lost it moons ago however this is one of his better ideas. I would swap them every 3 races so they have time to adjust to the car. That would be pretty exciting. but then you would have to have a 33 race season so I guess we could do every 2 races and go with 22 races

18th March 2008, 13:20
Actually i was thinking of mandatory pits stops, at least three stops where drivers change out with their teamates on the first stop.......at the second stop, the drivers have to change places in the cars in reverse order (lead driver to last place car still running and so forth) and then for the final stint, they change back to their original car.. :monkeedan ..of course, the whole time, the race does NOT stop for these changes..... :arrows:

How about having the McLaren driver change places with the Super Aguri driver half way through the race? Now that would be interesting.
Sorry that is what I meant about the leader having to get into whatever car was in last place, be in Super, Force India, or (cough cough) even a ferrari if it were in last place, then pit stop three switch to the original.....and done while the racxe otherwise continues..... :D

Of course team orders would be illegal and to make sure, the driver at that point CAN NOT get into the same manufacture car (otherwise you would a battle for first and the number 2 drivers would be battling for last if they were MAc or ferrari drivers...

Now I know it would be pretty stupid, but no different than American Idol or Survivor or whatever, and the TV revenue would go thro the roof......

Big Ben
18th March 2008, 13:31
I think I have a better idea. They could just put all the cars together and the pilots should run to them so however is in better shape gets the car he wants... in canada for example the drivers could start their race from the other side of the river...

or they could hide cars in different places and the pilots should look for them...

oh man... that would be great racing

18th March 2008, 14:10
As long we're throwing out crazy ideas, here's a wild one:

What if we just got together a bunch of teams who would all build the fastest race car they could, ran them all together on the track in a race, and the first one across the finish line wins?

Nah, too radical an idea. It would never fly.

18th March 2008, 14:18
before we know it max will have a dream of a GP race on the moon lol

You wally!!! What if max reads this???? Opened a can of worms :) lol

Seriously though, Max must be having flashbacks to substances he abused in the 60's.

When can this embarrassment be ditched :(

Easy Drifter
18th March 2008, 16:55
Do not forget Mad Max is a failed driver of racing cars. Note that I did not say racing driver.

18th March 2008, 17:28
As long we're throwing out crazy ideas, here's a wild one:

What if we just got together a bunch of teams who would all build the fastest race car they could, ran them all together on the track in a race, and the first one across the finish line wins?

Nah, too radical an idea. It would never fly.

I see where you're coming from, and you're a brave man to post such a controversial view here.

18th March 2008, 17:30
As long we're throwing out crazy ideas, here's a wild one:

What if we just got together a bunch of teams who would all build the fastest race car they could, ran them all together on the track in a race, and the first one across the finish line wins?

Nah, too radical an idea. It would never fly.

Think you'll have to join me in the nut-house I'm afraid!

19th March 2008, 12:09
Have to say all these stupid rules aren't needed. All they had to do was take away the traction control, lessen the down force a bit more, hey presto much closer racing.

Ferrari drive some of the best cars and were beaten by Toro Roso, Renault and Honda.

What F1 needs is Max sacked.

19th March 2008, 19:37
And you don't have any dreams?

Yes, but I'm still able to distinguish my "dreams" from delusions - unlike Max!

19th March 2008, 21:23

Seriously.... wtf?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

He's suggesting WHAT!!!!!

Seriously Max, please resign NOW

20th March 2008, 23:48
Let's make it easier. The teams get into town on Thursday. On Saturday, a random number generating program determines qualifying. On Sunday, the same random number generating program determines the finishing positions - talk about cutting the budgets!!!

(Of course, the random number software could not be developed by MES and Microsoft or we'd have McLaren with a clean sweep for the year! ;) )

Valve Bounce
21st March 2008, 00:54
I think I have a better idea. They could just put all the cars together and the pilots should run to them so however is in better shape gets the car he wants... in canada for example the drivers could start their race from the other side of the river...

or they could hide cars in different places and the pilots should look for them...

oh man... that would be great racing

I like this best of all.