View Full Version : Thumbs Up for the Mobile Phone

Hazell B
16th January 2007, 20:07
There's often a thread on here about how badly a phone company has acted, but they aren't always rotten!

Yesterday I realised my SIM wasn't working, so called Orange. A very nice Indian man did his best to help me, even though the poor devil couldn't understand my Northern accent bless him, and finally said a new SIM would be sent to me on friday. It arrived this morning! After one call (with another series of very nice but not-used-to-Tykes Indian people) I'm back on the air. Okay, I now have a bunch of texts waiting to be answered, but at least I'm back :up:

The phones were answered quickly, the people helped me as best they could, the SIM arrived faster than expected, there is no charge to me at all and the general service was brilliant.

Never thought I'd say this, but THANK YOU PHONE COMPANY :D

16th January 2007, 21:02
The cellphone is a great invention. :D

In fact it has replaced my home phone completely.
(I had the home phone turned off, why have one if you don't use it?)

16th January 2007, 21:09
customer service with a mobile phone company is usually better than a home phone company

16th January 2007, 21:12
best feature of a mobile phone is an unlimited air time plan

16th January 2007, 21:15
i hate to get a text message

16th January 2007, 21:17
i got a bunch of text messages and i had to pay extra for them

16th January 2007, 21:19
wonder if anyone uses all of the features available on a mobile phone?

16th January 2007, 21:21
does anyone use it strictly as a phone?

16th January 2007, 21:24
The only thing I don't like about my mobile phone is that it doesn't ring nearly enough...

Oh, and the rubber strips have fallen off the faceplate. but those are the only troubles it's given me in almost three years. and Vodafone, the company? No trouble at all either.

16th January 2007, 21:24
no matter what ringtone i use it scares me when it rings

16th January 2007, 21:26
be careful downloading ringtones as sometimes there are hidden costs

16th January 2007, 21:37
There are plenty of text-based scams out there.

16th January 2007, 23:05
no matter what ringtone i use it scares me when it rings

Same here. I keep thinking it's the boss calling :uhoh:

16th January 2007, 23:14
More often than not it's a wrong number for me...

16th January 2007, 23:58
does anyone use it strictly as a phone?


Believe it or not.

17th January 2007, 08:03
oh yes, the telephone co. wants $35 a month for a land line

my mobile is $50, including free long distance, roaming, caller id, call waiting, voicemail, messaging, free nights and weekends

i save quite a bit

17th January 2007, 08:48
The cellphone is a great invention. :D

In fact it has replaced my home phone completely.
(I had the home phone turned off, why have one if you don't use it?)

Yes! :up: And do you know what I also like? The refrigerator! :cool:

In fact it has replaced my home's underground cave completely.
(I had the cave filled in, why have one if you don't use it?)

:p :

Valve Bounce
17th January 2007, 11:31
There are plenty of text-based scams out there.

I had read something about this some time ago, and the threat of text based scams does worry me to the point where I honestly feel that this deserves a thread on its own for discussions and warning the unwary (like me) :(

It seems that one of the scams involves someone texting to say they want to catch up with you, and when you call them, your call is diverted to a number which charges you for the call.

Others include telling you that you've won something or other and when you call back, you are put on hold at enormous charge.

That's all I can remember.

17th January 2007, 11:54
Got to agree with you Hazell, from the experience Ive had Orange are by far the best network.

Hazell B
17th January 2007, 23:58
Got to agree with you Hazell, from the experience Ive had Orange are by far the best network.

To be fair, this was my first time calling them for anything - and I've had their network about three years or so - so it's good to hear somebody else say they're okay too.

Are there a load of posts missing from this thread?
I hope it's not had spammers on it :mark:

18th January 2007, 00:11
I had read something about this some time ago, and the threat of text based scams does worry me to the point where I honestly feel that this deserves a thread on its own for discussions and warning the unwary (like me) :(

It seems that one of the scams involves someone texting to say they want to catch up with you, and when you call them, your call is diverted to a number which charges you for the call.

Others include telling you that you've won something or other and when you call back, you are put on hold at enormous charge.

That's all I can remember.

I was thinking of one about texting the answer to a question to a particular number, and if you get it right you can win something. However, you get asked four more questions at a charge of $3.00 per text received. you've spent something like $20.00 by the end. An Australian company runs that one :p :

Are there a load of posts missing from this thread?
I hope it's not had spammers on it :mark:

Are there?

18th January 2007, 00:34
..... Are there a load of posts missing from this thread?
I hope it's not had spammers on it :mark:
There are a few posts missing, however spammers are not involved.
Some posters were shown the door & their posts "eliminated" with them. :s

18th January 2007, 01:40
It seems that one of the scams involves someone texting to say they want to catch up with you, and when you call them, your call is diverted to a number which charges you for the call.

Others include telling you that you've won something or other and when you call back, you are put on hold at enormous charge.

I've always figured that if it's urgent enough, whoever it is will call back.

I can smell spam a mile off and I'm glad I don't fall for scams :D :up:

Had my new phone for about six weeks and there's a big scratch on the screen already cos I had the ca keys in my pocket with it :bigcry:

18th January 2007, 01:52
As far as the "You have won..." nonsense goes, does anybody stop and wonder how they won a contest that they didn't enter?

Or does the lure of "free stuff" cause the brain to go into the stand-by mode?

18th January 2007, 10:24
I'm glad to know that you all think Orange is a good company, After three years with Vodafone I recently switched to Orange.

18th January 2007, 12:20
The joystick on my Sony Ericsson is starting to go a bit, but luckily enough I think that I can get a replacement handset whenever I want because of my contract

Yeah :D

18th January 2007, 22:02
There are a few posts missing, however spammers are not involved.
Some posters were shown the door & their posts "eliminated" with them. :s

Now that you mention it I have noticed that there are a few missing...

My question is, why?

19th January 2007, 00:35
It was a terrible misunderstanding. :s

19th January 2007, 08:47
To be fair, this was my first time calling them for anything - and I've had their network about three years or so - so it's good to hear somebody else say they're okay too.

Are there a load of posts missing from this thread?
I hope it's not had spammers on it :mark:

Yes there are. Myself and at least one other person though that there was a suspiciously high amount of one line replies in this one thread from members with very low post counts. So Mark checked and they all had the same IP address. Don't ask me why you'd pretend to be 10 different people on a forum :crazy: ah well no loss really is it? :)

19th January 2007, 22:48
Yes there are. Myself and at least one other person though that there was a suspiciously high amount of one line replies in this one thread from members with very low post counts. So Mark checked and they all had the same IP address. Don't ask me why you'd pretend to be 10 different people on a forum :crazy: ah well no loss really is it? :)

Very strange. Very Very strange. Well, as you say, no loss really. But you really have to wonder why you'd pretend to be 10 people...

19th January 2007, 22:55
Multiple Personality Disorder isnt it?

20th January 2007, 22:00
:s I can't think of any other reason...