View Full Version : ChampCar website

14th March 2008, 22:33
Will someone from the IRL please kill the ChampCar website ? Or at least have it redirect to IndyCar.com ? I remember when America West bought out US Airways, the America West website automatically redirected to the US Airways website. Same thing when American bought TWA, the TWA website redirected to AA.com immediately after the merge. It's just plain depressing to see.

15th March 2008, 00:32
yep it needs to happen.


all need to redirect.

problem is, champ car sacked all the staff with the access info. But i'm sure theres someone with enough of an IQ at the IRL to go in and sort it out.

15th March 2008, 05:29
yep it needs to happen.

Speak for yourself.

I'm still getting some great photos, and history to save for prosperity!!

Will we ever see the signature Champcar hoop behind the helmet again??

Great cars!!! :(

15th March 2008, 05:56
Speak for yourself.

I'm still getting some great photos, and history to save for prosperity!!

Will we ever see the signature Champcar hoop behind the helmet again??

Great cars!!! :(


Dr. Krogshöj
15th March 2008, 11:54

All these should redirect to indycar.com, but the content shouldn't be deleted. There should be a small link somewhere at indycar.com such as "Browse the old Champ Car website" or something so that statistics and photos could be accessed.

15th March 2008, 13:21
'Spect it has something to do with the legal mumbo-jumbo and bankruptcy court that's going on right now because they said they bought the "intellectual property."

15th March 2008, 14:07
Has anything official been signed? Last I heard, it was an "agreement in principle".

Some people sure are in a hurry to bury the remains.

15th March 2008, 14:15
you guys remember they still have a race left right?

15th March 2008, 15:10
I think it's important to remember that Champ Car isnt dead, at least not yet, they have one race left, the Long Beach GP, after that it may be an idea to wind up the website and incorporate the stats and other historic data into the Indycar website.

15th March 2008, 18:10
You guys are sooo threatened by Champ Car that it is ridiculous.

15th March 2008, 18:21

15th March 2008, 19:28
You guys are sooo threatened by Champ Car that it is ridiculous.

I think I see his point. I think he means that it's a little weird how some just can't handle having anything Champcar related around anymore. Like if it just went away, we could all just treat it like it never existed.

Well for me it lives on, and I hope it is molded in to Indycar.

If it isn't, I for one wouldn't want to be a part of what Indycar is right now. But, Indycar has a huge opportunity to become much more than it was/is.


15th March 2008, 21:50
I think I see his point. I think he means that it's a little weird how some just can't handle having anything Champcar related around anymore. Like if it just went away, we could all just treat it like it never existed.

it is not like that for me at all. For me my I will always love the Champ Car formula far more than I will ever like the current IRL formula.

However, I have accepted the "merger" and maybe one day, with a new and improved formula the IRL might win me over like cart/champ car did.

But, at the moment we have three URL's (champcar.ws, champarworldseries.com and cart.com) that take us a website that hasn't been updated for over a month and won't be updated again (theres no one leftin the cc office to do it!)

Now that the sport is unified it would make sense to divert any traffic still going to these three url's to one one that is current... indycar.com. For many years i still used cart.com as it was easier and i had it bookmarked. It still took me to the champcar website even after CART was gone. To get traffic like that the IRL would be wise to put the redirections in place.

The champ car site will never be forgotten, ever tried http://www.archive.org/ ??? it takes regular snapshots of the web and you can browse nearly any website on any given date in the past. for years to come you will still be able to see the content from the champ car website.

Champ Car/CART and its history is not being forgotten by the IRL. Take the townsend Bell article from the other week as an example. It claimed he had 23 starts. If you look at the stats he has 12 IRL and 11 CART starts. The series is already starting to merge the stats in so nothing wll be forgotten and this started happening almost immediatly after the announcement.

And just as a safeguard I am currently using a nice little tool which is downloading the entire contents of champcarworldseries.com to my PC. html, Pictures, pdf's the lot (not race director stuff) When its finished I'll make it available on a torrent site or two. So you can keep a historical record if you so wish.

But getting redirections in place is not about forgetting champ car, it is about moving forward and making sure no fans are lost or "out of the loop" in the transition. What good is it having fans going to a website that hasn't been updated and so has no reference of the merger evening happing!

16th March 2008, 05:17
The champ car site will never be forgotten, ever tried http://www.archive.org/ ??? it takes regular snapshots of the web and you can browse nearly any website on any given date in the past. for years to come you will still be able to see the content from the champ car website.

I just checked the archive and very little of the content was available.

The archive works great for static HTML pages but it SUCKS for any pages that are dynamically built from databases.


IndyCar Garage
16th March 2008, 19:18
The Champ Car fan club site is done as well. I hope the 5,000+ fan club members are planning to follow the IndyCar Series. The more the merrier!

-IndyCar Garage

17th March 2008, 00:26
The Champ Car fan club site is done as well. I hope the 5,000+ fan club members are planning to follow the IndyCar Series. The more the merrier!

-IndyCar Garage

Why would we follow? American Open Wheel Racing has officially been declared dead. Facts are the TG nor the IRL has what it takes to bring AOWR to what it was in the CART days. I won't follow the IRL as I am not an oval or a Tony George fan. Sad to say that TG is personally responsible for the death of American Open Wheeled Racing and anyone that thinks that with the two series together that all is well is just kidding themselves. No need to blast me or throw insults my way, let's see where it is two years from now. I can assure you that seats will be empty at Indy even more than they are today, the field will weed itself down to 18-19 cars max. This time the IRL fans can't blame CART or Champcar but it will be interesting to see what excuse they come up with. Meanwhile ALMS is signing manufactures and will take up the void due to Champcar's demise. Funny how many of the current IRL and ex-IRL tams are now running in the ALMS.

17th March 2008, 00:30
Why would we follow? American Open Wheel Racing has officially been declared dead. Facts are the TG nor the IRL has what it takes to bring AOWR to what it was in the CART days. I won't follow the IRL as I am not an oval or a Tony George fan. Sad to say that TG is personally responsible for the death of American Open Wheeled Racing and anyone that thinks that with the two series together that all is well is just kidding themselves. No need to blast me or throw insults my way, let's see where it is two years from now. I can assure you that seats will be empty at Indy even more than they are today, the field will weed itself down to 18-19 cars max. This time the IRL fans can't blame CART or Champcar but it will be interesting to see what excuse they come up with. Meanwhile ALMS is signing manufactures and will take up the void due to Champcar's demise. Funny how many of the current IRL and ex-IRL tams are now running in the ALMS.

Absolutely dead on. How did he do this? One person who owns a track?

Sad to say that TG is personally responsible for the death of American Open Wheeled Racing.

17th March 2008, 01:03
Sad to say that TG is personally responsible for the death of American Open Wheeled Racing and anyone that thinks that with the two series together that all is well is just kidding themselves.

I disagree. While Mr. George, as the owner and custodian of the centrepiece and driving force of the sport must shoulder the lion's share of blame, there are others who shared in the sport's rapid and shocking decline.

The unfortunate thing about the consolidation, of course, is that almost all of these aiders and abettors, including the most culpable, are still involved.

As far as naivete about the consolidation goes, I tend to agree, with the caveat that things COULD change. However, I think it is far from cynical to look at the body of evidence we have before us and, based on it, be pessimistic about the growth potential of the sport.

17th March 2008, 02:29
There are abandoned web sites all over the place - whay the he** does it matter that the CC site is still there. Anybody who goes there is sure as he** not looking for the IRL - or they would just go straight there. How about they just put a re-direct link on it - inside the CC site- for those that stumble there by accident.

Remember, nobody knew what cc was-- right. So why does it matter. It is true that it might be a reminder of those European races - which of course- are "unrealistic" for an american based series. The revisionist historians are working overtime already.... Do you guys want all the cc fans to turn in thier old cc shirts to,,, Maybe a CC shirt "Buyback program" will help rid the stands of CC stuff. Then again, I am not sure that is going to be a problem anyway.

17th March 2008, 11:10
FerrrariF1, you should probably add an IMO to most of that.

17th March 2008, 14:30
Why would we follow? American Open Wheel Racing has officially been declared dead. Facts are the TG nor the IRL has what it takes to bring AOWR to what it was in the CART days. I won't follow the IRL as I am not an oval or a Tony George fan. Sad to say that TG is personally responsible for the death of American Open Wheeled Racing and anyone that thinks that with the two series together that all is well is just kidding themselves. No need to blast me or throw insults my way, let's see where it is two years from now. I can assure you that seats will be empty at Indy even more than they are today, the field will weed itself down to 18-19 cars max. This time the IRL fans can't blame CART or Champcar but it will be interesting to see what excuse they come up with. Meanwhile ALMS is signing manufactures and will take up the void due to Champcar's demise. Funny how many of the current IRL and ex-IRL tams are now running in the ALMS.
If you are not planning to follow the league then it is not very smart to visit and post on this forum, it is a waste of your precious time, now, if you decide to waste your time you are free to stay, but if your only contributions are going to be "OW in NA is dead, I hate the new league, the new series will fail", etc, etc, etc, you will find that your posting privileges will be remove.

17th March 2008, 14:33
American Open Wheel Racing has officially been declared dead.

Decalared dead by who? At least who that matters? 300 children on an internet hate site that probably did more to bring about the death of CCWS than any other single factor?

Looks like ABC/ESPN is still in. Looks like Firestone is still in. Looks like Honda is still in. Just who with any juice AT ALL has declared Americen Open WHeel Racing dead? I'd really like to know.

Facts are the TG nor the IRL has what it takes to bring AOWR to what it was in the CART days.

What exactly is your evidence that ANYONE can bring AOW back to that point again? I would submit to you that TG has shown he and the IRL have the staying power to outlast a couple of series that couldn't seem to avoid bankruptcy. And that involves no speculation, it's a fact.

I won't follow the IRL as I am not an oval or a Tony George fan.

First of all, then why are you still here?

More important, what does TG have to do with anything. Did you go to CCWS
races to see KK and GF, or did you go to see the drivers race? What is the difference?

Not that it matters. Regrowing AOW racing will be best done without some fans who say they won't watch the ICS, but we all know they do anyway. Just who do you think you are impressing with that line?

Sad to say that TG is personally responsible for the death of American Open Wheeled Racing.....

Looks alive and well to me. Looks like about 27 or more cars on the grid this year.

....and anyone that thinks that with the two series together that all is well is just kidding themselves.

I know of no one who thinks all is well. Would you give us an example of a person who does? Lots of hard work ahead by folks who have an attitude to build rather than tear down.

No need to blast me or throw insults my way, let's see where it is two years from now.

But it is OK for you to throw all the insults you want, right?

I can assure you that seats will be empty at Indy even more than they are today, the field will weed itself down to 18-19 cars max.

How can YOU assure anyone of anything? You WISH that happens so you can be proven correct, but you can ASSURE absolutely nothing! You have no stake in any of this and control nothing but what YOU do.

This time the IRL fans can't blame CART or Champcar but it will be interesting to see what excuse they come up with.

Actually, the question as I see it is what excuses will YOU come up with when you are proven wrong in your prediction? You are the one who seems to need to use TG as an excuse for the failure of CCWS.

Meanwhile ALMS is signing manufactures and will take up the void due to Champcar's demise. Funny how many of the current IRL and ex-IRL tams are now running in the ALMS.

Hey, it's all good. The more racing, the better, AFAIC.

17th March 2008, 21:54
He's not alone...

18th March 2008, 01:28
I think it's important to remember that Champ Car isnt dead, at least not yet, they have one race left, the Long Beach GP, after that it may be an idea to wind up the website and incorporate the stats and other historic data into the Indycar website.

Champcar is dead. The LBGP is an IRL event, using the Champcar Panoz chassis.

There is no one left to even turn out the lights.

18th March 2008, 02:06
Champcar is dead. The LBGP is an IRL event, using the Champcar Panoz chassis.

There is no one left to even turn out the lights.

Not exactly correct there Eagle Eye. LB is a ChampCar event in ChampCar Panoz chassis with ChampCar staff providing officiating, medical and safety, among other departments. Tony Cotman from the IRL will be the race director and the race positions will earn points in the IRL Championship, but it is a ChampCar race in ChampCar's with the remaining crew of ChampCar staff providing the manpower. (Remember, the IRL is in Japan that day) This will be the last race for most of them since all of them were denied jobs at the IRL. I still do not understand why the website bothers the IRL folks so much. Does the comparison with ChampCar hurt so much that you can't just leave it alone.

18th March 2008, 02:52
Sandfly, that website is important to preserve the history of ALL of this exercise that some have deemed the national driving championship. CC CLAIMED Ted Horn's record as something ongoing, which was BS but the races and events of CART and CC should be preserved.

18th March 2008, 04:52

Dave Brock
18th March 2008, 05:31
Why would we follow? American Open Wheel Racing has officially been declared dead.

Facts are the TG nor the IRL has what it takes to bring AOWR to what it was in the CART days. I won't follow the IRL as I am not an oval or a Tony George fan. Sad to say that TG is personally responsible for the death of American Open Wheeled Racing and anyone that thinks that with the two series together that all is well is just kidding themselves. No need to blast me or throw insults my way, let's see where it is two years from now. I can assure you that seats will be empty at Indy even more than they are today, the field will weed itself down to 18-19 cars max. This time the IRL fans can't blame CART or Champcar but it will be interesting to see what excuse they come up with. Meanwhile ALMS is signing manufactures and will take up the void due to Champcar's demise. Funny how many of the current IRL and ex-IRL tams are now running in the ALMS.

I seem to recall that the "official word" had been put out that "the IRL will never turn a wheel" and the FACT is that you in all likelyhood have no clue as to what the FACTS are, and your assurences are as valuable as your fantasies.
There were seats open at Bristol this last w/e, what does that prove?
ALMS is in such fine shape that they cannot keep the lessor cars from beating up on the big expensive ones...so why run that class ..as a promoter or as a driver or car owner?

Besides that, it predicated on some French race when it never races there!

18th March 2008, 19:55
I still do not understand why the website bothers the IRL folks so much. Does the comparison with ChampCar hurt so much that you can't just leave it alone.

Frankly, the CCWS website doesn't bother me one little bit. Unless I miss my guess, it will sit there, just like it is right now, until the domain registration expires. One day you will click on it, and it will just be gone. I understand that no one has the access authority necessary it takes to change anything, and, considering the shoddy way CCWS was run over the off season, I believe Eagle Eye is right, there is no one left with the authority to even shut it down.

So, if it is important to you, my advice is to enjoy it while you can.

Mark in Oshawa
21st March 2008, 02:00
Why would we follow? American Open Wheel Racing has officially been declared dead. Facts are the TG nor the IRL has what it takes to bring AOWR to what it was in the CART days. I won't follow the IRL as I am not an oval or a Tony George fan. Sad to say that TG is personally responsible for the death of American Open Wheeled Racing and anyone that thinks that with the two series together that all is well is just kidding themselves. No need to blast me or throw insults my way, let's see where it is two years from now. I can assure you that seats will be empty at Indy even more than they are today, the field will weed itself down to 18-19 cars max. This time the IRL fans can't blame CART or Champcar but it will be interesting to see what excuse they come up with. Meanwhile ALMS is signing manufactures and will take up the void due to Champcar's demise. Funny how many of the current IRL and ex-IRL tams are now running in the ALMS.

You want some cheese with your WHINE????

Grow up. I have no more love for what Tony George did 13 years ago than you do, but I also realized that this is a business that has evolved backwards into a real mess. This merger was the only real hope of survival either series had long term. That said, it was CCWS that died, not the IRL. KK and Gerry tossed the series under the bus because they got tired of writing checks. It was obvious last year and you didn't want to see it then. Well, it has happened and we have to move on.

If you dislike what this series will be, why are you posting on the boards telling us how stupid we are? You must need a life awfully bad. I think the new series will be awkward at first, but I am hopeful over time, it will evolve into something worth having. The fact they will at least have a healthier business model will be a start, and they are keeping enough Champ Car venues that I am given hope that something new will grow. Do I like everything about this new merged series? No....I am not a huge fan of the car and about 2 or 3 of the venues, but hey, that is ok, I watch NASCAR and hate about 6 of the venues they go to too. It is a fact of life that business models and people with money and influence are going to change professional sport in ways I may not like. They make enough changes, I don't get mad..I will just go away. If you dont' like the IRL/ICS or what it will be....just go away.....