View Full Version : OK seriously what the hell is with Forsythe????

14th March 2008, 00:17
I was going to make a list of everything that had gone on over the last few years but it started getting silly.

But now, now Forsythe opens Forsythe Performance Research?? Like seriously what is with this guy? Neil Micklewright will be VP and yup their first contract is with Conquest but theyre planning on branching out to..., well every other form of motorsport by the looks of it.

I suspect this may have to do with the "must show support for the merger" clause in the deal between the amigos and TG.

The really big thing here for me is, and I'll prefice this by saying Ive always supported FCR and its drivers, but its not like theyve been the heavy hitters over the years, sure theyve done well but theyre certainly not Newman/Haas.

14th March 2008, 00:45
I was going to make a list of everything that had gone on over the last few years but it started getting silly.

But now, now Forsythe opens Forsythe Performance Research?? Like seriously what is with this guy? Neil Micklewright will be VP and yup their first contract is with Conquest but theyre planning on branching out to..., well every other form of motorsport by the looks of it.

I suspect this may have to do with the "must show support for the merger" clause in the deal between the amigos and TG.

The really big thing here for me is, and I'll prefice this by saying Ive always supported FCR and its drivers, but its not like theyve been the heavy hitters over the years, sure theyve done well but theyre certainly not Newman/Haas.

Your post has no point to it. What exactly are you trying to say? GF is running a business and has people he needs to pay.

Re-read your post, then try explaining it better.

14th March 2008, 01:34
Your post has no point to it. What exactly are you trying to say? GF is running a business and has people he needs to pay.

Re-read your post, then try explaining it better.

Actually, Jason's post makes perfect sense to me and seems to have a very distinct point.

14th March 2008, 02:43
My point is that GF was in, then went in alllllll the way in, then pulls about 99% out then jumps in with this new business.

I know he doenst have to justify what hes done to me or anyone else but it just seams weird this process hes gone through.

14th March 2008, 02:44
Jason remember he hired a bunch of NHL guys in the off season? This is probably a way to keep paying those guys just in case he wants to run Indy or later or next year.

14th March 2008, 03:28
I was going to make a list of everything that had gone on over the last few years but it started getting silly.

But now, now Forsythe opens Forsythe Performance Research?? Like seriously what is with this guy? Neil Micklewright will be VP and yup their first contract is with Conquest but theyre planning on branching out to..., well every other form of motorsport by the looks of it.

I suspect this may have to do with the "must show support for the merger" clause in the deal between the amigos and TG.

The really big thing here for me is, and I'll prefice this by saying Ive always supported FCR and its drivers, but its not like theyve been the heavy hitters over the years, sure theyve done well but theyre certainly not Newman/Haas.

Maybe he's taking it slow and I would definitely agree with him if that's what he's doing.

Remember, during the split he was one of the most anti-IRL. Then he's involved with ownership of the series on top of his own team. That's a lot of payroll to cover with no sponsorship. But lately, he's been acting up like a 5 year old kid but then again, we don't know what he's trying to do. In a long run, I believe he'd be back in IndyCar. Same as Walker.

14th March 2008, 03:43
Maybe he's taking it slow and I would definitely agree with him if that's what he's doing.

Remember, during the split he was one of the most anti-IRL. Then he's involved with ownership of the series on top of his own team. That's a lot of payroll to cover with no sponsorship. But lately, he's been acting up like a 5 year old kid but then again, we don't know what he's trying to do. In a long run, I believe he'd be back in IndyCar. Same as Walker.

I think the reason he is running this program is to pay the people he has employed already. The secondary reason he is running this program is, he will be getting paid to learn about the Dallara before he goes racing with it either this year at Indy, or next year full time. That way he doesn't start with 0 knowledge, and doesn't run around at the back of the pack, paying 10 million a year per car.

But to start the thread with a title like that is uncalled for. He wants to cut his losses, so, he is going to change is business strategy.

14th March 2008, 03:59
Remeber Micklewright saying he would try to keep the team together for an 09 run and Paul saying on WT he was trying to change GF's mind? Maybe this is a compromise that was reached. GF keeps the team intact and gains knowledge by working with Conquest with a possibility of coming back in 09.

14th March 2008, 04:02
Remeber Micklewright saying he would try to keep the team together for an 09 run and Paul saying on WT he was trying to change GF's mind? Maybe this is a compromise that was reached. GF keeps the team intact and gains knowledge by working with Conquest with a possibility of coming back in 09.

But then where does all this leave PT??? <<<Rhetorical question alert!>>>


14th March 2008, 13:35
Leaves him "confused," maybe, Gary? It sure leaves me confused.

14th March 2008, 13:39
Leaves him "confused," maybe, Gary? It sure leaves me confused.

Exactly. :confused:

14th March 2008, 15:10
Has anyone ever found consistent rational behaviour with Forsythe's approach to motorsports? I sure haven't, so I would not even guess to Forsythe's next move.

14th March 2008, 15:23
Has anyone ever found consistent rational behaviour with Forsythe's approach to motorsports? I sure haven't, so I would not even guess to Forsythe's next move.

Sure looks that way.

14th March 2008, 15:32
Jason remember he hired a bunch of NHL guys in the off season? This is probably a way to keep paying those guys just in case he wants to run Indy or later or next year.

I think they hired 18 new people

15th March 2008, 03:57
Maybe he's taking it slow and I would definitely agree with him if that's what he's doing.

Remember, during the split he was one of the most anti-IRL. Then he's involved with ownership of the series on top of his own team. That's a lot of payroll to cover with no sponsorship. But lately, he's been acting up like a 5 year old kid but then again, we don't know what he's trying to do. In a long run, I believe he'd be back in IndyCar. Same as Walker.

Like Minardi, he'd rather wait until its a more level playing field with less risk. Crash damage on one of these ovals could be terminal.

15th March 2008, 08:31
Has anyone ever found consistent rational behaviour with Forsythe's approach to motorsports? I sure haven't, so I would not even guess to Forsythe's next move.

Once, but sure not lately. Forsythe needs to clarify his intententions, especially to the people he employs. I don't the internal workings, but he's sure starting to look like Captain Ahab from the outside.

15th March 2008, 19:22
well, looks like a few of his people have been taking in the action at Sebring this week. He is making inquiries about entering the American Le Mans Series, no present information as to which category he will race in.

So, it looks as he will not be entering the IndyCar Series.

15th March 2008, 20:20
Remember, during the split he was one of the most anti-IRL. Then he's involved with ownership of the series on top of his own team. That's a lot of payroll to cover with no sponsorship. But lately, he's been acting up like a 5 year old kid but then again, we don't know what he's trying to do. In a long run, I believe he'd be back in IndyCar. Same as Walker.

Bingo. Exactly. Except I don't think he'll ever let bygones be bygones. If he does come back, the first time he doesn't like a decision, all of the old wounds will open up.

As people who've left a bad job situation or gone thru a divorce will tell you, sometimes you just can't go back.

Skid Marx
16th March 2008, 02:40
As people who've left a bad job situation or gone thru a divorce will tell you, sometimes you just can't go back.

Truer words were never spoken. Smartest comment I've seen on these forums in months.

16th March 2008, 03:08
Truer words were never spoken. Smartest comment I've seen on these forums in months.

Funny, been divorced for 7 years in May and right now on her computer and cat sitting Waldo the Cat at her house.

So sometimes things can remain the same even though things changed dramaticly.

16th March 2008, 03:36
Funny, been divorced for 7 years in May and right now on her computer and cat sitting Waldo the Cat at her house.

Dayum. That's bold! Seems like you'd want to keep that on the down low, QT.

But if you need some help hiding the body, I know a guy who knows this guy who knows the guy. ;)

16th March 2008, 03:49
So sometimes things can remain the same even though things changed dramaticly.

Try divorce again... you didn't get it right experience the first time (ducking).

I've got an ex-employer that still causes me pain when I think about them, and I stopped working for them in 1991. I'd love to be in that job again... like I was born for it... but I know that too much has happened to let me be effective again.

I've got an ex-friend that I'd love to have around again, but she (yup, she) and I can't be in the same room now w/o ripping open old wounds.

In auto racing, there are always hard feelings. Some of the CART people we're talking about in this thread literally went so far as to send hate mail (faxes, etc) to Indy.

I'm still amazed that I actually saw Paul Newman at Indy last summer, even if it was for a NASCAR race, even if it was for a shotgun wedding hosted by Ford, and even if the NHL guys left the track in a hurry. And, I'll be amazed it Paul doesn't drop out of Indy teams the first time something frustrating happens.

16th March 2008, 17:34
Dayum. That's bold! Seems like you'd want to keep that on the down low, QT.

But if you need some help hiding the body, I know a guy who knows this guy who knows the guy. ;)

Actually, still there. She is in Flager Beach, I guess. Actually my 5 girlfriends are very impressed that I get along that well with her and it makes me better in their eyes.

Anger, hatred and nastiness are not good for one's health. I tried to die once, not long ago and saw my ex-wife tearing up. well, at that second my life changed and now I am healthy, not wealthy though, and wise.

So I hate no one, even though I am hated by those I did nothing to except share the planet, breath air, drink water and post here. ;)

16th March 2008, 18:07
Actually, still there. She is in Flager Beach, I guess. Actually my 5 girlfriends are very impressed that I get along that well with her and it makes me better in their eyes.

Anger, hatred and nastiness are not good for one's health. I tried to die once, not long ago and saw my ex-wife tearing up. well, at that second my life changed and now I am healthy, not wealthy though, and wise.

So I hate no one, even though I am hated by those I did nothing to except share the planet, breath air, drink water and post here. ;)

That's a good way to be. A woman who posts on another (non racing) board had as her sig line: "Life is too short to wear ugly shoes."

The meaning is much deeper than the literal statement. She's good people and IMO, she "gets it".

On another CCWS board, there seems to be too many people who wear themselves out by hating, and taking what is nothing more than a sport waaay too seriously. As far as anyone who hates me... I figure I'm performing a service to society: if they're burning up time hating me, that means they're leaving someone else alone.

17th March 2008, 00:10
That's a good way to be. A woman who posts on another (non racing) board had as her sig line: "Life is too short to wear ugly shoes."

The meaning is much deeper than the literal statement. She's good people and IMO, she "gets it".

On another CCWS board, there seems to be too many people who wear themselves out by hating, and taking what is nothing more than a sport waaay too seriously. As far as anyone who hates me... I figure I'm performing a service to society: if they're burning up time hating me, that means they're leaving someone else alone.

Now I get smacked for a long post by someone and by a moderator for my post to you.

You know life is too short for this, without knowing the guidelines I might as well just not bother any more.
People do not want to read, people think I do too much explaining of myself, oh well maybe it is time for some other person to change the rule constantly on, so I am always confused. This way I will get sick and tired and leave.

People take stuff way too seriously when their beliefs are dashed. You and I have done that and that makes us marked.

Remember, these are going to be the historians when we are gone.