View Full Version : Woman Dies from Wii contest

16th January 2007, 13:01
Woman dies after water-drinking contest
Water intoxication eyed in ‘Hold Your Wee for a Wii’ contest death

Updated: 10:24 p.m. ET Jan. 13, 2007
SACRAMENTO, Calif. - A woman who competed in a radio station’s contest to see how much water she could drink without going to the bathroom died of water intoxication, the coroner’s office said Saturday.

Jennifer Strange, 28, was found dead Friday in her suburban Rancho Cordova home hours after taking part in the “Hold Your Wee for a Wii” contest in which KDND 107.9 promised a Nintendo Wii video game system for the winner.

“She said to one of our supervisors that she was on her way home and her head was hurting her real bad,” said Laura Rios, one of Strange’s co-workers at Radiological Associates of Sacramento. “She was crying and that was the last that anyone had heard from her.”

It was not immediately know how much water Strange consumed.

A preliminary investigation found evidence “consistent with a water intoxication death,” said assistant Coroner Ed Smith.

John Geary, vice president and marketing manager for Entercom Sacramento, the station’s owner, said station personnel were stunned when they heard of Strange’s death.

“We are awaiting information that will help explain how this tragic event occurred,” he said.

Initially, contestants were handed eight-ounce bottles of water to drink every 15 minutes.

“They were small little half-pint bottles, so we thought it was going to be easy,” said fellow contestant James Ybarra of Woodland. “They told us if you don’t feel like you can do this, don’t put your health at risk.”

Ybarra said he quit after drinking five bottles. “My bladder couldn’t handle it anymore,” he added.

After he quit, he said, the remaining contestants, including Strange, were given even bigger bottles to drink.

“I was talking to her and she was a nice lady,” Ybarra said. “She was telling me about her family and her three kids and how she was doing it for kids.”

© 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

That is very sad. The negligence served here by the organisers of such a contest is pretty appaling, the fact that she was a mother of three, doing it for her kids, makes it THAT much worse. I smell a lawsuit, and justifyably so.


16th January 2007, 13:03
My god, you would think so called responsible people would know better. I thought everyone knew if you drank too much water you end up diliting your blood and dying :s .

16th January 2007, 13:09
I must admit, I, for one, didn't know that.

But I sure wouldn't have drunk such an outrageous amount of water.

In this ultra-litigious society today, methinks the blame should fall to the radio station who did not research their facts in the pursuit of such a competition.

jim mcglinchey
16th January 2007, 13:23
The same station had a competition a couple of years back called " Hold your peeiss for a PS "...................I'll get my coat.

Mark in Oshawa
16th January 2007, 15:57
I just am sad that a woman would do this and not realize the risk she was taking, but at the same time, the radio station sounds like they are run by the people who ran the fictitious WKRP years ago on TV. Idiots...with a creative mind, except this time no one is laughing.....and a lawsuit will be in the works. Those 3 kids deserve to not be missing their mom today, for she sounds like she would do anything for her kids....

For those who remember WKRP, remember their famous promotion of throwing live turkey's out of a helicopter on Thanksgiving and the immortal words " as god is my witness, I thought turkey's could fly!"

16th January 2007, 17:43
Idoits :dozey:

16th January 2007, 17:48
The same station had a competition a couple of years back called " Hold your peeiss for a PS "...................I'll get my coat.

Tsk Jim, stop taking the p!ss out of her...


Ian McC
16th January 2007, 18:48
I just am sad that a woman would do this and not realize the risk she was taking

I expect a lot of people would not be aware of the danger they would be facing.

16th January 2007, 18:56
so will a bottle of water now have a warning label saying, "always drink in moderation and be sure to piss it out" :rolleyes:

16th January 2007, 18:56
I only knew about this from a recent Playboy edition that had an article(yes I read them!) on a college kid that died of water intoxication in a Frat House initiation. It was the same story. They had to constantly drink water and weren't allowed to go to the toilet.

People are sick.

16th January 2007, 18:58
I expect a lot of people would not be aware of the danger they would be facing.

I certainly didn't know you could die from drinking too much water. You learn something new every day.

I feel sorry for her children. I am certain that by the time the families lawyer has finished that they will want for nothing ever again, but no ammount of money will ever replace the loss of a parent, especially so early in a childs lifetime.

16th January 2007, 18:58
I expect the lawsuit put those idiots in jail for a very long time!

16th January 2007, 22:04
I was going to post this today but had to go to work :mark:

Sad :( No jokes from me!

17th January 2007, 07:04
Sad. I didn't know you could die from that. However she was warned, but in future they should tell the contestants that they could die,and that they're taking a risk. (If it ever happens again)

17th January 2007, 09:29
i knew people that take esctasy can die from drinking way too much water.... but i always thought the drug always contributed in ways...