View Full Version : European Geography

12th March 2008, 11:02
Found this on another site I visit, it's good fun.

I'm sure flying a plane is a bit harder than this though :) .


12th March 2008, 11:15

12th March 2008, 11:26
26,669. I think I got the countries right. :)

12th March 2008, 11:29
26,308 :s

Bucharest screwed me in round 3

12th March 2008, 11:32
26,308 :s

Bucharest screwed me in round 3

Those Romanians will do that to you, won't they Gadjo Dilo? :) :) :)

12th March 2008, 11:43
Those dastardly Romanians will do that to you, won't they Gadjo Dilo? :) :) :)
There are a few citizens with darker skin who are capable of anything. :laugh:
What is "dastardly"?

12th March 2008, 12:44
There are a few citizens with darker skin who are capable of anything. :laugh:
What is "dastardly"?

I removed dastardly because I didn't want to cause offence, a literal meaning of dastardly is "dispicably cowardly", however that was not the meaning I wanted so I deleted it, I guess common usage would be "mean or nasty", hope that sort of explains it and I didn't mean anything bad about Romanians, honest!

12th March 2008, 12:57
Who cares? I don't have a good opinion about them myself. :laugh: :laugh:

BTW, what is "dispicably"?

12th March 2008, 13:03
Who cares? I don't have a good opinion about them myself. :laugh: :laugh:

BTW, what is "dispicably"?

Whoops, I don't know what dispicable is, my only excuse is that it is late and I've 1 or 2 more glasses of red vino than I should have, but I can sleep in tomorrow, yay!

However from http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/despicable

dEspicable is:

Main Entry:de·spi·ca·ble http://www.merriam-webster.com/images/audio.gif (http://javascript%3Cb%3E%3C/b%3E :p opWin%28%27/cgi-bin/audio.pl?despic02.wav=despicable%27%29) http://www.merriam-webster.com/images/audio.gif (http://javascript%3Cb%3E%3C/b%3E :p opWin%28%27/cgi-bin/audio.pl?despic01.wav=despicable%27%29)Pronunciati on: \di-ˈspi-kə-bəl, ˈdes-(&#716 ;) pi-\ Function:adjective

Etymology:Late Latin despicabilis, from Latin despicari to despiseDate:1553 :

deserving to be despised (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/despised) : so worthless or obnoxious as to rouse moral indignation <despicable behavior>

synonyms see contemptible (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/contemptible)

— de·spi·ca·ble·ness noun
— de·spi·ca·bly http://www.merriam-webster.com/images/audio.gif (http://javascript%3Cb%3E%3C/b%3E :p opWin%28%27/cgi-bin/audio.pl?despic03.wav=despicably%27%29) \-blē\ adverb

12th March 2008, 14:01
27,630 :)

Brown, Jon Brow
12th March 2008, 15:23
27,000 odd points, I've discovered that my geographical knowledge of German cities is appalling and I haven't even heard of some of those eastern European ones :s

Estonia?!?!?!!? :confused: pshhhhh :p

12th March 2008, 16:19
It took 4 tries, but I finally got over 25,000 with 27,570. I suck much worse than I thought I would! :laugh:

12th March 2008, 17:47
European map is very different than i used to know back in grammar school. If I had to fill out the names of countries, the eastern europe would be very empty :s

How many countries is former Yugoslavia ?? Six or seven ??

12th March 2008, 18:05
27467. :cool: Would have been better had I not messed up with Izmir in the first round. Doh!

13th March 2008, 20:34
27619 Basel screwed me as I'd never heard of it.

28785 on 3rd attempt :D

14th March 2008, 00:03
28360 :D

It's kinda hard to find Budapest without country limits showing :s

14th March 2008, 08:36
27619 Basel screwed me as I'd never heard of it.

You're not a football fan, aren't you?

14th March 2008, 09:48
That was a fun little game. :) Got 25647 points in first attempt. Gotta give it a second try...

EDIT: 28347 in the 2nd attempt. I'm not a hillbilly after all, what a relief. :D

14th March 2008, 19:25
You're not a football fan, aren't you?

Hah hate the game and all the overpayed panies who bother playing it professionally.

14th March 2008, 22:24
28610, will give another try later.

15th March 2008, 11:45
If you like that, you'll like this one too. It's worth the effort of logging in.


15th March 2008, 17:42
got upto over 29k

18th March 2008, 16:50
I got 27275 on my first attempt.