View Full Version : Still no news for PT joining IRL??????????

11th March 2008, 15:56
Just wonder it's been completely quiet on PT's situation for almost a week, any news?

11th March 2008, 16:00

11th March 2008, 16:08
Have heard a number of scenarios which may or may not play out involving Conquest, KV, Vision and N/H/L, but nothing I'd take to a bank. Tracy's going price is prohibitive to some. With Walker out, Conquest may wind up with Power.

11th March 2008, 16:23
I saw a post by BobGarge over at CCF from an Aussie racing magazine that had a rumor that AGR was talking to Monster about PT. It seems unlikely given that AGR runs 4 cars and MA's recent comments. It also said that Surfers was going to be part of a mini-winter season.

BobGarage, you should post that here. I thought it was interesting.

11th March 2008, 16:26
BobGarage, you should post that here. I thought it was interesting.

i got it from here! ;)

can't remember what thread. it was one unrelated to surfers paradise in anyway....

edit: found it, the link was posted in post #73 in the car count thread.

Dr. Krogshöj
11th March 2008, 18:25
Tracy's going price is prohibitive to some.

That's quite right. The winningest active open wheel driver shouldn't risk his life for donuts.

11th March 2008, 19:01
....and someone like Tracy's not going to get in just anything......

11th March 2008, 19:42
....and someone like Tracy's not going to get in just anything......

Not to mention the fact that, as far as any of us know, PT is still under contract to GF. I know that is just a minor detail, but it really is important.

Pat Wiatrowski
11th March 2008, 20:00
Not to mention the fact that, as far as any of us know, PT is still under contract to GF. I know that is just a minor detail, but it really is important.

Depends on the contract!

11th March 2008, 20:03
Not to mention the fact that, as far as any of us know, PT is still under contract to GF. I know that is just a minor detail, but it really is important.

Why, exactly, do you think Jerry is going to try to hold Paul to his contract?

11th March 2008, 20:15
Why, exactly, do you think Jerry is going to try to hold Paul to his contract?

PT said so on wind tunnel...

"as of right now I am under contract, I have been told I will stay under contract. I have been told I will race at Long beach but I don't know where we go from there"


11th March 2008, 20:38
Let me rephrase: what would be the benefit to Jerry to do so?

11th March 2008, 21:02
The benefit would be for someone to buy out Tracy's contract from GF or Tracy to buy it out himself. Derrick Walker parked Sarah Fisher one year for a few races until one or the other of those things happened. $$$$$$$$$$$$

11th March 2008, 21:22
Is Paul Tracy still beholden to Gerry Forsythe if GF breaks the contract by shutting down his race team?

11th March 2008, 21:54
The benefit would be for someone to buy out Tracy's contract from GF or Tracy to buy it out himself. Derrick Walker parked Sarah Fisher one year for a few races until one or the other of those things happened. $$$$$$$$$$$$

So you're suggesting Jerry can somehow make money by paying Paul millions of dollars to not race? Riiiiight....

Oh, and Derrick parked Sarah because she refused to spend any time developing her skills in a lesser series.

11th March 2008, 22:18
So you're suggesting Jerry can somehow make money by paying Paul millions of dollars to not race?

Presently, Forsythe would be responsible for the the contract and the amount it's written for. At the very least, PT would agree to a lesser buy out depending on how bad he wants to race. So Forsythe may not make money but he stands to lose less as opposed to just paying out PT's contract in full. IMO.

11th March 2008, 22:27
Regarding the contract, what Marbles said.

Regarding Walker and Fisher, grungex, you are entirely inaccurate. Walker held her out waiting for a sponsor or other money to show up and made off-handed comments of ratholing her in Atlantic when she was popular in the IRL. Fisher and her lawyers negotiated a deal to get her out of there and go racing in the IRL.

12th March 2008, 02:31
Presently, Forsythe would be responsible for the the contract and the amount it's written for. At the very least, PT would agree to a lesser buy out depending on how bad he wants to race. So Forsythe may not make money but he stands to lose less as opposed to just paying out PT's contract in full. IMO.

If PT is released from his contract and goes to drive for another team, Jerry should not be on the hook for any money. If Jerry keeps Paul sitting around, it costs him millions. I rather doubt Jerry would have to both pay Paul and let him drive elsewhere.

IC, Derrick tells a very different version of the Sarah story. I'm rather more inclined to believe him than you...

12th March 2008, 02:35
If she had spent some time in Atlantics (Fisher), maybe she wouldn't be so hopelessly slow on road courses like she is now.

12th March 2008, 02:37
Yep. Derrick was very frustrated at her insistence that she was too good to stoop to that level. Perhaps she could have learned how to use the brakes...

12th March 2008, 03:32
No, I agree, IMO, GF isn't going to do both. It's hard to tell what "out" clauses GF or PT might have in this deal, but it's going to require some kind of negotiation that I imagine is going on right now. Believe what you like about Fisher.

12th March 2008, 04:32
Doesn't it sound like he'll be going over to fill the second Conquest seat since his crew is on it's way over?

12th March 2008, 04:42
Doesn't it sound like he'll be going over to fill the second Conquest seat since his crew is on it's way over?

Sounds like it to me. Maybe it also means that Forsythe is keeping his toe in the water because he may reform FCR in the future. Pure speculation on my part, but possible. He doesn't spend a bunch of his money on what will be a hobbled together effort for 08, but his people gain IRL knowledge working with Conquest. If he decides he wants to comeback in 09, then he has some data and experience for his team.

Dave Brock
12th March 2008, 06:02
Just wonder it's been completely quiet on PT's situation for almost a week, any news?

This is a jewel!
Does anyone here remember the OUR GANG short where Alfalfa wants to sing opera, signs a contract with a promoter who promptly sends Alfie out on the street corner to sing for handouts...all the while Spanky is running a night club featuring Jazz bands and making cartloads of cash..... "hundreds of thousands of dollars" sez Darla?

PT is STILL under contract to GF and he ain'ta going to be racing ANYWHERE until PT convinces someone to BUY OUT THE CONTRACT...which could be a 4 yr. deal..!
WHO is going to cough that kind of cash for dinasour named Paul.

Besides that..PT going to Conquest is way too ironic ....it was the CONQUEST car that spun and caused PT to run the yellow light at INDY, pass Helio and BLOW his biggest chance in racing history...had it not spun PT would have been a Borg-Warner Imortale'...nw he needs them just to stay in as a backmarker...whew :eek: you can't make this kind of stuff up!

12th March 2008, 15:57
Besides that..PT going to Conquest is way too ironic ....it was the CONQUEST car that spun and caused PT to run the yellow light at INDY, pass Helio and BLOW his biggest chance in racing history...had it not spun PT would have been a Borg-Warner Imortale'...nw he needs them just to stay in as a backmarker...whew :eek: you can't make this kind of stuff up!

Really? Looks like you just did. Everyone knows about the infamous yellow light so don't try to re-write history just because "...king George" decreed that the rulling could not be appealed.


12th March 2008, 17:22
Where have you gone, Laurent Redon? :)

12th March 2008, 17:32
When a team announces it is no longer in business, the contract is void.

12th March 2008, 17:40
Ben, I think it would hafta legally go bankrupt to do that. Tracy has said he has been told he's running Long Beach. IMO, lawyers are probably deep into the "ins" and "outs" of the deal.

12th March 2008, 17:57
When a team announces it is no longer in business, the contract is void.

Without seeing the contract, we have no way to know that. He might be under contract to Gerald Fosythe, not the race team. Does the race team even exist as a legal entity? All these are unknown factors. If Tracy were not still bound by a contract, I am pretty sure we would know it by now. Tracy is not stupid he knows how to read the fine print himself or how to hire someone who does. Hell, Viv has probably gone over the thing with a fine tooth comb herself!


12th March 2008, 18:06
Really? Looks like you just did. Everyone knows about the infamous yellow light so don't try to re-write history just because "...king George" decreed that the rulling could not be appealed.


Re-writing history huh? If Redon had not spun then no yellow light and Tracy would have won more than likely.

BTW: Scoring rules cannot be appealed after the race is declared "Official". Not new for 2002 but in place in 1982.

12th March 2008, 19:51
That was the greatest Indy 499 in racing history!!!!

12th March 2008, 19:59
Without seeing the contract, we have no way to know that. He might be under contract to Gerald Fosythe, not the race team. Does the race team even exist as a legal entity? All these are unknown factors. If Tracy were not still bound by a contract, I am pretty sure we would know it by now. Tracy is not stupid he knows how to read the fine print himself or how to hire someone who does. Hell, Viv has probably gone over the thing with a fine tooth comb herself!


I'm pretty sure that contract has something about getting paid and I'm also sure Forsythe isn't going to pay him not to race.

12th March 2008, 20:12
I'm pretty sure that contract has something about getting paid and I'm also sure Forsythe isn't going to pay him not to race.


I think you are right, but then again I was sure that Forsythe would have Tracy at the press conference too, to represent the team. But we know how THAT turned out. The only point I am making is we don't have any idea what sort of contract Paul has or with what entity.

I am keeping my fingers crossed that the Conquest announcment has something in it for PT. If not then I am starting to smell fish again and it's comin' from Gerry's general direction.


12th March 2008, 20:41
Gary, I can't believe how much we're agreeing lately. (big ol' grin)

This depends on a lot of things:

1. Does GF have "out" clauses in the contract that can be employed under the circumstances?
2. Does PT have "out" clauses in the contract that can be employed under the circumstances?
3. If GF must pay PT something to satisfy the remainder of the contract, he's likely to see if someone will buy the contract out, take over payments, etc.
4. If PT has a ride on the hook since GF is not fielding a team, that team and PT MAY hafta negotiate with GF.
5. If PT just goes to another team anyway, is he liable for something per the contract?
6. If GF bankrupts out the team, does it VOID the contract and/or does PT become a creditor?
7. If a subsidiary of Forsythe is now helping Conquest, is that the forerunner or part of a deal to hand Tracy off to Conquest?
8. If GF just sits, does nothing, doesn't run and doesn't pay, does this force Tracy into a long-running lawsuit to get his contract sorted out in which he can't race without jeopardizing his position in the suit?

Anyone with the answer to all of those can probably figure out pretty closely where PT's chances might be right now.

13th March 2008, 01:14
Agree.....numbers 9-11 are now taken......

13th March 2008, 01:53
Just wonder it's been completely quiet on PT's situation for almost a week, any news?

Walker Racing and Paul Tracy - What a combination. You heard it here 2nd.....

13th March 2008, 02:47
Walker Racing and Paul Tracy - What a combination. You heard it here 2nd.....

interesting.. we've gone from 4-5 cars on the grid from champcar to now a possibility of up to 10 cars from champcar! Been an interesting day...

Dave Brock
13th March 2008, 03:56
When a team announces it is no longer in business, the contract is void.

Ah ! nice try at spinning 2 truths into one!
A-GF's team is out of money, vision and desire.
B- it was THE TEAM that filed the "weasel out"
C-PT's personal Performance is with.....GERRY! and has been ever since GF asked PT to take deferred time payments on his racing earning which was at least 4 yrs. ago according to dozens of press releases on TV and in the racing media AND furthermore it was PT HIMSELF who made most of the announcements. This part of the contract was done at ther insistance of PT's legal rep who had the good sense to insist on it in writing in the event that the team went belly up, it put the burdon on to GF directly who owns the contract even tho the team made the payments.
That which was good for Paul when he was racing turned out to work against him once the team and series vaporized, because PT is now just another person owed monies by the team
There has not been a single report of GF talking to anyone since the call to Paul and remember GF did not even have the common sense or manhood to call Paul himself, instead Paul was told by GF's minion, Gerry is at the doctor .
In the old west people knew whom they were shooting at before they pulled the trigger, nowadays it seems everyone is trigger addicted, a poor shoot & blind.


The only point I am making is we don't have any idea what sort of contract Paul has or with what entity.

I am keeping my fingers crossed that the Conquest announcment has something in it for PT. If not then I am starting to smell fish again and it's comin' from Gerry's general direction.


You should have stayed informed of racing current events as they occurred, THEN you would KNOW wht sort of contract PT had.

CCWS fans have had their fingers crossed for the entire life of the series so I am sure it isn't a foreign concept.
As for smelling FISH, it is not my problem that you have had a sinus infection for over a decade, I am truely glad it is clearing up, perhaps you'll find roses more to your likeing once you become accustomed to their pleasentries.

13th March 2008, 06:56
Well, Dave, I'm sure a bunch of lawyers don't think it's that simple right now as they try to get their client money.

13th March 2008, 15:18
You should have stayed informed of racing current events as they occurred, THEN you would KNOW wht sort of contract PT had.

CCWS fans have had their fingers crossed for the entire life of the series so I am sure it isn't a foreign concept.
As for smelling FISH, it is not my problem that you have had a sinus infection for over a decade, I am truely glad it is clearing up, perhaps you'll find roses more to your likeing once you become accustomed to their pleasentries.

Well EXCUUUUUUUSE me for missing that piece of info. Some of us have lives outside these matters. And leave your personal comments to me out of this.


13th March 2008, 16:01
Ah ! nice try at spinning 2 truths into one!
A-GF's team is out of money, vision and desire.
B- it was THE TEAM that filed the "weasel out"
C-PT's personal Performance is with.....GERRY! and has been ever since GF asked PT to take deferred time payments on his racing earning which was at least 4 yrs. ago according to dozens of press releases on TV and in the racing media AND furthermore it was PT HIMSELF who made most of the announcements. This part of the contract was done at ther insistance of PT's legal rep who had the good sense to insist on it in writing in the event that the team went belly up, it put the burdon on to GF directly who owns the contract even tho the team made the payments.
That which was good for Paul when he was racing turned out to work against him once the team and series vaporized, because PT is now just another person owed monies by the team
There has not been a single report of GF talking to anyone since the call to Paul and remember GF did not even have the common sense or manhood to call Paul himself, instead Paul was told by GF's minion, Gerry is at the doctor .
In the old west people knew whom they were shooting at before they pulled the trigger, nowadays it seems everyone is trigger addicted, a poor shoot & blind.

You should have stayed informed of racing current events as they occurred, THEN you would KNOW wht sort of contract PT had.

CCWS fans have had their fingers crossed for the entire life of the series so I am sure it isn't a foreign concept.
As for smelling FISH, it is not my problem that you have had a sinus infection for over a decade, I am truely glad it is clearing up, perhaps you'll find roses more to your likeing once you become accustomed to their pleasentries.

So, you want us to believe that you have seen Paul's contract? If not, then I respectfully suggest that the above is a load of hooey straight from your imagination.

13th March 2008, 16:35
So, you want us to believe that you have seen Paul's contract? If not, then I respectfully suggest that the above is a load of hooey straight from your imagination.

Have you? I do know, from Paul's mouth, that he cannot drive any other race car according to the contract.
He was listed in the BK paperwork as not getting his point money in 2003.
(For what it is worth.)
It was published again according to Paul that GF was deferring payments until the end of the season.
Then there was the famous non payment of purses and points in 2007.

All would have cost Paul something. So what imagination are you talking about? Real racing news over the last 4 years or your make believe world that everything was on the up and up in the CCWS?

It appears he is way more right than you.

13th March 2008, 16:37
Well EXCUUUUUUUSE me for missing that piece of info. Some of us have lives outside these matters. And leave your personal comments to me out of this.


Really? You now have a life outside of these matters, yet you post?

13th March 2008, 17:09
Well EXCUUUUUUUSE me for missing that piece of info. Some of us have lives outside these matters. And leave your personal comments to me out of this.


Are Dave Brock and Waldopedia the same person? These guys are ruining this forum.

13th March 2008, 17:16
Don't know, but IMO, they haven't answered my questions 1-8 (which are partly Gary's) or Starter's 9-11 yet.

12. Is the contract considered applicable to the U.S. or Canada and under which country's laws is it constructed and in which one would any lawsuit be filed?

13th March 2008, 17:30
Are Dave Brock and Waldopedia the same person? These guys are ruining this forum.

No, but it is funny that people with knowledge are ruining this forum. So this is only for opinions? My suggestion is then point out where someone is wrong rather than crying.

13th March 2008, 18:32
No, but it is funny that people with knowledge are ruining this forum. So this is only for opinions? My suggestion is then point out where someone is wrong rather than crying.

Its not the people with knowledge thats the problem, its the way those people with knowledge come off. Maybe its the medium thats the problem, maybe its the know-it-all themselves.

Whatever the case only PT, his manager, GF and the lawyers involved know all the in's and out's of the contract. Hopefuly whatever the issues are they can be sorted out soon and PT can go racing past Long Beach.

13th March 2008, 19:01
Are Dave Brock and Waldopedia the same person? These guys are ruining this forum.

Its not their knowledge thats ruining the forum its they way they come off when sharing it.

Quite a few of the people around here have a piece or two of the multiple puzzles being discussed and some have bigger or more pieces than others. Its quite frustrating though when someone says they have all the pieces and you're stupid for not having any.

13th March 2008, 19:03
Its not their knowledge thats ruining the forum its they way they come off when sharing it.

Quite a few of the people around here have a piece or two of the multiple puzzles being discussed and some have bigger or more pieces than others. Its quite frustrating though when someone says they have all the pieces and you're stupid for not having any.

Sorry, I do not think or call anyone stupid. If you believe that then give me a link to that. Otherwise that is only coming from "one's" brain.

My suggestion is to stay on topic. Did see that Walker is regrouping and may have a "check" for a partial run, thus maybe PT can get out from under the heavy thumb of GF.

13th March 2008, 21:34
Point is, Waldo, we don't know what legal hoops PT must jump through, or is even PRUDENT FOR HIM to jump through, to get out "from under the heavy thumb of GF" before even entertaining talking to Walker.

13th March 2008, 23:28
David Phillips on Tracy's situation......


13th March 2008, 23:31
Point is, Waldo, we don't know what legal hoops PT must jump through, or is even PRUDENT FOR HIM to jump through, to get out "from under the heavy thumb of GF" before even entertaining talking to Walker.

Agreed but I still think GF is up to something. "What PT? Pay me this...."

13th March 2008, 23:39
Don't know, but IMO, they haven't answered my questions 1-8 (which are partly Gary's) or Starter's 9-11 yet.

12. Is the contract considered applicable to the U.S. or Canada and under which country's laws is it constructed and in which one would any lawsuit be filed?

Hasn't PT been a US citizen for some time now? What would Canada have to do with his contract? Would not his contract be enforced and any dispute filed in the local jurisdiction where his employer is HQ'ed?

13th March 2008, 23:40
I'd agree that's probably part of it.

13th March 2008, 23:57
NR5, those are questions 13-14-15.

14th March 2008, 00:02
PT needs to get something going.

14th March 2008, 04:04
Point is, Waldo, we don't know

Yet that doesn't stop the lot of you speculating and insinuating endlessly about matters you really have no clue about. Seems rather pointless to me...

Dave Brock
14th March 2008, 09:23
Hasn't PT been a US citizen for some time now? What would Canada have to do with his contract?
Would not his contract be enforced and any dispute filed in the local jurisdiction where his employer is HQ'ed?

PT could be a citizen of the moon BUT if he signed a contract in Peru with a Peruvian company it is Peruvian LAW which will adjucate the matter...
POINT...YOU are held responsible in the country where the contract is issued.

IF the Buisness that PAID him has dissloved, a person can file in the state or provence or preficture of its filing...contracts HAVE to be filed with the state in most US states in addition to signatory copies.
Sign a contract with Mr.X to perform jack & jill that says you will be paid by Mr. X's company and that you will be paid 200% of the ticket sales for each performance for 4 years, Mr.X can close his theatre at anytime sell it outright for a mini storage lot and YOU will be paid 200% of NOTHING for the duration of the contract AND NOT work for anyone else because it is an EXCLUSIVE PERFORMANCE CONTRACT (SOP in broadcasting, entertainment, racing and corporate adninistration contracts since the early '30's)....meaning:
if you don't work for him...you DON'T WORK AT ALL.

Heres the practical example... the OUR Gang follies of 1938 (http://www.liketelevision.com/liketelevision/tuner.php?channel=716&format=tv&theme=guide)

enjoy the flick
and don't forget to click on part 2 after the alka-seltzer commercial

Darla saying "hundreds & thousands of dollars" is a shot in the seat of the pants

14th March 2008, 11:39
Sorry, I do not think or call anyone stupid. If you believe that then give me a link to that. Otherwise that is only coming from "one's" brain.

This is OT, but Waldo, what is most likely being expressed here (and in other posts about your style) is not accusing you of using the quote "you are stupid", but rather a more subtle pattern of style. Tone is hard to get right online, and often things come off far more harsh than intended, but I can certainly attest for myself to seeing the same pattern-- slightly disimissive, combative, and then defensive when others get riled up. I can only assume that this is not your intention, but its my perception that it happens, confirmed again and again.

It is extremely frustrating to read, as you have very interesting perspectives and good points to make. but somehting is off the rails slightly when I finish reading a post by you that I agree with 100%, and am still rolling my eyes at the vitrol.

We are who we are, and that ain't gonna change. However I just want to raise the flag for mutual respect, and for striving to making this forum a slightly more friendly place to be. :)

14th March 2008, 14:54
However I just want to raise the flag for mutual respect, and for striving to making this forum a slightly more friendly place to be. :)

Waldopedia is blind to how he talks down to veteran members here. He thinks how he says it is respectful as he has said in other post. And he is also saying you should respect him simply because he is 54 and has a broad AOWR knowledge base. But while relaying his point of view (or as he sees it as simply being the right answer), he continues with the veiled insults because your knowledge of AOWR history doesn't exactly match his or is as broad as his.

There are 2 reasons why many of his points and trivia questions go widely un-answered: 1. because forum veterans are tired of agreeing with someone who puts them down because you don't match up perfectly in Waldo World, and 2. they have simply joined the legions that have put !!Waldo!! on the "Ingnore" list, which is easy to access through your "User CP" in the top left menu.

It's unfortunate, because you are right about Waldo, he has some cool knowledge to share but he has a need to talk down to people as he does it.

As he responds to this all I'll see is a line with his name telling me he is on my ignore list.

After 7 years on this forum I have finally found the need to block someone. I didn't even know there was an ignore feature on the forum, but when Waldo got about 250 post in I started to look for one and found it.

Sometimes I don't agree with people here but rarely do they talk down to you .... a least for more then a message or two. Then you all make up and everything is cool. But with Waldo it's like there's a scratch on the record where he just can't get past .... and he then has to put a zinger on you. Hence "ignore."

There are others who think his logic is not always right either.

14th March 2008, 16:01
But with Waldo it's like there's a scratch on the record where he just can't get past .... and he then has to put a zinger on you. Hence "ignore."

But apparently that doesn't even stop the zingers. I have been told by some friends here that he continues to cast some my way, even though he knows full well that he is on my ignore list. Pretty sad and petty. But not particularly surprising.


14th March 2008, 17:53
Tone is hard to get right online, and often things come off far more harsh than intended, but I can certainly attest for myself to seeing the same pattern-- slightly disimissive, combative, and then defensive when others get riled up.
Give a link to something like that, so I can learn. I like learning but I have asked and I have been showed nothing. I got hit for an "implied insult" man that is new as not one word was intended as an insult but as asking them to get off my back.
I ran a board one time and was sick and tired of seeing people base their knowledge totally on how many posts they had and made an effort to chase people off they found did not agree with them. After seeing that I pulled the plug as it was a waste of money.
I got these people on my IGNORE LIST and they still come after me. If I am theirs then they should say nothing but like children they must pick at the scab rather than letting it heal.
I am going to avoid posting here because anything I say will come off slightly disimissive, combative, and then defensive when others get riled up even though it is only them. Even though I am not here to "win", I can't when those wanting to rule wants me gone.

Waldopedia is blind to how he talks down to veteran members here. He thinks how he says it is respectful as he has said in other post. And he is also saying you should respect him simply because he is 54 and has a broad AOWR knowledge base. But while relaying his point of view (or as he sees it as simply being the right answer), he continues with the veiled insults because your knowledge of AOWR history doesn't exactly match his or is as broad as his.
There are 2 reasons why many of his points and trivia questions go widely un-answered: 1. because forum veterans are tired of agreeing with someone who puts them down because you don't match up perfectly in Waldo World, and 2. they have simply joined the legions that have put !!Waldo!! on the "Ingnore" list, which is easy to access through your "User CP" in the top left menu.
It's unfortunate, because you are right about Waldo, he has some cool knowledge to share but he has a need to talk down to people as he does it.
As he responds to this all I'll see is a line with his name telling me he is on my ignore list.
After 7 years on this forum I have finally found the need to block someone. I didn't even know there was an ignore feature on the forum, but when Waldo got about 250 post in I started to look for one and found it.

Sometimes I don't agree with people here but rarely do they talk down to you .... a least for more then a message or two. Then you all make up and everything is cool. But with Waldo it's like there's a scratch on the record where he just can't get past .... and he then has to put a zinger on you. Hence "ignore."
There are others who think his logic is not always right either.

But apparently that doesn't even stop the zingers. I have been told by some friends here that he continues to cast some my way, even though he knows full well that he is on my ignore list. Pretty sad and petty. But not particularly surprising.

14th March 2008, 19:47
I miss sanguin now :)

14th March 2008, 19:49
Whoa, THAT far, bb?..........

14th March 2008, 20:04
Man, I think so. It's just getting ugly in here :) :) :)

I dont want to get pulled into any of these arguements any longer. They start out good with good intentions and then they just turn into the same arguement over and over.

I haven't even been on the board much this week because of it.
Oh, and F1 at Australia might have a little to do with it too.

14th March 2008, 21:29
Oh, and F1 at Australia might have a little to do with it too.

Watched practice man does that get the blood pumping but the crowd was a bit sparse.

15th March 2008, 01:38
Whoa, THAT far, bb?..........

Denith, Yellowcardude, might as well open the floodgates.

15th March 2008, 02:05
I was at the indy star and there are plenty over there that want to continue the war, attacking the so called "lemmings" unmercifully about this so called merger. So it does not surprise me to see that people that are on the side of common sense are grouped together and depised, like we had something to do with this.

I enjoyed my 69 USAC Champ races as well as the 78 CART races as well as 16 IRL races, so it makes no never mind if there are those that want to go into the jungle of the internet and continue the fight but leave me out of it. Find another dog (cat) to kick around and don't worry you will.

15th March 2008, 03:53
Does that mean you're leaving? :D

15th March 2008, 15:42
Does that mean you're leaving? :D

I ran a board one time and was sick and tired of seeing people base their knowledge totally on how many posts they had and made an effort to chase people off they found did not agree with them. After seeing that I pulled the plug as it was a waste of money.

Made my point didn't you?

IndyCar Garage
16th March 2008, 19:33
I heard a rumor that PT was going to end up with Penske's son - the same team that ran Ryan Briscoe in the 500 last year - anyone else hear the same thing? I would think that Tracy will hold out for a top tier team as he has said in the last couple weeks, however, as the date gets closer and closer, he's running out of options...

-IndyCar Garage

16th March 2008, 20:07
I heard a rumor that PT was going to end up with Penske's son - the same team that ran Ryan Briscoe in the 500 last year - anyone else hear the same thing? I would think that Tracy will hold out for a top tier team as he has said in the last couple weeks, however, as the date gets closer and closer, he's running out of options...

-IndyCar Garage

Would you have a link to that rumor?

17th March 2008, 15:27
I heard a rumor that PT was going to end up with Penske's son - the same team that ran Ryan Briscoe in the 500 last year - anyone else hear the same thing? I would think that Tracy will hold out for a top tier team as he has said in the last couple weeks, however, as the date gets closer and closer, he's running out of options...

-IndyCar Garage

That's a new one. The clock is ticking on PT. Hope he gets in something soon. We have a test at Sebring in a couple of days!!

17th March 2008, 15:39
I heard a rumor that PT was going to end up with Penske's son - the same team that ran Ryan Briscoe in the 500 last year - anyone else hear the same thing? I would think that Tracy will hold out for a top tier team as he has said in the last couple weeks, however, as the date gets closer and closer, he's running out of options...

-IndyCar Garage

if he did sign with the team would they be eligible for testing at Homestead and Sebring along with the NEW exCC now IRL teams?

17th March 2008, 15:47
if he did sign with the team would they be eligible for testing at Homestead and Sebring along with the NEW exCC now IRL teams?

If this is true, I would like to think that the IRL would allow Luczo Dragon to test this week as they did not test at either homestead or sebring with the established teams.

18th March 2008, 17:36
My money is on PT being locked into his contract with Forsythe until after Long Beach, then a one off ride in a third car from someone for Indy. Welcome to semi-retirement status Paul ;(

18th March 2008, 18:25
Do we know for a FACT that Forsythe is keeping PT tied up in his contract and not letting him go to another team OR is it that PT cant find a competitive team to compete with?

I keep hearing the forsythe contract talk yet there is also talk of an offer from Vision.

18th March 2008, 19:55
We're just waiting. At this point, anything could happen. Looks like things are being kept under wraps for now.

Interesting to see that Bernoldi just filled the second Conquest seat. I thought PT was going there for sure :(

Mark in Oshawa
21st March 2008, 03:06
I miss sanguin now :)

I sure as heck don't miss him. Did he choke on all the crow he must have had reammed down his throat when CCWS went for the merger/subjugation (as I predicted would happen to him?)

Anyhow back to topic. Latest today in the Toronto Sun was that Forsythe has Tracy all tied in knots. Forsythe blocked Tracy from running for Kevin Harvick in the Busch race last year at Montreal and used the incentive of the 5 year super contract to keep him out of NASCAR. I suspect he put language in there that has kept Paul from finding another ride without his approval. GF is just spiteful enough to pay Paul NOT to race I suspect. He is the one really unhappy camper in the ChampCar collapse.

I once heard TG offered to put PT in a Vision racing car and PT didn't want anything to do with running on a back marker IRL team. Was there any truth to that? PM me the answer you Indy guys ( who get the Indy Star or are close to the rumours out of the speedway) . Since I am on the road so much, I have lost track of what has gone down.....

21st March 2008, 11:45
I've heard the same rumors, Mark, but they came and went away pretty quickly here in Indy....I have a feeling that the reason they did that is because Forsythe is holding Tracy hostage.

The latest, as far as I know.....


21st March 2008, 14:47
I've heard the same rumors, Mark, but they came and went away pretty quickly here in Indy....I have a feeling that the reason they did that is because Forsythe is holding Tracy hostage.

The latest, as far as I know.....


Unless PT and Forsythe end up in Indycar, that is a sad situation.

21st March 2008, 14:52
Unless PT and Forsythe end up in Indycar, that is a sad situation.

I agree, about PT. At this point as far as I am concerned I've heard enough from Mr. Forsythe. His antics regarding Paul speak volumes. He can rot in hell, for all I care. Not that he or any one else will care about my personal sentiment.


21st March 2008, 15:00
I agree, about PT. At this point as far as I am concerned I've heard enough from Mr. Forsythe. His antics regarding Paul speak volumes. He can rot in hell, for all I care. Not that he or any one else will care about my personal sentiment.


Time has spoken, as it appears that Forsythe could have been a greater divisive force then maybe anyone else.

21st March 2008, 15:10
Time has spoken, as it appears that Forsythe could have been a greater divisive force then maybe anyone else.

I don't know about all that. It may be right.

What I do know is he acted like the consumate JERK regarding not allowing Paul to participate at the press conference. That is ALL I need to know to turn me against him. If Gerry knew he was not going to partipate in the ICS he should have let Paul go on his own. And if he didn't know, (which I do NOT believe for one second), then he should have had Paul there as his representative. Either way, Gerry tipped his hand. He is an ***.


21st March 2008, 15:29
I just think he's trying to keep his Martyr status at CCF. That's pretty much all they have left :)

21st March 2008, 15:44
He may be, bb. It's clear that the only thing he has done is acknowledge it was good money after bad and signing off on "blendification." By rights, KK had him over a barrel, IMO....KK was either going to "get 'er done" or let Forsythe spend all the money. I have a feeling this was a war within a war with those two. And Forsythe continues to hold out, hoping that someone will "buy" Tracy's contract or Tracy will buy it out himself. It's probably in the hands of 100 lawyers.

21st March 2008, 16:15
Time has spoken, as it appears that Forsythe could have been a greater divisive force then maybe anyone else.

The last couple of years at least.

21st March 2008, 18:04
What I do know is he acted like the consumate JERK regarding not allowing Paul to participate at the press conference.

I've seen you mention tthis before, do you have a link to support it? Thanks.

21st March 2008, 18:44
The way I see it, Forsythe spends a ton of money to lose money. When everyone was leaving CART, GF was buying up ALL the MPH stock, so he could make a "killing". He lost how much? Tens of millions? Who's fault was that? After losing Players, he ran self sponsored for years, turning down many sponsors (from what I have heard), because they weren't offering enough. So he spent millions of his own money instead of taking the not enough & spending a lot less of his own, to make up the difference. Don't tell me it was Indeck money, as that was money that Indeck didn't need to spend. How many power plants do you think were sold to people seeing the name on the side of a race car? How many people even knew what Indeck was? First time I saw it, I thought it was the Baseball card people. Last year he turn down drivers because they didn't bring enough money. He said he'd only run one car unless someone brought enough cash. He cheated himself out of valuable test data & ran a second car, anyway, with a driver that didn't bring much, if any money, depending on who you talked to.

Now he's pulling an Adrian Fernandez. He held out his hand to Tony George and Tony said he'd help him find a sponsor. Only difference is, he doesn't have a hole card, like AF did. Champ Car hut when AF went to the IRL. Tony George doesn't really need GF. The other difference is GF is a hero, over at CCF. Now he's holding Paul hostage, waiting for someone to buy out his contract. So he's paying Paul millions a year in hopes that someone will pay him a premium for his contract.

From what I have seen, GF isn't a very good businessnam. I'm not sure how Indeck got to be so big, after seeing the business decisions he has made in CART/CC. With all the things he's done since losing all the money, on the MPH stock, I'm not sure he was the big spender in CC. The way he "cheaped out" on his own team makes me think that. I think KK was the bankroll in CC. But at CCF he's FKK & GF is a frickin hero. What does that tell you?


21st March 2008, 21:46
I've seen you mention tthis before, do you have a link to support it? Thanks.

No, I believe he talked about it to Despain on Wind Tunnel. I know it was a quote by or attributed directly to Paul. He said something to the effect that Gerry told him they were not to got to Indianapolis. No indication who else he was referring to by the plural "they".

I'll look around over the weekend and see if I can dig it up.


22nd March 2008, 00:20
No, I believe he talked about it to Despain on Wind Tunnel. I know it was a quote by or attributed directly to Paul. He said something to the effect that Gerry told him they were not to got to Indianapolis. No indication who else he was referring to by the plural "they".

I'll look around over the weekend and see if I can dig it up.


Is this the one your looking for?

A number of drivers and car owners from Champ Car were on hand for a press conference by George and Kalkhoven on Wednesday in Homestead, where some of the details of the agreement were revealed. But there were no representatives of the Forsythe team present and Tracy said he and the rest of the team were told not to go to the test.
"We had planned to go down to the test, but it was passed down from Gerry, nobody's going anywhere down there," Tracy said. "Gerry has never made it a secret he wasn't real interested in getting back together with the IRL."
Meanwhile, the IRL announced that it will hold special test sessions for the teams that are making the move to the IndyCar Series on March 19-20 on the road circuit at Sebring International Raceway and March 24-25 on the oval at Homestead.


22nd March 2008, 01:11
cartpix, I think you're right on. And CW couldn't find a better hero to fit its mindset.

22nd March 2008, 04:44
Unbelievable that after all of this GF is trying to hold PT hostage. Look, I don't blame Gerry for being ticked off. But childish here is a gross understatement.

But at this point I'd tell PT to sign up with Vision and if Gerry sues him, so be it. Gerry wouldn't have a case there - he'd be sacrificing PT's livelihood, so any judge would toss the case.

Not to mention the fact it would cement Gerry as having a really bad reputation as a businessman and boss, which is not good if he ever intends on racing anywhere else.

22nd March 2008, 05:41
Is this the one your looking for?


YES!!! That is the quote I was looking for. Thank you so much.


22nd March 2008, 20:04
YES!!! That is the quote I was looking for. Thank you so much.


Glad I could help! :up:

22nd March 2008, 22:33
The way I see it, Forsythe spends a ton of money to lose money. When everyone was leaving CART, GF was buying up ALL the MPH stock, so he could make a "killing". He lost how much? Tens of millions? Who's fault was that? After losing Players, he ran self sponsored for years, turning down many sponsors (from what I have heard), because they weren't offering enough. So he spent millions of his own money instead of taking the not enough & spending a lot less of his own, to make up the difference. Don't tell me it was Indeck money, as that was money that Indeck didn't need to spend. How many power plants do you think were sold to people seeing the name on the side of a race car? How many people even knew what Indeck was? First time I saw it, I thought it was the Baseball card people. Last year he turn down drivers because they didn't bring enough money. He said he'd only run one car unless someone brought enough cash. He cheated himself out of valuable test data & ran a second car, anyway, with a driver that didn't bring much, if any money, depending on who you talked to.

Now he's pulling an Adrian Fernandez. He held out his hand to Tony George and Tony said he'd help him find a sponsor. Only difference is, he doesn't have a hole card, like AF did. Champ Car hut when AF went to the IRL. Tony George doesn't really need GF. The other difference is GF is a hero, over at CCF. Now he's holding Paul hostage, waiting for someone to buy out his contract. So he's paying Paul millions a year in hopes that someone will pay him a premium for his contract.

From what I have seen, GF isn't a very good businessnam. I'm not sure how Indeck got to be so big, after seeing the business decisions he has made in CART/CC. With all the things he's done since losing all the money, on the MPH stock, I'm not sure he was the big spender in CC. The way he "cheaped out" on his own team makes me think that. I think KK was the bankroll in CC. But at CCF he's FKK & GF is a frickin hero. What does that tell you?


My mamma would say that boy is "ruint."

22nd March 2008, 22:47
The war is over. You lost because of your own stupid decisions, Mr. I'll only sign Alendinger for the rest of the year and give him all the leverage.

Stop making your loyal soldiers pay the price for your folly, Gerry.