View Full Version : jet lag

10th March 2008, 12:36
how long can you get jet lag for ?

10th March 2008, 12:41
You've just come back from New York eh?

Depends how quickly you catch up on your sleep and get back to your normal sleep patterns. I found a couple nights of good sleep e.g. 10pm-8am and you'll be back to normal.

Dave B
10th March 2008, 12:43
I'm trying to achieve the exact opposite by deliberately shifting my sleep patterns over the week so as to be wide awake for the Australian GP! :p

10th March 2008, 12:49
ah right ok then

i have tried a sleeping pattern but its making me feel even more tired

10th March 2008, 12:50
I'm trying to achieve the exact opposite by deliberately shifting my sleep patterns over the week so as to be wide awake for the Australian GP! :p

Ah I remember doing that, back in the day. Not sure it ever worked properly, getting to sleep in the evening when everyone else is up can be a problem!

These days I V+ it ;)

10th March 2008, 13:00
When I went to Australia it wasn't a problem for me, but coming back home again was a different matter. Got home late on a Friday afternoon and was up again at 5am to go to a rally on the Saturday. Was very very tired the whole of the next week at work but just battled on and was fine again :D

10th March 2008, 13:03
I'm trying to achieve the exact opposite by deliberately shifting my sleep patterns over the week so as to be wide awake for the Australian GP! :p
That's what I do :) When I came to Europe the first time I just slept through till about 6 the next night. Slept all the way from Singapore and woke up when we were just over Europe :)

10th March 2008, 13:06
See my problem coming back from the USA is that I couldn't sleep on the plane at all. So not only did I have the time difference to contend with, I'd been awake for the best part of 24 hours straight too :s .

The usual advice is to try not to go to sleep during the day, as you'll just compound the problem, just keep awake until close to your normal bed time, you'll still be tired for a while but you'll catch up. (Either that or you'll go insane :D )

10th March 2008, 13:22
See my problem coming back from the USA is that I couldn't sleep on the plane at all. So not only did I have the time difference to contend with, I'd been awake for the best part of 24 hours straight too :s .

The usual advice is to try not to go to sleep during the day, as you'll just compound the problem, just keep awake until close to your normal bed time, you'll still be tired for a while but you'll catch up. (Either that or you'll go insane :D )

that was the problem i had to as i woke up bout 7:30am on thursday morning, then done some more shopping with a couple of mates and got to the airport bout 2ish and stayed awakeall thursday night friday morning, as i got home bout half 8am friday morning i just slept for best part of the day til about 3in the afternoon

jim mcglinchey
10th March 2008, 14:39

....'sworth a try.

10th March 2008, 16:06
My solution is, the drinks are free on the plane, so drink up, and when you get there, you are ready for a nap. Tried it, tested it, and swear by it :up: :beer:

11th March 2008, 14:46
See my problem coming back from the USA is that I couldn't sleep on the plane at all. So not only did I have the time difference to contend with, I'd been awake for the best part of 24 hours straight too :s .

Been there done that - drank the coffee!
I just have to get on with it until I collapse the next night. Course I usually wake up with a headache after getting a nights sleep :(

11th March 2008, 20:11
When I flew to Bali last winter I was jetlagged for a week. It was terrible. went to sleep abt six in the morning... Gaah

12th March 2008, 11:12
awwwr lol

well am still tired but not as bad as what i was on friday so i think i am just about recovered (the coffee helped lots lol and so did 7 cups of tea on saturday morning lol)

12th March 2008, 11:33
7 cups+ coffee, wondering how was it served in a morning?

12th March 2008, 11:38
lol well i was on a scouting skills day and i was on drinks duty along with someone else so we had about 7 cups of tea in the space of 3hrs lol whilst sorting out the other scout leaders so it was really fun, mind u i got home n had a couple of coffees so it was a case of plenty of water lol

12th March 2008, 12:16
lol well i was on a scouting skills day and i was on drinks duty along with someone else so we had about 7 cups of tea in the space of 3hrs lol whilst sorting out the other scout leaders so it was really fun, mind u i got home n had a couple of coffees so it was a case of plenty of water lol

Only 7 cups in 3 hours. I get through about 7 pots in that time ;)

12th March 2008, 12:16
Only 7 cups in 3 hours. I get through about 7 pots in that time ;)

12th March 2008, 13:10
Only 7 cups in 3 hours. I get through about 7 pots in that time ;)

7 blooming heck lol i'd be peein for britain lol (well not litterally but you know what i mean though lol)

12th March 2008, 22:36
I think I just had a normal nights sleep when I came back from Toronto. Had to be back at work the next morning so just had to cope with it.

If you have the time being Jet lagged is actually fairly cool. I was sat in the bus station at Heathrow for about 2 hours and just felt drunk, not wasted but couple of pints, happy drunk. It was so awesome, I just sat there watching people come and go and giggling to myself :D

13th March 2008, 09:29
Those drunk at the bus station are usually ticket scalpers. ;)

13th March 2008, 11:28
how long can you get jet lag for ?

Prevention is better than the cure. Re-schedule your sleep patterns 1 week before, during and 1 week after you fly and you will not get jetlag. Power naps also help.

13th March 2008, 13:02
Prevention is better than the cure. Re-schedule your sleep patterns 1 week before, during and 1 week after you fly and you will not get jetlag. Power naps also help.

What you're proposing is basically jetlag itself..a week of disrupted sleep patterns!

I routinely travel 9 time zones away over 5 times a year. Going both ways, my strategy is always to try to stay awake until well after sundown at both ends and sleep until at least 0530 the next day. Getting 2 hours on a flight will help immensely.

13th March 2008, 13:04
What you're proposing is basically jetlag itself..a week of disrupted sleep patterns!

I routinely travel 9 time zones away over 5 times a year. Going both ways, my strategy is always to try to stay awake until well after sundown at both ends and sleep until at least 0530 the next day. Getting 2 hours on a flight will help immensely.
Do you mean well after sun-up? :)

13th March 2008, 14:49
No. It typically involves trying to stay awake for 35 hours or so on your travel day with just a short nap in between. It is a mistake to continue taking a nap every day after traveling just because you feel tired...your brain needs to clue in to the lightness/darkness cycle as quickly as possible.

13th March 2008, 14:51
No. It typically involves trying to stay awake for 35 hours or so on your travel day with just a short nap in between. It is a mistake to continue taking a nap every day after traveling just because you feel tired...your brain needs to clue in to the lightness/darkness cycle as quickly as possible.
I spose depends on when you fly. When I first came to Europe I just stayed up through the night and ended up getting to sleep at something like 8 at night :) Helped a fair bit :) But the silly sunlight at 11pm in Finland didn't help much.

13th March 2008, 20:02
When I first got to Toronto I had a little sleep for an hour or so (had got up at 1:30 in the morning UK time and got to Canada at the equivilant of about 7 o'clock. Ended up staying up drinking until about half three in the morning (basically what my body thought was half 8). Luckily I was pretty much there for the night life so could sleep in until about 3 most days, except the day after I got there when I had tickets to a hockey game that started at 4 and didn't wake up until 5, I'm still hacked off about that.

14th March 2008, 10:50
What you're proposing is basically jetlag itself..a week of disrupted sleep patterns!

I routinely travel 9 time zones away over 5 times a year. Going both ways, my strategy is always to try to stay awake until well after sundown at both ends and sleep until at least 0530 the next day. Getting 2 hours on a flight will help immensely.

Not actually. Adjust your sleep patters by 30 to 60 minutes per day (which is easy to do) and jetlag is a think of the past. Works for me.

16th March 2008, 16:59
my jet lag has now finally gone

yay :D

Dave B
17th March 2008, 12:54
Mine's just come back. Stupid Australian Grand Prix.... :p

17th March 2008, 13:32

10th April 2008, 09:00
Well I seem to have beat the jet lag :)

Left Perth at 3:30PM local time. Set the clock on my phone to UK time and just stayed up as long as I could and managed to get to sleep at about 9pm UK time. Got home at midday and just stayed up till about 9pm again and just went to sleep. Have woken up at my normal time this morning easily enough :cheese: Helluva lot easier when you're going back timezones than forwards I must say.

10th April 2008, 18:08
I just travelled east over 9 time zones and suffered virtually no discernable jet lag. Coming back will be a different story though!

10th April 2008, 21:04
Yesterday I travelled from Paignton back to Exeter. I left at about 17:20 and got back for around 18:00. Felt fine ;)

10th April 2008, 23:54
Yesterday I travelled from Paignton back to Exeter. I left at about 17:20 and got back for around 18:00. Felt fine ;)

What on earth were you doing in the chavier version of Torquay?! :p :

11th April 2008, 00:04
What on earth were you doing in the chavier version of Torquay?! :p :

Working on a building site in a very chavvy area, the kind of place where I'm glad when I return to my car and it still has all the windows and wheels :D