View Full Version : Ecclestone ultimatum to Australia

10th March 2008, 04:18

This is the biggest load of rubbish I've heard in a long time. It's disgraceful that Australia should have to move it's race time just to accomodate Europe. It's called the 'World Championship'. The host country should be able to host it whenever it wants.

I want to see Australia in the beautiful sunshine in the daytime, not floodlights and darkness. I know Singapore will be the same, but that race was designed to be a night race. Melbourne is fine just how it is, even if I do have to get up in the middle of the night to watch the Grand Prix.

I wouldn't say no if the Aussie GP was on at 1 in the afternoon in the UK, but it would be agianst the spirit of the Australian people, who have some of the best F1 fans in the world! I don't want them to be bullied by Bernie and the FIA.

10th March 2008, 04:25
"At the moment, it is ridiculous that people are asked not to sleep in order to see it live.

"That can't carry on.

"The alternative is to pull the race completely from Australia."

I officially hate Bernie Ecclestone. What a complete hypocrite.

(I have lots of other words going through my head but I don't think they'd be appropriate for this forum)

10th March 2008, 05:13
What a complete ****wit Ecclestone is.


What does he think Australian F1 fans have been doing all of their lives?

We see two F1 GPs at reasonable times. The Japanese and the Australian.

Of course I see why he is saying that, but it's never nice to have your face rubbed in the fact that the Australian market is just an also ran.

How about this Bernie? Why don't you stick your GP up your arse?

10th March 2008, 05:41
Bernie can naff off then. I don't want him here. :\

10th March 2008, 05:44
He can stick it.

10th March 2008, 05:58
Still can't believe it.

What a tool. I have lost sleep every race night since 2000 to watch that man's circus. How dare he crap on us like that.

10th March 2008, 06:38
Bernie can go **** himself!

Are you only classified as a "person" if you live in Europe? Doesn't my lack of sleep count?

Take your race Bernie. It's not like I could afford to go to the bloody thing anyway.

10th March 2008, 07:08

Bernie Ecclestone has once again threatened the future of the Australian Grand Prix after race officials indicated they were less than enthusiastic about staging the event at night.

I've spoken to (Australian Prime Minister) Kevin Rudd and he's told me it would cost too much to re-stage the race, so I guess that's it. We won't be going to Australia for too much longer

10th March 2008, 07:09
**** you Mr Bernard Ecclestone. He's like a baby trying to get his own way.
What an utter w a n k e r !

10th March 2008, 08:06
Nothing new there, really.
Bernie slowly destroyed what real F1 used to be.
Some will say he made F1 big, maybe he did although someone else could have done it too, and maybe even better. But the downsize of it is that he doesn't care about any rules, not even the ones he put in place!
He favors whom he sees fit too improve the money flow towards his pockets.

People are always harping about Max Mosley when the real bad guy is the dwarf.

PS: Almost forgot. Having the race later in the afternoon would also accommodate Europeans but surely wouldn't have the glamorous side of a night race. So he's only a hypocrite, but that isn't big news either.

10th March 2008, 08:25
Even as someone who can't see Australia live without getting up at 2am, I think it's a stupid idea!

10th March 2008, 08:25

This is the biggest load of rubbish I've heard in a long time. It's disgraceful that Australia should have to move it's race time just to accomodate Europe.
Totally agree :up: I don't need Bernie rearranging races so I can watch them at a "convenient" time. I'm happy watching the races at all hours because that's all part of F1 being a World Championship. Each race should be unique.

Sadly the aim seems to be to remove any unique character from the races and make each look like a MacDonalds does the world over :down: Pretty soon when we turn on the TV to watch a GP we won't know where the race is taking place :mad:

Unfortunately night races seem to be flavour of the month at the moment. Having watched MotoGP under the Qatar floodlights I can't see what all the fuss is about myself.

10th March 2008, 08:30
BTCC had night races for a couple of years but they were scrapped as they weren't too popular.

Mind you they did them using the lights on the cars, not floodlights!

10th March 2008, 08:39
Bernie is now taking his greed and that of CVC and all their shareholders too far. He sold F1 to CVC for billions. CVC borrowed all the cash to pay for it and now interest payments have taken a three digit profit down to $3m per annum. BE has to get the profit up so he gets Countries with no motor racing heritage to pay a fortune to hold GP's, rubbishes the old tracks to pay more or leave. I watched the night race last night in MotorGP. It was interesting but it is better in the daylight. F1 is now all about the cash and it will become more of a sport where the purist is not looked after. Thanks Bernie but this is what greed does to us humans.

10th March 2008, 08:42
PS: Almost forgot. Having the race later in the afternoon would also accommodate Europeans but surely wouldn't have the glamorous side of a night race. So he's only a hypocrite, but that isn't big news either.

While I understand your point I did wonder watching the MotoGP last night what was glamorous about getting bloody cold in the desert at about midnight on a sunday evening and could not imagine too many of the girlfriends coming back next year.

10th March 2008, 08:45
So we boycott the races.....but would we ?
Somebody needs to do something and the best way for that is a boycott. Let the numbers do the talking. Reckon I would find it very difficult though if not impossible.

10th March 2008, 08:50
Its the one race I never miss, without fail every year. First of the season, so what if I have to get up early. That's part of the excitement of the first race of the season, I know the season has started when I'm up early to watch it. The rest of Europe is ahead of the UK so they get up later than us, I don't see any problem.

Except for that doopey dwarf Bernie and his butt buddie Max........

10th March 2008, 08:56
I guess we shouldn't be surprised. This is Bernie a year ago:

"I'd like twenty races next season and I'm currently trying to put together a three-year calendar. I'm also wanting to stage a good number of night races."

"Apart from the fact that it's a new development, and there will be a novelty factor behind it, the main reason is because so many of the Grands Prix are east of Europe and instead of having to watch them in the early hours of the morning, Europeans can instead watch them during the day if staged in the evenings in the East."

"I think, for example, it's a terrible shame that the first Grand Prix of the new season should be staged in the afternoon in Australia. Having to get up and watch it in the night over here is not the best way to get the show on the road."

10th March 2008, 08:58
Unfortunately night races seem to be flavour of the month at the moment. Having watched MotoGP under the Qatar floodlights I can't see what all the fuss is about myself.

It's all about the show! And the show = money!
Why show? Because more than half of the F1 fans only know what color the cars and the drivers suits are!
Without wanting to offend anybody we should remember a few things about the world we live in, and about the people that live in this world. Not everyone is smart, not everyone is interested about strategy and high tech.
The huge majority of those watching F1 only do it because they are told that these are the fastest racing cars in the World! Not that they could realize that from watching it on TV.

If Bernie could make spectacular (but harmless) accidents compulsory he would do it!

10th March 2008, 09:01
Even as someone who can't see Australia live without getting up at 2am, I think it's a stupid idea!

I love to get up at that time and watch the race without anyone disturbing me :D so for me too, a night-race is a stupid idea :down:

10th March 2008, 09:10
You know which races I am more likely to watch than the others?

The one's that aren't at bloody sunday lunchtime.

I *LOVE* getting up at some ungodly hour, it makes me feel as if I'm giving something back to the sport I love.

But that's the problem, they know those that love motorracing will still watch, the powers that be don't give a stuff about us, it's the casual "fans" that are the cash cows.

Of course, being a rally fanatic I'm used to being screwed over so none of this surprises me any more

10th March 2008, 09:35
Of course, being a rally fanatic I'm used to being screwed over so none of this surprises me any more

Same here :blackeye:

10th March 2008, 09:35
You know which races I am more likely to watch than the others?

The one's that aren't at bloody sunday lunchtime.

I *LOVE* getting up at some ungodly hour, it makes me feel as if I'm giving something back to the sport I love.

But that's the problem, they know those that love motorracing will still watch, the powers that be don't give a stuff about us, it's the casual "fans" that are the cash cows.

Of course, being a rally fanatic I'm used to being screwed over so none of this surprises me any more

I could have written that post. That's part of watching the Australian GP, getting up in the middle of the night, when it's cold, dark- sticking the fire, kettle on and watching the action from Down Under. Great stuff - really depressed about this - I'm not naive to think money shouldn't be made, but this takes the biscuit. The sporting considerations are no longer taken in to account - just how much dosh can be made.
Having watched the Qatar Moto GP race, I'd say 1 night race a year is enough.

10th March 2008, 09:44
Having watched the Qatar Moto GP race, I'd say 1 night race a year is enough.
:up: As Bernie said himself night races have a novelty factor, and novelties quickly wear off.

Valve Bounce
10th March 2008, 09:46
Actually, this is not as logical an argument as Bernie makes out.

There is a growing fan base in Asia, which includes Indonesia, China, Japan, and of course money rich India. As we all know, India's vast income from Cricket far exceeds any other part of the world already. It would not surprise me that the viewing numbers in this part of the world would far exceed those of Europe.

Under the circumstances, I would imagine that the Australian GP time of 3.30 in the afternoon would please far more viewers than a night race. Maybe Bernie should go back and check his numbers again.

And I think I have pointed out many times before that the proximity of Albert Park to residential suburbs would make a night race impractical.

10th March 2008, 10:04
An idea for Bernard Charles, father of the greatest TV presenter ever :rotflmao: (did anyone see her on ITV on Sunday - cocking hopeless she was.....)

As he has not grasped the concept that, as Australia is on the 'other side of the planet' that is why us Europeans have to get up at 3am to watch live. So, my idea for Bernie, is to Move Australia round a bit, I mean, he has so much money he could probably do it!!!

terrrrrrrrrr wat!

10th March 2008, 10:28
I really don't understand this at all I mean on sheer principle races should be held at the most convenient time for the people in the country where the race is held, but besides that, seriously who does this benefit?!

Certainly not European TV audiences (I don't get why people are saying that!) - as I will now have to stay up pretty much all night long before I can catch even the start of the race, if anything they should move it further back or go the whole hog and do a night race, but what they are currently planning is pretty much the worst possible time of the day over here, I don't get why Bernie wants to p*ss off both the Australians and the Europeans?

Or is this another example of him cosying up to the "sizeable" *cough* Asian fan base?

10th March 2008, 12:28
I really don't understand this at all I mean on sheer principle races should be held at the most convenient time for the people in the country where the race is held, but besides that, seriously who does this benefit?!

Certainly not European TV audiences (I don't get why people are saying that!) - as I will now have to stay up pretty much all night long before I can catch even the start of the race, if anything they should move it further back or go the whole hog and do a night race, but what they are currently planning is pretty much the worst possible time of the day over here, I don't get why Bernie wants to p*ss off both the Australians and the Europeans?

Or is this another example of him cosying up to the "sizeable" *cough* Asian fan base?Bernie is a wicked little man!

10th March 2008, 12:34
I will now have to stay up pretty much all night long before I can catch even the start of the race,

Could you not invest in an alarm clock? Maybe go to bed a wee bit earlier as well......???

10th March 2008, 12:44
Could you not invest in an alarm clock? Maybe go to bed a wee bit earlier as well......???Wil' yours is a point well taken. I always watch the Quali, and races live, regardless of time or location. Being in California that means early on Sat. and Sun. morn. I look forward to the flyaways because it allows me to watch late at night, and sleep in Sat. and Sun morn. But V' makes a good point as well. I agree the race should be accommodated to the location it is being held. But it's not a big deal to me I simply watch them when they are running

10th March 2008, 12:45
Could you not invest in an alarm clock? Maybe go to bed a wee bit earlier as well......???

On a Saturday night? :p :

10th March 2008, 13:22
Actually, this is not as logical an argument as Bernie makes out.

There is a growing fan base in Asia, which includes Indonesia, China, Japan, and of course money rich India. As we all know, India's vast income from Cricket far exceeds any other part of the world already. It would not surprise me that the viewing numbers in this part of the world would far exceed those of Europe.

Under the circumstances, I would imagine that the Australian GP time of 3.30 in the afternoon would please far more viewers than a night race. Maybe Bernie should go back and check his numbers again.

And I think I have pointed out many times before that the proximity of Albert Park to residential suburbs would make a night race impractical.

Totally agree. Was also going to point out that if the timing of the Aus GP is so unpalatable to European viewers then why isn't he giving ultimatums to Japan and China, whose races are at similar times to Australia.

10th March 2008, 13:27
Ok, how about 5:00 PM...


10th March 2008, 13:44
While I understand your point I did wonder watching the MotoGP last night what was glamorous about getting bloody cold in the desert at about midnight on a sunday evening and could not imagine too many of the girlfriends coming back next year.

Well, what is termed the 'glamour' in F1 now comes not from anything to do with the events or their particular atmosphere, but the mere presence of wealth. This, rather than any unique class or ambience, is deemed sufficient to create 'glamour' nowadays.

Naturally, I agree with you and everyone else who thinks this is stupid, unnecessary and inconsistent. I hope Bernie never gets his hands on the Le Mans 24 Hours, otherwise it will be held in a dozen two-hour segments at different tracks in the Middle East and China...

10th March 2008, 13:46
He is missing the point somewhere. As a fan, part of the excitement is to be up early in the morning to see the spectacular season opener. If I'm tired, I record it and watch it as soon as I wake (being careful not to put on a radio so as to hear the news)
I think he just loves to wind people up, it just happens to be Austrailias turn, Normally it's us, with his threats to ditch Silverstone.
He will never come back down to earth, because people put him on such a high pedestal (something to do with his height maybe?) for example, the cake munching James Allen, always but always calls him the "F1 Supremo Bernie Ecclestone", I for one don't think all the brown nosing helps as it makes Ecclestone feel invincible.

10th March 2008, 13:47
I don't know about everyone else, but I LOVE (or rather loved) that the Oz GP started at 3am here in the UK. It really felt like you were committed to the sport to get up in time for it - or, as I have done - hold an all-night GP party. It really marked it out as being a special race - which it should be, as it is the start of the season!

If people don't want to get up that early I can understand that, thats what th lunch-time replays are for!!

5am UK start time is just silly thou... cant manage to stay up that late hehe!!

10th March 2008, 13:47
Totally agree. Was also going to point out that if the timing of the Aus GP is so unpalatable to European viewers then why isn't he giving ultimatums to Japan and China, whose races are at similar times to Australia.

Because its more bearable to get up a 6am than 4am!

Honda/Toyota give Bernie enough money as it is.

There are other promoters out there who think they could do a better job than the Aussies.

Western economy is heading in downward curve, Asian economy is heading skywards.

10th March 2008, 13:50
I hope Bernie never gets his hands on the Le Mans 24 Hours, otherwise it will be held in a dozen two-hour segments at different tracks in the Middle East and China...Giving a new meaning to the term Globalization!

10th March 2008, 15:28
What Bernie is forgetting, is that most of Asia,(including OZ and NZ) have to watch most of the races in the middle of the night, and have to go to work half asleep. So, why does he see it as such a problem for Europeans to have to do this once in a while. I am not having a go at Europeans by this, just peeved off by the chimp that is calling the shots in F1.

10th March 2008, 20:06
While it's not convenient for me to get up at 3am to watch the race, I do enjoy it and that's what it's all about. being ll bleary eyed when you turn on the telly, sitting in your PJ's/dressin gown whatever to watch the action is fantastic. Personally, I'll just stay up next week I think.

Still, Europeans shouldn't get priority over everyone else, and that's coming from an Englishman with French and Italian blood in him. Bernie should shut up and stop interfering. Unless he want's to bring back the US GP, and add a couple more European races on traditional circuits. A 20 race calendar would be fantastic, and that would put him to some use.

10th March 2008, 21:09
have they put anything in place to protect the lights if some one was to cut the power.

some sort of attack.

Valve Bounce
10th March 2008, 21:17
have they put anything in place to protect the lights if some one was to cut the power.

some sort of attack.

Yeah!! good point!! the white ants and termites are dreadful here and will eat anything, even concrete.

By the way, has anyone woken up to the fact that Bernie is just after more money, that's all.

Valve Bounce
10th March 2008, 22:02
Has anyone considered the element of afety when scheduling a race to start at 5 pm? which is around 90 minutes before sunset?

In the event of heavy rain at start which causes a serious multiple accident blocking the track resulting in an extended delayed re-start, the track would be in total darkness before the end of hte race if the heavy rain continued.

10th March 2008, 22:42
Has anyone considered the element of afety when scheduling a race to start at 5 pm? which is around 90 minutes before sunset?

In the event of heavy rain at start which causes a serious multiple accident blocking the track resulting in an extended delayed re-start, the track would be in total darkness before the end of hte race if the heavy rain continued.Valve, Your the last person I would expect to try to apply logic to F1 marketing :)

10th March 2008, 23:13
I think if the start time fits Europe or not is not the main reason for Bernie's warnings, otherwise he would be demanding the same from Japan and China.
I guess he justs wants more money from the organizers, once they pay they can start the race at 6AM local time if they want to
or if it the start time is the problem... then Bernie is a total idiot, he should put more races in Europe instead of Korea or India...

11th March 2008, 00:50
What Bernie is forgetting, is that most of Asia,(including OZ and NZ) have to watch most of the races in the middle of the night, and have to go to work half asleep. So, why does he see it as such a problem for Europeans to have to do this once in a while. I am not having a go at Europeans by this, just peeved off by the chimp that is calling the shots in F1.

What you're forgetting is the event is called the FORMULA 1 EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP. :)

11th March 2008, 00:52
Actually, this is not as logical an argument as Bernie makes out.

There is a growing fan base in Asia, which includes Indonesia, China, Japan, and of course money rich India. As we all know, India's vast income from Cricket far exceeds any other part of the world already. It would not surprise me that the viewing numbers in this part of the world would far exceed those of Europe.

Under the circumstances, I would imagine that the Australian GP time of 3.30 in the afternoon would please far more viewers than a night race. Maybe Bernie should go back and check his numbers again.

And I think I have pointed out many times before that the proximity of Albert Park to residential suburbs would make a night race impractical.

Spot on as always VB!

Plus, as said, there is NO WAY Albert Park could run a night race. Not gonna happen. Bernie is pushing for something which isn't possible. It's a highly residential area and the locals barely accept the GP as it is.

If he wants a night race.... the circus can move on by.

11th March 2008, 00:53
Because its more bearable to get up a 6am than 4am!

Us enthusiasts or F1 die-hards will watch at any time. I can't see thought that having a 6am start as opposed to 4am is going to have casual watchers making an effort to get up early. Aint going to happen.

11th March 2008, 00:59
Has anyone considered the element of afety when scheduling a race to start at 5 pm? which is around 90 minutes before sunset?

In the event of heavy rain at start which causes a serious multiple accident blocking the track resulting in an extended delayed re-start, the track would be in total darkness before the end of hte race if the heavy rain continued.

Or the opposite. If it's been a brilliant day what's it going to be like driving through a couple corners where the sun is setting. Total blindness surely?

I really don't think they've thought the 5pm start time through very well.

11th March 2008, 01:00
I think if the start time fits Europe or not is not the main reason for Bernie's warnings, otherwise he would be demanding the same from Japan and China.
I guess he justs wants more money from the organizers, once they pay they can start the race at 6AM local time if they want to
or if it the start time is the problem... then Bernie is a total idiot, he should put more races in Europe instead of Korea or India...

Australia really won't pay anymore. It's already costing more than it makes any way. Bernie should focus his time on squeezing GP's which do not have a unique feature to them.

Australia is one of only a couple away from Europe/Uk. It's a street circuit. It's around a stunning lake. It would be preety tragic for Bernie to take it off the calendar.

Valve Bounce
11th March 2008, 01:06
Or the opposite. If it's been a brilliant day what's it going to be like driving through a couple corners where the sun is setting. Total blindness surely?

I really don't think they've thought the 5pm start time through very well.

You're right - I forgot about that!! :eek: The main straight and the next section up to the aquatic centre heads directly into the sunset.

11th March 2008, 01:44
If you live in the area of the USA where I live, you watch races at all hours. Australia starts at 10:00p.m. on Friday night! The European races average about 5:00a.m. Japan, Malaysia and China are about 12:00 a.m. - 1:00a.m. Only Canada, Brazil, and formerly the USGP were on at normal human hours. No wonder F1 doesn't have any following in the US except for a few diehard fans!

11th March 2008, 03:10
If you live in the area of the USA where I live, you watch races at all hours. Australia starts at 10:00p.m. on Friday night! The European races average about 5:00a.m. Japan, Malaysia and China are about 12:00 a.m. - 1:00a.m. Only Canada, Brazil, and formerly the USGP were on at normal human hours. No wonder F1 doesn't have any following in the US except for a few diehard fans!

Good point. It's one thing to make the exception for the odd races.... but nearly all of them? Just aint gonna happen in most cases!

Even in Australia we don't have it that bad. I watch through TVU and races start about 10pm so I'm asleep by 12.30.

11th March 2008, 04:01
Bernie if I ever meet you I swear I am gonna kick you in the family jewels so hard that you'll be more concerned about the pain between your legs than the future of the Australian GP. Keep your bloody hands off Australia. Who cares about what time a GP is on at. Does it really matter if its live or delayed by a few hours?

11th March 2008, 07:11
What you're forgetting is the event is called the FORMULA 1 EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP. :)

Since when?!

11th March 2008, 07:19
If you live in the area of the USA where I live, you watch races at all hours. Australia starts at 10:00p.m. on Friday night! The European races average about 5:00a.m. Japan, Malaysia and China are about 12:00 a.m. - 1:00a.m. Only Canada, Brazil, and formerly the USGP were on at normal human hours. No wonder F1 doesn't have any following in the US except for a few diehard fans!

I still don't get it how you get a F1 race Friday at 10.PM???
There can't be more than a 23 hours difference between 2 places on the Earth.
Or maybe it was the Friday FP sessions?

11th March 2008, 09:27
I doubt that they'll rely on utility power, there'll be hundreds of genetrators (with all the smog they produce!)

have they put anything in place to protect the lights if some one was to cut the power.

some sort of attack.

11th March 2008, 13:16
If you live in the area of the USA where I live, you watch races at all hours. Australia starts at 10:00p.m. on Friday night! The European races average about 5:00a.m. Japan, Malaysia and China are about 12:00 a.m. - 1:00a.m. Only Canada, Brazil, and formerly the USGP were on at normal human hours. No wonder F1 doesn't have any following in the US except for a few diehard fans! I follow the same schedule as you. An hour difference actually. Since these events happen on the weekends I don't have any problem getting up and watching them (European races) live. If that means catching a nap later I will. I don't agree that that is the reason F1 is not the most popular motor-sport in the U.S. It's not marketed in a way that established U.S. Motor-sport fans can relate to. For some reason your average American Motor-sport fan believes that Ovals are where cars race. And They (we) but not this American are satiated by this basic form of racing! There are a lot of very good road courses in the U.S., But because of seating capacity. They are not considered for F1, for obvious financial reasons. Indy was a Joke of a course. (unless you go to races to see carnage). Ralfie boy damn near got paralyzed there. But it holds enough spectators to meet the F1 criteria! Plus a lot of American motor-sport fan are Let us say……………….. F’ing Rednecks, and are brainwashed against all things European especially Continental! These are the same people that believe Western Civilization began on Dec. 7th 1941!

11th March 2008, 15:20
It is a shame though, because Laguna Seca or Sonoma or even the Glen could hold a decent race. Why can't someone pump money in and get a purpose built American circuit made?

Or even make the F1 cars run on ovals? That could be interesting if done correctly.

11th March 2008, 15:42
It is a shame though, because Laguna Seca or Sonoma or even the Glen could hold a decent race. Why can't someone pump money in and get a purpose built American circuit made?

Or even make the F1 cars run on ovals? That could be interesting if done correctly.Because The Fox Network has a huge Cash Cow in NASCAR
They would find some way to label it "Communistic" (which it really is the furthest thing from! You might attach Fascistic to it the way it is run now) The "C" word is still not to be associated with legitmate entities! Ultra conservative Fox is interested in proliferating "American Values"
Like being a good Southern Baptists, Three firearm households, supporting the death penalty, labeling any thing that is a constitutional right Un-American if it obstructs heavy handed government policies, and so on!

11th March 2008, 18:19
I still don't get it how you get a F1 race Friday at 10.PM???
There can't be more than a 23 hours difference between 2 places on the Earth.
Or maybe it was the Friday FP sessions?

International Date Line - Sunday afternoon 2:00p.m. OZ time is Friday 10:00 p.m. US Mountain time

11th March 2008, 19:07
International Date Line - Sunday afternoon 2:00p.m. OZ time is Friday 10:00 p.m. US Mountain time


The biggest time difference between two places on the Earth is 23 hours 59 minutes 59 seconds 999 thousands of a second (I know we could divide it even more but it's useless).

Now between Sunday 2:00 PM and Friday 10:00 PM there are 40 hours!

So I went on the following site and tried it out:

And it says that:
Melbourne -Australia - Victoria - Wed 6:03 AM
Salt Lake City - U.S.A. - Utah - Tue 1:03 PM *

That's 17 hours only.
So you might watch the race at your place Saturday at 10:00 PM!
Anyway if however you manage to see it Friday at 10:00 PM, than please don't ruin our interest 24 hours before the race takes place! ;)

11th March 2008, 20:50
International Date Line - Sunday afternoon 2:00p.m. OZ time is Friday 10:00 p.m. US Mountain time


I live in Michigan. I'll be watching the OZ GP on Saturday night/Sunday Morning...... Not Friday Night/Saturday Morning...Maybe I'll watch qualifying then.

But YES. If you fly from LA to Melbourne across the International Date Line you DO loose a day. I have left LA on a Thursday evening and landed in Melbourne on a Saturday Morning.

11th March 2008, 21:33
Pardon me guys, I'm just hearing about this. What is Our Good Friend Bernie Eccelstone thinking? Try to extort Australia to fit his preferred schedule at the expense of the hometown folks? I admit if BE gets his way, it might make it more convenient for Europe and us in the USA, but Bernie shouldn't be dissing the host country, then threaten to leave if he doesn't get his way. Like someone else said, this is a World Championship, not Bernie's. Occasionally watching at odd hours is part of the deal, and fans the world over are all in that same boat. Get a clue, Bernie.

12th March 2008, 00:48
More pretentious nobbery... seems like a 5PM start still isn't good enough.


Late start won't save GP, says Ecclestone

By Alan Baldwin Tuesday, March 11th 2008, 22:28 GMT

Formula One supremo Bernie Ecclestone has dismissed a proposal by Australian Grand Prix organisers for the race to start later next year in the hope of keeping it on the calendar beyond 2010.

"It needs to be a night race," he told the Age newspaper on Wednesday. "It doesn't help a lot," he added of the proposal to move the start to 5:00 pm local (6:00 am GMT) next year. "That's not really what we are looking for.

"It would be nice if the race was on at midday or 2:00 pm for European audiences, but I guess that would mean it starting in the middle of the night in Australia."

I would gladly approve of this man being off our shores.

Valve Bounce
12th March 2008, 01:20
Has anyone twigged that, perhaps, someone else has offered Bernie more money (which is a secret arrangement, by the way) to stage a GP in their country and so the Oz GP has to be dropped to make way? I think both India and Russia are knocking on Bernie's door, and both have a helluva lot more cash than Oz. The start time is a red herring because neither Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia or China have been asked to run their race at night.

12th March 2008, 01:29
Has anyone twigged that, perhaps, someone else has offered Bernie more money (which is a secret arrangement, by the way) to stage a GP in their country and so the Oz GP has to be dropped to make way? I think both India and Russia are knocking on Bernie's door, and both have a helluva lot more cash than Oz. The start time is a red herring because neither Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia or China have been asked to run their race at night.

No......how can you say such things!!!!
next slander you will say is that Bernie would stoop so low as to buy a race track to have his own race on his own track so he could double dip.....

12th March 2008, 01:51
Has anyone twigged that, perhaps, someone else has offered Bernie more money (which is a secret arrangement, by the way) to stage a GP in their country and so the Oz GP has to be dropped to make way? I think both India and Russia are knocking on Bernie's door, and both have a helluva lot more cash than Oz. The start time is a red herring because neither Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia or China have been asked to run their race at night.

Yes, the news about Russia was circling in January, with it being a possible replacement for Australia.

F1 as an entity is now making single-digit millions per year, as opposed to 3-figure millions a few years ago. This is pretty much why Bernie has suddenly tossed the excrement into the fan after 20 years of being fine with it.

12th March 2008, 01:51
Has anyone twigged that, perhaps, someone else has offered Bernie more money (which is a secret arrangement, by the way) to stage a GP in their country and so the Oz GP has to be dropped to make way? I think both India and Russia are knocking on Bernie's door, and both have a helluva lot more cash than Oz. The start time is a red herring because neither Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia or China have been asked to run their race at night.He's a wicked little man, capable of this skullduggery, and trespasses far more comprehensible.
What ye say lads? Hot tar, and feathers, or the plank?

12th March 2008, 04:35
The man is a horrible little worm IMO :down:

12th March 2008, 04:52

The biggest time difference between two places on the Earth is 23 hours 59 minutes 59 seconds 999 thousands of a second (I know we could divide it even more but it's useless).

Now between Sunday 2:00 PM and Friday 10:00 PM there are 40 hours!

So I went on the following site and tried it out:

And it says that:
Melbourne -Australia - Victoria - Wed 6:03 AM
Salt Lake City - U.S.A. - Utah - Tue 1:03 PM *

That's 17 hours only.
So you might watch the race at your place Saturday at 10:00 PM!
Anyway if however you manage to see it Friday at 10:00 PM, than please don't ruin our interest 24 hours before the race takes place! ;)

That's what I get for checking the times on SpeedTV's website. They have the race listed as starting at 12:00a.m. on Saturday for US Eastern time which would make it 10:00p.m. Mountain time. Unfortunately, Speed seems to have forgotten that after 11:59p.m. Saturday comes 12:00a.m. Sunday! So checking another TV schedule website, the race is at 10:00p.m. on Saturday night. Even Speed doesn't care enough about F1 to get the times right! :(

12th March 2008, 04:53
Hi guys,

I haven't posted on here in bloody ages (how are y'all by the way?) but I just wanted to say that I too am utterly disgusted by these latest attacks on the Aus GP by Ecclestone.

We have put on a fantastic event since the 80s, have some of the most loyal F1 fans in the world, and have to wake up at midnight ourselves for most races, and this is how the old man hits us? Disgraceful.

Just what the hell has gotten into Bernie in recent years? Has he any prescence of a soul anymore? Seems to me that only money speaks to him now.

I was just reading in an article a minute ago that Bernie has simply dismissed the GP organisers' attempt to appease him by starting the race 90 mins later saying, and i quote:
'"It doesn't help a lot," Ecclestone told the Herald. "That's not really what we're looking for. It would be nice if the race was on at midday or 2pm for European audiences, but I guess that would mean it starting in the middle of the night in Australia."'

Disgraceful. How is it fair on us to have an F1 race in the middle of one of our major cities on at 12 midnight.

I think we should do something to get him back. Maybe the GP organisers should hold the race at 10am in the morning just to give him a big F%$# OFF. Yeah that would be good. Maybe just everyone in the stands chant out how much of a w****r he is whenever he steps out into the pitlane.

Lol sorry about all this, just a little peed off. Anyway, my first post in a long time needed some impact :p :

12th March 2008, 05:05
I doubt that they'll rely on utility power, there'll be hundreds of genetrators (with all the smog they produce!)

Well with a temporary lighting system you wire several lighting towers to each generator. And you alternate which generator you use per each tower so there's virtually no chance that two adjacent lighting towers will fail.

A permanent lighting sytem will use regular utilities. In decades of night races I only know of one time when a blackout happened during a race. All the cars safely came to a stop and aside from the disruption, there was no major trouble.

I've heard complaints that rain under the lights would blind the drivers, but that's just not true. Here's a race with rain, mud, smoke, standing water, and a dramatic ending during a night race.


I think most opponents are worried the race will be in the middle of the night. I doubt it would start much later than 8PM local time. It'll be over in time for the nightly news. And I think some race tracks look beautiful at night.


12th March 2008, 05:16
Disgraceful. How is it fair on us to have an F1 race in the middle of one of our major cities on at 12 midnight.

I think we should do something to get him back. Maybe the GP organisers should hold the race at 10am in the morning just to give him a big F%$# OFF. Yeah that would be good. Maybe just everyone in the stands chant out how much of a w****r he is whenever he steps out into the pitlane.

Lol sorry about all this, just a little peed off. Anyway, my first post in a long time needed some impact :p :

That's quite understandable coming from one who was equally upset at the loss of the USGP. But I am glad that Tony George told Bernie where he could stick his cash (I believe it was somewhere just left of his wallet! ;) )

12th March 2008, 05:28
Does this mean that the Oz GP fellas are going to put it back to 3:30 again?

12th March 2008, 07:23
That's what I get for checking the times on SpeedTV's website. They have the race listed as starting at 12:00a.m. on Saturday for US Eastern time which would make it 10:00p.m. Mountain time. Unfortunately, Speed seems to have forgotten that after 11:59p.m. Saturday comes 12:00a.m. Sunday! So checking another TV schedule website, the race is at 10:00p.m. on Saturday night. Even Speed doesn't care enough about F1 to get the times right! :(

It wasn't such a bad mistake cause you would have been able to see the race next day! :D

I was just puzzled by this time issue. ;)
Maybe Bernie check the the TV schedules on the same site and than goes circuit hunting! :D

12th March 2008, 07:30
The man is a horrible little worm IMO :down:

A greedy and stupid one on top of that.
He still didn't realized that Sunday at 14:00 isn't the right moment for most of the Europeans.
Honestly I would rather get the races live either Sunday morning very early or Sunday evening very late. Why is that? Because I do have a life, and that means that during the week ends I'm always out of the house during the day either biking, backpacking, skiing, swimming or just simply laying out in the sun!
This is one of the reasons why I started missing out on races lately.
I just recored the race and watch it when I got some time.

12th March 2008, 12:02
A greedy and stupid one on top of that.
He still didn't realized that Sunday at 14:00 isn't the right moment for most of the Europeans.
Honestly I would rather get the races live either Sunday morning very early or Sunday evening very late. Why is that? Because I do have a life, and that means that during the week ends I'm always out of the house during the day either biking, backpacking, skiing, swimming or just simply laying out in the sun!
This is one of the reasons why I started missing out on races lately.
I just recored the race and watch it when I got some time.

But, sadly, these thoughts don't enter his mind — not when he has the chance to stage a race in that great beacon of democracy and above-board business dealings, Russia. Goodness knows what he and his associates will have to do in terms of 'string-pulling' to get a race staged there. I would be amazed if it was all clean by our standards.

12th March 2008, 12:30
But, sadly, these thoughts don't enter his mind — not when he has the chance to stage a race in that great beacon of democracy and above-board business dealings, Russia. Goodness knows what he and his associates will have to do in terms of 'string-pulling' to get a race staged there. I would be amazed if it was all clean by our standards.

We all know it is impossible for that to be clean, by any standards.
It wouldn't be 100% clean in most EU countries (mine included) so there is no chance it is in Russia.

12th March 2008, 12:45
Has anyone twigged that, perhaps, someone else has offered Bernie more money (which is a secret arrangement, by the way) to stage a GP in their country and so the Oz GP has to be dropped to make way? I think both India and Russia are knocking on Bernie's door, and both have a helluva lot more cash than Oz. The start time is a red herring because neither Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia or China have been asked to run their race at night.

You may realise this, and the rest of us here may realise it. But the dumb-arse Aus media don't.

If someone in the media in Aus could start asking questions along this line they may be able to get Bernie to squirm....

12th March 2008, 13:27
We all know it is impossible for that to be clean, by any standards.
It wouldn't be 100% clean in most EU countries (mine included) so there is no chance it is in Russia.

Maybe something similar would take place as happened when a Red Bull Air Race was due to be held over the Neva in St Petersburg in 2006. The competitors had all arrived and were getting ready when the event was cancelled due to what were described as 'last-minute delays concerning authority permissions'. I think we can all take a guess at what that might have meant in Russia.

12th March 2008, 13:32
Maybe something similar would take place as happened when a Red Bull Air Race was due to be held over the Neva in St Petersburg in 2006. The competitors had all arrived and were getting ready when the event was cancelled due to what were described as 'last-minute delays concerning authority permissions'. I think we can all take a guess at what that might have meant in Russia.

Think about what Bernie's face would look like!
Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to make him feel he's not the best thing on Earth since sliced bread! :D

He wouldn't even have the possibility to sue the Russians for the USD milions he would lose if that happened! :laugh:

12th March 2008, 13:34
But, sadly, these thoughts don't enter his mind — not when he has the chance to stage a race in that great beacon of democracy and above-board business dealings, Russia. Goodness knows what he and his associates will have to do in terms of 'string-pulling' to get a race staged there. I would be amazed if it was all clean by our standards.

Something involving both clean and Bernie?

my suspicion is that putin wants benie to come, so putin can learn some new tricks from the master....... besides, the important question that is outcome determinative, are tobacco ads illegal in russia?

As to the other concern, Red Bull was stupid and failed to pay proper fees to the right folks, whereas benie, i am certain, knows exactly who needs to be properly.......

12th March 2008, 13:36
Think about what Bernie's face would look like!
Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to make him feel he's not the best thing on Earth since sliced bread! :D

He wouldn't even have the possibility to sue the Russians for the USD milions he would lose if that happened! :laugh:

And if he tried, he might find a nasty surprise waiting for him the next time he's in a London sushi restaurant.

12th March 2008, 13:55
But, sadly, these thoughts don't enter his mind — not when he has the chance to stage a race in that great beacon of democracy and above-board business dealings, Russia. Goodness knows what he and his associates will have to do in terms of 'string-pulling' to get a race staged there. I would be amazed if it was all clean by our standards.
Well said. Very well said! Maybe Bernie has been getting some of those
Unsolicited emails regarding Russian Brides, and is planning on impressing them! ;)

12th March 2008, 15:31
Something involving both clean and Bernie?

my suspicion is that putin wants benie to come, so putin can learn some new tricks from the master.......

Putin to learn from Bernie?! You're over rating Bernie's abilities. ;)

13th March 2008, 00:01
Putin to learn from Bernie?! You're over rating Bernie's abilities. ;)

Well if we were talking "abilities" such as the ability to be open and honest, taking resposnsibilty, the ability to be charitable, to be fair to friend and foe alike, intergrity, and so forth, you are right as Putin is well ahead in those abilities....

13th March 2008, 04:19
Well if we were talking "abilities" such as the ability to be open and honest, taking resposnsibilty, the ability to be charitable, to be fair to friend and foe alike, intergrity, and so forth, you are right as Putin is well ahead in those abilities.... I think Putin would just as soon snap Bernies neck, as look at his face(s)!

13th March 2008, 05:54
I think Putin would just as soon snap Bernies neck, as look at his face(s)!

So does that make me a communist, too??? ;)

13th March 2008, 06:08
It wasn't such a bad mistake cause you would have been able to see the race next day! :D

I was just puzzled by this time issue. ;)
Maybe Bernie check the the TV schedules on the same site and than goes circuit hunting! :D

Now I'm going to be out of town! Just hope the hotel has the Speed Channel! :(

13th March 2008, 06:46
So does that make me a communist, too??? ;) The last time I used the "C" word on this forum it was eliminated!
Kind of like Bernie’s sense of fair play :O

13th March 2008, 09:36
Now I'm going to be out of town! Just hope the hotel has the Speed Channel! :(

Sorry to hear that. Hope you have some luck with the hotel TV.

14th March 2008, 03:03
besides, the important question that is outcome determinative, are tobacco ads illegal in russia?

Since I just realized timezones can be quite crazy... is it still 2003 around there? cuz here in 2008 tobacco sponsorship isn't an important matter anymore

14th March 2008, 03:12
Since I just realized timezones can be quite crazy... is it still 2003 around there? cuz here in 2008 tobacco sponsorship isn't an important matter anymore
Yeah you are right ------that is why in China 2007, all those ferraris did not have "marlboro" tatooed all over them.....but my tv kept showing them as though they did.....time warped.....

14th March 2008, 03:22
sure they had it, but 1 out of 11 teams have tobacco sponsorship... not a "huge" presence in the sport, right?

14th March 2008, 05:16
sure they had it, but 1 out of 11 teams have tobacco sponsorship... not a "huge" presence in the sport, right?

Not a huge presence - the ads were only on the most recognized name in F1!

Valve Bounce
14th March 2008, 08:41
It's true, read it on pitpass. Is this guy for real or is his head stuck firmly up his behind?

15th March 2008, 15:07
I am amazed that Geenpeace have not said anything on the complete waste of energy used up floodlighting these races. Seems mad but as many have sadi, Bernie is only interested in the loot and their are other countries happy to pay him masses to stage a GP so he will just walk away from Australia. Watch siverstone and others follow if they do not pay up. If Bernie does fall out with the Russians then he will need his own food taster but suppose the FIA will pay for that.

15th March 2008, 23:45
I don't care much about what Greenpace says, so probably Bernie doesn't give a big sh*t about them!

Certainly Bernie is getting this whole issue into total abdsurd, 1Am?

17th March 2008, 18:32
"At the moment, it is ridiculous that people are asked not to sleep in order to see it live.

"That can't carry on.

"The alternative is to pull the race completely from Australia."

I officially hate Bernie Ecclestone. What a complete hypocrite.

(I have lots of other words going through my head but I don't think they'd be appropriate for this forum)

The Olympics has been dealing with this problem for years and manages to put on a good show. Maybe Bernie couldn't put two and two together when it came to understanding the lack of fan support in the USA. The Australia race was at midnight ET, 9:00 pm PT (which was tolerable). Its the 4:00 am telecasts of European races that's a mess. Except for Monaco which is shown on here on a delayed basis.