View Full Version : Happy birthday Great Britain!

Ian McC
16th January 2007, 07:13
300 years old today :D

Have a good one everyone :beer:

16th January 2007, 07:30
Hey, you guys even won a cricket match today!

That's all you're getting from this country! :D

16th January 2007, 07:50
Not entirely true. Great Britain was referred to as much as 400 years ago, and is the geographical term for the british mainland.

What is 300 years old today is the United Kingdom :)

16th January 2007, 09:39
I was kind of wondering why GB would have a birthday...but the UK...might make sense...is this the day when N. Ireland became part of the Kingdom?

16th January 2007, 09:50
I was kind of wondering why GB would have a birthday...but the UK...might make sense...is this the day when N. Ireland became part of the Kingdom?

No, it's when the Scottish parliament was abolished and England and Scotland became one country as the United Kingdom. Wales had already become part of England a few hundred years before that.

It was 94 years later when Ireland became part of the United Kindom. And 121 years after that when Ireland left the UK leaving Northern Ireland.

16th January 2007, 12:08
And just think France could have become part of the United Kingdom. No offense to France but I'm glad they are a seperate country.

16th January 2007, 12:11
happy birthday great britian... australias sporting 'whipping boy'

16th January 2007, 12:48
and of course there's that 'thing' about the Colonies (US), but we won't talk about that right now...

:p :

16th January 2007, 13:02
The colonies were never part of the United Kingdom, so we don't care about them :p

16th January 2007, 16:21
I'll drink to that :beer:

16th January 2007, 19:31
and here is hoping that it doesnt last another 30 years never mind 300. Still we all can make mistakes.. hoping for an independent socialist scotland

16th January 2007, 19:43
Happy birthday GB!
Thanks for the beer! :up: :D