View Full Version : ITV F1 08 Coverage

10th March 2008, 00:34
Will they saturate every program with Lewis Hamilton and his Father Again?

btw have you noticed Lewis is losing his hair at the front lol.

10th March 2008, 14:05
British TV Channel in "extensive coverage of genuine title contending British Team/Driver combination" shocker ;)

of course they will, why on earth wouldn't they?

10th March 2008, 14:58
I for one am looking forward to al the "filling in" pecies that they do, real educational bit's like Cooking with Heiki, Bike riding with Jenson etc..
I even saw Snowboarding with Kimi on yesterdays preview show :)
Shame about RS retrement, I was quite excited at the prospect of " My favourite car parks and their various charges per hour with Ralph Schumacher"

10th March 2008, 16:15
Well the advertisement currently running is not for F1 but for Lewis Hamilton, so that gives you an idea of what to expect!

He'll qualify 4th and finish 4th. Yet his drive will be "immense". ;)

10th March 2008, 17:39
I for one am looking forward to al the "filling in" pecies that they do, real educational bit's like Cooking with Heiki, Bike riding with Jenson etc..
I even saw Snowboarding with Kimi on yesterdays preview show :)
Shame about RS retrement, I was quite excited at the prospect of " My favourite car parks and their various charges per hour with Ralph Schumacher"

Or rumble strip raised hump spacing variations on the UK motorway network......

I loved the bit in the show when the awful spawn of BCE asked Filippe if he skiid a lot. I mean, for one, he's an F1 driver so that limits your free time a bit............

10th March 2008, 18:11
Or rumble strip raised hump spacing variations on the UK motorway network......

I loved the bit in the show when the awful spawn of BCE asked Filippe if he skiid a lot. I mean, for one, he's an F1 driver so that limits your free time a bit............
Doesnt stop Kimi from snowboarding a lot, and Viellneuve and Schumy skiid a lot.

However, I would rather they spent time covering F1, rather than waste our time.

10th March 2008, 18:34
At least the Ferrari ski trip was something diferent to 'let's talk about Lewis for 40 minutes before every Grand Prix'.

Give us a break and let's talk about the other 21 drivers in equal measure. Why not have a featured team at every race like they did a few years ago? That way, people who watch F1 just for Hamilton might learn a few things about the other drivers and what makes them tick.

Don't get me wrong, I still want Lewis to win the championship, but I don't want him to dominate the coverage. What about Jenson or Ant or DC? they merit the same amount of coverage IMO.

10th March 2008, 19:14
I saw Tasmin Ecclestone has got a job at ITV, I mean the only place id like to see her is kneeling in front of me

11th March 2008, 01:39
btw have you noticed Lewis is losing his hair at the front lol.

It really doesn't matter.... ;)

11th March 2008, 13:11
I saw Tasmin Ecclestone has got a job at ITV, I mean the only place id like to see her is kneeling in front of me

Facing which way ??!!??

11th March 2008, 13:13
Is Louise "bad luck" Goodman still there for ITV this year then, or has she been replaced by Miss Ecclestone??

Dave B
11th March 2008, 13:38
No, that was a Ferrari puff-piece recorded months ago (and already shown on Sky). Ms E is working for Sky Italia so hopefully won't be bothering us again.

I notice the ITV-F1 website (http://www.itv-f1.com/Home.aspx)has had a revamp and is more in line with the ITV.com brand.

11th March 2008, 15:21
At least the Ferrari ski trip was something diferent to 'let's talk about Lewis for 40 minutes before every Grand Prix'.
Oh don't worry they'll make up for lost time there!

Come quali there will be servel more interviews and a trip around his "crib" to look forward too :rolleyes: And they might put on some of that F1 thing too, if they have time...

11th March 2008, 15:32
Strangely enough ITV coverage is not aimed at anoraks!!! its aimed at those people are casual viewers, many who started viewing again last year because of LEwis. The more people watch it the more improved the coverage becomes, although that does involve much dumbing down for the layman.

Whats so bad about them talking about Lewis? What other British driver is there for a British TV company to get excited about.

Louise aint so bad its the Kn*b end TEd that gets up my nose. What an arrogant W-device used for slowing boats or berthing boats at sea!!!!

11th March 2008, 16:11
Jenson Button for one, who could be the best British driver if he was in a good car. I don't like this dumbing down. Even though I don't mind them doing it up to a point, whyd on't they talk about the other teams and drivers in a way that the layman can understand?

11th March 2008, 16:14
Ahhh 2008. Another year of crappy F1 coverage :(

11th March 2008, 16:19
Jenson Button for one, who could be the best British driver if he was in a good car.

Could be, but isn't.

Lets fact it, people want to hear about a driver who has a good chance of winning the race, not one who might finish 12th.

11th March 2008, 16:23
Could be, but isn't.

Lets fact it, people want to hear about a driver who has a good chance of winning the race, not one who might finish 12th.

I know, and it can be understood, but half of these people will end up watching a whole season and not even know who all the drivers are!

They may not even know who Anthony Davidson is, and it's terrible that he goes virtually unnnoticed by his own country's press, regardless of him being at the back of the grid.

11th March 2008, 19:19

11th March 2008, 21:53
Ahhh 2008. Another year of crappy F1 coverage :(

Be grateful for small mercies, F1 gets fantastic coverage on TV, Radio and in the papers. As someone who also follows Moto GP, WRC, WTCC - it's on another planet. But agree, the dumbing down Hamilton love-fest is a little nauseating.

11th March 2008, 23:06
don't forget James Allen...............

12th March 2008, 12:55
don't forget James Allen...............

As I said, another year of crappy F1 coverage :p :

13th March 2008, 01:25
I've just seen the ITV-F1 advert for the Aus GP. It's a good advert, but someone needs to tell ITV that it's not a one man show...

13th March 2008, 03:31
Aren't all TV stations somewhat parochial? This weekend we in Australia will be treated to numerous pieces about Mark Webber's sock folding habits and during the race the commenators will let us know, at every available opportunity, that Webber is still running 15th having made a fantastic start from 13th on the grid but being very unlucky and somehow getting passed by two other guys who made crappy starts.

Once Webber inevitably retires the commentators will come back from every commercial break with an update of how the now DNF'd Webber was terribly unlucky to spin off the track and hit the pit wall and then gives us a review of his race up to this terribly unlucky event.

It gets very annoying getting told the lap times of a guy who is running in the midfield and was never, nor will never be in contention for anything! At least you Brits get swamped with stuff about a guy that might actually achieve something.

13th March 2008, 09:57
I know what you mean. I had the same thing when I lived in Germany. Made slightly worse by the fact the cafe I used to eat brunch and watch the races in was 5mins from where Ma Schumi lived [bless her :( such a lovely lady]
Even being the ardent Michael and Ferrari supporter that I am, I still got fed up with the hype.

At least it's not as bad as the old Mansell Mania

13th March 2008, 11:52
At least it's not as bad as the old Mansell Mania

Are yes, the era that the good old BBC showed us how very NOT to show F1 coverage....

No qualy, if you were lucky, and if tiddlywinks had been cancelled, we might get some delayed footage.

At best, we had to rely on 'Grand Prix' shown at some delightfully ungodly hour, and only highlights.

The only good things about the BBC coverage were Murray, James and Jonathan P.

13th March 2008, 14:39
Here's some good news: ITV are making live streaming of Friday practice, qualifying and the races available on their website. Now if they could just make their player Mac compatible... grrr.

Dave B
13th March 2008, 15:03
I think you mean if only Apple would support the ITV player :p