View Full Version : Should Rossi retire?

7th March 2008, 23:12
Sure it's far too early to post such a thread, but..

Isn't it time for Vale to step out of MotoGP? You see; it's one of my favourite riders but I don't want to see him being beaten by names like De Puniet or so.. I think Valentino has had his best time. He might get a few wins this year but I just don't think he's still got what it takes to get a title..

What do you think?

7th March 2008, 23:46
I have to disagree. Many riders have tried to win the title without success, but they are still there, why, because they have what it takes to be competitive. Should Edwards retire ? Rossi always said he wanted new challenges after winning 7 titles, after all, that's one of the reasons he went to Yamaha in the first place. Now he has a real challenge, to claw his way back to the top, amongst one of the best line up of riders in recent history. I think this year is going to be very competitive, very tough, and I can't see Casey walking away with it so easy. Sure I think Casey will take the title, but Rossi and others will make it very tough. No, Rossi should stick with it, and show that a true champ never gives up, no matter what the odds.

8th March 2008, 00:21
Well Rossi's constant blaming of his equipment for his lack of competitiveness is very tiresome. Especially when Stoner is faster and makes less mistakes than Rossi does. I think he could still do it if he gets his act together.

8th March 2008, 08:15
You're not serious are you????

Lets see how he's going after a few races in, and not a few practice sessions....

8th March 2008, 09:24
Yes I am serious ;)
I just don't think he'll ever be able to beat Stoner again..

8th March 2008, 11:16
Yes I am serious ;)
I just don't think he'll ever be able to beat Stoner again..

So the rest of the field can retire aswell .. :rolleyes:

8th March 2008, 12:09
What's wrong with De Puniet? :confused:

8th March 2008, 12:28
If you can't beat him, join him.

If I was Valentino, I'd quit ****tin' around and complaining about a crap bike and just join Ducati for 2009.

Because retiring at this point would be a dumb option. A 7xWC doesn't just voluntarily retire when they are down.

8th March 2008, 12:37
I think if Rossi retires from not winning the title after this year, I will lose a little respect for him. As great a rider as he is, he must not just show how well he can ride, but show that he can endure the tough times too. If you look back at what Mick Doohan achieved with the injuries he had, it will put things into respective. Come on Rossi, just get in there and trade gloves, and take the hard punches.

8th March 2008, 20:46
Hogwash, he doesn't need to retire, he needs a DUCATI!

8th March 2008, 22:32
Hogwash, he doesn't need to retire, he needs a DUCATI!

Pretty sure Melandri was thinking the same thing late last year.. Wonder what he's thinking now? :p

8th March 2008, 23:03
will he say it was the tyres this year

8th March 2008, 23:39
Pretty sure Melandri was thinking the same thing late last year.. Wonder what he's thinking now? :p

"...F$&#!!" :D

8th March 2008, 23:56
Of course he should, give his ride to Gazza....

Vote #1 bring back Mister Squiggle :s mokin:

9th March 2008, 00:28
Who is Mr Squiggle ?

9th March 2008, 00:58
If you can't beat him, join him.

If I was Valentino, I'd quit ****tin' around and complaining about a crap bike and just join Ducati for 2009.

Because retiring at this point would be a dumb option. A 7xWC doesn't just voluntarily retire when they are down.

+1. Valentino on equal machinery has no equal, that was proven in the early 2000's when aboard the RC211V....

9th March 2008, 03:25
Rossi won't quit yet. He still has plenty to offer but if Lorenzo outshines him this year then his excuses will look feeble.

Of course he should, give his ride to Gazza....

Vote #1 bring back Mister Squiggle :s mokin:

Vote #2 here :up:

+1. Valentino on equal machinery had no equal, that was proven in the early 2000's when aboard the RC211V....

edited for accuracy.

Rossi didn't have to deal with Stoner, Pedrosa, Dovizioso and Lorenzo among others in the early 2000's. Also, the Honda was the best bike in the paddock so it proves that he was better than the competition on superior equipment, arguably the same as Stoner today. He is now older and new talent has come thru. His superiority has diminished but he is still right up there amongst the top guys. Write him off at your peril.

9th March 2008, 06:14
Should Rossi retire?

No of course not, I mean he's not done much if any racing in GP's and sure he's only qualified 34th in Qatar but it's a bit early to say that he should pack it in. I'm sure he'll get better as he learns the tracks and GP racing as a whole, give him some time.

Oh sorry you were talking about Valentino Rossi, not Louis Rossi, my bad. :p

Should Valentino Rossi retire?

Hmmm, NO.

9th March 2008, 06:54
Who is Mr Squiggle ?


9th March 2008, 07:09
They are great clips Jet. Friends who were situated at MG corner for the supers last weekend were saying he even had the Trumpy Supersport bike smokin up around turn 11 and 12. A freakin supersport bike for crying out loud!

9th March 2008, 07:11
Valentino Rossi is peerless over a decade!

He has been defeated two seasons in a row and is surely under fire like never before.

The Doctor chose to leave the most successful manufacturer and build success elsewhere. For that decision alone I will always remember and support him.

For his decision to say Bridgestone or retirement I will always resent him......

But currently he remains the most feared rider come race day.

Tell me you don't have a feeling he can win every start!

Vale will do as he has always done and retire on his own terms. I am certain he will not drag out the process, after all he is sure, confident, a CHAMPION!

9th March 2008, 07:26
Very good post Mach. But on the second last point, he's now no longer the man I expect to win every weekend and there were weekends last year (and this weekend) where I don't think he can win unless something untoward happens to Stoner. There was once an inevitability every weekend that he would win that I think is no longer there.
He is, and forever will be an all-time champ and he still has plenty to offer for a good few years to come.

9th March 2008, 07:40
Very good post Mach. But on the second last point, he's now no longer the man I expect to win every weekend and there were weekends last year (and this weekend) where I don't think he can win unless something untoward happens to Stoner. There was once an inevitability every weekend that he would win that I think is no longer there.
He is, and forever will be an all-time champ and he still has plenty to offer for a good few years to come.

Time will tell!

9th March 2008, 07:48
Indeed. :up: And I look forward to finding out! :D

9th March 2008, 08:33
I must agree with Clint to a certain extent. Before 2007, you would always expect Rossi to win, or at least fighting for the win. I think going into 2008, we expect Stoner to be at the front, and Rossi leaves you very uncertain at the present. I will always remember Rossi's amazing rides from the back of the pack to finish on the podium, so, I would never doubt that he is still the man to beat. All I can say is it should be a fantastic season, and one that will be remembered for a long time,(bit of a prediction, but I can see it coming true).

9th March 2008, 09:56
I'm hoping that Vale comes out and does what Troy Bayliss did to the field at The Island last weekend in this race!! :s mokin:

And that Dovi comes home in second with Westy 3rd!!! :eek:

Yes I know...Too much Bundy tonight!! A girl can dream!! ;)

9th March 2008, 13:34
You can never have too much Bundy :D

9th March 2008, 22:24
They are great clips Jet. Friends who were situated at MG corner for the supers last weekend were saying he even had the Trumpy Supersport bike smokin up around turn 11 and 12. A freakin supersport bike for crying out loud!

I hope he finally gets the support and ride he deserves, just maybe he can turn the Trumpy into a winner??? if anyone could it would be Gazz :cool:

And what about rossi??? Hmmm after Qatar, I would bet he might be already waying up again those options for 09... Maybe Troys soon to be vacated Ducati seat in SBK might be looking somewhat attractive, especially if he has a few more 'Qatar' -ish like runs... Round #2 @ Jerez should be VERY interesting and just maybe go aways to answering the 'big' question on retirement rumblings :confused:

10th March 2008, 02:45
You can never have too much Bundy :D

I may have come very close though at Superbikes last weekend!! :eek:

10th March 2008, 02:47
I hope he finally gets the support and ride he deserves, just maybe he can turn the Trumpy into a winner??? if anyone could it would be Gazz :cool:

And what about rossi??? Hmmm after Qatar, I would bet he might be already waying up again those options for 09... Maybe Troys soon to be vacated Ducati seat in SBK might be looking somewhat attractive, especially if he has a few more 'Qatar' -ish like runs... Round #2 @ Jerez should be VERY interesting and just maybe go aways to answering the 'big' question on retirement rumblings :confused:

I had a dream :eek: that Valentino did exactly that!! Went to Supers on Troys old ride and WON!! Which upset Max no end..

10th March 2008, 09:31
I had a dream :eek: that Valentino did exactly that!! Went to Supers on Troys old ride and WON!! Which upset Max no end..

I wonder if rossi has nightmares about ending his career riding a bucking red Ducati.... then being overtaken down the straights by Max riding a smooth as silk 250- Ahhhh Noooooooo :angryfire

10th March 2008, 09:39
I think that he is still competitive. Hist first laps yesterday was amazing. In hot weather I guess that he will be able to beat Dani and Lorenzo. Casey, however, is tough. Very tough. It's not just the bike - look at Melandri. Casey is special. Maybe Rossi met his match.

10th March 2008, 09:53
I wonder if rossi has nightmares about ending his career riding a bucking red Ducati.... then being overtaken down the straights by Max riding a smooth as silk 250- Ahhhh Noooooooo :angryfire

Max probably still has night mares about Valentino anyway!! ;)

10th March 2008, 10:10
He shouldn't retire. It's good to see that he is a human too and is beatable. ;) The start of the season hints that he may have a hard season, but the 5-times champ in the Royal class is surely still one of the best riders out there. Strange attitude here - once a legend (we can say so!) faces some difficulties (nobody can win forever!) and already it's said that his time is over and he should retire... :\

Maybe he's making wrong decisions? Lorenzo managed quite fine with Michelins, but Rossi's B'stones started fading in the second half of the race. So Yamaha not suited to B's? Last year Vale complained about M's - wouldn't it be ironic if he does now the same about B's? :p :

10th March 2008, 12:02
Bring on the regular day races, then we will see how they all measure up.

10th March 2008, 22:36
Yeah I reckon come Jerez the truth will be known...
Rossi has a lot to prove in the next couple of races if his reputation is to remain intact. All of last years complaining about Casey's Tyres, TC, HP etc will come to naught soon enough if hes not running right along side him in the daylight dry OR wet :dozey:

12th March 2008, 05:22
I still hope Rossi to stay more in motogp in his current bike, he might need to realize that he is now having stronger teammate than any former teammates, and once the opportunity come to Lorenzo challenging the title, he should accept the fact and otherwise give some support to make it real.n

It isn't preferable he than leans the title on Lorenzo, but keep the racing spirit as one and two winning would be something marvelous.

The Phantom
17th March 2008, 16:30
I'm sure that there's a lot of pressure behind the scenes to keep Rossi in MotoGP for as long as possible - he's good for the sport, and Dorna et al know it very well.

But if he ever decides that it's not making him happy, then I'm sure he'll be out of there... so the question is, does having to push himself continually make him happy? I think - for now - that the answer is yes...

18th March 2008, 04:38
I think that the divide between Rossi's pit and Heehaws, is really about a personality clash, more than the tyres. When it was rumoured that Heehaw would join the tuning fork, I think Rossi and Jeremy, thought up a way to keep them apart, so that we would not see the same situation as happened in F1 between Lewis and Gonzo. It will certainly be interesting to see who comes out on top throughout the year though.