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15th January 2007, 21:55
Now usually I wouldn't bother with Big Brother and especially since it happens to be in another country, but this year's Celeb edition has charged up a scandal about racism.


Whilst I don't condone racism in principle, how often would you say that the supposed "victims" pull it out as a convenient card to explain why people don't like them?

From what I've seen on the telly, Shilpa is having the mick taken out of her, but how much of it is because in the first instance she was an insufferable whiny ****? In that case, did she bring it on herself?

Please handle this subject with care, and discuss.

15th January 2007, 22:14
She brought it open herself. :mad:

15th January 2007, 22:40
I've not watched one minute of it, so I wouldn't know. Mind you, it says in the report that several housemates were taking the mick out of her accent, and although that might not necessarily be racism, it is in 'Mind Your Language' territory.

16th January 2007, 00:02
Reading the title I thought this thread was about my job... :uhoh: ...

16th January 2007, 00:40
Shilpa is absolutely lovely, I think guys will be drooling & the ladies fuming.
I think most men would want her & most women could feel threatened by her.

Racism ? maybe, but my guess would be jealousy. :laugh:

16th January 2007, 00:43
she could eat crackers in my bed anytime!

16th January 2007, 00:47

16th January 2007, 00:49
some people dont know how to treat a lady

16th January 2007, 00:51
vroom vroom she gets my motor cranking

16th January 2007, 00:53
i could go for a roommate like that ;)

16th January 2007, 00:56
my tongue is hanging out

16th January 2007, 01:07
they need to quit picking on the pretty lady

16th January 2007, 01:36
It will simply be jealousy and bitchiness. I havent seen any racism from what I or the Mrs has seen of it, and shes Indian too!

16th January 2007, 10:41
Who cares?

Dave B
16th January 2007, 10:57
Haven't seen any of CCB either, but we had a girl at school who was stupid, irritating, bitchy, vindictive, rude... and happenned to be black.

She got away with all manner of bad behaviour because the moment she was challenged she played the race card.

It's people like her who give the other 99.9999% of minorities a bad press. :(

16th January 2007, 12:58
So how does Shilpa Shetty feel? Does she think she's being racially discriminated against, or is she taking it as "girly rivalry"? Obviously she hasn't spoken to those complaining to Ofcom so they're acting - urged to do so according by the report - on what they've seen of an (edited) tv programme.

It's hardly the first time that BB inmates have ganged up on another inmate. What were the "-isms" then?

16th January 2007, 13:09
its hardly racism at the moment, a few close to the bone moments, but its definatley uncomfortable and seems to be unwarratned bullying.

whether that has been triggered by an underlying prejudice or if its just because the three girls who are picking on her are bitchy halfwits with hardly a braincell, let alone an intelligent comment to rub together between them, remains to be seen.

i personally don't think there is any intentional racism going on, just a massive amount of ignorance and basic bullying, which should get the same attention IMO

Dave B
16th January 2007, 14:32
So how does Shilpa Shetty feel? Does she think she's being racially discriminated against, or is she taking it as "girly rivalry"? Obviously she hasn't spoken to those complaining to Ofcom so they're acting - urged to do so according by the report - on what they've seen of an (edited) tv programme.

It's hardly the first time that BB inmates have ganged up on another inmate. What were the "-isms" then?
Good point. As far as I'm aware she's a grown-up who is in the house voluntarily. If she genuinely feels victimised she can always walk out.

Everybody else seems to be... :s

16th January 2007, 16:54
Unfortunately Ive just read and listened to whats been going on recently and yes it is deteriorating into racism. Over 4000 people have now complained and rightly so. Total disgrace.

16th January 2007, 17:31
People are only complaining because she is slightly coloured. This just brings attention to the fact she is Indian. :mad:

16th January 2007, 18:30
Good point. As far as I'm aware she's a grown-up who is in the house voluntarily. If she genuinely feels victimised she can always walk out.

If someone is bullied or racially abused at work / down the pub / in school....etc, is it okay because 'they can always walk out'? No. The fact is, nobody should feel they have to leave an environment because they're being harrassed.

Ian McC
16th January 2007, 18:45
Seems to me that if she was white it would be called bullying, or bitching. I doubt that racism has anything to do with it.

16th January 2007, 22:00
If she was white they wouldnt be calling her 'The Indian' or asking her if every Indian eats with their hands. Jo O'Meara has also said that every Indian is thin because they dont eat properly.

Complaints have now risen to 10,000 and rightly so.

speedy king
17th January 2007, 00:37
Well Jade has been dropped by an Anti-Bullying charity :up:

17th January 2007, 01:50
I haven't watched much of it at all. But I saw the part with Jade and Shirpa where she was having a little go at her. I don't remember seeing anything racist.

But what that article says, I wouldn't consider racist :confused:

17th January 2007, 12:42
Seems to me that if she was white it would be called bullying, or bitching. I doubt that racism has anything to do with it.

would that be ok then? is it not still the same, whether there is an underlying racist tone, or simply "bullying", does that make it more acceptable?

its a chicken and egg situation too, would they be doing the bullying if she was white, or is that the reason, therefore making it racist? of course its incredibly difficult to tell, but she is the only one geting that treatment from the ignorami and its not like she is a rude, vile, impossible person, she appears to be incredibly polite and helpful and is attempting to make the best of the time in the house even if its an unknown culture, environment and apparently unknown day to day tasks.

cue all Jade's, Jo's and Danielle's friend/familar to roll out the usual "she can't be racist, she's got loads of Black/asian friends"

doesn't make them any nicer people to be treating anyone like that, racist or not!

Ian McC
17th January 2007, 19:22
would that be ok then?

Obviously not!

No doubt C4 are rubbing their hands as the viewing figures rise though I do wonder how many of those that have complained actually watched the program.

It is now being said that this could finish off Jades career (if that is what you want to call it)

17th January 2007, 19:36
Obviously not!

No doubt C4 are rubbing their hands as the viewing figures rise though I do wonder how many of those that have complained actually watched the program.

It is now being said that this could finish off Jades career (if that is what you want to call it)

i assumed you didn't think that it would be ok if it was just blatant bullying! just that people are jumping up and down saying its not racism, as if that makes it ok to treat people that way for no good reason as long as they are not racist

i imagine that C4 are s***ing themselves at the moment, they could suffer quite seriously if some of the complaints are upheld and they were seen to have done nothing, or if conversley, the threats to the ingnorami and their family are brought to C4's door

as for the complaints, whilst i expect a lot of people have jumped on the bandwagon and complained, before the media frenzy started they had already had a record number of complaints, and last night my Girlfriend was moved to complain to C4 following last nights episode, more on the bulling grounds than anything,but all the same she bothered too rather than just shout at the telly, like most of us would do.

as i predicted the public defense has started for the ignorami, but there is no way that they can deny the things they have said and the way they have said it, its all on tape and they will be forced to watch it and see how bad they were.

i'm particularly suprised by the way Jo has behaved, after hearing today that she was a victim of bulling when younger and considered taking her own life she got so low, yet she feels it ok to vilify someone for no good reason purely on the basis she doesn't seem to get along, she should no better, the other 2 clearly don't know anything, but its a sad reflection on society that these girls are held in such high esteem in the "celebrity" world when they struggle to string a sentence together, why are they being paid so much for failing to be anything other than a laughing stock and provide such a poor example to the british public. i'm ashamed to be the same species, let alone the same nationality.

i do hope they get the public vilification they deserve when they get out and their careers end, full stop. they've proved they can sit on their arses all day and bitch, time to show they can get out and graft and actually provide for themselves, cos by rights they should be on their own after this.

17th January 2007, 21:29
Too bloody right Rob

17th January 2007, 21:50
I hear reports on the World Service of effigies being burnt in the streets :eek:
Has the nation gone insane? I'm starting to feel positively normal, and if that's the case then heaven help us all.

Hazell B
17th January 2007, 23:48
Well, I caught the end of tonight's show while awaiting real TV (some docudrama about housewives who're desperate :p : ) and have to say that Danille can't read cue cards very well :laugh:

What a set up that apology was in the diary room. She had five obvious cards to look at (under the camera's sights) giving her words she should say to pre-practiced questions. The good folk at Channel 4 clearly wanted to make sure an apology was made and it had to look like the person making it wasn't being told to. Pathetic.

Not seen the rest, but am willing to guess the other two haven't done the same?

18th January 2007, 09:38
Unfortunately the bottom line is...viewing figures. This series of BB was reportedly a complete flop in this respect, until this story hit the headlines. Successive series of BB have gone to greater lengths each time to be more and more dramatic in order to keep what viewers they have.

I have no idea if what has been said is racist, or is a case of girls ganging up and bitching about another girl, and I don't know if anyone can definatively say for sure. What is certain is that the media are lapping it up, and others are using the whole situation to make whatever point they wish to make.

Meanwhile, BB gets more viewers :dozey:

18th January 2007, 17:55
I just watched an excellent news report on Channel Five regarding the whole issue. One very important point is being overlooked, but I think its worth considering. Whatever is happening, be it racism or bullying, is now very much in the public eye and is sparking lots of discussion. This has to be a good thing, if we're ever to resolve both issues once and for all, in all walks of life.

My personal viewpoint is that Jade has been bullying Shilpa, but none of her comments appear overtly racist. Jo and Danielle however, are a very different manner.

18th January 2007, 20:27
Well, so much for that last comment!! Jade it turns out, referred to Shilpa in two derogatory ways, one of which I would most definitely call racist. Not sure about the first one. She's been asked (or coached) about it by BB, and has just been seen apologising to Shilpa on the live feed.

Hazell B
18th January 2007, 20:31
Haven't seen it, but I'll bet a thousand pounds Jade's been told she must say sorry on air or face not being famous in a good way any more.

Perhaps we've seen the last year of CBB - or at least I hope so :s

18th January 2007, 22:40
If the "contestants" aren't allowed to see what's going on in the outside world, then they'll have no idea of what's been going on outside. At first I though that this was a case of someone simply trying to "play the race card" because they were being paid back in kind, but this has gone rather too far now.
It will be very very interesting to see what the washout is for people's career's after this and whether the public is likely to trust/buy their stuff ever again. I doubt that this can be undone very easily.

donKey jote
18th January 2007, 22:44
what a bunch of slappers :rolleyes:

p.s. I'm not classist, many of my friends are donkeys :p :


Ian McC
18th January 2007, 23:45
i assumed you didn't think that it would be ok if it was just blatant bullying! just that people are jumping up and down saying its not racism, as if that makes it ok to treat people that way for no good reason as long as they are not racist

Not at all, however if it was someone else it would not of caused such a fuss. I do wonder though if this is a view into how some of Britain thinks, I certainly hope not. It does seem that there is a thin line between ignorance and racism. The number of complaints have gone through the roof. I expect most of those heard about it, then tuned in and then complained.

19th January 2007, 16:15
What on earth is an A list bollywood star doing on a predominantly Z list TV show?

Ian McC
19th January 2007, 20:36
I expect C4 will be getting very large viewing figures tonight.

Ian McC
19th January 2007, 20:37
What on earth is an A list bollywood star doing on a predominantly Z list TV show?

Probably trying to hit mainstream over here, and probably succeeding now.

Dave B
19th January 2007, 20:41
There ain't no party like an S Club party.

Except possibly a klan meeting :s

Dave B
19th January 2007, 20:43
I expect C4 will be getting very large viewing figures tonight.

It did yesterday....

Source: http://media.guardian.co.uk/overnights/story/0,,1994360,00.html

The controversy engulfing Celebrity Big Brother saw ratings soar again last night with 5.7 million people tuning in.
This was 2.2 million more viewers than Monday night, an audience rise of more than 60%.

At 9pm last night, 23% of the available TV audience tuned to C4 to see housemates nominate for eviction Jade Goody and Shilpa Shetty, the two people at the centre of the racism storm.

At the equivalent time last year, Celebrity Big Brother attracted 4.8 million.

Celebrity Big Brother was nearly the top programme at 9pm last night, nearly beating BBC1's Judge John Deed, which was watched by 6.3 million people, a 26% audience share.

The reality programme thrashed ITV1's Reward: Catching the Criminals, which attracted 2.2 million, a 9.4% share.

If Channel 4 hoped that the popularity of Big Brother would boost its other programmes it was disappointed. The much publicised Trial of Tony Blair, seen on More 4 earlier in the week, screened at 10pm directly after Celebrity Big Brother on Channel 4 but drew only 1.6 million viewers, a 9% share.

Viewers instead tuned to BBC1's 10 O'Clock News, watched by 6.5 million, 30% of the available audience.

They also tuned into BBC2's Mock the Week with 2.3 million viewing, a 11% share.

Captain VXR
19th January 2007, 20:56
Can't they just scrap bb/cbb and put something worth watching and not disputable [The Simpsons] instead of some distant cousin of a celebrity trying to be famous.

Dave B
19th January 2007, 21:00
The Simpsons not racist? Have you seen the way Homer treats Apu? :p

19th January 2007, 21:17
Many people are predicting the end of Jade Goody's 'career' in the limelight, but I fear she will simply become more famous. Who would bet against a new television series where Jade visits India in an attempt to learn more about their culture?

Ian McC
19th January 2007, 22:07
Many people are predicting the end of Jade Goody's 'career' in the limelight, but I fear she will simply become more famous. Who would bet against a new television series where Jade visits India in an attempt to learn more about their culture?

Beans my friend I see a great career ahead of you as a TV Exec :D

19th January 2007, 22:12
Beans my friend I see a great career ahead of you as a TV Exec :D

Aye, it's a good idea! They could call it Goody Gracious Me.

19th January 2007, 22:54
Well she was always going to be evicted. Been reading stuff in the papers about how her and Danielle have been dropped by certain companies etc. So they should.

Its also quite pathetic now watching her squirm trying to explain it to Davina. Unfortunately I dont think shes getting the proper grilling she deserves as her and Davina have the same agent.


20th January 2007, 01:01
I saw the interview and when Jade was grovelling, she barely looked Davina in the eye. She was talking to the audience more to get their support...

donKey jote
20th January 2007, 02:19
stoopid youtube
stoopid bb
stoopid donkey :s

Mark in Oshawa
20th January 2007, 02:54
The Simpsons not racist? Have you seen the way Homer treats Apu? :p

Me thinks Apu wins THAT battle every time.....a little poke at redneck stupidity on the part of Homer is pretty gentle stuff.....but to most people who see racism under every rock (not you Dave understand) they would have petitions to have it banned based on this....

Hazell B
21st January 2007, 20:07
Channel 4 are claiming none of the people involved were coached in any way to apologise, etc.

Anyone buying that?

Thought not :rolleyes: :p :

Ian McC
21st January 2007, 22:05
Channel 4 are claiming none of the people involved were coached in any way to apologise, etc.

Anyone buying that?

Thought not :rolleyes: :p :

No doubt when Jade came out her publicist told her exactly what to say.

Hazell B
22nd January 2007, 09:20
Before she came out I'd fully expect the BB people to have told her a good deal too. The apology from that Danielle thing was obviously prompted and I wouldn't be at all surprised if they'd all been in the diary room at some point being told what was happening outside and how they should react.

The bit I don't get is why Channel 4 are saying it hasn't happened. We'd think more of them if they admitted speaking to the entrants. It's what many of the complainers wanted - a brake put on the situation.

Instead they are expecting Jade and her silly friends to remember what has and hasn't been told to them and conduct interviews now. They're none of them smart enough to keep a lie going. It's bound to backfire :p :

22nd January 2007, 09:43
Apparently BB brings in 20% of Channel 4's revenue. So it's hardly surprising they are rather protective of it!

Hazell B
22nd January 2007, 10:30
They're idiots for putting all their eggs in one dodgy basket then, aren't they?

About 20% of my income comes from Hawthorn hedges, so I don't mess about with the quality of them. They do exactly what they should and I wouldn't mislead about it. Channel 4 are making a mistake if they think viewers are idiots.

22nd January 2007, 10:32
Perhaps they know that people who regulary watch BB aren't the brightest of the bunch. ;)

23rd January 2007, 01:15
According to the Sun (it was left in the laundrette and I was bored, I swear) Jade is suicidal because of this.

Make your own mind up.

23rd January 2007, 09:44
Slightly off-topic, but what I'd really want to know is why Shilpa decided to go into the house in the first place? :s

23rd January 2007, 12:55
Probably the same reason as the rest of them, free publicity

Ian McC
24th January 2007, 22:33
Who would bet against a new television series where Jade visits India in an attempt to learn more about their culture?

:s hock:


Beans, you sold your idea! How much did you get :D

24th January 2007, 22:50
Beans, you sold your idea! How much did you get

I'm typing this from my brand new Yacht, moored at Monte Carlo.

25th January 2007, 14:43
I'm typing this from my brand new Yacht, moored at Monte Carlo.

:s hock:

How come we weren't invited? :p :

Ian McC
25th January 2007, 20:02
:s hock:

How come we weren't invited? :p :

He has moved on now, left all us common people behind, rumour has it he has been hanging out with Roman Abramovich down there :D

26th January 2007, 09:27
Jermaine told the girls in the house yesterday that Michael has named one of his children Blanket. I woke up this morning and thought I must have dreamt it, which led to questions about why I would have dreamt it, and worries about my sanity.

To my relief I found out I did not dream this, Michael Jackson has a child named Blanket.

I thought Jermaine naming one of his children Jermajesty was a tad eccentric, but since none of them are called Toaster, Tablecloth or Duvet then he pales before Michael.

26th January 2007, 11:47
Well, the dust is settling and the Chips have gone cold in the rags that they were wrapped in.

Has anything positive come out of this?

International fury at a couple of ignorant "Ladies" that performed as expected.

Politicians waxing lyrical at racism on the telly yet fail to pronounce Shiplas' name correctly and call the perpetrators "slags".

Goodys career relaunched to become a rising star in the fight against racism.

C4 make a killing ready for the next installment of BB.

Actually, some good has come of this. Out of the hypocrisy and predictably convoluted knee jerking, we have had a meaningful insight into how people think and perceive fellow human beings. People like Jade exist everywhere and they are ignorant of anything outside their own comfort zone. Their views are closeted which leads them to fail in communicating effectively with other cultures.

I'm not singling out Jade because its endemic throughout the world and this series of CBB highlights this.

I have an Indian girl that works for me. She was born in this country and has always felt this is her home yet she wondered whether people think that she eats with her hands and smells of curry. I explained that ignorance of others is part of life and gradually, as we develop as a nation, we will lose these preconceptions.

Virtually, in the next breath, she described how she didn't want a lesbian moving into her house share as it was dirty, would upset the balance of the house and she would hate to think that 2 girls might share a bed under the same roof as her.

ohhhh, the irony of the situation :rolleyes:

Equality and understanding is only for things we agree with it seems ;)

What cannot be denied is that there were elements of bullying (although in the ladies eyes, they probably saw it as the typical hierarchy that existed in school) and racism (although again, this was more born out of ignorance and childishness).

It was worthwhile seeing this experiment to understand that people do act and think like this and hopefully, some of those that do, can see where they need to develop as people.

Ian McC
26th January 2007, 23:01
I expect this will soon be forgotten and nothing much will have changed, the current fears of terrorism will have more of a lasting effect.

I also expect that most who did notice it will never see anything of themselves in the actions of those on TV, no matter how close they are to being that type of person.

Hazell B
27th January 2007, 16:08
..... Michael Jackson has a child named Blanket.

I thought Jermaine naming one of his children Jermajesty was a tad eccentric.....

I think all Jermaine's children are called something similar, like Jerm-whatever. Slightly egotistical :s

Blanket (AKA Michael II) is the kid he dangled, isn't it? The one that's always covered in a blanket. Ruddy nutter - he cruel without even knowing it, naming his two boys Prince Michael and Prince Michael II :(

They must have had some screwed up childhood themselves.

Ian McC
27th January 2007, 16:21
Funny how people have stopped talking about the show now, anyone know if the viewing figures have dropped?

Hazell B
27th January 2007, 17:04
Didn't know it was still on :laugh:

Sorry, had to be said :p : Anyway, I didn't watch before and haven't started, but I did read that figures are back down and were lower than ever before the fuss kicked off. No idea when it finishes, but do know that voting is down on normal and expected to rise for the final but not before.

Ian McC
28th January 2007, 10:05
Well I want Dirk to win, after all he is Face! But I wont be watching it anyway :)