View Full Version : Murphy's law

7th March 2008, 18:18
Yesterday everything seemed to go wrong. First I deleted the last episode of Grey's Anatomy from our digibox. We have a cable open this weekend and I figured I make some room if there's good movies coming. Accidently I deleted that episode which is very important to my wife :mark:

Then, our cat Nelly decided to crap on our carpet instead of her sand box. :s I don't know what went to her.... women, can't live with them, can't live with them i say.

Then, I lost my car keys. I have spare keys but it's not nice to renew the whole key system. God for bid I found them today from the snowbank.

****ty day alltogether.

But now after, I kinda realized how good my life is. If my world rocks from these reasons, life must be good. I know it could be way worse than this :)

I guess most of us often forget to stop and think what we have. Life shouldn't be taken for granted.

Happy weekend you all :)

7th March 2008, 19:53
You're absolutely right AFF :up:

Hope you have a good weekend to improve your fortunes :)

8th March 2008, 01:15
It sounds like you are just leading a balanced life. For every bad thing that happens, there is always something good waiting to happen. :)

8th March 2008, 10:26
Yesterday everything seemed to go wrong. First I deleted the last episode of Grey's Anatomy from our digibox. We have a cable open this weekend and I figured I make some room if there's good movies coming. Accidently I deleted that episode which is very important to my wife

Is it the episode where the characters have deep discussions on serious personal matters with some comedic bits thrown in, spiced up with some narrative comments about life in general by the main character? :p :

Or is an episode where they only show Katherine Heigl and don't ruin the episode other unnecessary characters or dialogue ? I believe that one was awarded with an Emmy for best male episode in a chick show.

On the subject at hand, I've forgotten my flickr password again. :(

8th March 2008, 17:24
If you think you are having a bad day - go to - http://www.dafur.com