View Full Version : Whats the schedule?

5th March 2008, 12:21
Sadly I have been a little busy the last three weeks and have had no time to catch up with the world of CCWS / IRL.

So a couple of questions.

1) Whats the schedule?
2) How is it GF has no sponsorship for PT, when he has had none for the last three or four years, is he just behaving like a spoilt kid?
3) What will KK envolvment be in the IRL?
4) Will it become the Indy Car World Series. Sounds better than the IRL..

Appart from that I'm pleased this merger/takeover has happened, gutted about Cleveland Toronto, Surfers Mexico, Road America, gutted about the turbo's going, but pleased to see so many drivers looking happy to be back together in some photos.

5th March 2008, 12:49
1. it is just the ICS schedule at this point. do not expect too many changes for 2008 except the LB/Motegi double header. 2009 white paper and so on...

2. He was willing to pay out of his own pocket in his (shared) series but not in "the other"

3. do not expect much, I believe it comes down to teamowner. at least at this point. TG doesn't give power away if you mean that.

4. no, it already is the IndyCar Series (ICS). IRL is the body, like FiA is to Formula 1.

5th March 2008, 13:04
Sadly I have been a little busy the last three weeks and have had no time to catch up with the world of CCWS / IRL.

So a couple of questions.

1) Whats the schedule?
2) How is it GF has no sponsorship for PT, when he has had none for the last three or four years, is he just behaving like a spoilt kid?
3) What will KK envolvment be in the IRL?
4) Will it become the Indy Car World Series. Sounds better than the IRL..

Appart from that I'm pleased this merger/takeover has happened, gutted about Cleveland Toronto, Surfers Mexico, Road America, gutted about the turbo's going, but pleased to see so many drivers looking happy to be back together in some photos.

1. For 2008 exactly per what the IRL has published. Long Beach will run independent with IRL points and Surfers and Edmonton possibly. Every track is up for evaluation in 2009. Yes, I would like to see some of those races this year, but since they decided to do negotiations last minute instead of six months ago, the pre-existing dates are legally binding. They can only cancel a race if the track/promoter doesn't live up to their deal, or there's an act of God, or a safety issue. The last two wouldn't help.

2. Looks the take the ball and go home scenario. He didn't get what he wanted, so he quit. I know he spent a fortune on Champ Car, but I still don't buy it.

3. He will be a car owner along with Jimmy Vasser in KV racing.

4. Already has. By the way, the IRL is the sanctioning body, the <insert sponsor here> IndyCar World Series is the top series.

5th March 2008, 13:30
It should also be noted that Surfers will be on the schedule until at least 2013. The IndyCar Series (and no, I don't think the name will change from that) and Surfers announced a deal yesterday until that date.

Personally, I think there is a little more to the Forsythe deal than just taking his football and going home. I honestly think, after being on the receiving end of the "owner blackmail game" for the past four years, GF is trying to play the other side of that coin with TG, using Paul Tracy as his ace in the hole. With GF's ego, he probably feels like TG needs him more than $1.2M worth, and he's holding out for more bucks. He'll be at LB; he is under no pressure to do ANYTHING but what he has already done until after that race.

5th March 2008, 14:02
2. Looks the take the ball and go home scenario. He didn't get what he wanted, so he quit. I know he spent a fortune on Champ Car, but I still don't buy it.

4. Already has. By the way, the IRL is the sanctioning body, the <insert sponsor here> IndyCar World Series is the top series.

2. JF didn't quit anything, he just didn't join the IRL or IRS. Was he obligated to? The thing you need to ask is why would he join?

4. IRL or IRS is the only series. Well, I guess that would make it the top series! I see your point!

5th March 2008, 14:11
Thanks guys.

I thought Indy(Surfers), Mexico, may have been picked up.

I'd love to see Cleveland, Surfers and Mexico added next year. There are others but I don't wanna be too greedy. Will CCWS run those races this year?
Or is Longbeach the very last CCWS race. Theres no info on the website...

5th March 2008, 14:26
mexico not picked up.

only surfers, edmonton, long beach ever discussed (for 08).

long beach will be irl sanctioned and for irl points. it will be last race with dp01/cosworths. tony cotman will be in race control.

ccws has shut down it will run nothing this year.

5th March 2008, 14:54
2. JF didn't quit anything, he just didn't join the IRL or IRS. Was he obligated to? The thing you need to ask is why would he join?

FCR is one of the more storied Indycar teams. He could have done what's in the best interest of the sport, but that goes against his ego. Gerry Forsythe is no hero. He apparently turned into a guy who hated Tony george so much that he became Tony George.

4. IRL or IRS is the only series. Well, I guess that would make it the top series! I see your point!

There's the Indy Pro series.

Pat Wiatrowski
5th March 2008, 15:04
There's the Indy Pro series.

Indy Pro Series = CRAP (also).

5th March 2008, 15:13
Indy Pro Series = CRAP (also).

So, are you guys just trolling around here because you didn't get your way and the American race fan didn't convert to road racing? If you don't want to be a part of this, there's A1GP and F1.

5th March 2008, 17:35
He could have done what's in the best interest of the sport,

You mean what YOU think is the best interest of the sport!

GF should do what is in the best interest of GF. Just like Penske does what is in the best interest of Penske. Same has Gannassi, Rahal, Haas, Coyne and, of course. Tony George.

To ask anything else is the epitome of arogance.

5th March 2008, 17:43
Thanks guys.

Or is Longbeach the very last CCWS race. Theres no info on the website...

The CCWS website is just to busy to announce anything about Long Beach, other than the construction crews have started preparing for the race. The official website for the series did not even mention the historic press conference last week.

Yet, KK says during the conference that this is the last time the fans will be able to see the DPO1 and that Long Beach will be the final race of the CCWS. You would assume the least that the official website could do would be to mention these very minor details. Unfortuantely, this lack of professionalism clearly reflects the attitude of the Amigos who ran CC. Even if all of the employees have been laid off, what would it cost the site to post a simple thank you and will see you in Long Beach for the last time.

As the days go by, I become more upset about the "merger" process and I almost feel like giving up on AOWR. I am upset with GF for not joining the IRL because PT, my favorite drivers is not on board. Then, I think why should he even bother and maybe he is doing the right thing by not joining.

I am not going to attend Long Beach this year because of other plans (missed one race in 20 years). Frankly, I could care less about missing the race. Why would I want to go spend $300 on the race weekend when the former Champ Car brass could care less about the fans? The Amigos simply folded and they could care less about the fans who supported them all these years. I would love to the see a boycot of the race, even though it would accomplish nothing.

5th March 2008, 17:47
GF should do what is in the best interest of GF.

Yeah, and to hell with PT and the employees affected. GF knew damn well on the day of the press conference that he was NOT going to go to the IRL, so he should have told his employees and PT about it. And if he didn't know that, then why the hell did he prevent PT from going to participate in the press conference.

Sorry, Anthony, you are trying to stand up for a guy who has been a major jerk on this issue. I had a lot of respect for GF over the years, but his actions in this situation are inexcusable. He has screwed a lot of good people by leaving them out in the cold.


5th March 2008, 18:13
I can't think of anyone involved in this whole unification deal that didn't screw a bunch of good people.

5th March 2008, 18:17
Sorry, Anthony, you are trying to stand up for a guy who has been a major jerk on this issue. I had a lot of respect for GF over the years, but his actions in this situation are inexcusable. He has screwed a lot of good people by leaving them out in the cold.


Didn't he bring in new people in January only to let them go? No there is more to this than "taking his marbles and going home". He has never once stepped up other than to benefit himself, each time he did he lost money.

This guy is amazing at how bad he is. If I was TG I would send him his membership to the ICS with an invoice for $100,000,000 for damage done.

I think that is why he isn't playing, he wants to hold Tracy hostage for $100,000,000. He figures he has a trump card.

Too bad he is only holding the 2 of Hearts, the Green 4 UNO card, a do not pass go card and a Joker.

5th March 2008, 19:31
My questions to you are the following:

1. These people were "hired away" for what reason? Ever been sold a bill of goods and be out of a job months later? I have and got nothing. How much severance for three months?

2. If he did this then he had no intensions of going to the IPS and continuing with the CCWS even though rumors of this happening went back to prior to Christmas. Should we defend the fact that one of the principles of this deal was out of the "information loop"?

3. Did he or did he not attempt to hold this deal hostage by wanting $100,000,000 for the CCWS assets, which are value less even with 25 DP01s?

4. When that part was shot down did he not threaten to run this deal by himself and go as far as fielding six cars? Then with 6 others show up with 12 cars for the season.

5. Did he have to have KK fly to Wheeling, IL to get Gerry to sign off on this deal as he was not part of the negotiations?

6. Out of the clear blue sky, he closes his team? So my question to you is Paul Tracy, still under contract, being used as a Pawn to get money from TG and the IRL so that Gerry will field a car?

Of course my post had nothing to do with his treatment of his employees like you posted. It is about why did he "take his marbles and go home". After losing hundreds of millions of dollars maybe he needs money.

Millionaires play games to maintain their millions, this guy lost everytime. He is up to something but what is my question that is why I am frying the guy.

5th March 2008, 19:56
How did this thread go from "whats the schedule" to lets fry Forsythe? Wow!

And come to think of it, who really took his marbles and went home to start all this crap? Tony George.

5th March 2008, 20:38
How did this thread go from "whats the schedule" to lets fry Forsythe? Wow!

And come to think of it, who really took his marbles and went home to start all this crap? Tony George.

So it was TG that changed the formula of the chassis on April 4th, 1995 at the O'Hare Hyatt Regency?

So it was TG that boycotted selling Chassis to the IRL only to have a former CEO dump cars?

So it was TG that went to former CART member's sponsors and threaten them?

So it was TG that did not show up at two races that could have flipped the 25/8 rule in their favor?

So it was TG that scheduled the "Worlds Greatest Drivers" at Michigan against the 500 only to have them wreck before the start of a race?

No, it wasn't about frying Gerry Forsythe but figuring out his motive. Remember he is part of the Long Beach Grand Prix promotion team, so I am interested in see what his next move is. It appears he is bitter about something and may not give up. How is his relationship with his LBGP partner, Kevin Kalkhoven?

See this is stuff that could change things in the future. How hard is a schedule? Take the IRL schedule and plug in the Edmonton stop. Australia I bet will be delayed until next year early.

5th March 2008, 20:57

5th March 2008, 22:10

Not the best scenario, but as long as there's a purse and now that the race is locked up, its alright. It also gives us a timeframe where they can add a season ending race in 2009 (hopefully a 500 miler).

6th March 2008, 12:15
You'd be thinking California Speedway then..........

6th March 2008, 12:47
I would prefer it, but if they switch their fall cup date with Atlanta, I'd settle for 300-400 miles at vegas.

6th March 2008, 13:22
You would assume the least that the official website could do would be to mention these very minor details. Unfortuantely, this lack of professionalism clearly reflects the attitude of the Amigos who ran CC. Even if all of the employees have been laid off, what would it cost the site to post a simple thank you and will see you in Long Beach for the last time.

Rog, take a close look at what you are saying.

I think you are right that the vast majority of CCWS folks have been laid off. Certainly, the folks that are left are operational folks that will help facilitate the LBGP. Probably all the marketing folks are gone.

So, what would it cost "the site" to make changes in the web site? Web sites don't run on automatic pilot! It takes people, and there are no people left to do this! "The site" doesn't know how to change itself.

It frankly would not surprise me if there was no one left at CCWS with the security information to be able to get on the site to change it, or who have the technical expertise to make those changes even if they could.

My guess is that the CCWS site will sit there, exactly like it is right now, until the registration expires and the site just goes away.

6th March 2008, 13:46
My guess is that the CCWS site will sit there, exactly like it is right now, until the registration expires and the site just goes away.

if TG and/or his minions had any sense they would get one of their technicals bods in to put a redirect on to get the traffic to divert to indycar.com instead.

wouldn't take much to have both champcarworldseries.com and champcar.ws to redirect to indycar.com

and of course cart.com still redirects to champcarworldseries.com so it might be worth getting that redirect changed too.