View Full Version : Studies show...

4th March 2008, 17:12
Doesn't this just take the biscuit:


Cutting TV time makes children healthier. Ridiculous studies that everyone already knew the answer to. Qualified people get paid good money to do this. Any others?

4th March 2008, 17:22
Wasn't there one that showed the speed as which Penguins deficate?

4th March 2008, 20:05
There was recent evidence to show that your metabolism actually slows down while watching TV as opposed to sitting down watching the wall or whatever else you could do. Perhaps this is what it was about and I do actually think that's interesting.

4th March 2008, 21:58

Studies also show that fish can count to four but not higher.

I find this bit somewhat disturbing:

Last year, he and his colleagues showed that if a female mosquito fish is harassed by a male, she will try to avoid his attentions by seeking solace in the largest nearby shoal; demonstrating that the fish can tell bigger shoals from smaller ones.

What? if a female mosquito fish is harassed by a male? Are they going around sexually harassing fish to conduct experiments now... just how do you sexually harass a fish in the first place? :mark:

4th March 2008, 22:04
Are they going around sexually harassing fish to conduct experiments now... just how do you sexually harass a fish in the first place? :mark:

I really really really hate the fact that this place is a family forum sometimes.

5th March 2008, 02:49
There was recent evidence to show that your metabolism actually slows down while watching TV as opposed to sitting down watching the wall or whatever else you could do. Perhaps this is what it was about and I do actually think that's interesting.
Likewise those have enough sleep have less fat than those awake.

5th March 2008, 02:57

Studies also show that fish can count to four but not higher.

I find this bit somewhat disturbing:

What? if a female mosquito fish is harassed by a male? Are they going around sexually harassing fish to conduct experiments now... just how do you sexually harass a fish in the first place? :mark:
I think the problem isn't four or higher, but how much objects fishes can cover with their eyes. They might not have particular number they can count, obviously they can recognize another fish(es) in their shoal that make them have natural tendency to affiliate with shoal from the same race and size.

5th March 2008, 10:57
There was recent evidence to show that your metabolism actually slows down while watching TV as opposed to sitting down watching the wall or whatever else you could do. Perhaps this is what it was about and I do actually think that's interesting.

I heard that you actually use less energy watching TV than you do sleeping!

5th March 2008, 12:45
Actually, you burn more calories sleeping than watching tv. Unless, that is, you are watching tele with a big bag of crisps and a beer or two :D :beer:

5th March 2008, 12:46
Is there an echo in here? :p

5th March 2008, 12:49
Is there an echo in here? :p : :D

5th March 2008, 13:17
What? if a female mosquito fish is harassed by a male? Are they going around sexually harassing fish to conduct experiments now... just how do you sexually harass a fish in the first place? :mark:

I would like to see the underwater sexual harassment tribunal that ensues as a result.