View Full Version : Is Coyne in?

3rd March 2008, 23:11
I read somewhere that he was in and went back to look for the thread and the link no longer worked.

Anybody know or read anything?

3rd March 2008, 23:15
not officially, but is expected to be.

I read somewhere that bruno said they were expecting the delivery of the first dallara this week.

3rd March 2008, 23:59
from Indyracereports.com (http://www.indyracereports.com/2008/Articles/2008HMSOpenTestWednesday.htm)

ale, hale, the gang's all here, the guy in the top picture is Eric Bachelart of Conquest Racing, the gal with her back to the camera is Karina Redmond, a CCWS publicist. That's Dale Coyne in the lower picture, again with Karina (she's everywhere, I'll have to get a picture with her facing me. Earlier she was with Graham Rahal when I talked with him). Coyne is the story of the day, after taking the picture I asked him, "you gonna run," figuring hat if so, Indy only at best. Dale was one of those most figured wouldn't run. Anyway he answered "of course." I followed up with, "all season?" "Yep," he said. "One car or two" I ask? Coyne is smiling now, two," he says. "Really," sez I, incredulously! Dale says, "it's what we do." I shook his hand and said "welcome back."