View Full Version : PT's comments re: Forsythe Closing

28th February 2008, 19:36

28th February 2008, 19:49

28th February 2008, 19:55
In the end, what did Forsythe owe PT? Probably nothing. But I have a huge problem with him just prolonging PT's ability to get a ride. Forsthye approached last years race season 1/2 *** and then asked PT to regnegotiate his deal, while in the meantime "secret" merger talks were taking place. The rumor mill has been going on for a few weeks now and the least Forsthe could have done is let PT know to start looking elsewhere. According to Speed article, PT received the call this morning. Certainly, Forsythe is under no obligation to join the IRL and it is his money. Amazing! I guess he does not need TG assistance in trying to obtain sponsorship.

28th February 2008, 20:03
It's pretty late to find a sponsor for 08, at least one big enough to cover an IRL budget. From what I've seen posted, it was 4-5 million per car for a season in CC and 7-8 million for a season in the IRL. Even if CC teams do have the money from CC budget, it would still leave them significantly short of a IRL budget.

I think the worries about having 30+ cars are way overoptimistic and 25-26 full time cars may also be. It'll be interesting if Coyne and PCM and others really show up with anything or not.

28th February 2008, 20:32
Looks like Gerald is taking his ball and going home. If the rumored deal that Monster proposed to Forsythe ($4mil) is still alive, I bet PT could take that to a team looking for an experienced driver.

I wonder what Paul Stoddard would think about all of this??

28th February 2008, 20:42
Now why doesn't this suprise me?. I suppose we now know how pissed GF has been about all of this.

28th February 2008, 21:02
Quote of the day from PT:

“Neil said he’d been trying to get a hold of my manager but he was having a colonoscopy today. That’s ironic ‘cause that’s what I feel like I got.”

Bend over and grab you ankles Paul.

Thanks Gerry, like you didn't know this was going to be the case a few days ago. Freakin' JERK!!!!! What a crock of ...


28th February 2008, 21:15
I hope that Paul gets a ride OR that he starts his own racing team. He is aggressive, smart and opinionated. Three great qualities!!

I think that someone will pick him up.

28th February 2008, 21:27
I really hope Tracy is able to find a drive in Indycars for this season.

Easy Drifter
28th February 2008, 21:40
Being my usual slightly demented self can't you just see PT in a second Foyt car run by ol' AJ himself. Talk about fireworks!!!!

28th February 2008, 22:08
ROFL id pay to see that!...all we need is zanardi and montoya and vileneuve back now and were back to where we were 10 years ago!

28th February 2008, 22:35
Yikes, Gerry, you really threw Paul Tracy under the bus, didn't you? The best thing in CC besides Seabass (remember him?), and you treat him like a late model short track driver. The last remaining link to CART of old is now looking for a ride just after this historic agreement. I really hope PT gets a good ride and makes some noise at Indy. If he wins the Borg-Warner and takes a swig of Indiana's finest dairy, he can put his arm around his new best bosom pal Tony George, and thank Gerald Forsythe for giving him the opportunity to find new life in Indy Cars.

28th February 2008, 22:41
I suspect PT takes his $4 million in Monster money and goes to KV racing. He's better than either of the two stiffs they have lined up and if he can bring his engineers and the guy from NHL along (Kenny?) they'll be formidable right off the bat.

28th February 2008, 23:23
Good job Gerry. Years of solid loyalty, this is how you show thanks to your top driver and Champ Car supporter?

What a low class schmuck. I'm hoping for a really good commentary from Robin Miller about this.

28th February 2008, 23:29
Back in the CART days, I used to be a big fan of Forsythe. Not so much anymore. It seems to me that the last four years have pretty much been about his ego and now this he didn't get his way, he's just going to go home. Quite frankly I don't care what rock he hides under now, I just hope he stays under it.

28th February 2008, 23:56
The equation is pretty simple for me; no PT, no IndyCar for me. I can DVR F-1 and watch them chase Kimi if I want open wheel.

Forsythe SU-know what's


29th February 2008, 00:11
Just goes to show that if PT is willing to put the past behind him, what an a-hole GF really is. Sure, GF lost shed-loads of money trying to shore up CART/CCWS, but what for?.... his ego!!

It was obvious from the beginning of last season that he'd had enough, yet he dragged PT through the $#!te at the end of the season re. his contract, and all along he was negotiating to sell-up CCWS to TG. It did click with me that talk about GF trying to renegotiate his contract with PG might have been to do with the prospective unification, but I put it to the background. But now I think that PT has every right to feel agrieved. GF should have let PT know about the merger deal sooner.... although maybe he was worried that PT's mum might post it on CCF!?!?

Anyway, I'm sure a team will pick PT up... even TG recognised the value of having him racing in the Indy 500.

29th February 2008, 00:15
The equation is pretty simple for me; no PT, no IndyCar for me. I can DVR F-1 and watch them chase Kimi if I want open wheel.

Forsythe SU-know what's


He'll have a ride.

Ruben Barrios
29th February 2008, 00:26
Just goes to show that if PT is willing to put the past behind him, what an a-hole GF really is. Sure, GF lost shed-loads of money trying to shore up CART/CCWS, but what for?.... his ego!!

It was obvious from the beginning of last season that he'd had enough, yet he dragged PT through the $#!te at the end of the season re. his contract, and all along he was negotiating to sell-up CCWS to TG. It did click with me that talk about GF trying to renegotiate his contract with PG might have been to do with the prospective unification, but I put it to the background. But now I think that PT has every right to feel agrieved. GF should have let PT know about the merger deal sooner.... although maybe he was worried that PT's mum might post it on CCF!?!?

Anyway, I'm sure a team will pick PT up... even TG recognised the value of having him racing in the Indy 500.

It couldn't be his ego or power... that is privy only to Tony George... He did it for the fans... for the truth... to save american open wheel from the evil irl... He and Paul gentilozzi are the saviours of the faith!!!

29th February 2008, 00:30
It couldn't be his ego or power... that is privy only to Tony George... He did it for the fans... for the truth... to save american open wheel from the evil irl... He and Paul gentilozzi are the saviours of the faith!!!

Wow, nice to see that CCF has gone to Jonestown mentality...

Ruben Barrios
29th February 2008, 00:35
^^ Oh that was sarcasm!!

29th February 2008, 00:42
^^ Oh that was sarcasm!!

Oh, ok. Although I would be willing to bet I am right about CCF...

Ruben Barrios
29th February 2008, 00:50
Even though it is sarcasm, that pretty much sums what is going on there right now.. a lot of angry haters lashing out... they'll end up eating each other before long...

29th February 2008, 00:54
There's probably more fallout to come of this merger.

29th February 2008, 01:11
^^ Oh that was sarcasm!!

You never know. Some of the hard core champ car fans actually believe that.

29th February 2008, 01:39
It is interesting that from 1981 until the public offering Gerry Forsythe was never a CART member, meaning paid the $250,000 per car for voting rights.
He turned down sponsorship, at a $9,000,000 to $10,000,000 level because it wasn't $16,000,000.
Paul didn't get paid for his championship in 2003 and was getting deferred payments in this deal.
Then it was rumored seriously that he wanted to continue the Champ Car effort even to the point of fielding 6 cars.

It appears after losing $250,000,000 he will only come back if TG paid him cash to show up.
I wonder if there is an Indeck problem that is fueling the desperate need for cash for his hobby.

29th February 2008, 01:47
I hope PT gets a ride, but only if it's a decent one. I can't see why, at this stage of his career, he'd take a Foyt ride or Vision or any of the no hoper's. I'd hate to see him end just driving to make up numbers. And I can't see AJ taking him. He's not enough of a foreigner. He seems to prefer Brazilians or Europeans. ;)

Skid Marx
29th February 2008, 02:19
Back in the CART days, I used to be a big fan of Forsythe. Not so much anymore. It seems to me that the last four years have pretty much been about his ego and now this he didn't get his way, he's just going to go home. Quite frankly I don't care what rock he hides under now, I just hope he stays under it.

Hmmm, but haven't the past TWELVE YEARS been about TG's ego and how since he didn't get his way, he took his ball and went home? But now that he got his way, you're willing to embrace him, but not willing to cut GF any slack for spending untold millions to help keep ChampCar alive? Curiouser and curiouser...

29th February 2008, 02:51
On one hand Skid Marx is right - the past twelve years were about TG's ego BUT hindsight being what it is, had the CART board (aka: team owners) agreed to give him a voting position on the board, CART would likely still alive and the IRL never would have existed. He wouldn't have probably taken his "ball and gone home". There was no way to know then what we know now but had TG been given the vote he requested the $%^# with GF and KK wouldn't exist today.

29th February 2008, 03:02
Hmmm, but haven't the past TWELVE YEARS been about TG's ego and how since he didn't get his way, he took his ball and went home? But now that he got his way, you're willing to embrace him, but not willing to cut GF any slack for spending untold millions to help keep ChampCar alive? Curiouser and curiouser...

The first 8 were about Tony George's ego. The Last 4 have been about Forsythe. Spending those millions to create a series that never had a chance of succeeding only resulting in delaying unification and using up precious resources. This should have been over with after 2002.

29th February 2008, 03:03
Maybe Roger Penske will take him back....... :)

29th February 2008, 03:17
On one hand Skid Marx is right - the past twelve years were about TG's ego BUT hindsight being what it is, had the CART board (aka: team owners) agreed to give him a voting position on the board, CART would likely still alive and the IRL never would have existed. He wouldn't have probably taken his "ball and gone home". There was no way to know then what we know now but had TG been given the vote he requested the $%^# with GF and KK wouldn't exist today.

Bingo, but they would have had the Sanction of the GSIR and more than likely would have had USAC with an all new ladder system.

Many mistakes. April 4th, 1995 when they locked themselves out of the 500 by voting to change the chassis rules to what they voted down in January of 1995 and the IRL adopted (1990-1995 CART/USAC Chassis Rules)
Demanded loyality from the owners on the equipment Boycott. (No equipment sales to the upstart IRL teams) Former CART CEO Dale Coyne then put 13 cars in NSSN for sale, thus opening the flood gates.
Some owners going to team sponsors a demanding them not support the IRL. Penske/Foyt/Texaco deal that cost RP an untold amount of court demaded money to Foyt and Texaco to leave the sport.
Not showing up at the first two races. If they had they would have had at least 22 of the 25 starting positions. Thus causing TG to sue for peace.
When RP and TG worked out a peace deal, they voted it down in favor of the U.S. 500 which the Worlds Best Drivers didn't make it to the Start/Finish line.
That one deal cost the millions once their contacts ran out.

No, this deal had plenty of hands in it to make a mess out of it. Always remember that USAC sanction the 500 and all that was done was to attempt to bring more teams into the sport thus more drivers. I saw that this would not work due to that basic fact that the Cancer inside of CART would eventually spread thoughout the sport, killing off teams, suppliers, and manufacturers as it would get way to costly to play and the $16,000,000 sponsorship deals were going south.

Yes, the December 21st vote of 1991 would have given us a different result over the years but in the end I believe we would have teams starving for dollars as the sport continues to shrink.

Hoss Ghoul
29th February 2008, 03:54
Has PT been released from his contract with Forsythe?

If not, and he's still expected to compete at the LBGP, how can he sign with another team and compete at the preeceding and future events?

29th February 2008, 04:11
Has PT been released from his contract with Forsythe?

If not, and he's still expected to compete at the LBGP, how can he sign with another team and compete at the preeceding and future events?

If the team doesn't exist then there is no contract. Too bad he will have to go to court to get moneys owed to him.

29th February 2008, 04:23
Has PT been released from his contract with Forsythe?

If not, and he's still expected to compete at the LBGP, how can he sign with another team and compete at the preeceding and future events?

From what I understand, PT is free to go wherever. If he signs with an IRL team, he'll be in Japan. If it's another CC team, then maybe he'll be at LB.

The Forsythe LB operation is going to be crewed by their Atlantics team, according to the press releases.

And Waldo, how can you possibly know what PT is owed and how he'll get it?
Seems in your myriad of post that your trying to be the board know-it-all.

29th February 2008, 04:39
And Waldo, how can you possibly know what PT is owed and how he'll get it?Seems in your myriad of post that your trying to be the board know-it-all.

It was in the bankrupcy papers, It was reported by RM, NSSN, John Oreovicz and Paul Tracy. I guess that doesn't count for anything. How about the prize money that wasn't paid last year too.

I have made less than 30 posts and you 10 times more. I do read and understand the dynamics of the situation and as a person who respects Paul Tracy I hate to see anyone get ripped off.

Sorry if my reading, 47 years in this sport, 1000 races attended and a library of info on racing going back to day one and thus my knowledge offends you.

Don't worry I will not respond to your posts any more. I wouldn't here except you brought me into it.

29th February 2008, 04:46
I wrote this on the other post, but since there are 3 posts dealing with PT, I figured I would paste it here as well.

How about the irony for poor PT, my favorite driver. PT is the last remaining driver of the old CART series (anyone else ?) whose career and many others was hampered by the split with the IRL. He stuck with CART and remained a staunch supporter of it. Then with the bankruptcy, PT still promoted and supported the new Champ Car. He gave Champ Car something to be proud of because of his staunch support.

Now, here we sit in 2008, and PT does not have a ride. Of course, as I said earlier, he will get a ride. But, the irony of all is pretty amazing. PT even with all his distaste for TG/IRL wants to be part of the merger and for the time being he is without a ride.

Not to mention, if memory serves me right, I believe the IRL was talking to him about a possible ride until Forsythe "convinced" him to continue with Forsythe/Petit Racing. Whether, PT had anything of substatnce in that possible IRL ride or not, I am sure he wishes he would have taken it; rather than having wasted thes last few months with Forsythe.

29th February 2008, 07:32
Forsythe closing? Wow!

Probably the reason why he didn't show most races last year and that's why this unification deal came too late. KK and GF probably doesn't want to spend more money.

Wonder where PT lands a seat now.

29th February 2008, 07:34
PT is too good a market name to ignore. Watch out for a third Vision car....

Dave Brock
29th February 2008, 07:51
PT is too good a market name to ignore. Watch out for a third Vision car....

You might want to try and convince Mr. Childress that your point is correct but I doubt you can OR would get past your opening statement...udderwize PT would be a tintop jockey making as much per race as JJ Yely which is about 10 times what he got with GF . ;)

Dave Brock
29th February 2008, 07:53
Forsythe closing? Wow!

Probably the reason why he didn't show most races last year and that's why this unification deal came too late. KK and GF probably doesn't want to spend more money.

Wonder where PT lands a seat now.

Somewhere south of Memo Gidley I'd guesstimate. :D

29th February 2008, 12:24
You might want to try and convince Mr. Childress that your point is correct but I doubt you can OR would get past your opening statement...udderwize PT would be a tintop jockey making as much per race as JJ Yely which is about 10 times what he got with GF . ;)

Nobody doubts his talent, but he's not getting any younger. He turns 40 in August. The major reason he isn't in NASCAR how is that it'd take too long to adapt.

29th February 2008, 16:57
PT is too good a market name to ignore. Watch out for a third Vision car....

You might want to try and convince Mr. Childress that your point is correct but I doubt you can OR would get past your opening statement...udderwize PT would be a tintop jockey making as much per race as JJ Yely which is about 10 times what he got with GF . ;)

There is a huge difference in PT's "marketing worth" in open wheel versus NASCAR. A point of fact, in the press conference a few days ago who was specifically mentioned by name as one of the current ChampCar drivers that "...king George" want to see in the new series? And why do you think that was? Marketability. Cause it sure as hell wasn't because he wanted to make it up to Paul for the travesty that occurred the last time Paul drove in the 500.


tkg26 96789
29th February 2008, 17:09
Why does everyone dump on GF? From what I read about the guy and witnessed, he supported Champcar with his own $ millions, stood firm on his beliefs, and was reluctant to to give up on Champcar (last one to sign the "surrender" letter of intent). He allowed me to love the sport for the last few years. So GF is standing firm in his convictions and not going to the IRL. I admire that kind of intregity. I am a big fan of Paul from his Penske day...so I would love to see him again in a 3rd Penske like in 1994. But don't dump on GF's intregity...it says a lot about him.

29th February 2008, 17:13
So, do we know where the heck Dan Pettit is and what his status is with the unification of the two series????? I have read absolutely nothing about his peculiar whereabouts..............

Hoss Ghoul
29th February 2008, 17:14
For Andretti, Tony George’s own Vision Racing could be an alternative for PT.

“That’s the first thing that came to my head. That would be the best place for him to go.”


The irony would be almost too much, but it probably isn't a bad option for PT.

29th February 2008, 17:23
Why does everyone dump on GF? From what I read about the guy and witnessed, he supported Champcar with his own $ millions, stood firm on his beliefs, and was reluctant to to give up on Champcar (last one to sign the "surrender" letter of intent). He allowed me to love the sport for the last few years. So GF is standing firm in his convictions and not going to the IRL. I admire that kind of intregity. I am a big fan of Paul from his Penske day...so I would love to see him again in a 3rd Penske like in 1994. But don't dump on GF's intregity...it says a lot about him.

Until about six weeks ago, I would have agreed with you hook line and sinker. But after the contract re-negotiation fiasco with Paul I began to wonder. Then came the day of the press conference. Why would he, as Paul stated, prevent Paul from being there to participate in this momentous event? If you think for one moment that GF didn't know on that day that he was planning on shuttering the ChampCar team, I have some swamp land to sell you. But, just for a moment, let's assume he DIDN'T know that. Then why, if there was a glimmer of hope, would you not want your primary driver there as part of the announcement?

Nope I am afraid I smell a heapin' pile of sour grapes emanating from GF. My opinion of his "integrity" has lost a lot of its former luster.


Ruben Barrios
29th February 2008, 17:28
I'm getting a vibe that PT is going to be SOL for this season...

29th February 2008, 17:45
Why does everyone dump on GF? From what I read about the guy and witnessed, he supported Champcar with his own $ millions, stood firm on his beliefs, and was reluctant to to give up on Champcar (last one to sign the "surrender" letter of intent). He allowed me to love the sport for the last few years. So GF is standing firm in his convictions and not going to the IRL. I admire that kind of intregity. I am a big fan of Paul from his Penske day...so I would love to see him again in a 3rd Penske like in 1994. But don't dump on GF's intregity...it says a lot about him.

The problem is that "integrity" was standing in the way of the great whole. If Champ Car would have stood on its own and downgraded the formula to a F3 equivalent, it probably would have been much more viable from a business stand point. Instead of a lot of the races run were done in a way as to block the IRL which as long as there's Indy has a chance of getting back some of the former glory. Champ Car instead of trying to find its niche continued trying to be the major series that CART was but it could never be. This wasn't about integrity. It was about pride and holding a grudge.

tkg26 96789
29th February 2008, 17:52
Until about six weeks ago, I would have agreed with you hook line and sinker. But after the contract re-negotiation fiasco with Paul I began to wonder. Then came the day of the press conference. Why would he, as Paul stated, prevent Paul from being there to participate in this momentous event? If you think for one moment that GF didn't know on that day that he was planning on shuttering the ChampCar team, I have some swamp land to sell you. But, just for a moment, let's assume he DIDN'T know that. Then why, if there was a glimmer of hope, would you not want your primary driver there as part of the announcement?

Nope I am afraid I smell a heapin' pile of sour grapes emanating from GF. My opinion of his "integrity" has lost a lot of its former luster.


I don't know, but somehow GF arm was twisted into signing the "surrender" document by KK. I am under no dilusion that GF was going to be part of the merged Indycar entity in the first place after it didn't meet his business/investment objectives (that rumor that he objected at the last minute and Paul had to cancelled his seat fitting in Indy). It was pretty clear that he wasn't going by him not being there, right? GF owns part of the LBGP with KK, so he had some business decision to think about before letting the hammer fall like how in the world are they going to have 18 cars on the grid without the IRL regulars. FWIW, I am a key employee for a small company and the owner does all sorts of sh*t without tell us before it happens...the same is true for FPR. It sucks, but that's the real world. You don't get a layoff notice in weeks in advanced. He was trying to keep it together until he couldn't. I am not saying I think GF is Mother Teresa, but he is simply not following some money to the IRL and selling out his beliefs. Maybe he could have made the economics work and maybe not. Maybe he will keep his OWR hobby alive in the Atlantics (albeit with paid drivers until the dust settles). Other owners have to do what is best for their organizations, people and sponsors. GF just decided to not go to the IRL. Again it sucks for PT and the team, but that is life. No need to get upset at GF...

tkg26 96789
29th February 2008, 18:03
The problem is that "integrity" was standing in the way of the great whole.

...But GF did bite the bullet and signed the surrender document to get out of the way to allow the reconcilation to happen. It doesn't mean that he has to be part of it going forward.

29th February 2008, 18:06
...But GF did bite the bullet and signed the surrender document to get out of the way to allow the reconcilation to happen. It doesn't mean that he has to be part of it going forward.

Now he doesn't, but it shows exactly what kind of person he really is. An egotistical jerk that's going to go home if he doesn't get his way.

29th February 2008, 18:23
GF just decided to not go to the IRL. Again it sucks for PT and the team, but that is life. No need to get upset at GF...

Did you not read a thing of what I wrote? This all comes down to the timing of the press conference and when GF decided not to go to the IRL. (It's the old "what did he know and when did he know it" story.) If the decision was made prior to the press conference, then why not tell Paul so he could go on his own?. And if the decision was not made until after the press conference, why not send Paul there to represent the team?

Sorry, but this is a very REAL reason to get upset with GF. He prevented Paul from participating in the press conference. And in either scenario stated above there is no forgivable reasoning for his actions. Period.


29th February 2008, 18:59
I'm getting a vibe that PT is going to be SOL for this season...

I don't think so.

Despite being slightly over the hill, PT is about the only recognizeable 'big name' left from old champ car, so it behooves TG to get him a ride, plus it juices up some interest, albeit minor, in setting up a "PT's revenge" scenario for the next Indy 500.

It would be a good PR move to get PT in the combined series this year so I think it will be made to happen.

29th February 2008, 19:22
Did you not read a thing of what I wrote? This all comes down to the timing of the press conference and when GF decided not to go to the IRL. (It's the old "what did he know and when did he know it" story.) If the decision was made prior to the press conference, then why not tell Paul so he could go on his own?. And if the decision was not made until after the press conference, why not send Paul there to represent the team?

Sorry, but this is a very REAL reason to get upset with GF. He prevented Paul from participating in the press conference. And in either scenario stated above there is no forgivable reasoning for his actions. Period.


I agree that Forsythe's actions should not be forgiven. Forsythe does not attend the historic press conference and the next day he closes shop? The rumor mill regarding a merger were spreading in December and I wonder why he even bothered to lock up PT on another contract.

Certainly, Forsythe does not owe the new merged series anything. But, his actions leave a lot to be desired. Sure, he has spent a lot of his own money, but so what. I am grateful and thankful that he kept Champ Car alive. Business is business, sometimes you win and sometimes you do not. The IRL is not to blame for CC's demise.

29th February 2008, 19:26
Nope I am afraid I smell a heapin' pile of sour grapes emanating from GF. My opinion of his "integrity" has lost a lot of its former luster.


You are right, wasn't just weeks ago he let out the rumor that he would field 6 cars at Long Beach and go it alone. I got in trouble for posting something that sounded true based on my 27 years of knowing what Gerry Forsythe is willing to do.
In my book Gerry was for Gerry. He never wanted to pay CART its $250,000 per year per car from 1981-1996. He only bought in the year prior to the IPO so he could grab shares. When the smart people sold their stock between $26 and $31 per share, Gerry continued to buy stock that ended up to be worth $0.40 a share and he owned almost 65% of it.
This guy never learned the basics of car owning. Do it on someone elses dime, never own the series, and once it starts going bad, do not throw more money at it in an effort to stop the losses. What happens is you lose more.

I wonder how long until the Atlantic Series needs to be rescued. Such a great series that pays half the the money of the IPS.

29th February 2008, 20:52
I agree that Forsythe's actions should not be forgiven. Forsythe does not attend the historic press conference and the next day he closes shop? The rumor mill regarding a merger were spreading in December and I wonder why he even bothered to lock up PT on another contract.

Certainly, Forsythe does not owe the new merged series anything. But, his actions leave a lot to be desired. Sure, he has spent a lot of his own money, but so what. I am grateful and thankful that he kept Champ Car alive. Business is business, sometimes you win and sometimes you do not. The IRL is not to blame for CC's demise.

I could care less if Gerry showed up. But preventing Paul from doing so is unconscionable.


29th February 2008, 21:09
At what point Forsythe decided to close shop is yet to be known. But, the way the events transpired leading up to the press conference, it sure seems like a cheap shot to shut down operation the day after. PT, love him or hate him, he deserved better.

tkg26 96789
1st March 2008, 00:26
But if GF really wanted to F PT (which I don't think was the case), he could have waited longer than the day after. It is very late to tell PT he has no team, but I don't think he wanted to F PT. He may have wanted to spite TG and KK, but why sign the long contract and the renegotiation fiasco. I think he had CC interest at heart. It didn't work. Anyways, I think he closed his shop at the earlier point possible. If he did it before the press conference, then he was at risk of imploding the CC, deal or no deal. Time will tell the real story...

1st March 2008, 00:38

1st March 2008, 05:43
But if GF really wanted to F PT (which I don't think was the case), he could have waited longer than the day after. It is very late to tell PT he has no team, but I don't think he wanted to F PT. He may have wanted to spite TG and KK, but why sign the long contract and the renegotiation fiasco. I think he had CC interest at heart. It didn't work. Anyways, I think he closed his shop at the earlier point possible. If he did it before the press conference, then he was at risk of imploding the CC, deal or no deal. Time will tell the real story...

If he didn't want to f Paul, he sure didn't demonstrate that. If he wasn't planning on closing why not have Paul there and if he was planning on closing why not release Paul? He f'ed Paul, plain and simple. By not permitting Paul to attend, he f'ed Paul.


1st March 2008, 06:11
If he didn't want to f Paul, he sure didn't demonstrate that. If he wasn't planning on closing why not have Paul there and if he was planning on closing why not release Paul? He f'ed Paul, plain and simple. By not permitting Paul to attend, he f'ed Paul.


So true Gary, this is a sad day!!


Could he possibly partner with someone, and start up his own team, and also be a driver/owner??

I still think he would be a great teammate to Robert Doornbos!!

Easy Drifter
1st March 2008, 19:07
Maybe PT and JV will team up with BG. Just dreaming.

Dave Brock
8th March 2008, 04:05
Why does everyone dump on GF? From what I read about the guy and witnessed, he supported Champcar with his own $ millions, stood firm on his beliefs, and was reluctant to to give up on Champcar (last one to sign the "surrender" letter of intent). He allowed me to love the sport for the last few years. So GF is standing firm in his convictions and not going to the IRL. I admire that kind of intregity. I am a big fan of Paul from his Penske day...so I would love to see him again in a 3rd Penske like in 1994. But don't dump on GF's intregity...it says a lot about him.

The same could be said for Benedict Arnold as well, especially if you were a Brit Sympathizer during the revolution.
Perspectives are always valid but the premise they stand on need to have factual or political bedrock to be valid least they be judged out of place or context.