View Full Version : Champagne Tastes Beers Budget

15th January 2007, 02:18
That's it forum members, I've had it. Mrs Jaws is getting right up my nose and I am damn well sick of it. What foul disease has invaded the planet that posseses women to "Buy Stuff" profusely?

I thought it was a Christmas thing where we buy the Jawsettes various pieces of junk manufactured in China, break them and then toss them out, but it keeps going and going and going.

Richard bloody Branson wouldn't have enough money. All I ever ask for in life is a case of beer a week and an occassional shag.

I'm off . . . . .

Mark in Oshawa
15th January 2007, 06:29
If Mrs. Jaws is having budget issues with you, then you must decide if a call girl is cheaper than buying her stuff.....

oily oaf
15th January 2007, 07:18
Perhaps if all you asked for in life was a dozen shags a week and the occasional beer the free spending Sheila wouldn't have time or indeed the inclination to cane your credit card matey.

Now go to your room son and write 500 times "I must read The Karma Sutra"


15th January 2007, 10:14
I find that locking them up in the shed for a couple of days with nothing but a loaf of moldy bread, a bottle of water and a years worth of Top Gear magazine tends to suppress the other halfs desire to spend our national debt ;)

...........what was that dear? Oh nothing............I was just playing on the foru....................no, of course not....................but it's not my turn................<ouch>

15th January 2007, 10:53
...........what was that dear? Oh nothing............I was just playing on the foru....................no, of course not....................but it's not my turn................<ouch>

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

15th January 2007, 15:23
That disease is highly contagious :s

Just the other day Mrs. Schmenke purchased over $1,500 worth of new bedroom furniture for our kid :s hock: :mark: .

Hazell B
15th January 2007, 20:03
I feel I should defend the downtrodden ladies .....

.... but can't.
Just glad I'm not one of them :laugh:

Ian McC
15th January 2007, 20:05
That's it forum members, I've had it. Mrs Jaws is getting right up my nose and I am damn well sick of it. What foul disease has invaded the planet that posseses women to "Buy Stuff" profusely?

I thought it was a Christmas thing where we buy the Jawsettes various pieces of junk manufactured in China, break them and then toss them out, but it keeps going and going and going.

Richard bloody Branson wouldn't have enough money. All I ever ask for in life is a case of beer a week and an occassional shag.

I'm off . . . . .

Come on, be the man, show her who is boss!! :s mokin:

Hazell B
15th January 2007, 20:25
Show her who's boss :eek:
Show her who's boss!
This from the (so called ;) ) man who owes me money! :rolleyes:

I'm shocked McC, deeply shocked <wag finger smilie>

Ian McC
15th January 2007, 20:33
Show her who's boss :eek:
Show her who's boss!
This from the (so called ;) ) man who owes me money! :rolleyes:

I'm shocked McC, deeply shocked <wag finger smilie>

Oh I am only saying it because I want to see him suffer :laugh:

Hazell B
15th January 2007, 20:46
Meanie :p :

15th January 2007, 20:52
Give him a break. Sounds like the poor sod is suffering enough :s :p :

Hazell B
15th January 2007, 21:00
Schmenke, shut up and go put that bedroom furnature together :laugh:

15th January 2007, 21:03
It's on order... hasn't arrived yet :mark:
Gives me time to paint the room (some lilac/lavender colour that the missus picked out)... :mark:

Hazell B
16th January 2007, 19:58
Seriously Schmenke, I worry about your lack of training :mark:

Get you tools out (no pun intended) the second the paint's dry. That way you'll feel like the job is half done and, more importantly, Mrs Schmenke will think you're keen ;)

If you stay one step ahead, you boys will have an easier life :up: