View Full Version : Last in Series

Hazell B
27th February 2008, 21:57
Don't you just hate it when you've made the effort to be home at a set time each week to watch a favourite TV series, then the production company or channel drops it?

Okay, I wouldn't go overboard like some of the Buffy and Angel oddballs did, but I get irritated when I've cared about what might happen next and it's snatched away.

However, just checked imdb.com and Jericho's back for another run, so I'm happy :up: If it had been axed there'd have been a good deal of tooth gnashing in Hazell Towers, I can tell you!

So, which TV serials that you've enjoyed have had the rug pulled from under them? And if you all say Buffy I shall scream!

28th February 2008, 00:23
Journeyman :cheese:

28th February 2008, 03:23
People complained when England league is only accessible from paid TV.

I don't too much watch TV series currently, but I feel great loss once no TV channel at all play adult drama like Melrose Place.

28th February 2008, 05:23
I was starting to get into "Commander In Chief" with Gina Davis, (she's hot), then they axed it. Bummer.

Dave B
28th February 2008, 08:32
Don't you just hate it when you've made the effort to be home at a set time each week to watch a favourite TV series...
Not since I've had Sky+, no. It already seems like a different age when half the population would gather round their TV set at the same time - that kind of thing seems only to happen with big sporting events now.

Also, so much American TV is available <cough> one way or another even if British networks don't air it. I can't honestly say there's any series I've ever really wanted to continue.

In fact, the best ones historically have known when to call it a day, c.f. shows like Friends which dragged on for unfunny series after unfunny series having peaked years before. Part of the reason nobody thinks there are poor episodes of Fawlty Towers or The Office is that there were only 12 of each made. If they'd soldiered on to 10 series you can guarantee there'd have been some duff episodes.

28th February 2008, 09:31
We've had instances of the last one or two episodes of a series being dropped and not being shown until the next series starts the following year. Of course there's the other trick of bumping off an episode in the middle of a series to show some unimportant one-off thing. :(

28th February 2008, 10:16
Canceling of the Job was perhaps the biggest disappointment for me, more so because it was replaced by a series (Rescue me) with the some of the same cast but just wasnt' as good.
Then there is the Wire, absolutely the best cop show on tv which is on it's last season in US at the moment. :(

28th February 2008, 11:42
Try getting cut off in the middle of a series! That's what happened with Lost and 24 for Virgin Media customers. And Prison Break went to Sky One too so we can't continue watching that.

28th February 2008, 13:31
ITV keep dicking with Entourage and it drives me nuts. First of all they get a seriously good HBO drama and chuck it on the graveyard shift on ITV2. Now it keeps changing time and day as well. If they do the same to Dexter (which I enjoyed the first episode of last night) I'll burn someone.

28th February 2008, 14:18
Try getting cut off in the middle of a series! That's what happened with Lost and 24 for Virgin Media customers. And Prison Break went to Sky One too so we can't continue watching that. I'm a huge fan of the new Battlestar Galactica series, and getting cut off halfway through series three was a real kick in the teeth.

Firefly should have had way more than 1 series as well.

Hazell B
29th February 2008, 14:28
Not since I've had Sky+, no. It already seems like a different age when half the population would gather round their TV set at the same time .....

Well yeah, but I didn't think "set the timer" had quite the same ring about it :p : We got one of those box jobbies that stores things, but we still sit and watch the one show each week (Jericho) the old fashioned way.

ITV4 had Smith but that just vanished mid-first series. It may have been fairly cheesy, but the US station that made it only ever aired about five or six episodes before scrapping it. Ultimate Force was the same here - a whole set of three episodes were never even shown :mark:

Garry Walker
29th February 2008, 14:43
Don't you just hate it when you've made the effort to be home at a set time each week to watch a favourite TV series, then the production company or channel drops it?

Okay, I wouldn't go overboard like some of the Buffy and Angel oddballs did, but I get irritated when I've cared about what might happen next and it's snatched away.

However, just checked imdb.com and Jericho's back for another run, so I'm happy :up: If it had been axed there'd have been a good deal of tooth gnashing in Hazell Towers, I can tell you!

So, which TV serials that you've enjoyed have had the rug pulled from under them? And if you all say Buffy I shall scream!

Each and every of your problems could be solved with something that is called TORRENT.