View Full Version : How many hours do you sleep daily?

26th February 2008, 10:44
I don't have particular length of sleeping, how about you?

26th February 2008, 11:14
I don't have a rule. It depends of season and of TV programme. Between 6-9 hours I think.

Rudy Tamasz
26th February 2008, 11:18
I need 10 but normally get 6-7.

26th February 2008, 11:24
Depends on my shift roster but to be quite honest the more the merrier!

I know I can survive on 6 hours per night, however I just love sleeping, and one of the benefits of being a shift worker is that you never need an excuse to sleep!

26th February 2008, 11:35
I don't know really. 4-5 hours at night and then maybe up to 5 more during day.

jim mcglinchey
26th February 2008, 12:18
The old sleep thread again.

I aim to get about 7, thats 11.30 to 6.30, but if I sleep badly and am awake in the middle of the night, it all ballsed up.

26th February 2008, 12:44
Between 4 and 9 hours/night.
Right now I had a string of 5-6 hours/night and I feel that I'll go to sleep within the next 15 minutes. I'm moving to a new apartment this week and there is so much to do that I might keep it around 6 hours/night.

26th February 2008, 14:21
Weekdays usually go to bed around 11:30, fall asleep within 20 minutes and sleep through until the alarm wakes me up at 7:14. Weekends are hugely varied but often around the same sort of time asleep as during the week.

Brown, Jon Brow
26th February 2008, 15:29
13 :dozey:

I'm a student you see.....

26th February 2008, 16:17
Anywhere from 0 to 7, perhaps 8 on a weekend :mark:

26th February 2008, 18:07
The old sleep thread again.

I aim to get about 7, thats 11.30 to 6.30, but if I sleep badly and am awake in the middle of the night, it all ballsed up.

That's me all over. Wake me up in the middle of the night and I'm caught napping at work 'cause I can't get back to sleep. :s nore: 7 hours is a good night's sleep. 8 is a luxury.

26th February 2008, 19:05
Less than six hours. I go to bed at midnight and wake up at 6am but as I'm a light sleeper I'll often be up for an at least an hour in between those times.

I stay in bed longer at the weekend but only out of principle. I'll usually be up from 6am watching the news.

26th February 2008, 19:08
I think I spend more time in my bed trying to get to sleep and then trying to get out of bed than actually sleeping.

26th February 2008, 19:25
Sleep? What's that?... :\

:eek: (consumate coffee drinker)

donKey jote
27th February 2008, 00:00
normally ~7 but around 4 for this week :dozey:
I'm off down an Alp in 4 hours to see what the rain has done to our snow tracks :s

Mp3 Astra
27th February 2008, 00:06
I think I'm on about 6.5 hours at the moment. I really need to get more - but I , for some reason, can't face going to bed even though I love sleeping!

27th February 2008, 00:50
I don't like sleeping. You know the way some people only eat to sustain themselves, but they have no great interest in food? well, that's me with sleep. My parents are still annoyed that I didn't sleep much as a baby.

27th February 2008, 03:00
Usually 5-7 hours during weekdays, I'm usually OK if I get at least 6 hours of sleep.
But I also like to sleep when having nothing better to do, so during winter break I usually sleep up to 12-15 hours

27th February 2008, 04:25
Ideally we need sleeping not less than 8-10 hours, more than it I think you are very lucky being able to survive while wasting half of your time for sleeping.

I think average needs 6-7 hours per day, less than it we may have less alertness and easily forget on something. Three hours of sleep I think helpful for those do not have enough time, although I found half to one hour of taking a nap is worthwhile, I am getting used to do this.

28th February 2008, 01:21
Sleeping is a big hobby of mine :cool:

28th February 2008, 05:21
Make sure to put the glass off when sleeping!.


28th February 2008, 06:19
I find it hard to sleep for more than 5 hours. In my holidays, I was still waking up at 05:30 every day. If I am sleeping too long, I feel that I am missing out on something. I go to sleep at midnight most nights, but still wake up at 5:30. Once I am awake, that's it, can't go back to sleep. Out of bed, ready to get into the day.

29th February 2008, 04:40
its more important the time i need to sleep, i am living a gmt-5 and i dont fall asleep until pass 5am. it has been a problem for me.

i need atleast 8hours to function properly, doesnt always get that and sometimes it hinders my reaction and functions.

Garry Walker
29th February 2008, 15:56
Sleeping is a big hobby of mine :cool:

You have a great sig, I really like it.

I usually sleep for around 7 hours, if I have a busy work period.

But today I slept for 11 hours and decided not to go to work at all

1st March 2008, 05:32
You have a great sig, I really like it.

I usually sleep for around 7 hours, if I have a busy work period.

But today I slept for 11 hours and decided not to go to work at all


1st March 2008, 06:49
This week I've been going to bed at the latest 9:30pm and the earliest 8pm, and getting up at 5am. That's why I don't like morning shifts...

1st March 2008, 18:18
I try and get 8 hours during the week, but on the weekend, 10 - 12 hours is the norm.

1st March 2008, 20:04
During the week I sleep around 8 to 9 hours and during the weekends about the same. I get up at the same time everyday - even when I don't have to, so it's only a matter of when I go to sleep.