View Full Version : first pictures ferrari f2007

jonny hurlock
14th January 2007, 16:43
http://www.crash.net/picture_view~pid~1~picid~324029~cid~1~category_id~ 0~event_id~--~search_string~.htm

new picture of the ferrari f2007

Giuseppe F1
14th January 2007, 16:45
WOW!! Its REALLY Red! I know its a Ferrari but.....was honestly expecting more 'white' because of the Marlboro gig - I 'think' I like it....looks kinda 'American' as strange as that may sound

Giuseppe F1
14th January 2007, 16:51
More revealing image - seems this was all behind the scenes and no media 'presentation' as it were:

Obvious subliminal Marlboro branding still evident - expect Alice to have more coverage and to be on the sidepods in Vodafones place too - seems sidepods only have Shell


Giuseppe F1
14th January 2007, 16:56
another angle...

14th January 2007, 16:59
It looks really beautiful as it reminds a lot more that all-red-classical-Ferrari than those half-white cars from previous years. ;)

Giuseppe F1
14th January 2007, 17:06





Giuseppe F1
14th January 2007, 17:11
In these shots, the red does look much more 'Marlboro' red/orange too IMO

14th January 2007, 17:11
I really like it! very nice :)

jonny hurlock
14th January 2007, 17:16
any more pics on the side of the car

14th January 2007, 17:19
It seems Ferrari has aero thingies in the sidepods similar to Renaults mirror attachements.
Did we see them much last year?

14th January 2007, 17:20
Very nice!

14th January 2007, 17:56
It's cool, I like the Martini logo on the nose, although I would love to see those logo's on the FIAT Punto S2000 in the IRC :D

14th January 2007, 18:06
car looks great, but would be better if Marlboro was allowed on the car

14th January 2007, 18:08
very nice

14th January 2007, 18:22
Nice car, but all those aero apendices take away from it's beauty.

It seems Ferrari has aero thingies in the sidepods similar to Renaults mirror attachements.
Did we see them much last year?

No those weren't there last year and I think those are ugly, eve if efective.

14th January 2007, 19:38
Very handsome Ferrari, can't wait to see it in action!

14th January 2007, 19:44
i love it!! if they kept last years colors it would have been similar to 248 :) i like the new generation kimi's car :) lets hit the circuitssssss

14th January 2007, 19:57
kimi's new helmet


i love the livery of this years ferrari !!!!

14th January 2007, 20:29
kimi's new helmet


i love the livery of this years ferrari !!!!

Nice, i like the fact that Ferrari didnt change it too much. But what are those barcodes doing all over the helmet.

14th January 2007, 20:32
http://www.crash.net/picture_view~pid~1~picid~324029~cid~1~category_id~ 0~event_id~--~search_string~.htm

new picture of the ferrari f2007

F2007? Why are they going back to the old way of naming their cars.

Giuseppe F1
14th January 2007, 20:39
F2007? Why are they going back to the old way of naming their cars.

THEY HAD TO! If you think about it....Last years car was called the '248' because the car was '2.4' litre, and '8' cylinders.....so is this years car!

They could have done what they did in 1996/97 and go with a 'B' addition (1996: F310, '3' litre, 10 cylinders / 1997: F310B) but I guess with so many actual car developments 'during' the season, they already go through B, C, D etc evolutions - I like F2007 - nice and simple and easy for when referring to the model in years to come.

Giuseppe F1
14th January 2007, 21:04
OK, seeings I posted the first showings of the new 'ING RENAULT F1 TEAM' and 'VODAFONE McLAREN MERCEDES' team logos - here is the new 'SCUDERIA FERRARI' logo

At the moment I dont link it - too 'Americanised' IMO, but have a feeling it may grow on me eventually:


14th January 2007, 21:48
It looks nice, but I think Ferrari has some more up their sleeve that they arent showing.

I do find it weird that they have it numbered "5" instead of 3-4 like they should (assuming numbers are based off manufacturer points, not driver points)

14th January 2007, 21:53
Nice, i like the fact that Ferrari didnt change it too much. But what are those barcodes doing all over the helmet.

It's where the Marlboro sponsorhip should be.

14th January 2007, 21:55
I do find it weird that they have it numbered "5" instead of 3-4 like they should (assuming numbers are based off manufacturer points, not driver points)

Normally Ferrari would have 3-4 but the champion always has no.1 and as Alonso has moved to McLaren they have 1-2 Renault 3-4 and Ferrari 5-6. The same sort of thing happened when Schumacher went to Ferrari after winning the championship at Beneton.

14th January 2007, 21:58
That is one gorgeous looking car - so much better without the big squares of Marlboro white on it! I don't care if they are still paying the bills, the car looks great! Could do with being a little darker shade of red though!

14th January 2007, 22:21
I really like that car, very sexy!

ferrari f2006
14th January 2007, 22:41
What a beautiful formula 1!

14th January 2007, 23:07
I like this car. This makes me worried! :D

Norwegian Blue
15th January 2007, 00:22
The style of the car, the logo and Kimis helmet all have a very MotoGP feel in my eyes, i like it though :)

15th January 2007, 01:02
I'm disappointed. Doesn't look very new to me. Interesting that they haven't gone the same direction as Toyota and lifted the nose to increase front downforce.

With the 19,000 rpm limit this year, drag reduction has to be the name of the game yet again, so it was noteworthy to see the reduced profile of the radiator intakes; Aldo Costa told the press that they have changed the inclination of the radiators in order to make the intakes less disruptive to airflow. Surprising that they could do this, I thought, since it is last year's engine, essentially, and last year's design process made drag-reduction an obsession. So I wouldn't have thought they could squeeze much more out of that particular area of the car.

Despite the terrible front tyres that Bridgestone is putting out this year, no mention in Ferrari's briefings of a forward movement in the centre of gravity, though they do claim to have completely redesigned the front suspension. This redesign, however, is mainly aerodynamic, according to Costa, so it won't make much improvement in the contact patch of the fronts. I found the redesign undetectible from the photographs. It would have been interesting to see some radical development like the Toyota kinks.

15th January 2007, 01:51
Like Gannex, I'm disappointed. The shape of the car is as ugly as hell, but all modern Grand Prix cars are as ugly as hell, so no surprise there. I don't like the shade of red but I've never liked the 'Marlboro" red anyway.

They need to get rid of those bloody barcodes. They look awful and I can't really see how they evoke Marlboro in any way. Last seasons non-tobacco livery was much better.

Some people have mentioned the logo and livery as being very MotoGP/NASCAR-like and I agree with them. I would have preferred a more classical logo and livery. Something that evokes 50 plus years of Grand Prix racing history. But I guess this is the 'new' Ferrari and history is largely irrelevant. :(

The most interesting thing about the car is how tightly packaged the rear-end is. I'd love to see a profile view of the car but from I can see the sidepods really drop away and in at their back end.

I guess the design will grow on me and if it is fast, I don't care how it looks. :D

15th January 2007, 02:30

People are always looking forward to see something revolutionary, but revolutionism and conservatism both have their pros and cons. For example in 2004 Ferrari, Renault and BAR were conservative and more successful than the "revolutions" of Williams and McLaren.

Actually, unlike some others to me most (if not all!) F1 cars look nice. ;)

And I commented Ferrari's color theme already before - more red, more Ferrari. :p :

15th January 2007, 04:22
I hope it is as red in person as it appears in these photos. For me, the beginning of the end of my love of all things Ferrari started in 1997 when they switched to that horrible day-glo orange color in deference to Marlboro. Sacrilege.

And imagine how great that - and all other - F1 cars would look if the FIA banned all the extraneous aero flippy deals on the sides?

15th January 2007, 04:48

People are always looking forward to see something revolutionary, but revolutionism and conservatism both have their pros and cons. For example in 2004 Ferrari, Renault and BAR were conservative and more successful than the "revolutions" of Williams and McLaren.

Very true, jens. I take your point.

15th January 2007, 06:53
they have obviously changed the shade of red they are using and frankly i think it looks rubbish. They should have kept the white front and rear wings and the old shade of red, then it would look brilliant. but with that new red, and the wings red, its just too much. The new logo looks stupid, where's the old graceful and thoroughly italian ferrari logo's of the past? Why not just a simple black prancing horse with the words "schuderia ferrari" underneath?

As for the car itself, it looks like a logical evolutionary step from last years car in terms of aerodynamics so nothing too new or innovative there. But i wouldn't be led too much on what ferrari are saying they have changed with this car over last years car, cos at the end of the day ferrari never tell the truth about these things anyway cos they don't want people to know why they are fast! They prefer it to be a mystery (and as if you wouldnt?)

15th January 2007, 07:22
I actually like the new car....
Will be interesting to see it closer to the first race when it will be in its complete 07' spec.

anyone out there know the official Ferrari F1 website?

15th January 2007, 07:52
I like how theres more red and less white, but I don't dig the shade of red or the barcodes.

15th January 2007, 11:54
anyone out there know the official Ferrari F1 website?


The design looks OK, I don't like the shade of red but will agree that it looks better than last years car without all the big white patches on it.

I'm saddened by the ever-increasing aero add-ons which appear even more prominent on this years cars so far, but then I suppose that's progress :(

15th January 2007, 15:00
It looks okay. Certainly more red than in previous years (as Formula 1 clearly has a shortage of red on the grid :p : ). I think it looks prettier than the Toyota.

15th January 2007, 15:48
ALICE?? ALICE ?????? Who the F!@#$ is ALICE???

Sorry. Couldn't resist.

15th January 2007, 16:56
Alice is a italian internet company. Log in http://www.alice.it

16th January 2007, 10:08
Pictures from the shakedown:


In natural light the car looks awesome.

16th January 2007, 10:14
Looks better than last year's Ferrari and that's all that matters for me (as a non-tifosi). :up:

16th January 2007, 10:19
The all red look does look good. I just wish it was traditional Ferrari red.

16th January 2007, 11:27
MS was present for the shakedown and seemed pretty involved in the process, this is a good thing for Ferrari.

16th January 2007, 11:36
More pictures:


16th January 2007, 11:38
Sweeeeeeeeet :D

16th January 2007, 11:57
The new Ferrari is an absolute stunner !!!!! Hope it goes as well as it looks :)

25th January 2007, 08:31
looks massive red, at least the toets of baby grand on the back of the car now changed

25th January 2007, 08:42
it's not the traditional ferrari red though,i liked the old colour a bit better

25th January 2007, 08:47
Well the colour looks better when its on the track as opposed to under lights, definitely a good thing!

25th January 2007, 09:18
I havn't read through much of the thread but judging from the first few pics, I like it. Really nice looking car.

Valentino Rossi Boy
25th January 2007, 19:24
The new Ferrari is the best car in the last 4 years

25th January 2007, 21:18
what pisses me off is that ferrari knows it snows this time of year in italy.
move the freaking testing to a warm track mr toad

25th January 2007, 22:04
With this car, Ferrari have made a real statement of intent. They seem to be saying, "OK Michael's gone, but the team moves on".

26th January 2007, 10:57
what pisses me off is that ferrari knows it snows this time of year in italy.
move the freaking testing to a warm track mr toad

It shouldn't be snowing this time of the year near Rome!
BTW it snowed also in Spain these days.

26th January 2007, 11:18
The new Ferrari is the best car in the last 4 years
Time will tell.

26th January 2007, 12:15
what pisses me off is that ferrari knows it snows this time of year in italy.
move the freaking testing to a warm track mr toad

Uncle, you became a ferrari fan ? :up: :p :

26th January 2007, 15:38
yea pino I am inching back now that the cheater is gone. you will know for sure when I change my screensaver.

Massa wadded up one of the new cars today in the horrid weather.

By the way Pino I WAS a ferrari fan when you were still struggling out of your mother's womb !!

26th January 2007, 16:15
The car looks good. What's with the white stripes on the rear wing? I don't like them very much I reckon they'll be gone when the season starts.

It is snowing today in Valencia and yesterday it snowed in Andalucia also, I don't know if it affected the teams test programs but I guess it did.

26th January 2007, 18:02
By the way Pino I WAS a ferrari fan when you were still struggling out of your mother's womb !!

Maybe, but you became a traitor!