View Full Version : Swedish Actress: Johanna Sallstrom

24th February 2008, 13:17
I'm sitting here watching a Swedish film on our wonderfull multicultural TV station SBS called Wallander, one of the stars of which is Johanna Sallstrom.

I did an IMDB search on her only to find out that she commited suicide in 2007.

Can any of our Swedish members add more, has anything come out as to her possible reasons for taking her own life?

IMDB says that she was holidaying in Thailand when the tsunami hit in 2004 and I'm wondering what sort of psychological effect this had on her. Anyone that survives such an event must be scarred by it, but I'm wondering if in fact there are other reasons that possibly have come to light.

It would appear that she everything good going for her, however it seems she was a very private person in real life, dropping out of acting at the height of her career, so maybe the fame was all a bit too much.

To me suicde is such a senseless waste of life, however I do accept that everyone has the right to make that choice if they so desire.

24th February 2008, 17:59
I'm not a Swedish member but I know this much that Sälström said to suffer deep depression which was due the Tsunami -04. She had psychiatric treatment and she had gotten home from it at the same morning she committed suicide. :mark:

This is of course all second hand information. And I pretty much share your opinion about suicides.

25th February 2008, 09:54
I thought I'm the only one who's interested in unknown actors life.
Anyway when I was in school I had a crush on an obscure british actor who played in a childish TV series. Then, in high school I found out there are more girls who have same feelings ( :laugh: :laugh: ). We all suffered we can't see him in other movies ( in fact he had a few other obscure roles ) and used to tease each other over years for our stupidity. One day I checked his name on IMDB and found out he commited suicide when he was 50. Unfortunately he was a loser and nobody will ever say to me why he did it.

25th February 2008, 10:50
I saw a Wallander movie yesterday actually, and I commented it to my girlfriend because in that particular movie there is a lot of talk about suicide, and Johannas character was thinking abt the underlying mechanismes. A bit peculiar considering what happend later.
As far as i recall she had some issues even before the tsunami, with a rather turbulent background. I do not believe that she was ever into drugs herself, but here family took care of people in dispair in different ways, and her father was part of the green left movement in swden during the 70-ies.
She had one daughter.
Johanna suffered a mental collapse in november 2006, and was also depressed when her grandfather died.
All in all she slowly drifted towards the edge, and the fact that she took her life, despite having a five year old daughetr, tells us that she was not in very good shape. In fact she was on parole, or what it is called, form a menatl hospital where she was treated for depression. her father was at this time in Spain, so she was left all alone in her apartment.
I am not a big fan of Sällström, allthough I can understand that people like her acting, but it is a big loss anyway, and she is dearly missed by movie-people in Sween.