View Full Version : Tipping point

20th February 2008, 03:26
Could it be we are reaching a Tipping point in Open Wheel Racing in North America?

Could it be the Gerry F. and Paul G. Have realized that Champ Car has the upper hand.

Despite what RM, Oreo and the other "Indy-Centric" racing press are reporting it is the IRL that is in trouble. Falling Attendence, Sponsor Bailing and only 13 cars confirmed for the start of the season.

Even the most ardent of IRL fans would have to admit that if you took away the Indy 500 there would be no series. And the 500 is becoming more irrelevant with each passing year. Both series have crappy ratings but at least Champ Car has paying attendees. Champ Car has also realized that Open Wheel Oval racing is a dying sport. The Numbers Don't Lie.

The Motorsports Press have been reporting for 2 weeks that Champ Car is done. "Tommorrow, Friday, Tuesday, Thursday." "The Deal is done." Yet the Champ Car Offices are still open. Teams are STILL working on their Panoz Chassis. Nobody is buying Dallaras.

20th February 2008, 03:40
Oh, I get it. This was all a very clever trick to lull TG and everyone else into a trance. The motorsports press was paid to spread lies (just like ChampCar used to do with them) only now it is on behalf of TG! Thanks for the tip.

Now Gerry is fighting back with a little nudge from the always evil Paulie G-String and the seventeen fanatics under his spell.
Whoooo hooooo hoooo.

Okay. Gimme a break. Just what planet are you living on? Wake up and smell the burned toast. Breath in the stench of ChampCar's smoking credibility.

If this reversal is true, it is only another odd lie-laced detour in a road that leads to a dead end for the so-called Amigos. Just notch it up as one last gambit for the desperate ego driven gang of four. The outcome for them will the same but only more expensive.

Too bad racing doesn't have a Gong Show. These guys would have been off the stage in under a minute.

20th February 2008, 03:55
Could it be we are reaching a Tipping point in Open Wheel Racing in North America?

Could it be the Gerry F. and Paul G. Have realized that Champ Car has the upper hand.

Yeah "tipping point" as in tipping off the edge of a cliff into the abyss.

Do you not understand how badly damaged open wheel racing is now ? Do you not understand that CCWS is broke ? You thiink CCWS has the "upper hand" (watcha drinking, I want some too) ?

Without conslidation, neither series may survive and there will be no open wheel racing in America.

Not a TG fan here; but a businessman who knows "when to say when". Bite the bullet: take a few steps back, regroup (i.e suffer the crapwagons for a while), rebuild the popularity of the Indy 500, re-formualize the product (progessive cars & engines) in a year or two, attract new sponsors to a unified series, attract new venues (possibly some old CART locations), drop bad (possibly some old IRL locations) locations, attract some 'known' American drivers, increase TV exposure, increase marketing, and in about 10 years AOWR could (and I emphasize "could") be back on the road to success - the damage of the split has been so bad that it will take that long.

CART first then CCWS had every chance to sieze the moment and bury the IRL for 13 years, but could not do so for two reasons: 1) They made all the wrong moves and I do mean "all", and 2) They did NOT have the Indy 500. It is inevitable.

20th February 2008, 04:16
Oh, I get it. This was all a very clever trick to lull TG and everyone else into a trance. The motorsports press was paid to spread lies only now it is on behalf of TG! Thanks for the tip.

Don't Laugh. You might just be surprised.

20th February 2008, 04:53
The only thing I continue be surprised by is the depth of some people's delusion and blind fanaticism in the defense of the indefensible actions of the Amigos.

We are watching the final death rattle of a four headed snake... In my experience, one of them in particular will do or say anything to "win". He is particularly good at spooling up the ugliness in people and knows how to manipulate those who hate. In the end it won't matter because reality will rule the day and this individual has neither the resources or the relationships to be anything more than an angry wannabe thug that sane people avoid.

The most ardent fanatics will now probably come out in organized waves of revenge posting, driven onward into the far reaches of the web by the evil rantings of the Dark Lord of Lansing. Good luck with that. Like I posted elsewhere: yawn.

Welcome to the last tango in Speedway. When the music stops, all will see the truth that the man in question is about to meet a fate he deplores: Irrelevance.

This is the last journey on the doomed train called ChampCar. Next stop, Motorock Station fueled by Lexington Engergy. The passengers on this train know only one thing... there is no going back home again in Indiana.

20th February 2008, 04:54
Don't Laugh. You might just be surprised.

Nothing Fortsythe or Paulie G-string could do would surprise me at this point, and I do not mean that in a good way.

20th February 2008, 05:11
Nothing Fortsythe or Paulie G-string could do would surprise me at this point, and I do not mean that in a good way.

They would just be creating a bigger train wreak in the end.
But let them have at it, maybe they want to go out with a bang.

20th February 2008, 05:14
Can you imagine a the Gerry and Paulie show getting ready for Long Beach? Actually, that might be the best way possible to end the split. Bring it on baby!

20th February 2008, 05:17
Too bad racing doesn't have a Gong Show. These guys would have been off the stage in under a minute.

If we're talking about the management of the series, then I can agree with you, but the racing in Champcar is great!!

There is no question about it!!

20th February 2008, 05:19
Can you imagine a the Gerry and Paulie show getting ready for Long Beach? Actually, that might be the best way possible to end the split. Bring it on baby!
Teams that don`t take handouts from Tony can elect not to go to Motegi.

This is all getting to weird.

20th February 2008, 05:40
If we're talking about the management of the series, then I can agree with you, but the racing in Champcar is great!!

There is no question about it!!

I am talking about the management of the series. Dude, calm down. The racing in Champ Car was great on occasion the past four years but I have also seen better racing in CART, ALMS, Grand-Am and even the IRL. Your view seems myopic.

20th February 2008, 05:43
Don't Laugh. You might just be surprised.

Ooooooh. Another guy from the fanatics. I'm starting to like this forum already.

GF or PG against merger? This is the funny part. Ever thought of...what are they gonna do to keep CC? They had 4 years of CC on their hand and they blew it. Now, they are changing their minds of keeping it? I'd hate to see CC run by PG or GF. Why? You tell me how they are gonna do it. Give me one reason how they are gonna do it and what is it they are gonna do.

I think this is more of GF and PG wanted more money from TG for CC's price. Which is too freakin' obvious.