View Full Version : Best WRC event of all time?

16th February 2008, 22:45
Certainly, in my view, the best individual performance ever in the WRC. These videos are the original BBC coverage of the 1983 1000 Lakes Rally, in which Hannu Mikkola scored a quite incredible victory. I'll never forget this one. Commentary, by the way, from David Icke.


17th February 2008, 19:58
I have a cople of favourites, 1985 1000 Lakes for the sheer spectacle of the supercars in their pomp.
Also 1990 RAC, primarily due to the cracking entry which included, at that time six world champions, 32 seeded drivers (a record) + strength in depth throughout the entry, the reigning European champion, a host of national champions and many top Brits in gp A 4WD machinery.
The competition in that event was great also, 5 drivers in 4 different makes of car led the event, 11 drivers scored SS victories and there were 7 nationalities in the final top ten. The battle between KKK and Sainz was also mesmerising until Kankkunen went off.

17th February 2008, 20:30
I have a cople of favourites, 1985 1000 Lakes for the sheer spectacle of the supercars in their pomp.
Also 1990 RAC, primarily due to the cracking entry which included, at that time six world champions, 32 seeded drivers (a record) + strength in depth throughout the entry, the reigning European champion, a host of national champions and many top Brits in gp A 4WD machinery.
The competition in that event was great also, 5 drivers in 4 different makes of car led the event, 11 drivers scored SS victories and there were 7 nationalities in the final top ten. The battle between KKK and Sainz was also mesmerising until Kankkunen went off.

Forgot to mention the drive of the rally, which could only have been a certain Colin McRae in the "shed", was setting top three times at one stage and finished top Brit in sixth. This drive was enough to convince DR where the future lay.

17th February 2008, 22:44
I have a cople of favourites, 1985 1000 Lakes for the sheer spectacle of the supercars in their pomp.

That was a great event. So too was the 1985 RAC, even though there were many quite early retirements. Never has the British round of the championship ever generated such interest amongst the public, thanks largely to Tony Pond and the Metro 6R4. If only he hadn't made a wrong tyre choice on the final night...

General Prim
18th February 2008, 09:29
Sanremo 1985, without doubt. Rohrl and Audi Quattro S1 E2 against the Peugeot 205 Turbo, asphalt in Liguria, gravel in Toscana, six stages per day to view as spectator.....wonderful years....

18th February 2008, 11:52
None of the events from the past few years will get a vote. Mmm, I wonder why???

I am evil Homer
18th February 2008, 12:45
1987 Rally Portugal: Markku Alen in the Delta HF being harassed by Jean Ragnotti in a 2wd Renault 11 Turbo and Kenneth Eriksson 3rd in the Golf GTI....both ahead of KKK in the Delta. Franocis Chatriot also claimed 5th in the second works Renault 11.

Even Jorge Recalde got into the Top 10 in his FIAT Uno Turbo....2 places ahead of Alex Fiorio int he Jolly Club Delta!!!

Good times :D

18th February 2008, 13:20
1987 Rally Portugal: Markku Alen in the Delta HF being harassed by Jean Ragnotti in a 2wd Renault 11 Turbo and Kenneth Eriksson 3rd in the Golf GTI....both ahead of KKK in the Delta.

That's another of my favourites. Admittedly, Kankkunen had suffered shock absorber problems, but it was still a great event. As I have often said on here, anyone who thinks that little Group A cars with under 200bhp are automatically dull obviously hasn't watched Ragnotti's performance on that rally. It was quite something to behold. Chatriot was spectacular, too.

The 1987 RAC was an excellent one as well, with Kankkunen's then unique defence of his title, Alen pushing the self-destruct button several times, Jimmy McRae ending up third in the Sierra Cosworth, Louise Aitken-Walker's brilliant drive in her 205 GTi, and the hilarious spectacle of all the Vauxhalls, led by Derek Bell, stalling in the water on the live TV stage.

18th February 2008, 13:49
Sanremo 1985, without doubt. Rohrl and Audi Quattro S1 E2 against the Peugeot 205 Turbo, asphalt in Liguria, gravel in Toscana, six stages per day to view as spectator.....wonderful years....

Totally agree with you, that was an amazing rally :up: my brother has a video of that rally, that's one of the reason I often visit him ;)

18th February 2008, 16:52
Totally agree with you, that was an amazing rally :up: my brother has a video of that rally, that's one of the reason I often visit him ;)

The film on the BBC coverage of Röhrl charging along a long, fast stretch of gravel, leaving an enormous trail of dust behind him, is truly spectacular.

18th February 2008, 17:52
Any event pre 97!

18th February 2008, 20:44
Rally of the thousand lakes 1979.

Why ?

That was the first time my dad take me there and it got me by my babyballs :)

18th February 2008, 21:16
Swedish 86, since it is the only one I have been to live...

Group B cars on beautiful winter roads !!!

18th February 2008, 21:19
Remember that incident in 1987 RAC, wasn't it at Weston Park? Seem to rememeber them being badged as Opel Kadett's, which slightly confused me, I was only young, but it was funny. Later on Alen rolled at Chatsworth, ah the memories!!

18th February 2008, 21:40
Remember that incident in 1987 RAC, wasn't it at Weston Park? Seem to rememeber them being badged as Opel Kadett's, which slightly confused me, I was only young, but it was funny. Later on Alen rolled at Chatsworth, ah the memories!!

It was at Weston Park. Later, they all (or, rather, the ones that hadn't stopped for good at Weston) stopped again, at Trentham Gardens. All the British-entered Astras/Kadetts had their air filters set too low, and the watersplashes on the spectator stages were much deeper than anyone had expected.

And, of course, Alen rolled again in the Yorkshire forests, leaving his car in an awful state.