View Full Version : Schadenfreude

15th February 2008, 01:18
On my travels this morning down the 30 mile carpark that is otherwise known as Sydney's M2, I was travelling in the outside lane when someone flashed their lights at me to which I moved out of the way and a whizz of black CL63 AMG shot past at well in excess of 40% of the speed limit.

Not less than 10 minutes later we were informed over the wireless than an accident eastbound on the M2 had held back traffic to the M7 merges; and so we proceeded to inch slowly for the next 75 damn minutes until I finally saw the cause.

The same black CL63 AMG had stuffed itself into the back of a semi and in the game of car vs truck had been comprehensively beaten in straight sets.

Am I allowed to take pleasure from this person's stupidity because they a) deserved it b) had it coming and c) are a ****er who was posing in an expensive car anyway?

Or is Schadenfreude a bad thing?
Pls discuss Schadenfreude.

15th February 2008, 02:08
I think when you see someone drive past in this manner you tend to think "what a tosser", so, it is only natural to feel that this person may have asked for it. It is still a bad thing to happen to anyone, but most of us drive according to the conditions. We know that it's not a good idea to do those speeds in peak hour traffic. Schadenfreude ? I have no idea.

15th February 2008, 09:09
As long as the person was uninjured then you are entitled to point and laugh. But being a tosser in a car does not deserve injury.

15th February 2008, 10:16
I usually slow down if someone flashes their lights at me. I was doing 85-90 on the M5 the other day and a bloke was right on my tail indicating and flashing his lights. I slowed down to the pace of the car on the inside lane :D

Another trick my Dad taught me is to let them past and then speed up and give them a taste of their own medicine.

As Mark said it's not good if the bloke was injured but if he was walking about you are entitled to wind down your window and shout at him.

15th February 2008, 12:37
[quote="Mr Jan Yeo"]
Another trick my Dad taught me is to let them past and then speed up and give them a taste of their own medicine.


It could pose a problem though if it is a CL63 AMG that is passing you... ;)
I guess if they where alriht you can have a laugh at their cost, otherwise itīs mostly sad.

15th February 2008, 13:40
Natural selection. No need to feel sad Rollo.

15th February 2008, 13:58
Another trick my Dad taught me is to let them past and then speed up and give them a taste of their own medicine.

Generally doesn't work when you're driving a fiat uno and they have a bugatti veyron ;)

15th February 2008, 18:44
Lets be honest though it's not usually a Veyron ;) Far more likely to be a bloke in a Beemer with his bleached blonde wife who says 'innit' a lot.

15th February 2008, 20:57
Lets be honest though it's not usually a Veyron ;) Far more likely to be a bloke in a Beemer with his bleached blonde wife who says 'innit' a lot.

Still faster than a fiat uno ;)

15th February 2008, 23:01
Yeah but if some idiot is in a 316 or something wimpy like that an UNo could keep up with it at higher speed. Always found that the one I drove could get above 90 without really trying, took a while to get to 60 though ;) Anyways if I drop my Civic into 4th it could keep up with the lower range beemers without too much effort.