View Full Version : Man of the rally?

12th February 2008, 07:02
Can only be Latvala so we don't need a poll...do we ? :p :

12th February 2008, 08:13
Latvala and Sandell share this one in my opinion!

12th February 2008, 08:28
Same as Viktory... ;)

12th February 2008, 08:47
Hey, I had an agreement with some Finns here that Henning should get it if he won all stages on Sunday… :D

Seriously also Andreas Mikkelsen has to be nominated. 5th place and youngest point scorer ever, despite turbo problems all Friday. And with only a few wrc events under his belt.

12th February 2008, 08:51
Wilson deserves a mention too, after all he was on 5th pos before his car broke...

12th February 2008, 08:55
Or maybe Cato Menkerud, who after being to hospital after the crash Saturday with pain in his chest said to Henning that he didn’t bother sitting in the car eating painkillers if they wasn’t driving flat out! :up:

12th February 2008, 08:59
Latvala for sure was the man of the rally first win and youngest WRC event winner, it's hard to beat that.
Galli i would like to mention too, good solid drive from him, im sure he can challenge Sordo on gravel, so Ford has good chanses to grab the manu title again.

Brother John
12th February 2008, 09:07
Drivers, Latvala and Sandell made most impression on me.
I´l vote for Pirelli. ;) great winter tyre, those don´t lose studs on gravel!
http://www.rallyepics.at/bilder/rallye2008/03schwedenrallye/2008_schweden_atmosphaere_01_thumb.jpg (http://www.rallyepics.at/bilder/rallye2008/03schwedenrallye/2008_schweden_atmosphaere_01.html) Foto from forum member WRC1

12th February 2008, 09:13
Wilson deserves a mention too, after all he was on 5th pos before his car broke...

Totally agree with you there pino, on the in car footage he looked quick. May'be the critic's can shut up now.

12th February 2008, 10:30
Also Rautenbach for the man who crashed the most but finally finished the rally :laugh:

12th February 2008, 10:38
Latvala, Sandell and Östberg get my votes...

12th February 2008, 10:41
Galli :p

12th February 2008, 10:58
No doubt that Latvala is the man!

I liked Ketomaa in his PWRC debut, and Mikkelsen.

12th February 2008, 11:12
Wilson certainly a mature quick drive. Sandell for living up the PWRC

12th February 2008, 11:16
If you can call a 22 years old a man then it has to be Jari-Matti Latvala :D

12th February 2008, 11:41
Okey, if Jari-Matti isn’t pleased with the big bucket, champagne ,some funny Abu Dhabi price and a hug from Malcolm Wilson… come on and take this as well :)

12th February 2008, 11:46

12th February 2008, 12:05
Totally agree with you there pino, on the in car footage he looked quick. May'be the critic's can shut up now.

AHAHAHAAHAH, if Matthew Wilson is men of rally what about Andreas Mikkelsen...is a super men of rally...camon don´t joke about that... :laugh:

12th February 2008, 12:09
AHAHAHAAHAH, if Matthew Wilson is men of rally what about Andreas Mikkelsen...is a super men of rally...camon don´t joke about that... :laugh:

Who said he's the man of the rally ? :confused: we just said he deserved a mention ;)

12th February 2008, 12:56
Who said he's the man of the rally ? :confused: we just said he deserved a mention ;)

Ok OK, but he need more of 5º place for a said he is drive good.

12th February 2008, 13:13
Latvala, followed by Sordo, started with a 5 minute penalty and still managed a points finish.

12th February 2008, 14:45
Latvala no doubt, maybe Hirvonen should worry about his young team mate.

12th February 2008, 15:01
Latvala, followed by Sordo, started with a 5 minute penalty and still managed a points finish.

Sordo is not the 2nd star. Pitty Wilson loose the fifth place in last stages. But he surprise me! After Latvala I choose Mikkelsen.

Mv Toy
12th February 2008, 15:51
Latvala, Östberg and Sandell

12th February 2008, 16:21
Has to be Mikkelsen.

Latvala has experience, and is much older than Andreas, and has a better car.
In a couple of years Mikkelsen will knock Latvala for six!

12th February 2008, 16:56
1 Latvala
2 Galli
3 Ostberg for being faster than official scubis
4 Mikelsen for his speed vs age

12th February 2008, 17:12
Latvala. No question about that.

Also Mikkelsen drove really well. Wait 1-2 years and he's surely going to challenge the top drivers.

12th February 2008, 17:28
Maybe not top man of the rally, but Urmo Aava did very well, considering the fact that he had technical problems, no experience with the car, and very unusual/changing road conditions. :up:

12th February 2008, 18:55
I'm sorry but is this a trick question?

12th February 2008, 19:45
while without a doubt I give the man of the rally award to Latvala. Let's not forget about Sordo, to whom I give my special mention, while noone(including his team) thought he could perform well at Sweden, he actually finished 3rd! beating guys with more experience on snow like Galli or Solberg.

12th February 2008, 19:48
While I agree Sordo did very good job bringing C4 to points while all the chances seemed doomed before the rally, it's important to realize that top four REALLY wasn't pushing after Sohlberg's crash. So taking off that 5 minutes and then observe the results is irrelevant because should he not have the time penalty, I don't think he would have been third.

12th February 2008, 20:14
maybe Hirvonen should worry about his young team mate.

I don't think so, Hirvonen will not crash this year ;)

12th February 2008, 20:47
While I agree Sordo did very good job bringing C4 to points while all the chances seemed doomed before the rally, it's important to realize that top four REALLY wasn't pushing after Sohlberg's crash. So taking off that 5 minutes and then observe the results is irrelevant because should he not have the time penalty, I don't think he would have been third.

Agreed, Sordo lost 2 minutes on first day and then additional 13 seconds to the leader on following two days tells a lot about the cruising mode they had for Saturday and Sunday.

12th February 2008, 21:55

12th February 2008, 22:54
Star of the rally is Al qassimi. ;) His Jump was 36 meters over Colin's crest.

2th was Dutch driver Peter van Merksteijn (35,10) and 3rd Mikko Hirvonnen who has a jump of 34,50 meters.


13th February 2008, 00:15
Agreed, Sordo lost 2 minutes on first day and then additional 13 seconds to the leader on following two days tells a lot about the cruising mode they had for Saturday and Sunday.

Same for Sordo, was he pushing?

13th February 2008, 00:57
Same for Sordo, was he pushing?

Ofcourse he was, he had nothing to lose.

13th February 2008, 01:08
Latvala for sure, but there were many other drivers who were shining bright. Mikkelsen, Wilson drove well, Aava, Sordo.

But because of the pressure Jari had (not from behind) but just being the leader was really impressive. He would have been very tense knowing if he held it together then he would score his first WRC win. That pressure from himself would have been immense!

So my vote is for Jari Matti!

13th February 2008, 05:37
Ofcourse he was, he had nothing to lose.

Yes but how do you explain the few stage wins on Day 2 and none on Day 3?
Yes, he had nothing to lose, but not much more to win either.

13th February 2008, 08:29
Yes but how do you explain the few stage wins on Day 2 and none on Day 3?
Yes, he had nothing to lose, but not much more to win either.

Because Henning was quickest on day3, another one nothing to lose after his unforunate off on day2.

13th February 2008, 10:15
Ofcourse Latvala!
And then Galli, Ostberg (i would put Henning also but he blew it and I don't think he has any special excuse, he is expert on these conditions and he is not a young hotshot like Ostberg to make an easy mistake).

Mikkelsen and Wilson drove really good but they would only be up on the leaderboard because of others misfortunes and mistakes. They didn't perform any competitive times compared to the others. Something that Ostberg did with very convincing way.
Don't get me wrong they followed right tactic and they put some decent speed in it. But they just didn't have the pace of the others.

P.S. Critic is easy from home and office chair....I know http://www.neogaf.com/forum/images/smilies/laugh.gif

13th February 2008, 11:46
Mikkelsen and Wilson drove really good but they would only be up on the leaderboard because of others misfortunes and mistakes. They didn't perform any competitive times compared to the others. Something that Ostberg did with very convincing way.
Don't get me wrong they followed right tactic and they put some decent speed in it. But they just didn't have the pace of the others.

P.S. Critic is easy from home and office chair....I know http://www.neogaf.com/forum/images/smilies/laugh.gif

Not competitive times :confused:

Mikkelsen lost 4min to rally leader Friday with wastgate valve stuck open. On first stage Saturday (when Hirvonen said he tried and Latvala answered) he was fastest of the Fords, and this in a 06 car compered to others 07.

He drove day 2 and 3 as fast as Galli and Petter and remember he is still 18 years old and this was his first Rally Sweden!

I say that is pretty competetive!

Ps did a little research on what some of the "big" drivers has done first time here in wrc car, Loeb was 9min of rally leader, Latvala 15min and Gronholm had accidents and retired in his first 2.

13th February 2008, 15:25
Not competitive times :confused:

Mikkelsen lost 4min to rally leader Friday with wastgate valve stuck open. On first stage Saturday (when Hirvonen said he tried and Latvala answered) he was fastest of the Fords, and this in a 06 car compered to others 07.

He drove day 2 and 3 as fast as Galli and Petter and remember he is still 18 years old and this was his first Rally Sweden!

I say that is pretty competetive!

Ps did a little research on what some of the "big" drivers has done first time here in wrc car, Loeb was 9min of rally leader, Latvala 15min and Gronholm had accidents and retired in his first 2.

Don't get too confused. Ostberg's stage times were more competitive and that was really my point. Ok Mikkelsen had 3 stages in the top 6. I guess my mistake then regarding my comment. In any case I didn't put a negative label on him and if he was his first rally or about his age or anything else. He is definitely a very promising talent. No doubt.
Still for the moment I rate Ostberg higher than Mikkelsen. They are both youngsters.
Also to compare how Gron or Loeb did on their first rally here is not something which can give us a special conclusion or impression. Their are many drivers that had great carrrier start and they stayed for their entire carriers as promising talents.
Time will tell anyway.

13th February 2008, 15:37
Also to compare how Gron or Loeb did on their first rally here is not something which can give us a special conclusion or impression. Their are many drivers that had great carrrier start and they stayed for their entire carriers as promising talents.
Time will tell anyway.

Exactly, time will tell, stupid to compaire also mikkelsen with other drivers carreer starts, they where every single one different from each other.

13th February 2008, 16:52
Because Henning was quickest on day3, another one nothing to lose after his unforunate off on day2.

Yes, but Sordo was 4-6 on day 3, not second? ;)

13th February 2008, 16:52
Exactly, time will tell, stupid to compaire also mikkelsen with other drivers carreer starts, they where every single one different from each other.

Agree on the “time will tell” but that is not relevant to if the times in Sweden where competitive or not.
The comparing was merely to show that this is not an easy rally to just show up, write new notes and be on the pace from word go.

But anyway, if it is stupid to compare carrieer starts on this forum, I rest my case.

13th February 2008, 17:04
But anyway, if it is stupid to compare carrieer starts on this forum, I rest my case.

Depends what you try to tell with the comparisation, was it maybe that because of mikkelsens daddys big money or what he did relatively good in sweden or maybe something else?

14th February 2008, 15:42
Not competitive times :confused:
Ps did a little research on what some of the "big" drivers has done first time here in wrc car, Loeb was 9min of rally leader, Latvala 15min and Gronholm had accidents and retired in his first 2.

This was the 6th time andreas was in a WRC... his results : R/10/10/R/R/5
vrey close to Gronholm (13/R/R/10/R/5), far behind Loeb (9/10/2/2/17/R)

15th February 2008, 09:22
This was the 6th time andreas was in a WRC... his results : R/10/10/R/R/5
vrey close to Gronholm (13/R/R/10/R/5), far behind Loeb (9/10/2/2/17/R)

Nah, that comparison is weak from thousands of reasons:

1) When Grönholm and Loeb did their drives there were probably more competition (don't know exactly but this is my gut).

2) Grönholm and Loeb and Loeb had much more experience from other cars than Andreas.

3) On asphalt it doesn't matter if you are experienced with wrc-car. Wrc-newbie can be instantly fast on asphalt if he is otherwise familiar and favours that surface.

15th February 2008, 09:36
Nah, that comparison is weak from thousands of reasons:

1) When Grönholm and Loeb did their drives there were probably more competition (don't know exactly but this is my gut).

2) Grönholm and Loeb and Loeb had much more experience from other cars than Andreas.

3) On asphalt it doesn't matter if you are experienced with wrc-car. Wrc-newbie can be instantly fast on asphalt if he is otherwise familiar and favours that surface.

When Gronholm and Loeb started their carriers we would see in far les occasions privateers in the top 6 compared to now. Now is much different due to lack of 3rd cars rule and less manufacturers. I don't think is a good comparison.
Anyway I think we got a bit http://img164.exs.cx/img164/7827/offtopic8mg.gif with this matter http://img108.exs.cx/img108/5527/i1lsmile.gif

15th February 2008, 12:05
Still off topic and maybe even wrong forum …. But Mikkelsen and Østberg continuo their fight in this Saturday`s Rally Finnskog, 2nd round of Norwegian championship.

This is run in the area (and using some of the stages) of Rally Norway, so it will be interesting to see if there is any snow and ice here…Just kidding, it will be :)

A rather healthy starting list (even with some international entrees) here:

cut the b.s.
15th February 2008, 18:53
Very impressed by both Latvala and Østberg, seemed to be a strong rally for the youngsters with the more established failing, in the tricky conditions I had expected the opposite.
Very good showings from Andreas, Dani and Matthew also, Mikko seemed content to be beaten, Loebs crash was strange for him, he seemed more ragged than normal before it I though?

16th February 2008, 11:49
Maybe not top man of the rally, but Urmo Aava did very well, considering the fact that he had technical problems, no experience with the car, and very unusual/changing road conditions. :up:

For me, Aava is the disappointment of the Swedish Rally.

The star of the rally is off course Latvala, but Mikkelsen, Galli and even Matthew Wilson had a good performance.

Brother John
16th February 2008, 11:52
For me, Aava is the disappointment of the Swedish Rally.

The star of the rally is off course Latvala, but Mikkelsen, Galli and even Matthew Wilson had a good performance.

The C4 is only good in the hands of Loeb!

16th February 2008, 12:11
For me Sandell was one of the few with a real "Fighting Face" both when he was leading, and when he was playing catch up !

He seems like a straight forward, no fuss, down to earth, "old fashioned" swedish rally driver !

Other than that the yougsters; Latavala, Mikkelsen and Østberg impressed !

16th February 2008, 17:56
For me, Aava is the disappointment of the Swedish Rally.


17th February 2008, 10:04

He was struggling with the C4, his times were not as good as expected and he goes off road on Saturday.

17th February 2008, 17:37
He was struggling with the C4, his times were not as good as expected and he goes off road on Saturday.

OK, if that's what you expected, then I'm sorry you are disappointed.
But expectations could be realistic and not so much realistic, so it's important to judge from realistic point of view.

20th February 2008, 16:46
Jarri Matti Latvalla got the "Abu Dhabi Spirit Of the Rally" trophy for his win in Sweden. Looks like there is a successor for the Inmarsat star of the rally award 2003-2004.


Bosse was the first, on his last rally

Pirelli got the award in Rallye Monte Carlo

Langdale Forest
24th February 2008, 17:12
Latvala and Mikkelsen.

2nd March 2008, 18:12
Got to be Chris Atkinson for Mexico!
Career best second! :)

2nd March 2008, 18:31
Got to be Chris Atkinson for Mexico!
Career best second! :)

Atko suprised

2nd March 2008, 18:44
Atko and Ogier

2nd March 2008, 18:56
Loeb and Atkinson

2nd March 2008, 19:02
Seb Ogier - no discussion!

2nd March 2008, 20:05
Say what you want but for me is again Latvala. I didn't think he could be able to fight against Loeb on gravel without crashing somewhere ... and what about beating his teammate once more. Without the engine problem he would have been second 100% or who knows.

2nd March 2008, 20:31

White Sauron
2nd March 2008, 20:46
100% agree with Helstar!

2nd March 2008, 20:52
I think I go for the “new” Sébastien even I’m not sure of the quality in the JWRC field. I got this strange déjà vu :uhoh:

2nd March 2008, 21:29
Definetely Atko!!!!!!!!

Congratulations to Seb and Ogier as well!!!!!

2nd March 2008, 21:31
For me Ogier.

2nd March 2008, 21:47
I think I go for the “new” Sébastien even I’m not sure of the quality in the JWRC field. I got this strange déjà vu :uhoh:

I agree, even that JWRC quality wise is not the best but Ogier's driving was superb considering it was his first time outside of France :up:

2nd March 2008, 22:24
No doubt for me, Sébastien Ogier... impressive pace :eek:

:up: FFSA

Xsara Fan
3rd March 2008, 12:29
1. Ogier
2. Atkinson
3. JML
4. Loeb

3rd March 2008, 17:42
Chris Atkinson, I have won a very nice bet thanks to his great performance :)

3rd March 2008, 18:17
1 Latvala
2 Ogier but i d like to see him with better competitors

3rd March 2008, 20:21
I think Ógíííí..... :D

3rd March 2008, 20:47
Atkinson, but also Ogier did an excellent performance.

3rd March 2008, 23:40
Triviño LOL
well maybe not THE man of the rally, but good he managed 8th with the old 206.

got to be latvala

4th March 2008, 03:24
Atko! And very close, Jari-Matti.

Ogier would be the man of the rally for the JWRC