It is beginning to seem to me, that Russia has been sending in the guys who are taking hold of TV stations and public buildings.

I mean when you see those guys. They are fully kitted out with uniforms, guns and stuff which normal rebels don't have. Now after these guys taking hold of area's in Crimea, Russia have there Army waiting at the border.

It looks to me folks like Russia has infiltrated Crimea with the idea of taking it back with a full blown invasion.

I know its hard to believe these days that these things could happen, but looking at the situation its looking bad.

Just shows you never know what is going to happen tomorrow.

A week ago, I would not think there was a risk of Russia returning to its old ways, but it appears to be a planned operation.

In todays world where everything seems so settled and sure, we now have a very worrying situation. Not helped by the treaty that the US, UK & others have signed in the past stating they will take action should Russia get involved anywhere.

Might have seemed like a good idea at the time, but when something like this happens its more worrying. I know it probably wont come to it. But if it ever got to War point, no one can risk fighting Russia these days.

What do you guys think?